Texas Temptation

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Texas Temptation Page 126

by Kathryn Brocato

  Her need screamed to be released. She wanted all of Mac at once. To her shock, she clutched the denim covering his tight ass and brought him hard against her. Her lungs emptied and her mind whirled in so many directions, she couldn’t focus. It took her several moments to recognize that Mac spoke as he dipped his head into the swell of her neck.


  “I said, place your arms around my neck.”

  His mouth reclaimed hers and Lexie did as he asked. He cupped her bottom, lifting her. Her legs went around his waist and she clung to him, the kiss so potent, only this moment existed. He stalked back into the hallway and entered the bedroom.

  “Oh, the bed. Good idea,” she said, breaking their connection for an instant. Hell, he could have taken her against the wall for all she cared.

  As he laid her gently onto the cool duvet cover, his mouth trailed down the side of her face to her neck as he towered over her. She couldn’t help pressing up into him.

  He eased to the side, drawing her slightly over him, and threaded his fingers into her hair. “I’m going to love you, Lexie. If you don’t want this, say something now.”

  She spread her hands over his chest and gave him a half-hearted shove. “You almost make that sound like a threat, McNeil. I’m a fighter,” she said as she brought her lips down on his right nipple and sucked. He took in a hard breath. Good, he was in as bad shape as she was. “Am I acting like I don’t want this?” Lexie eased over the top of him. “I want you.”

  A smile flashed into his eyes. “Good, because I have dreamed of this moment for too damn long.”

  Those words did register. Her bravado drained from her. He lowered his mouth to take possession again, but she leaned back. “You thought of us like this?”

  A grin touched the side of his lips. “Yes, hundreds of times―maybe thousands. Every night since we met. Do the math.”

  She caressed the outline of his bottom lip with the tip of her finger. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “I was waiting.”

  “For what?”

  “For you to be ready for me.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. This was a first for her. No one had ever wanted her enough to wait for her in her whole life. She swallowed a lump in her throat. “Then this really means something to you?”

  “Yes, Lexie. If you aren’t there, then say something.”

  She brought her hands to his face as she wiggled her body down his until she found the spot where their bodies fit perfectly. Her lips started at his eyes, kissing each lid before she worked her way down the side of his face, brushing over the prickly stubble. Just the feel of those bristly hairs against her tender lips sent a jolt through her.

  Everything about Mac set her on fire, but he also scared her to death. The need he created tonight would stay with her forever. But walking away was unthinkable. “Who said I wasn’t ready? But if you don’t think you can a handle me―”

  His mouth trapped hers in a deep, mind-blowing kiss. He tasted of mint, her favorite flavor. Hell, her body just sealed the win over her mind. She wanted this, wanted Mac McNeil.

  A low rumble sounded in his throat and his arms rolled her under him. One hand roamed down her side to her hip and spread over her ass as the other tugged at the hem of her T-shirt. Lexie eased away from the bed. With one jerk, the T-shirt came over her head.

  Mac lifted himself and took his time as his eyes roamed over every inch of her. “Damn, Lexie, you take my breath away.”

  Her mind fought back for one final skirmish, and she almost grabbed the sheet to cover herself. It had been almost three years since anyone other than Gabriel had seen her topless.

  He shook his head hard. “Don’t.”

  One word was all it took. She relaxed her shoulders, allowing the feeling of skin against skin to pull her back under his spell. That was what this was, a spell.

  She raised her head and captured his mouth, her lips softening and accepting him.

  He broke the kiss, eased his mouth down on her body until his lips were inches from her breast. He inched closer and closer, teasing her to madness before he captured her nipple between his teeth and gave it a slight tug. Heat jolted into every nerve.

  She needed more, so much more, and he didn’t have any trouble delivering. While his mouth drove her to distraction, his other hand swept down over her hip into the center of her core. She almost shot off the bed as intense heat ripped through her. She clutched her hands into his thick, wavy hair, and pushed up into him. “Mac, now.”

  He chuckled against her nipple. “Not yet, sweet Lexie. I’m just getting started.”

  “You’re killing me.”

  “No, sweetheart. I’m loving you.” He released her nipple just long enough to search her expression. “And I’m not stopping until I have tasted every inch of you.”

  His rich baritone voice almost sent her over the edge. She pressed herself into him as her heart pulsed so hard against her ribs, she could hear the vibrations between her ears.

  “You want to know something else I know about you?”

  “Yes … no… Stop talking. I can’t think.”

  He let out a chuckle, then took hold of the hand on his chest and captured it over her head. Her mind battled to break free, but her body arched further into him and screamed out for more.

  “You want this as much as I do. And―”


  He lowered his head and took a nibble at the spot right under her breast, then worked his way down to her navel. With a one quick jerk, the pajama bottoms joined the T-shirt wherever it had ended up. He brought his lips over the tender spot where her bikini underwear would have rested if she had any on. As his finger traced a path to her center and her world exploded around her, he whispered, “This isn’t a one-timer for us, Lexie. A lifetime isn’t going to be enough. Do you know why?”

  She couldn’t have answered him if her life depended on it.

  His lips followed his fingers. “We’re exactly where we both want to be, under each other’s skin.” He raised his head and pinned her with a heated look. “Agree?”


  Chapter Twenty-One

  A hint of cinnamon and chocolate filled the kitchen just as Lexie’s footsteps sounded on the stairs.


  “In the kitchen.”

  He pulled out another bagel and set it on the plate. He had grudgingly eased his body from under Lexie, showered, and was on his second cup of coffee even though coffee was the last thing he wanted.

  Just hearing her voice spawned vivid images of their lovemaking, hardening every muscle in his body to the breaking point. She was full of fire, spice, and so damn soft―such a contradiction. How the hell was he supposed to send the day focusing on a missing drone and Ryan when everything in him wanted only to have Lexie back in his bed, their bodies entwined?

  As he smeared the bagel with his favorite spread, he didn’t doubt for an instant he could keep Lexie safe. If only he knew what the hell to do to keep her from bolting.

  “You’re wearing the face,” she said as she approached the kitchen island.

  He pressed his lips into a grin. “No face. Just thinking.”

  He set the last bagel on the platter and moved away from the counter. Reaching for her, he drew her into his arms and brought his lips down to hers just until they touched. “Good morning.”

  The kiss that followed morphed from lips barely touching to a hard, demanding assault--mouth, tongue, teeth, and their bodies molding into each other. Mac stumbled, his back hitting the counter. The extra support allowed him to lift her higher against him, but he couldn’t get enough of her.

  As quickly as the kiss began, Lexie broke away and inched back, taking in a deep breath. In a shaky whisper, she asked, “You made breakfast?”

  It took several moments before Mac could answer her question.

  “If you can call it that.” He moved the platter closer. “This is my famous breakfast of champions
, a freshly toasted cinnamon bagel covered with chocolate spread. It isn’t the healthiest thing to start the day with, but it gets my motor running.”

  And Mac was going to need his wits about him. When Lexie learned about the arrangements he made for Gabriel within the same hour she drove off with Ryan, she was going to hit the ceiling ― but he would do it again.

  His cell phone vibrated in front of him. He didn’t have to look to know it was Díaz returning his call as he picked it up to answer.

  “Is that about Gabriel? Can I talk to him?” Lexie said as she tried to grab the phone from his ear.

  Mac held up a hand. “No, sir, I think it needs to be this way. We’ve underestimated Ryan.”

  Lexie backed out of the kitchen, avoiding his eyes as a deep pink rose in her neck and cheeks. Mac poured some coffee into the empty mug identical to his, and added a spoon of sugar. He followed her into the great room and moved close behind her as she stared out into the backyard. Wrapping his arm around her waist with one hand, he handed her the mug while his lips brushed the tender skin at her neck. Díaz said something in his ear. He gave his head a shake and pulled himself back into the conversation.

  “Give me forty-five minutes. I’ll call when I’m closer.”

  Shutting off the phone, he placed it into his back pocket and wrapped his free arm around Lexie. He hadn’t been away from her more than a half hour, but he missed her, missed the feel of her in his arms. There wasn’t anything that intoxicated him more than the woman in his arms.

  Silence surrounded them as they stared out into the Hill Country beyond his property. If only he could keep her there, keep her by his side. Lexie was antsy, running scared. It was like watching a jack rabbit on the side of the road before it jumped in front of a moving car.

  Maybe last night was only the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Mac had moments like that over the years where he had to connect with someone, feel another heartbeat, bury himself so deep inside that person, the horrors he witnessed didn’t drag him under.

  He’d ached for Lexie for too long. But he wouldn’t manipulate her.

  To his surprise, Lexie turned to him, wrapping her arms around him. She brought her hands over his chest then up around his neck. As she searched his eyes, she let out a heavy sigh. “That was your boss. What’s happened?”

  “First of all, Gabriel is doing great.”

  “Where is he?”

  “You asked me to take care of him, remember?”

  She hitched a breath. “Mac, I need to see him.”

  “I sent him back with my parents.”

  “Back where? To Maryland?”

  “No, actually, West Virginia, to our family’s cabin. My brothers, Jared, Noah, and Adam will watch him like he is their own son.”

  “We’ve never been apart, not even one night since he was born. What must he think?”

  She was clenching her jaw so tightly, he was afraid she would chip a tooth.

  “I needed him out of Ryan’s reach. I won’t allow that fucking bastard to use your son against you.”

  She swallowed hard and her fists pressed into his chest. She then rested her head against his heart, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “He doesn’t understand completely, but he knows you love him and miss him as much as he misses you.”

  “More. I miss him more.”

  Mac cupped his hands around her neck, his thumbs gently massaging the soft skin behind her ears. “I didn’t know what I was up against. I still don’t. I couldn’t go after you and protect Gabriel at the same time. I sent him to my family because there isn’t anyone I trust more.”

  Another tremble rocked her body. He ran a hand up and down her arms, then drew her into him. “I had to choose and I picked you. I know I should have told you last night. They were in the air within an hour of Ryan taking you from the hospital.”

  He could almost hear the battle raging inside her head. Could she trust him or would he screw her like everyone else in her life had?

  As much as he wanted to ease her mind and fill in the answers before she had the nerve to ask them, he kept quiet. If they were going to have a chance in hell of making something out of whatever was between them, she had to begin trusting him. All he could do was pray she came to the right conclusion.

  She squirmed out of his hold and Mac let her go. She kept her hand on his elbows as she studied him for what seem like a lifetime. A tear escaped and she brushed it away before he could.

  “I just miss him.” She brought a fist to her heart. “He’s my heartbeat.” A sob broke free, but she brought herself under control quickly. “I could get into that van because if anything … if I never saw Gabriel again, I knew in my heart you would take care of him.”

  “God, Lexie, don’t—”

  “No. I have to get it out.”

  Her hand caressed the side of his face, her touch so soft it almost brought him to his knees.

  “I knew you would take Gabriel, not because of some damn promise you made to Rico, but because that’s the kind of man you are. I’ve never met anyone like you before. Too many times over the last three years, I wished it were you that walked into that bar.” In a strained whisper, she continued, “And it was you who sent over that drink for my twenty-first celebration, but without Rico in my life, I wouldn’t have Gabriel, and I can’t imagine my life without my son.”

  “Worst mistake I ever made was letting you marry my best friend.”

  The room grew still until Lexie reached up onto her toes, circled his neck, and surprised the hell out of him.

  “That was yesterday and this is today. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for getting Gabriel out of Ryan’s reach.” She paused and her eyes widened. “Having Gabriel there isn’t placing your family in danger, is it?”

  Mac let out a laugh. “You need to meet my brothers. Jared and Noah are unstoppable. And, hell, Adam is an entire army by himself.”

  “Then get them here because you’re going to need an army to take down this crazy nut job. In fact, that’s what I think he has—a small army.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You were at the ranch. You must have seen the men with him. They move like soldiers, like they’re all in this together. There are others who are working with him, too, like the man who took the photo of Ramirez with a member of the cartel. Ryan even has men surveillance the border crossing, taking photos of everyone who crosses in the United States.”

  “Lexie, we need information like that to narrow down our search. Díaz wants me to bring you in.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she hugged her waist. “Am I … does he think …?”

  “You’re no longer a suspect. Díaz would like you to work with our profiler. The guy is a trained psychologist who specializes in memory recall. With his help, you might be able to give us more details, especially about what was on that wall of the ranch.”

  “Didn’t the law enforcement find the ranch house last night?”

  “It was totally engulfed in flames by the time they got there.”

  Mac felt another shiver slice through her.

  “The sneaky bastard probably had it wired.” She moved away from him and headed toward the row of floor-to-ceiling bookcases that took up an entire wall of the great room. “What happened in his life to make him so paranoid? Whether Ramirez did what Ryan has accused him of doesn’t really matter at this point. Ryan believes he is an avenging angel, protecting the country from the terrors he fought against in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  “A man without a computer must have a world atlas. This is quite a collection of diverse reading material, McNeil. Makes me think you might just have a brain under that sexy, gun-carrying exterior. ”

  He reached up to the top shelf and removed his atlas. “Smart ass. I’m not a dinosaur just because I like to read.” He set the atlas on the coffee table.

  She flipped through the pages until she found the sta
te of Texas. “This from a man who organizes his bookcase in the Dewey Decimal System.” She marked the page then found the country map of Mexico.

  “There were red Post-It flags at each of the major border crossings: Brownsville, Laredo, and El Paso. The smaller crossings had flags, too, but those three stood out to me because I have been through each of them. What was so confusing was there were also pin flags in the interior of northern Mexico and thick red lines connecting each of those locations with the three major crossings. I asked Ryan about it, but he moved me away from the wall. Maybe the profiler can help me remember the names of the cities in Mexico because I have this horrible feeling it’s vital information.”

  Mac pulled on her hand, drawing her back into his arms. “This isn’t all on you, Lexie. I don’t want you to beat yourself up if you can’t remember everything.”

  “I really only got a glimpse, and I guess whatever he gave me that knocked me unconscious kept me from focusing. I can’t remember the name of the man in the photo with Ramirez either. It’s all a blank, but this guy is supposed to be connected to one of the border cartels and responsible for smuggling al-Qaeda operatives into the United States. At least, that’s what Ryan believes. It’s scary as hell trying to figure out what is real from what’s just inside Ryan’s head.” She glanced down between them and a slight blush rose in her cheeks. “Before I go anywhere, I need my clothes. I can’t wear this.”

  “I think you look great.” His hand slid under the thin undershirt and caressed her hip as he took her lower lip between his teeth, then rained one soft kiss after another from the corner of her lips down to the underside of her jaw. The fear in her eyes morphed into desire.

  “You don’t like my T-shirt?” he asked.

  A hint of a smile crossed her features as her eyes flashed to the windows. “Don’t you dare.”

  With one sweep, he had his shirt over her head and tossed across the room. “You’re right. I like this much better.”

  He lifted her in his arms and headed toward the sofa.

  “Mac, we need breakfast and Díaz is waiting …”


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