Bewitching the Vampire

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Bewitching the Vampire Page 7

by Selena Illyria

  His questing fingers found her clit and strummed it. The water added extra stimulation that helped increase her arousal. She rocked her hips against his fingertips. Her orgasm tightened and flexed, filling her with tension until she thought she’d burst with it. Just as she teetered on the edge, he pulled back his hand.

  She let out a frustrated cry and opened her eyes to look at him. His eyes sparkled with wicked mischief. A red sheen coated his pupils, making his blue eyes a dark indigo. His fangs had elongated to their full length.

  “Make me come or I do it myself.” She was proud of herself. Despite the fever in her blood she didn’t sound crazed at all.

  “Want to come? Switch places with me.” He slipped out from under her.

  She started to turn around onto her back but he stopped her. “On your belly.”

  He helped her back onto her stomach and positioned her where he wanted, halfway out of the water.

  “Oh!” A jet of pressure hit her on her mound, the surge of water gushing from the wall of the tub.

  He moved her up a little bit more until the stream hit her slit and she grasped the edge of the tub. He positioned himself behind her until his cockhead bumped her entrance. He slipped his hand around her hip and delved between her thighs as he parted her labial folds, exposing her clit to the onslaught of water.

  An orgasm hit her hard, rocking her body. She gasped and shuddered only to cry out once more when he entered her with a deep thrust. His crown hit her cervix, setting off a shower of pain that melted into pleasure.

  She groaned and held on tight as he pounded into her. His fingers grasped her hips in a tight hold she knew would bruise. Animalistic sounds formed in the back of the throat. She wrapped her legs around his waist, hooking one foot around an ankle to keep her place and leaned back and wrapped an arm around his neck.

  He buried his head in the crook of her neck. His fangs scraped over her skin. One hand cupped her breast, tugging and rolling her nipple, causing streaks of lightning to shoot to her clit, increasing her orgasm until she thought she would explode.

  The sensations were too much. She was overwhelmed, unable to hold back anymore. The wave crested and crashed over her. She came hard, with a muffled scream, as the burn of his fangs piercing her flesh once more seared along her neck. Each pull of his mouth made her come again until she was lightheaded. Black spots danced before her eyes, along with multicolored pinpricks. Each thrust sent ripples of pleasure through her body. Her hands lost their grip and plunged under the water. Lava-hot blood dribbled down her shoulder. Her head pounded as she tried to keep her eyes open. She was tired—so tired. Sleep looked like a distant dream.

  “Mine.” He murmured.

  His tongue lapped at the wound, sending bursts of desire through her.

  “Mine.” He punctuated the statement with another thrust before he came, biting down on her other shoulder.

  She let out a hoarse scream as she came again. This time the darkness took her.

  Chapter Eight

  Joe cleaned Bridget up, bathing her with care, using his blood to seal her wounds. He dried her off and grabbed some massage oil from the tallboy. Joe carried her into the bedroom and placed her on the bed with care before going back to drain the tub and dry himself off. Once everything was spick and span, he returned to her. He took in her naked form and the arousal stirred once more.

  Never in all his years had he believed any person could make him insatiable when it came to sex, but he was starting to think it was possible. He wanted to worship her body, cover it in kisses and love bites, take her blood once more. But he knew she couldn’t handle anymore. She needed a large meal to fill up on all the nutrients and vitamins and proteins she’d lost.

  His heart tugged as guilt assailed him. He’d taken too damn much. Cursing himself, he got to work easing some of her muscle aches. Her body had been used to the brink of reason.

  As much as he didn’t want to think about it, he hated the idea of her facing the rogue vampire alone at Ruby’s. Yes, she had backup from her familiars and the pixie she employed, but that meant nothing when her strength was so low. He thought about sending out Flynn or Matthias for something to eat. He didn’t want to leave her. Someone had to watch over her while she recovered. He checked her pulse and breathing as his hands worked over her arms and shoulders. Her heartbeat was too slow and erratic and her breathing was uneven.

  He finished the massage, pulled on some sweat pants, and headed to the kitchen for another round of steak and eggs. He decided to add in a strawberry milkshake for a sugar boost.

  Matthias came into the room looking tired. “Damn, boss. Can you keep it down? I haven’t gotten laid in months.”

  His freshly taken blood rushed to his face. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  Matthias leaned a hip against the counter. “No need to apologize, boss. Nice that you two are finally getting together. Just a bit loud, though.” The gargoyle chuckled. “It’s almost light time so you might want to wind things up. Okay?”

  Light time. Joe had forgotten about it. Bridget’s blood buzzed through his veins, energizing him in ways he hadn’t thought possible. The pull of the light didn’t even bother him; it was just an annoying pulse in the back of his brain. He didn’t want to leave her, didn’t want to go under knowing she might not be there when he woke up.

  Joe finished the dishes and headed back to his bedroom to find her still asleep. His skin tingled and he smiled. The dull throb of the blood beast in his body didn’t throw him. He had a steel-handed grip on his vampiric side.

  “Stop staring at me. It’s creepy. Why the hell are the lights still on?” Bridget’s muffled voice called to him. She snuggled down deeper under the covers and groaned. One well-shaped arm emerged from the bedclothes and pulled a pillow from his side of the bed. She covered her head before vanishing back under the plush duvet and sheets.

  “I’m not staring. Just taking in a sexy woman in my bed.” Joe put the food on the nightstand. He flicked the switch and turned off the overhead lamps before undressing and climbing into bed with her. He removed the pillow from her head and threw it on the floor. Her warmth pressed against his flesh, branding him right down to the cellular level. He cuddled closer and wrapped his arms around her waist to press himself against her back.

  With his eyes, he inhaled her scent. He could smell himself on her skin, just under her natural perfume. Vampires transferred their pheromones to the person they were currently having sex with to ward off others. If she ingested some of his blood, it would complete the process. The pheromones would be produced naturally and be a complete branding.

  But they were still new to this and as much as he wanted her to be his, he wouldn’t push her. She meant too much to him and he wasn’t willing to jeopardize what they had by taking things too fast.

  “I’m yours, you know?” he whispered against her hair. “All yours.” He pressed a kiss to her head and nuzzled the spot where her neck met her shoulder.

  “You better be. Now, stop talking. You wore me out. I need my beauty sleep.” She snuggled back against him, pushing her buttocks against his groin.

  Heat rushed to his cock, filling it up.

  She groaned. “Not again, you broke me.”

  “Did not.” He planted kisses along her shoulder and nipped at the rounded corner.

  “Did. My pussy is sore.”

  “My tongue can make it better,” he murmured against her back. His dick rose as he spoke. He slid a hand over her hip and pressed it against her mound.

  “Your hand is not your mouth. And no—you’ll have to wait until I recover. Maybe if you’re good, I’ll come back tomorrow.” She rocked her hips against his, torturing his pulsing shaft.

  He tightened her grip and held her still. “No teasing me then.” He kissed his way up her nape to the hollow under her ear and then along the side of her jaw.

  “No teasing me either. What time is it?” She yawned and tried to sit up.

  “Close to light.” P
laytime was over. Joe sighed and made a move to get off the bed. Some other time. They’d have to plan their play very carefully.

  Bridget groaned. “I’ve got to get up and get dressed. I need to get to Ruby’s and grab that vampire.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” Joe meant it, but he didn’t see a choice. If she did stay, what the hell would she do while she waited for dusk, when he rose again? He doubted Matthias and Flynn would be up to keeping her fed and entertained. As well as being his daytime guardians, they acted as volunteer firefighters for the town.

  For a second, he thought of sending Matthias and Flynn with her when she went to retrieve the rogue but he shoved that idea aside. He didn’t want to imply she couldn’t handle it herself. He imagined how she would react to him sending in the big bad bodyguards to protect his little witch.

  Then again, it could be a good way to send a message. It would demonstrate that rogues were unwelcome in his region. Plus, it would make it clear he supported the local witch population. In other places, vampires kept a tight leash on other paras. Evenfall was different.

  He opened his mouth to ask her if she wanted help but was cut off by her question.

  “Can you stay up past the Light?”

  He glanced over at her. Old habits warred with the urge to share. Vampires didn’t give out their daylight details, but he trusted the new bond that had developed between them. He knew she wouldn’t tell. “The older you are the more you can endure the light, but not even the ancient ones can withstand the sun for long.”

  He released her hip and traced a pattern along her sides, waiting for her to respond, wondering what she would ask him next. He enjoyed the give and take as they found out new things about each other. He wanted more if it. Damn the sun.

  Bridget sat up and turned toward him, gathering some of the blanket into her lap. She crossed her legs, lotus style. Her hair was a mess of curls and waves but still beautiful. “Okay, what about grave dirt? Does it have to be in your coffin? Do you have to be buried?”

  He reached up and traced the curve of her cheek with his fingertip. Her makeup had faded away to reveal flawless skin. Perfection. His heart constricted with emotions he couldn’t identify and had never felt before. It took him a few seconds to understand her question. He licked his lips and decided to give her the whole truth. “No grave dirt needed. Just a coffin or bed with blackout curtains and someone to keep guard.”

  “Bed? Like this one?” Worry filled her voice and sparked in her eyes.

  He reached up and cupped her cheek. “Like this one. But don’t worry. I don’t bed down here. My room is well warded and protected by the ancient spells only vampire lieges know.” Worry persisted in her gaze. He scooted up and settled against the pillows. “I’m going to be okay. Don’t worry.”

  His heart skipped a beat as he watched emotion play out on her face. They had known each other only a short time, but during the night they had bonded deeply. Something shifted inside of Joe. A small tear formed in his soul, where her essence had seeped in, deeper even than the place where her blood mingled with his own. He leaned his face forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

  “But if something happens to you…?” She stopped talking and bit her bottom lip. “I don’t know what I’m saying. Blood loss and all that,” she mumbled.

  He shook his head. “No. You feel as adrift as I do. This is new to us. We just have to go with it.”

  Joe didn’t know where they were going either, but at least they were together on this leg of the journey. His mind went to his predecessor, Hazel, and to what he’d gone through with the loss of a loved one. He shoved those notions away. There was no reason to think they’d turn out like that. There was no way to tell what the future would be unless you were gifted, and as far as he knew neither one of them was.

  Bridget blew out a breath. “Okay. Look, I have to get ready to go. Can we do breakfast? Not eggs and steak. Something else?”

  He chuckled at the hopeful look on her face. How could he say no? “Okay, I’ll go see what we have. Will you come back tonight? Maybe we can have dinner?”

  She gave him a grin that turned his knees to jelly. “We can. Just dinner though. Can’t stay. Got a case load of research for the local Witches’ Chapter.”

  Curious, he let the question slip out. “On?”

  “Lunar cycles and werewolves. We need more information on how the moon affects werewolves. Our information got depleted in the fire last month. Lost sections W to Z. I volunteered to help replenish the local legends and information stores. It’s a big job, but the payoff is huge. Boring to some people, but you never know when you’ll need the info.” She gave him a winning smile.

  Pride filled him. She was so intelligent and eager to learn. Did her curiosity only extend to research? A naughty idea formed in his mind but he shoved it away. Not now. He shoved back the covers. “You owe me for sleeping in my bed.” He grinned.

  “And how do you figure that? You decided to do the dishes.” She crawled off the bed, found her skirt, and pulled it on. For a moment, he stopped to watch as she jumped up and down, breasts and ass juggling with each bounce. His fangs extended as his cock grew harder and arousal slipped into his body once more, winding its way around his nerve endings and veins and muscles and tendons. He wanted her once more—to take her and claim her before he slipped into darkness for the day.

  “Stop staring at my ass and get a move on. We don’t have much time.” Her stomach growled, as if to punctuate her words.

  He bent at the waist in a bow and straightened up. “As my lady commands. Any suggestions?”

  “Bacon. Bacon makes everything better.” She tugged on her bra and closed the clasp.

  “Okay, anything else?” He wanted to know what other foods she loved. Matthias would hate having to make a run to the grocery store, but if she started coming over here to spend time with him, some of her favorites needed to be in stock.

  Her stomach growled again. “Toast? Orange juice? Coffee?”

  He frowned. OJ and java together? How could people drink that? It sounded disgusting. When he needed a pick-me-up he’d have a cup of caffeine laced with blood from The Java Demon. It was the best, most addictive coffee in the county. The owners weren’t such a bad guys either, for demons.

  “Why are you frowning? What’s wrong?” She came over to him, lacing up her corset while she walked.

  He shook his head. “Nothing. Okay, bacon, toast, and orange juice with coffee. I’ll see what I can do.”

  He made his way to the kitchen once more and poked around the fridge. No bacon or orange juice. It looked like Flynn had been snacking again. He checked the freezer and found nothing, not even a can of concentrate. He looked for coffee and found the bag almost empty. Fucking hell. Because he didn’t need to eat, he never really thought about meals unless they involved Matthias and Flynn. He sighed. Only toast. He grabbed the bread and got to work. At least they had butter.

  Bridget entered the room carrying her jacket and shoes. He had no clue what she’d done with her stockings. Matthias and Flynn followed close behind.

  Stars exploded in front of Joe’s eyes and his body became heavy. He lost control of his limbs and went down like a sack of potatoes. His knees hit the floor hard and pain splintered up and down his legs. Shit. The coming light hit him like a sucker punch to the gut.

  “Joe!” Bridget’s voice came from a distance. He looked up, trying to find her, but his vision was a blur, like looking through frosted glass.

  “Timing’s off isn’t it?” Strong, firm hands gripped his arms and helped him to stand. His legs shook. He needed to get to his Sanctuary bed quickly before he lost consciousness or worse. If he wasn’t careful, the blood beast could come out to defend him and he could injure Bridget in his attempt to get to his sanctuary. His heart lurched and bile churned in his stomach at the thought.

  “Sorry, Bridget. You have to go,” Matthias said. He scooped Joe up in his arms as if he were a baby.

nbsp; “No. No. Please, Bridget.” Joe’s voice had become a low rasp as his fangs lengthened to their fullest and his body began the change into his vampiric form. His vision sharpened and his sense expanded.

  “Sorry, boss. Your orders. No matter what happens or who you’re with—to the Sanctuary.” Matthias pounded up the stairs, carrying Joe with him, taking the turns at a fast clip. Despite his bulk, he moved like a ninja, totally silently.

  Humiliation burned in Joe’s face as his body continued to contort. His muscles and tendons contracted to a smaller size, turning rubbery to allow him more maneuverability. Despite all the shifts in his body, no bloodlust rose to the surface. Bridget’s blood still flowed through his veins, carrying with it her magical essence and life.

  Matthias jerked open a door and stepped over the threshold. Like a heavy curtain, the light and wards took him, slipping him under into his coma-like sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Bridget’s stomach grumbled and her body ached in places that hadn’t seen action beyond a vibrator for ages. The day after Samhain was a quiet affair. In fact, no one was about, which was a good thing. A walk of shame was not something she wanted to get around in town. Especially when the house she was coming from was Joe’s.

  There was no way she wanted the vampire community to get wind of their affair until they were ready to go public with it. They hadn’t even established any rules for whatever it was they had. Did he want something beyond this? He had claimed her, marked her, but other than that she wasn’t sure. She knew enough to take everything said during sex with a grain of salt.

  She ran a hand over her face and trudged on, hating that her house was on the other side of town. Her heels echoed on the pavement as she walked. The overwhelming quiet of the early morning pressed against her, making her feel more alone.


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