Bewitching the Vampire

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Bewitching the Vampire Page 10

by Selena Illyria

  Bridget groaned. “No. Joe details are off limits. I won’t ask you about your coffee demons or your twin terrors. You won’t ask me about Joe. Deal?”

  Sera and Mysta pouted. “Fine.” They said in unison.

  “Off to work with you. Wait, where’s Lana?” Bridget had expected the pixie to flutter in, demanding she go home.

  Mysta shrugged. “Dealing with her plants. She spent the night watching horror movies.”

  Guilt tugged at Bridget’s conscious. “I was supposed to get back here and play board games with her.” Her mind turned over ways to make it up to Lana that didn’t involve chocolate.

  “She won’t care. You got laid, so she’ll be happy about that. Besides, I think she’s got a secret of her own. You’re not the only one who got flowers this morning.” Sera’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

  Bridget perked up. “Why don’t I know about this?” The last few months had been slow. How Lana could meet someone when she hardly left the office or home was beyond her. Unless it had something to do with the mini fire she’d had when she’d forgotten about a pan of brownies she was baking.

  Bridget began to grin. “Oh my goddess, don’t tell me it’s those gargoyle firefighters? They were hot!”

  Mysta leaned forward. “Didn’t hear it from us, but they have been stopping by, the two of them. I believe they work for Joe too as his daylight watchers? So hot it’s crazy. They are really sweet on her.”

  Bridget whistled. “Nice. I met them last night. Very cute.” She didn’t know what else to say or what she could talk about.

  “What do we know about gargoyles?” An urge to protect her friend rose up. Lana didn’t get out much for her own reasons. Bridget didn’t want Lana to feel pressured in any way.

  “Not much. Just as ba—or rather, just as good—as their vampire masters on the secrets front.” Mysta sat back. “But I’ve heard they are fierce warriors and protectors. They’re good firefighters and they can keep their mouths shut. As for sex, I know nothing.”

  A glance at Sera got Bridget nothing. “Okay, we won’t pry, but it would be good to know what we’re dealing with. Not for Lana, but para-wise.” Bridget eyed Mysta who got a naughty look in her eye.

  The snake shifter stood up and stretched. “I’m going to the library.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Sera purred. “I will get us some java to fill up on. No chugging it okay?”

  Bridget nodded. “Got it.”

  She didn’t want any more coffee. She wanted sleep and she wanted Joe, but he was dead to the world so she’d settle on the first need. “Actually, I’m heading home. You can take the day off, too. It’ll be a slow day anyway. After Samhain, it’s like a hangover. Time to recover. I’ll be in tomorrow.”

  Mysta saluted her. “Aye-aye, Captain.”

  “You get some sleep too, okay?” Bridget could see the bags under her eyes, the tightness to her skin, and the worn look on her face.

  Mysta smiled. “Totally. Just didn’t get enough sleep. Fox shifters are insatiable. Okay, off with you. I’ll handle things here and then close up shop early.”

  “And check to see if we’ve been paid yet for that retrieval. I don’t want Fritz or that vampire lord to forget.” She also wanted to see whether they’d conduct business as usual. If they took too long, she’d know they’d had to scramble to get the resources together to pay her. That would mean they weren’t expecting her to survive the encounter. The rogue vampire would be out to the world for a bit and until she could question him, she’d have to connect the dots as best she could on her own.

  Bridget shook her head. She couldn’t think straight while exhausted. She had to go home and sleep before Lana bewitched her and turned her into a flower or a skunk or something.

  Her brain returned to Joe. Was it too soon to check up on him? She winced. Worry began to gnaw at her nerves. It had been so long since she’d been in a relationship she wasn’t sure what was acceptable behavior. She considered talking to Sera or Mysta about it but doubted they’d have any advice she could use. It was all too soon; everything was too new. How did one go about dating a vampire liege? There were no manuals and no one she could turn to for this.

  Vampire lovers closed ranks when it came to doling out information. She pushed back her chair and got up. Time to get some sleep. She would deal with Joe later that afternoon. She left her office and went out to the waiting area. Their capture was gone.

  “Payment went through.” Sera pushed back her chair. “I’m going to stick around and catch up on paperwork, maybe swing by the diner later for lunch.”

  “And go out to get your coffee fix?” Bridget teased.

  Red patches appeared on Sera’s cheeks. “Yes, that too.”

  “How exactly does one sleep when you’ve had your caffeine tank filled?” She doubted the cat shifter would be getting much sleep if she went to The Java Demon.

  Sera toyed with the hem of her shirt. “Just have to expend a lot of energy, but I’ll grab a nap. No worries. Now go. Off with you.”

  Bridget didn’t have to be told twice. She headed out, making a slow pace as she headed home. Her feet throbbed with each step and for the first time in a long time, she considered wearing flats. The cobblestone was playing hell with her legs. She trudged along until she noticed a car moving at a slow pace next to her. Flynn sat at the wheel. He gave her a wave. “Need a ride?”

  She could have kissed Flynn in that moment. “Yes!” She rushed around the car, opened the door, and slid into the passenger-side seat.


  “No problem. The boss is fine, by the way. All locked down for his light-time nap. Matthias is with him. I was on my way to get groceries when I saw you. What are you still doing up?” Flynn didn’t look at her as he asked the questions, just focused on the bumpy road ahead.

  “Job. It’s over now so I can go home and nap.” Bridget licked her lips and paused, wondering if she could ask when Joe would wake. Was that too personal a question? She didn’t feel comfortable telling them about the vampire they had locked up in the warded room just yet. Joe would give her the directions she needed.

  “The boss will be up at around four this afternoon, give or take. Got something pressing to ask him about?”

  She stared at him. Did he know? She took the opportunity to study his profile. There was no indication he was on to her. Flynn wasn’t conventionally handsome and his face showed no emotion. His features were sharp. The same went for Matthias. If she hadn’t known better, she would’ve thought the men were brothers. Where Flynn was dark with coffee-colored tresses and chocolate eyes, Matthias was light with russet-colored hair, moss green eyes, and craggy good looks. She could see why Lana found both of them attractive. Bridget wanted to sit down and talk to her but was too tired to do so. There were so many things to talk about and her head wasn’t clear enough to do it any of it.

  The car rolled to a stop in front of the set of brownstones. “We’re here. I’ll see you later. Call us if you need anything. You have our number.”

  Bridget hit the lock on the seat belt and slipped out of it. “Thanks. And yeah, I will.”

  She didn’t ask how much he knew. She just got out of the car and headed up to her front door. She glanced back to find Flynn still there, his gaze on her. He flicked his hand to her and she shook her head and went up to her front door. The car roared off.

  It looked like Joe had a damn good bodyguard in Flynn, although she wasn’t sure how she felt about him showing that much regard for her. She didn’t need someone watching over her, but it was nice that Flynn had the urge to do so. If he and Matthias were really interested in Lana, she would be in good hands.

  Another yawn took her and she headed upstairs to her bedroom. She got undressed and crawled into bed wearing only her bra and panties. She was too damn tired to pull on her pajama bottoms and sleep shirt. She hoped she’d be up and cognizant by four.

  Chapter Eleven

  Joe awoke with a start. He could sense th
e light’s draw, but it didn’t feel as if he’d been asleep long. He groaned as he opened his eyes and pushed off the top covers. It lifted on silent hinges. The darkness of his light room pressed in on him. He patted around until he found the lamp and pulled the cord. A soft, buttery glow filled the space. Confusion ruled his mind. Why was he awake?

  He glanced over at the clock. Two-thirty in the afternoon. He stared at the digital readout, even more perplexed than before. He’d never woken up this early. An icy finger of fear traced down his spine. He closed his eyes and used his telepathic connection to call Matthias and Flynn to him.

  Matthias opened the door and rushed in. Worry lines creased his forehead. “Boss, what the fuck?”

  Joe scrubbed a hand over his face. “What the fuck exactly. Where is Flynn?”

  Matthias moved over to the windows and pushed aside the curtains. Glorious early afternoon light slipped into the room, forming a wedge on the floor and walls not far from Joe’s bed.

  Joe winced at the glare, but he didn’t feel the usual urge to cower away. In fact, he wanted to throw back the curtains and take a look himself. He fought the urge and remained where he was. He hadn’t lost his mind completely. There was no way he was going to get burnt to a crisp. The sleeping area was far enough away that no beams of sunlight touched it, but he could feel the warmth all the same.

  “Flynn is out shopping for groceries and blood supplies. Boss, how are you up this early?” Matthias turned toward him, a mix of curiosity and fear in his gaze.

  Joe closed his eyes and mentally assessed his body and blood. The craving for a drink he normally had when he awoke wasn’t there, but he did feel Bridget’s magic sparking and burning through his blood, filling him up with warmth and life.

  He shook his head. No, it couldn’t be. Her magic couldn’t be reanimating him. He’d never heard of such a thing. Only blood could bring him back to the living and that was only for a limited time. He sought a mental link to Bridget and found a tenuous line of magic binding them together. The remnants of her power in his house hung in the air.

  Joe opened his eyes and climbed off the mattress. On bare feet, he padded out of the room and followed the trail of magic. It led all over the place, starting at the front door and covering the whole house. Her magic wasn’t a threat. It seemed like it was seeking something or someone. He reached out and waved a hand through one of the trails. It sparkled and shone as an indigo light with red glints. His palm tickled where it had touched him. Warmth spread through his body, sizzling up and down his spine to buzz up his cock and around his balls.

  He let his head fall back with a groan. Bridget. She’d done this to him. Whatever it was.

  “Boss, should I call in the Doc?” Matthias’s voice seemed to come out louder than before.

  Joe took in a deep breath and blew it out. “Yeah, get him.”

  He didn’t like being poked and prodded and had no desire for anyone in the vampire community to know what had happened, but he had to figure out if this was permanent. He also wasn’t comfortable with the idea of dragging Bridget into this. If her blood was the cause of this, he needed to know and take precautions to protect himself. His vampiric brethren would want her liquid life if it meant that they could stay up past the light’s fall, maybe even walk under the sun without burning up.

  “Matthias, call the security company and have them double up on wards and protective spells. Also call the potion masters to hex the boundary line. I want to make damn sure we’re safe here. Maybe even hire some security guards to patrol the property.” Joe began to pace as his mind turned over all the new opportunities presented to him. He wanted to know if he could withstand a full bout in the light.

  With a deep breath, he went over to the window and stuck out a hand, praying he wouldn’t burn it off.

  “Shit, boss! Stop!” Matthias rushed over to him, cell phone pressed to his ear.

  Joe ignored him and hissed as fire erupted on his skin. He jerked his hand back and cradled it to his chest, his free hand holding his wrist. The flesh throbbed and sizzled as the flames died down.

  “Jesus!” Joe groaned as he watched the scalded skin go from black to red to a light pink in a matter of seconds. Nerve endings jumped and twitched as the regeneration kicked in.

  “Doc, get here fast.” Matthias put his phone away. “Stay here. I’m going to get some antiseptic. Don’t do anything fuck-headed stupid like that again or I’ll kill you and then Bridget will kill me and Lana will kill her.”

  Joe shook his head, deciding not to ask about Lana. “Don’t bother. Vampires are immune to infections.” He held up his palm and shook his hand. “All healed.”

  Faster than normal, too, but Joe didn’t mention that. His heart hammered at the implications. Was this normal for a vampire who’d taken a witch’s blood? He ran a hand over his face and leaned his shoulder against the wall.

  “We better get you to your rooms. Don’t want the doc coming in here, do you?” Matthias grabbed Joe’s hand and led him out to the hallway.

  No one but the vampire and his light guards were allowed in that space once it had been protected and warded. Too many people warped the spells that kept things protected. It had something to do with auras, emotions, and energy. Anything could erode the delicate balance.

  Matthias kicked the door shut with heel of his boot and paused to lock it up. Joe withdrew his hand from Matthias’s and headed to the bedroom he’d shared with Bridget.

  “Should I call Bridget?” Matthias called out behind him.

  “Not yet. We don’t know what we’re dealing with. I’m going to take a shower. Have some blood ready for me when I get out.”

  “Bodyguard, not your maid.”

  “Just do it.” Joe chuckled.

  “Not wearing the outfit either,” Matthias grumbled.

  “But you have such nice legs.” Joe shut the door just as he heard a thud against the thick wood.

  Joe stripped off his pants and turned on the shower. Not waiting for the water to heat, he got in and began to scrub away the sleep. His skin woke up in prickles as goose bumps broke out on his cold flesh. The tingles increased, turning to pinpricks before hot liquid sluiced over his body, driving away the chill. He groaned and stood under the spray.

  For a moment he wished Bridget were here with him. Loneliness wrapped around him. He yearned for her comforting presence while he faced the unknown. But then his blood continued to sizzle through his veins. Her magic danced and heated his insides, pushing away the feeling of vulnerability, making him feel safe and protected.

  He smiled and prayed that her magic wasn’t the cause of his early awakening. There was no telling what would happen when word got out. And word would get out; he was sure of that. Matthias and Flynn could be trusted, but things would shift with all this new time on his hands. He could handle more business in daylight hours and would be able to take advantage of more opportunities. He still wouldn’t be able to walk in the sun, but at least he had this precious extra time.

  He finished his shower, dried off, and padded out into his bedroom. The thirst hadn’t hit him, but he knew should feed anyway, just in case. Once his body had used up Bridget’s blood, who knew what would happen? He could slip into a coma and not awaken until the next day. He opened up the highboy and pulled out a pair of sweat pants.

  “No need to get dressed on my account.” The Doc—a wizened, shrunken figure with wild, white-and-silver hair—shuffled into the room with Matthias at his heels. He wore baggy dress slacks that hadn’t seen an iron since the thing was invented and a worn plaid shirt whose colors couldn’t be determined on first glance. Rimless spectacles sat on a straight nose that came to a point at the tip.

  For a moment, Joe feared the glasses would slip off, but as usual they didn’t. He couldn’t guess whether they remained in place by magic or stubborn will alone. Wrinkles upon wrinkles covered his face, almost obscuring his eyes. The small pupils, a deep indigo color, glimmered with knowledge and hidden amuseme
nt. Joe couldn’t see what was so funny but decided not to ask.

  “Maybe not for you but I sure as hell need him to get dressed.” Matthias turned around and stayed near the door. “I’m not paid nearly enough for this. Sorry, boss. He just headed up here.”

  “Do you really need me naked?” Glee filled Joe at Matthias’s response, bringing out his mischievous side.

  The Doc shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me. I’m just here to make sure that everything is working properly. Now what is the problem?”

  Joe laid out the situation without naming names. The Doc nodded his head and stroked his beard. He opened his black bag and gestured for Joe to sit down on the bed. After taking his temperature and blood pressure the Doc drew some blood and walked over to the window, pulling back the blackout curtain a bit just as Matthias had done earlier. He held the vial of blood up to the sunlight. The black liquid sparkled as if it held glitter in it. That couldn’t be normal. No way had he fed on a unicorn and now was stuck with sparkles in his veins. He was not some vampire out of a book.

  “Hmmm, okay. Well that’s new.” The Doc walked back to Joe and handed him the vial. Without looking at Joe, he asked, “How long have you been feeding on this witch?”

  “Last night was the first time.” Joe fidgeted and moved from one foot to the other as his heart began to hammer against his ribcage.

  “How many times?”

  “Um…” Joe counted. “Two or three.”

  “How was she when she left?”

  “Uh, Matthias?”

  “She was tired but okay,” Matthias answered, without moving.

  “There you have it.”

  Guilt pinged Joe in the heart. He hadn’t had time to make sure that she got home safely. He would have to make it up to her.

  Pain seared up his arm. He looked down at his hand to find the skin had blackened once more and the healing process started all over again. “Holy shit!”

  “Boss?” Matthias came to his side and grabbed his wrist. “Doc!”

  “Yes, thought this would happen.” Doc gave a heavy sigh. He shook his head, causing his hair to wave to and fro like kelp on the sea floor. “Witch’s blood is to vampires what, say, wolfsbane is to werewolves. Ninety-five percent of the time it’s deadly to our kind. Only five percent are immune. If I’m right, the wound you opened up won’t have healed yet. Your body is fighting what it sees as an infection. Which, in a way, it is. If left untreated, it could rob your witch of her powers and you of your abilities not only to heal but also of your immortality. As time goes by you could end up becoming almost human before you die.”


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