Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2) Page 16

by Autumn Winchester

  "That's too bad,” Chase said. “Maybe next time then.”

  Clare looked at the coffee wistfully as the doorbell rang, signaling that Kayla had arrived with Zinna and Emma.

  “Call, or text, at any time,” Chase said as Clare and Carter went to meet the girls.

  “I will,” Summer replied. Her voice shook slightly. This was the first time she had been without Chase outside of the house. She had gotten used to his presence, so this was really going out of her comfort zone.

  “I’ll see you soon since I’m sure you won’t let me tag along,” Chase said, raising a dark eyebrow in question.

  “Nope,” Summer laughed, wrapping her arms around his torso. “I have something I want to do today that you can’t know about.”

  “Oh?” Chase asked, surprised lacing his voice. “Do I get a hint?”

  “You’ll like it,” she laughed, feeling shy at the thought. “But you won’t be able to see it until I say you can, though.”

  “Oh, what will I do with you?” Chase stated out loud, impressed his shy wife was going out of her comfort zone in many different ways. “I can’t wait, then.”

  “Ready?” Zinna asked as she entered the kitchen. “Kayla went back to the SUV, where Carter is already waiting.”

  “Will we all fit?” Summer asked, stepping back from Chase after he pressed a tender kiss to her head.

  “Of course we will,” Zinna said with a wave of her hand. “Kayla plans to sit up front, and us three will fit in the two back rows. Emma decided to not join us, wanting to give you time to other family members to get to know us.”

  “Oh,” Summer said surprised. She had hoped her mother would have joined them.

  “She wants to take you out for coffee one day, and somewhere just the two of you can be on your own to talk and get to know one another better,” Zinna went on. “She doesn’t want to crowd you too much.”

  “Okay,” Summer said as she swallowed a lump that was in her throat. She had expected Emma to come along, but she could understand. Having time for them both by themselves would be better since they had a bit of work to do in their own relationship.

  “Plus, she wanted to get a head start on Christmas lunch,” Zinna scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “I don’t think there will be anyone there that needs impressed with her cooking skills.”

  “Grand-dad will be there, so I’m guessing he will bring his newest guard, Jose, along with him. Last year they hit if off better than most maids and guards would in the way business is run,” Chase said amused. “So she’ll want to make a good impression with her cooking.”

  “Oh. Okay,” Summer said. So her mother had a thing for a guard. Then she smiled, happy her mother was able to move on and love another. It would definitely be something Summer would bring up the next time she was alone with Emma.

  “You ready?” Zinna asked, shooting an annoyed glance at Chase who ignored the look. She was one of the few that got away with acting in such a way.

  “Yep,” Clare said, popping the P.

  After double checking that Summer and Clare both had everything they could possibly need, Zinna led the way to the awaiting SUV with dark tinted windows.

  Summer gave Chase who had followed them out, a small kiss on the lips before smiling at him shyly and making her own way to the vehicle.

  Before Summer knew it, they were on their way to the closest mall, which was about half hour’s drive since Chase lived so far out in the country. Summer loved his house and not having neighbors. They didn’t have to deal with other people often, thank goodness.

  “So, I hear you wanted to stop at a place I normally don’t,” Kayla said, turning in her seat to face the three younger girls. Her light green eyes took in the glow that Clare had, and how nervous Summer was all of a sudden.

  “Yea?” Summer responded, looking down, second guessing herself.

  “She wants a tattoo,” Clare spoke up as she patted her sister’s knee. “A surprise for Chase.”

  “Oh, really?” Kayla replied, tilting her head to the side. “What do you plan to get?”

  “Something that says Princess, since he’s taken to calling me that quite often,” Summer said, her cheeks turning red.

  “He’ll love it,” Zinna said, bouncing in her seat with wide hazel eyes. “Oh! I can’t wait to see it.” Then turning to Carter, “Take us to Adam’s first.” She then rattled off the address to Carter, even though he seemed to know exactly who she was talking about.

  “Yes, ma'am,” Carter said with a nod of his head.

  “Who’s Adam?” Clare asked, looking at her newest friend.

  “It’s a smaller tattoo parlor, and he can do just about anything. It’s where Ryder went and got his tattoo,” Zinna answered.

  “Is it safe there?” Kayla asked, needing to know.

  “Of course. Ryder wouldn’t go to just anyone. Plus, you know, with him working with Chase, he has to be more discrete. Can’t let people know how Summer wants to do such a thing like this without word getting out so much. Adam keeps his business to himself,” Zinna went on, explaining.

  “He is one of the best,” Carter agreed, taking a turn at a stop light. “I’ve heard of him before, but haven’t had the chance to actually meet him.”

  “You’ll like him,” Zinna stated. “And he always has his sister there to help.”

  “Okay,” Summer said, sure that Zinna wasn’t getting them into something that would get her in trouble.

  Pulling up to what looked like a normal, city house, Carter parked alongside the curb, checking out the surroundings the best he could.

  The house was almost like a cardboard box when compared to where Summer had been living for the last few months. It was still in the nice and pricey neighborhood; it was a nice house other than the few things that needed work outside of the house.

  A patchy dead lawn sat in front of a white little house with the two steps up to the front door and porch. The windows were covered with dark curtains over them.

  “Come on,” Zinna said, getting out first.

  “I’ll stay here,” Kayla remarked, containing a shiver of disgust. She wouldn’t be caught dead in that house.

  “I’ll go with the Princess, make sure everything is okay, then I’ll be back,” Carter stated, getting out.

  Clare decided to stay in the SUV with Kayla, just because she wasn’t sure that the man inside the house wasn’t doing drugs. It wasn’t worth the risk to the special cargo she now carried.

  “It’s not that bad inside at all,” Zinna said with a shake of her head. “I came here with Ryder, and even came here a few weeks later to get one myself. I already called ahead, and they can fit you in easily this morning, with no wait.”

  “I should have just texted you,” Summer mumbled out, hearing Zinna laugh at her statement.

  “Of course, but I already knew you would need something set up, and I did that,” Zinna said easily. “You just can’t walk into a place like this one without having an appointment set up. Adam is pretty strict about his time and schedule.”

  “Zinna, girl!” greeted an older girl with crazy dyed colorful hair and bright blue eyes that popped. “So glad to see you!” she then hugged Zinna like they hadn’t seen each other for years. She wore baggy clothes, but they seemed to be just her style.

  “Hi, Mica,” Zinna said, returning the hug with a huge smile on her face. Once they pulled apart, “This is Summer.”

  “Of course, my lady,” the girl, Mica, greeted Summer with a glint in her eyes. “I can’t wait to tatt you up!”

  “Um . . . hi?” Summer said, not exactly understanding.

  “She loves to tattoo people,” Zinna said with a shrug. “It’s as addicting as getting tattoos.”

  “Oh, I love it!” Mica gushed. “I gave Zin one of my best pieces right on her ass cheek. A little heart with Ryder’s name in.”

  It was probably the only time that Zinna ever blushed, and Summer couldn’t help but smile at it. Seeing a flushed Zinna was som
ething new.

  “And who are you, handsome?” Mica asked with a faint accent as she looked Carter up and down while licking her lips.

  “Carter,” he answered, not impressed with her look over. Or maybe it was the fact that he never took the time to acutely let others admire him. “Do you use the correct safety measures when tattooing?” he asked, almost rudely.

  “Of course I do!” Mica said, applaud that he’d even ask such a thing. “I have the documents framed and posted up along the far wall.” She then put her hands on her hips, glaring at him.

  “Good. Can’t have Chase’s Princess harmed in any way,” Carter said, glancing once more at him.

  “Go take a look around,” Mica said with a shake of her head. Her brother had mentioned the man would want a look. “Now, dear, what did you want?”

  “Something that says princess,” Summer said, holding the girl’s blues eyes.

  “Where?” Mica questioned, leading them further into the house.

  The entry way had coat hooks and pictures of some of the tattoos that she could do, along with her brother’s artwork.

  “Adam is out for this morning, so it’s just us. I can draw something up real fast, then we can decide where you’d like the art on your body. Good?” Mica said after Summer didn’t answer. “Go ahead and look around. In one of the books over there, you can find a few samples.”

  “Thank you!” Zinna responded as she took hold of Summer’s hand and dragged her over to where the sample books were sitting on a table by a few comfortable chairs that were used often enough.

  “It looks clean,” Carter said, coming back from the back. “I’ll be around, but you have my number if something goes on.”

  “We’ll be fine, Carter,” Zinna said with a wave of her hand. “I trust Mica. She’s good.”

  He simply hummed, not so trusting himself, before making his way back to the SUV.

  “Now, I knew a woman would have to be the one that does this,” Zinna began, flipping through pages. “But what do you think of where you want it?”

  “I didn’t really think about it,” Summer answered truthfully.

  “Alright,” Zinna said with a laugh. “Ryder’s is on his chest, right above his heart. That won’t work for you since you are required to wear dresses on certain occasions. What about your bikini line, like this picture?”

  She set the book on Summer’s lap, showing a few designs that were set along bikini lines.

  Summer blinked, taking it in before nodding her head and a slow smile taking over her lips. That would be perfect, as Chase would truly be the only one that was allowed to see, and it would run just along the top of her underwear line.

  “What do you think?” Mica said, handing Summer a piece of paper. The word Princess, with a sideways crown about the P, sat in perfect alignment. The word was in cursive and the crown was almost like the crown she had worn at the ceremony a week ago.

  “Perfect,” Summer beamed.

  “Awesome!” Mica cheered. “Colors okay?” The crown had colored jewels in it, giving the black words a little more pop.

  “Yep,” she responded.

  “Bikini line?” Mica asked, making sure she was understanding what Summer wanted. She was smart and knew that both Zinna and Summer had a bad history with men, so the choice was a little surprising. She had a number of tattoos herself, mostly hidden by her oversized sweater.

  “Yeah,” Summer said, looking at Mica. “Right on the seam where panties go, like towards the hip bone, if that makes sense.”

  “Yep it does,” Mica said, a bounce to her voice. “If you’ll follow me, I can show you the room I’ll use, and you can strip from the waist down and cover most of your lower half with a blanket.”

  She did just that once Mica and Zinna were in the room. Summer laid on top of a table that was more like a couch covered in plastic, the soft black blanket over her lower half as Mica got her ink colors ready.

  “You can hold my hand if you want to. It won’t exactly hurt, but there is dull like pain,” Zinna said. “More just from the vibrations of the needle.”

  “Thank you,” Summer said, thanking her for more than just what she said. Her palms were already sweaty as it was.

  “Of course,” Zinna stated with a smile.

  “Alright, all set!” Mica said, setting a number of things on a rolling table. “It shouldn’t take me longer than an hour if that. Now, first, I’m going to just shave the area, and wash it really good.”

  Step by step, Mica made sure to let Summer know what she was doing, keeping her upbeat personality every step of the way. Getting a first tattoo was always scary, and with Summer’s history, it could easily make the first time harder to endure. Summer held Zinna’s hand, just in case.

  The blanket was moved over slightly, so Summer’s hip and part of her pubic hair were seen, and Mica took care to shave the area, cleaning it thoroughly afterward.

  Next, she pressed the picture to Summer’s skin, holding it there with a wet cloth so the ink would temporarily dye the skin for a moment.

  After a few seconds, Mica lifted it off and began to work on needing it in. She took her time, working with her tongue poking out as the vibrations went through Summer’s body.

  It didn’t take much time at all, and Summer was pleased that it was over before she knew it. It had been easier than she expected, and mostly pain-free. Even if her skin felt numb now.

  Mica cleaned the tattoo with some green soap, water, and even a little witch hazel prior to taking a picture for Summer. Then she applied a very thin coat of A&D ointment. Then she bandaged it with a sterile absorbent pad.

  “Now, you can remove the bandage after two hours but no longer than four. You will need to wash it good twice a day, and after any sexual activity. Do not get a wax until after it is fully healed. Vaseline will help with any itching and dryness,” Mica said as she examined her work. "I'm also be giving you some written instructions that will help. Any questions?”

  “I don’t think so,” Summer said before sitting up.

  “Good!” Mica responded. “I’ll meet you out front with the care instructions that have more detail, and all that jazz after you dress.” She and Zinna then left through the door, closing it most of the way.

  It didn’t take Summer long to pull her clothes back on, a smile on her face. She knew that Chase would love it, and couldn’t wait to show him.

  Chapter 18

  Inside the three-story mall, Summer was frozen for a moment. She had never been in such a massive place like this before. Store after store, a food court, bathrooms, and way too many places to look at in one go.

  Christmas trees of different colors sat in empty places and between tables. Lights and reefs were hung along the walls and high ceilings. Holiday music played over the speakers through every inch of the mall. The entire place felt like Christmas was here, with the lights and music, and even the smells around Summer.

  She was excited that this would be her first time actually being able to celebrate the holiday. It was almost like being a kid, or at least what Summer thought of what being a kid was like.

  People, most of them with bags already, walked, shopping here and there. Summer wasn’t sure if she’d ever be one of those people who didn’t look over her shoulder constantly, but she would try.

  “You okay, Miss Summer?” Carter asked, stopping behind her.

  “Yeah,” Summer said, glancing up at him. “Just more people than I expected.”

  “This isn’t bad right now,” Carter replied with a glance around at all the people. “Tomorrow will be worse.”

  That didn’t help Summer by much, but Clare took a hold of her hand and led her into one of the slower, emptier stores that were nearby.

  The first store was called Mystery Glass. It was filled with a number of handmade glass items, such as vases, knickknacks, and other things that Summer had no name for. Along the back wall was a line of porcelain dolls, and she was instantly drawn to them while Clare went to
look at the wooden music jewelry boxes that were on a stand closer to the door.

  Summer had never had any sort of doll before, and really, now at the age of eighteen, she was too old to really have one. These dolls had fine, smooth skin that was like marble, and pristine hair. Each was dressed differently, showing a different era. From Princess style dresses to Indian styled one.

  Summer really liked the one girl that had long dark red hair and dressed in a fancy pink princess dress. There was a matching hat on top of her long hair. Bright blue eyes with a touch of dark purple looked almost real as Summer looked her over.


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