Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2) Page 21

by Autumn Winchester

  So with a shrug and a deep sigh, Summer opened the letter, finding a sloppy handwritten pages filled with black ink.

  Dearest Summer Grace,

  If you have received this letter, then that means I have moved onward. My time on earth has passed. As it should.

  I thought it would be best if I wrote to you this way, instead of talking to you in person. I don’t know if you’ll understand my reasoning or my words, but I do hope you will give me a chance.

  Let me start from the beginning, shall we.

  I first saw you when your father, Jason Meads, had asked if I was wanting to buy a slave to keep my house clean. I often joked that I needed a maid, a maid I could fuck when I wanted. I had never been in a relationship, knowing the life I had. I wasn’t really interested in one as it was.

  Ivan knew where you were, and who you belonged to, so I took the chance to meet Jason, and in turn you. I wanted to see you with my own eyes, knowing that my brother could be a mean son of a bitch.

  I didn’t pay him, but I did take you. I would never pay that man, even if my life depended on it. You are a priceless gift, my child. There is no amount of money for how much you are owed. You are a once in a lifetime gift.

  I had plans to give you a better life. A better way to live. I knew, if I did so, you would be wedded to Chase in due time. You would be his Princess.

  I only got to have you in my house for about six months, give or take. It was long enough for me to see that you could be the daughter I wished I could have. You behaved well, even though I made it seem like I loathed you. I am sorry for the way I treated you. You deserved to be treated with the utmost respect.

  If I could go back, I’d treat you better like you should have been treated in the first place. I gave you what you needed and slowly wanted to give you more things to let you know that I meant you no harm.

  But then, Jason figured out my motive, took you in the dead of night and sent you to a different house after making a comment of wanting you when you were older to use as he wished. I knew, then and there, that that man would want not just your mind and work ethic, but your body as well. And I couldn’t let him do that, whatever the cost to me would be.

  He was out to destroy you, as he never wanted children. But you looked so much like your mother, and he really was in love with her body, but not her as a person. I was once in love with her too, but I passed up the opportunity to stake my claim.

  I lost track of where you went, although I did try to keep track. I wanted to keep you safe, but he hid you in plain sight almost. I never expected some the places you were in. When you were sixteen, I was able to find you. It was only by chance that I did. You were living with the man I wished that Ivan would allow me to kill for many reasons.

  He was a man that treated all women with lack of respect. He thought they should bow down to him, giving in to his demands with simple control. He loved taking what little bit of hope that was left in people, destroying them down to nothing.

  One time, when I came to you, you refused to look up and you looked like there was nothing to live for. Of course, you wouldn’t remember me, but my dead heart broke. I wanted to take you right then and there, but I knew that wasn’t an option.

  Then, when I came back to that house a few weeks later with a proposal that Aro refused to give me, I asked about you. He told me where you were with laughter. I asked if I could play with his pet, and he all too happily let me.

  I found you in the basement, cold and close to death. With a sigh, I picked you up before taking you upstairs. I gave him the excuse I didn’t like dirty toys, so I used his bathroom to clean you up. After getting you redressed, I put you in bed, watching you for an hour to make it look like I was enjoying your company.

  I had wished you were awake at the time, so I could explain myself, letting you know that I had things set for when you would need me. I wanted to kill him, but his godson, Nick was just as sick and would come after me, and possibly Chase. So I did the only thing I could do.

  I took care of you in that hour and a half. I whispered to you, telling you how sorry I was for not getting you out like I so wanted. You slept the entire time, not knowing it was me. I would have stayed longer, but was unable to do so.

  I left, laughing at John that I’d come back and use you again, as it was my best lay ever, knowing I’d never touch you that way. But I never did get the chance to do that.

  Chase had begun to look for you, and I had to keep a closer eye on him. I gave him hints, knowing he could, and would, get you out of John’s clutches soon enough. But I knew it wouldn’t be as soon as you deserved and that broke my heart.

  I was the one that gave him the pictures he got to choose from. I knew he’d see your picture, knowing who you were with a simple glance. I goaded him. I had to. It was the only way.

  Chase. He was the best possibility to get you out and for you to get the life you deserve. I knew he could. I just wish it was sooner. It should have been sooner, saving you from so much pain. I knew John wouldn’t willingly let you go, so I gave him false information about Jason, and he was putty in my hands. You were sent to the complex, waiting for Chase to pick you out.

  I knew when you were safe, just because the news of Nick reached me. Chase was always protective over his objects, and his wife would be the same. I’m glad that Nick is no longer of concern. And soon, John will be history.

  John, I don’t know why, but he’s never been trustworthy. He’s sneaky, but never has been caught, and that’s what worries me. He will die when the time is right. I’m sure of that.

  Anyway, I know that Chase will not pressure you, but I would love to see the two of you have a child. It would be treated the way you should have been, and the heir would be the strongest yet.

  I know that won’t happen for a while. My intuition has always been strong about the two of you. It will happen with it does, and not a moment sooner. Don’t let anyone pressure you into having a child until you are ready, my child.

  Now, I know there will come a time that you will need something that Chase will not be able to give you.

  Enclosed, is a number. That number will give you the money, and the means, to make things happen if anything ever goes south. Mafia families are tight, but prices always have to be paid. Things happen, and there always always has to be an out for the ones who are in such a position to get out.

  If for some reason, you are in danger and need to go into hiding, call that number. Everything is in place for many different things that could happen. It was the last thing I could do to make sure you are, in fact, safe for the rest of your long life.

  I will always consider you a daughter, although I am sure you will never be able to see me as a family member. And that is okay, my sweet. I don’t expect it.

  But for now, stay safe. Let Chase take care of you in all ways he can. I hope some questions are answered.

  So, until we meet again, Summer.


  A few memories clicked into place as Summer reread the pages again.

  Bash was Sebastian.

  He was the first man to treat her as a human being, although it hadn’t lasted long at all. He gave her a warm place to sleep, food, and safety.

  She was only slightly saddened that he wasn’t able to save her like he hoped, but Chase had found her, saved her from death that surely would have come sooner rather than later. Chase had promised to keep her safe, and he would. She knew he would.

  She did take a moment to memorize the number, just in case. Sumer wasn’t stupid, knowing that there were people still out there that were a threat to her. There was a huge possibility of Chase not being to protect her if something did happen and he wasn’t around to save her, once again.

  There was also a huge possibility that Ivan, or even Ryder, knew of something that Chase had yet to find out. It wasn’t likely that they would keep something from the Prince, but Summer was sure there were reasons.

  She reread the words a couple more ti
mes, feeling that she was missing a key thing in it all. There had to be more of a reason for the man to take the time to write to her.


  In the office, Chase first called the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, booking a room. He had stayed there before a time or two and found the hotel one of the best places in Denver. It housed the presidents through the years when they would come to Colorado.

  He then booked a private table in the dining area for the meeting, since it would take place half an hour after check in. He hated being rushed to do things, but with another rat in the mix, he had no choice. He was sure there was more than one, but he had to tread carefully.

  Ivan had called that morning, letting Chase know that Sate was talking to John, but no eyes had been able to catch the dreaded man. John was no doubt up to something, and Chase was going to put a stop to as soon as he could. If only he could find the fucking man.

  Next, Ivan called his men he wanted to go with him and booked the private jet to be ready the next day. It was only two days after Christmas, but things needed to be done.

  With everything ready and set up, Chase sighed, running a hand through his hair for the millionth time that day. He was tired, and not just from the night’s activities either.

  Of course, his wife chose that moment to come in, knocking softly on the door before entering. He looked up, letting his eyes roam over her body. She wore simple clothes, like always, but she was his light. Every time he looked at her, he fell more in love with her.

  “Hi, Princess,” he said and shooting her a happy smile.

  “Are you done in here?” Summer asked, holding her iPad to her chest. She took in how stressed he looked.

  “Yeah,” he said, rubbing a hand over his face. “Just finished things up.”

  “Good,” Summer said, walking farther into the room and taking a spot on his lap. She then kissed his cheek in a proper greeting. “I wanted to talk to you about some of the decorating ideas I have.”

  “Go for it,” Chase said.

  He waited for Summer to bring up her Pinterest account and going to the right tab that was labeled house ideas.

  “I wasn’t sure what you liked, but here are some that I like for the main bedroom. I think the bedrooms should be done first since I have nothing to add to the living room. I like it how it is,” Summer explained, almost hurridly.

  "That's fine, honey," Chase said, okay with just about anything she wanted to do to his house.

  “This one, I like the bed. The soft leather headboard and the dark colors,” she said, bringing up her first picture. “I like the carpet in the house, so that doesn’t need to change.”

  The next picture was of a four poster bed with material wrapped around it, creating a more royal feel to it.

  “So you just want to change the bed? No painting?” Chase asked, shocked.

  “I like the dark colors you have in here. I just think the bed needs to be changed to something we both like, maybe,” she said, looking up at him for his opinion.

  “We can go to a furniture store after the trip, and you can pick out whatever bed you want,” Chase said before kissing her head. “You already know I don’t care what you do with this place.”

  “And maybe some picture frames?” Summer asked.

  “For you, anything,” he replied, making her melt against him. “What about the other rooms?”

  “Well, you said we needed to clean up a room for a nursery. I was thinking, since the student office isn’t needed any longer with Clare doing most of her work upstairs, I’d make my own office in one of the other rooms that is smaller, and make that room the nursery,” Summer said.

  “That sounds perfect,” Chase said. “I don’t plan to buy a crib, or anything baby related until you are with child.”

  “What about Clare’s baby? Surely it will need a place to sleep here?” Summer said, already having found a crib she fell in love with on Pinterest. Her voice was soft, but almost demanding to let her buy a crib.

  “You found something you like, didn’t you,” Chase said with a smile. “Let me see.”

  Summer then brought up a crib that looked like it was an older style, but easily made for this day and age by the right person. It was dark wood, the ends of it thick, with the two longer sides with close bars. It was low to the ground, and Summer was in love with it. She loved the older feel to things.

  “I also like this one,” she said, bringing up another crib idea.

  This one was similar but was lighter colored. The four corners were almost like a post connected everything together. On the two solid ends, a royal crest was engraved. Summer would love to have the Marcel crest on one end. In the picture, above the bed, was a royal crown, hung from the ceiling.

  “That one is different, and I’m sure Jack would make either of them,” Chase said. “You don’t have to decide right now, so keep looking.”

  “Okay,” Summer said, closing the app, then locking the iPad. She then sat it on the desk. “I’m not sure how to do my office yet, but I’ll keep looking. Nothing has popped out at me yet.”

  “Take all the time you want. There’s no rush,” Chase said before bringing his lips to hers. He couldn’t wait any longer to kiss her.

  Summer melted into the kiss, moaning as her hands instantly tangled in his hair and pulling him closer to her. She loved him more than words could ever be said. She’d do whatever it took to keep safe and alive now that she had him.

  Chapter 24

  "Jack will be with you wherever you go,” Chase said, sitting beside Summer on the hotel bed. He was dressed nicely for the meeting. He didn’t want to go, but he had no other choice.

  The hotel was just as grand as all the other ones Summer had been in. Although, the Brown Palace Hotel had more of an antique feel to it. The wallpaper, although more for this day in age, was still dated slightly to keep the theme of the hotel.

  The meeting was moved up by an hour, so Chase only had fifteen minutes to spare after checking into their huge room.

  The flooring was a brown and red vine design, with a bed fit for a King. The huge California King bed was made with top quality made cotton and silk bedding. A brown throw blanket was laying at the end of the white covered bed, with matching throw pillows at the top.

  There was also a long royal brown bench at the end of the bed with matching chairs across the room. Summer had gotten so used to having such nice things, that the room wasn’t at all like what she expected, but she didn’t say a word.

  With Denver, being a City this big, just seemed like not many people with a ton of money to waste would care where they slept. Although, with sitting on the bed, it was just as comfortable as anywhere else.

  Chase purposely forgot to mention that this meeting was because of threats towards her. The rat, who would no doubt be just another body among the fish soon enough, would be killed for making such threats. He knew, without a doubt, who was really behind it, but Chase couldn’t find the man that was dumb enough to threaten and not act.

  John Meads was a thorn in his side, and Chase would personally kill the man if given the chance.

  He didn’t want to frighten his wife. She was doing so well with everything so far and he didn’t want to test her strength just yet when it came to his ‘dealings’. Chase could, and would be, handling this issue just fine. Then he’d tell her after it was no longer a concern.

  “I’ll be fine, sweetheart,” Summer said, laying a hand on his cheek tenderly. She thought he was worried for nothing. She would either be in the room or going down to the spa to get pampered for forty-five minutes.

  “I know you will be,” Chase said, brushing his lips against hers in a sweet gesture. Pulling back, “I just wanted you to know who would be nearby at all times if something were to happen.”

  Chase even had his men sweep the building, just to make sure no one was hiding, waiting to take either of them out. He took every precaution he could think of to make sure his Princess was safe.

was safer to bring her than it had been to leave her behind. Even though he had a fence around his house, he knew that anyone could make it through if they so desired.

  “I shouldn’t be more than an hour,” Chase said, eyeing his wife. He didn’t want to leave her, but he couldn’t take her with him. Not yet.

  He didn’t think she was ready to be in a roomful of men, let alone men who yelled and acted out when things didn’t go well. Although, she would be safest with him, as no one in that room would dare to do anything to her with so many guards around.

  “Why are you so worried? You’ve never acted like this with the other places I’ve gone with you,” Summer asked, tilting her head to the side and letting her hand drop from his own hand. She would push it off to them having so much time together, alone, and all those extra activities they had been doing, but she knew it was more than that. He was hiding something from her.


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