Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2) Page 25

by Autumn Winchester

  “What do you think we can get away with?” asked Ben from right next to Summer’s ear as he sniffed her hair. He was tempted to lick her cheek, knowing it would get a reaction out of the mostly frozen girl.

  Summer’s eyes instantly opened, her hand shooting out and punching him in the nose. The sound of bone cracking was heard throughout the room. A pleasured thrill went through her for catching him off guard once more.

  Summer may be numb, but that didn’t mean she was entirely giving up. She would fight as long as her heart beat.

  She hadn’t expected Ben to be that close and only responded on instinct. It was what any normal person would do.

  “Son of a bitch!” he yelled, blood dripping from his now broken nose. “You’ll pay,” he seethed with a stuffed voice before storming from the room. His hand held his face, hardly stopping the stream running down his nose.

  Summer heard two other men laugh, but they only had eyes for her. Sean was, of course, one of those men, and the other was not someone she knew well.

  “To answer Ben’s question,” spoke another voice that Summer had hoped to not hear ever again from the doorway. “You can do whatever you’d like, but no penetration. John wants no chance of pregnancy.” His voice was cold with a hint of thirst underneath it.

  “So she can blow us?” asked the man with pitch black hair, his dilated eyes pinning Summer to her spot.

  “Yep,” Saul Rodrigo responded, folding his hands in front of him. “As long you don’t mind me watching. I always love a good show.”

  Summer knew Saul, as he was once one of her handlers in her early teens. He didn’t touch her, but he still gave her the creeps. His blue eyes knew things that she never could understand. He was always able to look at someone like they were completely naked, even with having twenty layers on.

  “Please, no,” Summer begged, shaking her head back and forth. The cold had nothing to do with the hard shiver that swept her body.

  Where was Alex? Why wasn’t he here?

  “Sure, boss,” Sean said, unbuckling his pants before tugging the zipper down.

  Summer couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping as he pulled out his cock, watching as it grew in size. His fist pumped it a few times, teasing himself.

  “Conner?” Saul asked with a tilt of his head towards Summer. “She looks like she could use some lotion, there.” He then pointed to her legs, ignoring the tears that the girl shed.

  Conner gave a half smile before quickly pulling down his pants and stepped closer to Summer.

  There was no way she was willingly going to let these men do that to her. Just the thought was disgusting. They may not rape her, but yet they were going to take control of her body. There was no way in Hell she would let them without a fight.

  Before either man was able to get close to her, and with a strength she didn’t know she had, Summer kicked out, hitting Conner in the gut and the other in his arm.

  Saul simply laughed, amused, while the two men cursed, instantly pinning her down against the table as Summer tried to fight them off. She bucked, twisting her body this way and that, to get them to let her loose.

  She kicked and screamed as loud as she could, trying to loosen their grips. She was not going down without a fight. Her heart beat in her chest faster than ever.

  “Ben, rope!” Sean yelled out over his shoulder, grunting at the strength that such a tiny woman had. He didn’t feel bad at all for Ben, pleased that he was the one that was suffering instead of himself.

  Ben came in moments later with black rope, handing it to Sean without a word, one hand holding a cloth to his nose. He simply huffed at the sight before taking a step back, content to watch.

  Sean, the one holding Summer’s arms up above her head as the fight slowly left her body, quickly tied the rope tightly around her wrists, then tying them up above her head to a ring that was underneath the metal table. A smirk of lust was on his face the entire time.

  He purposely rubbed his cock against her breasts in the process, loving the feeling and the way she whimpered against him. He desperately wished that he could take her fully, feeling her warmth around his cock.

  Conner took the second part of the rope, quickly tying Summer’s legs together in a similar fashion as she attempted to keep kicking out at him.

  “Fuck!” he hissed as Summer was able to get one leg loose before he fully tied it. She was able to get a good kick against his black shoulder, surely leaving a bruise.

  It took him a few seconds longer, but once Summer was fully tied to the table with nowhere to go, the three men looked her over. Her breaths were fast and choppy as panic set in and the strength she had vanished from her. Along with her hope of fighting. She had no idea where Alex was, or why she was still here.

  Until now, these men had kept their distance, as Alex had been the only one that dared to come in, making sure she was alive. He never touched her, but told her little of how he was working on getting her out. He didn’t go into detail, not wanting to give Summer hope in case it didn’t work out right.

  She wanted her husband. She missed him more than ever. She wished she was back at home, wrapped tight and warm in his arms as he kept the world away.

  “I love my pets tied up,” Saul said, rubbing his cock over his jeans. “Have fun, boys. I’ll send Alex back in here in a bit.”

  “We should make him watch her suck us off. Maybe that will get a rise out of him,” Sean laughed out, slowly rubbing his cock once more.

  “Good luck,” Saul laughed, leaving them to it.

  Summer’s hair was a tangled mess as tears fell from her eyes. There was nowhere for her to go. She couldn’t fight them off as both men moved together, almost in sync. There was no way she would be able to get out of the ropes without help.

  “Please,” she begged, not sure if her voice was loud enough to reach them. Her blue eyes pleaded with the men to not do this. She knew Chase would kill them once he found out what they did, and she’d be more than happy to help if she ever got away.

  Sean pushed his cock to her lips, but Summer refused to open, closing her eyes and begging for it to end. She knew it could be worse, but the only cock she ever wanted in her mouth was Chase’s.

  And she would play dirty to keep it out.

  At the thought of her husband, her tears increased and her heart dropped. She was alone in this, and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to get out. She had to try. Summer took on her own father, just to save Chase, with what felt like a lifetime ago as she looked back.

  She was determined to get through this now. She would do everything she possibly could do make sure of that.

  “I wouldn’t put that thing there. She’ll bite it off,” Ben said, keeping his distance. There was no way he’d ever dare to do that.

  The table was at the right height for the men to try to get a blowjob from her, but Summer would willingly bite their dicks off. And she would have taken great pleasure in doing so.

  “You’re right,” Sean laughed, pulling back, but kept his hand on his cock. Instead, he pushed himself up onto the table so he straddled her breasts.

  Once on the table, Sean’s cock fit perfectly between the two peaks. Her bra was in the way, so he dug out his blunt pocket knife, cutting in right between her heaving breasts, purposely grazing her skin, and laughing.

  Summer cried out, more in surprise than pain, egging him on as the bra fell away. She was so close to passing out in panic once more. How far would they take this? He then used his hands, squeezing them together and began to rock back and forth, moaning as the warmth surrounded him.

  “Almost as good,” he panted out.

  Summer tried to ignore him, everyone, but it was hard to do so as Conner moved to straddle her legs, rubbing his hard cock against her cloth covered pussy. The sharpness of his dark skin and her light skin was like night and day.

  Summer could feel her stomach revolt at the actions, and right as Conner’s moans filled the room from almost rubbing an organism out agai
nst her, she vomited all over herself, nearly choking before moving her head to the side.

  “Fucking hey!” Sean hissed, jumping back, as a few specks of her upchuck landed on him, killing his mood.

  That’s a good way to put an end to things, Summer thought to herself, catching her breath and spitting a few times. Ben bent over laughing at the predicament, finding it the funniest thing to happen in years.

  Sean nearly landed on his ass in his hurry to get off of Summer, swiping at the fluids that were on him.

  The men were too busy laughing or cursing, they failed to hear, or see, the man enter the house with a gun. No one would have heard him anyway, as he was the best at sneaking into places, and out just as fast, without anyone knowing what hit them.

  The cock of gun instantly drew the men’s attention, and Summer’s head whipped in that direction. A wave of nausea reached her once more as she gagged against the aftertaste.

  “Alex,” spoke the man, ignoring Summer like she was a fly on the window. “Let’s take care of the trash.”

  Alex took that moment to step into the room, ducking under the man’s arm as Summer’s vision blurred. She let her eyes close, too tired to fight any longer as darkness took over.

  Before she fully passed out, three gunshots rang out, echoing around the room.

  Chapter 29

  Sebastian was great at his job along with other roles. It was the only reason he was Don’s personal guard and right-hand man, along with his go-to guy on almost everything. He was able to get in and out without so much of any noise.

  He was deadly; shooting before talking. That was his motto.

  He was almost more powerful that Ivan Marcel, and that was hard to achieve, as Ivan was raised by a very strict man and raised to be a Don.

  “Get her,” he said, nodding towards Summer, his voice deadly. He refused to let his light brown eyes take in the girl, afraid of what he’d see. He couldn’t afford to be sidetracked, not with this.

  Instead, his eyes stayed glued to the two men he allowed to live. The smell of vomit and piss was strong, but it wasn’t anything he hadn’t dealt with before. It was one of easier things that he could deal with. What he couldn’t deal with was seeing the girl in such a state.

  Although, he did want to laugh. The piss was of the men in the room. Sebastian always loved to cause grown men to piss their pants, sometimes shitting themselves too, with just his mere presence.

  He kept his gun pointed at them, but he knew neither of them would dare move, that was even if they could. He was pretty sure they weren’t gonna go anywhere.

  Sean laid on his side, holding his arm where he had been shot. He knew who this man was, but was shocked that he was alive. Sebastian Monroe was dead, but yet, here he stood. Very much alive and well, demanding to be seen and respected.

  Conner was dead, bleeding all over the floor from the bullet to his chest. Ben was in the same predicament. They were no longer of any use, so Alex took them out easily before they had blinked.

  Sebastian was happily surprised that Alex had such great aim. It was the only thing he had to be thankful towards Jason Meads for, may he rest in Hell.

  “You will be paying for what you have done,” Sebastian said, shoving Saul fully into the room. The stupid mutt had tried to run but ended up getting his knees shot out. He didn’t make it much farther.

  Sebastian didn’t really care if the man was in pain or not, so he dragged him in right after shooting the rats that needed to be taken care of, smiling at the anguished cries. There was a trail of blood, but the place would be burned down once Chase was finished with the trash.

  “Please,” Sean was brave enough to whisper out, ready to plead his case. “I’m on your side, man.”

  “Too bad,” Sebastian huffed out. “I’ll let Chase deal with you both.”

  He then pocketed his gun, but kept it in sight, before going to the table. He knew what a table like this had been used for many times. That was only because he’d used one to tie up his hunts before. He loved to kill, and it quickly became a game to him. Now was no different.

  With needed strength, Sebastian lifted Sean onto the table, quickly using the rope, tying him up, as he had done to Summer just moments before. He may have tied the ropes tighter, just for the heck of it.

  “I’m gonna be leaving you right here for the Prince to find. I just know he’ll love to take his anger out on you,” he spoke, his voice cold and detached. Saul whimpered out from behind Sebastian as he tried to scoot his way to the doorway.

  What could he possibly do? Sebastian didn’t feel threatened the slightest. The man was all bark and no bite. He only had the Princess here because Sean was the one that organized the entire thing.

  Sebastian was smart, and he had phone call upon phone call, emails, text messages and many other items showing the true mastermind behind this. It was all printed off and laying in the kitchen for his godson to find in an hour’s time. It all came to the same man.

  John Meads.

  “You don’t want to push me,” Sebastian growled out, making sure the rope around the man on the table was too tight. He wanted him to suffer a slow, painful death. More pain, the better it would be.

  Saul froze, letting his breaths come out in pants. His weight wasn’t helping him escape.

  Sean was just barely able to keep his pleading to himself. He was sure he could talk Chase down, but Sebastian was a man of his word, and not easily swayed. Instead, he let his eyes slide closed, letting the time pass by until his old boss showed up. He had a plan, and it would easily get played out. He had no idea what Sebastian had found.

  Saul was stupid enough to try to trip Sebastian as he passed to exit the room. Sebastian quickly turned around, fire in his look.

  “Stupid, fuckwit,” Sebastian spat, pulling his gun out and shooting him in the shoulder. He could bleed out for all he cared. He then spat on him before leaving the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Sebastian then made his way to the bathroom, where he could hear Alex talking to Summer while he cleaned her up.

  With a deep breath in, he peeked around the door frame, seeing them both in the bathtub with lukewarm water. He wasn’t happy that Alex was in there, even though he was dressed, at least he was trying to clean her up.

  Alex glanced up at him with tears in his eyes before returning back to the girl he considered a sister. A hot sister, but a sister nonetheless. He wouldn’t dare touch her inappropriately.

  “How is she?” Sebastian asked, leaning against the door-jam tiredly. He was tired. Faking his death to track movements in his family was hard work, but he had to do it. Not for him, but for the Prince and Princess.

  “Alive,” was all Alex said.

  She was alive. Not awake, barely breathing, filthy and too starved from being trapped here for a week. But alive. It could be worse, but also could be better.

  “I’ll have someone look her over once we get to the loft,” Sebastian said.

  Although his heart was heavy, his thoughts filled with fear, he made sure it didn’t leak into his voice. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if Summer wasn’t alive. As long as her heart was beating, that was all that mattered for now. He’d be able to deal with the rest of her health later when they were at a safer location.

  “I have her cleaned up as best as I can,” Alex said after clearing his voice. He was close to tears at her state.

  “Is there any clothes here to put on her?” Sebastian asked, pushing himself off the wall.

  “Yeah,” Alex answered. “Bedroom.”

  While Sebastian went in search of clothes, any sort of clothing for the time being for the Princess, Alex pulled the plug, letting the shallow water drain. He didn’t want to get in with her, but she was still passed out and she had to be cleaned up before they left the house.

  It wasn’t likely that anyone would see them, but Alex didn’t exactly want to be in a car with the smell of vomit, even though he’d be staying here at the house, waiting fo
r Chase.

  He was beating himself up as it was. Somehow, Saul had demanded Alex had to leave the house. It was as good as any time to get Sebastian and get this over and done with. Saul was played against his own game in the end.

  That didn’t stop his heart sinking to his stomach seeing Summer tied up like a rag doll, two men humping her and staining her pale perfect skin. She would surely have bruises marking her fair skin.

  Alex all too happily took two of the men out before doing as Sebastian wanted. He got Summer out of that room faster than he was able to think. Still, it wasn’t fast enough. She was cold all the way through and dirty from head to toe.

  He didn’t have soap, but he washed her off the best he could, so at least she’d be halfway comfortable when she awoke, whenever that would be.


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