This Side of the Sun (The Sun Trilogy)

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This Side of the Sun (The Sun Trilogy) Page 10

by M. Lauryl Lewis

  “Nope,” was all he said, eventually breaking his gaze upon me and looking over at her.

  I sipped at my tea, which was warming and soothing.

  “I’m so tired,” yawned Carolina. “That flight sucked.”

  “Yeah we should all hit the hay. I’ll treat to breakfast at Moe’s tomorrow.”

  A large smile spread across Lina’s face, making her look even more like Saul.

  “I love Moe’s,” she said with the faintest of giggles.

  “I know you do. I’ll grab some blankets and a pillow from the linen closet.”

  “Thanks, Saul.”

  Lina looked ready to collapse. I stood to make room for her on the sofa. Gathering the three mugs to return them to the kitchen, Lina looked up at me and smiled. I could tell we’d easily become friends if given a chance. She didn’t seem stuck on herself like other girls our age. I liked that.

  “Glad I could meet you, Hattie,” she said, followed by another yawn.

  “Me too. We’ll talk more tomorrow, ok?”

  She nodded as Saul returned with his arms full of bedding.

  “Night, Carolina. Sleep well,” I said as I left the two of them alone and walked toward Saul’s bedroom.

  “I’ll be right there, Hattie,” called Saul softly as I walked away.


  Once in his bedroom, I turned on the lamp on the dresser and gently shut the door. He had made his bed since we had slept there the night before and it looked inviting. I slipped my jeans off, folded them, and set them in an empty chair in the corner. I took notice that he had plugged my cell phone into a charger cord on the nightstand and smiled. I walked to the large area rug that covered most of the floor, hoping to give my bare feet a break from the cold wood beneath them. I could hear Lina and Saul’s muffled voices from the other room and figured they might need some time alone to discuss secret sibling stuff, so pulled the covers back and climbed into the bed. The sheets smelled of fresh laundry soap and fabric softener. I slid under the covers and nestled in, hoping my legs would soon warm.

  I was just beginning to fall asleep when I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Saul. He looked as tired as I felt.

  “Got her all settled in,” he said.

  “You sure you don’t want me to go home?” I asked.

  “No chance. It’s freezing in here. Who would keep me warm?”

  I watched as he slipped his jeans off, leaving just his boxers.

  “Mind if I sleep in here?” he asked.

  His question made me chuckle. “It’s your bed; of course you can sleep in here.”

  As he turned off the lamp, the room was bathed in darkness. I scooted over to make room for him, glad to have him near me again. I had begun to notice that I felt calmer just by his being near. I could sense him lean down and soon he was kissing me passionately.

  “Thanks for staying,” he whispered as he backed away.

  I cuddled into the crook of his arm, resting my head on his chest.

  “Your sister seems really nice.”

  “Yeah, she’s pretty sweet. Always has been.”

  He ran a toe up my leg, causing me to flinch.

  “Your feet are cold,” I said quietly.

  “Hattie. We need to talk.”

  His words made my stomach drop.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No…no. Nothing like that. It’s what we did, together. We can’t do that again.”

  “Do what?” I asked, slightly confused.

  “Unprotected sex.”

  “Oh.” I could feel my face turn several shades of red in the dark. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I loved every second of it. I can’t even begin to tell you how good you felt…but I don’t want to risk anything. I mean, I assume you’re not on birth control?”

  “This is so embarrassing,” I said, burying my face into his chest.

  “No, babe…nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re gorgeous and what we’re doing is fine, really. Never be embarrassed talking to me about it, ok?”

  I nodded into his chest.

  He continued, now stroking my hair gently. “I just wouldn’t want us to get into a situation we’re not ready for when we’ve only known each other for what has it been? Three days?”

  “I’ve never used birth control,” I said as I unburied my head from him.

  “Do you have a doctor? I mean for women stuff?”

  “Just my family doctor. She’s mentioned pills or shots before, but I’ve never needed anything. Her office was downtown, though, by the courthouse.”

  He sighed and kissed my forehead. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to keep using condoms. We just can’t get carried away like that again.”

  “It was fun though, wasn't it?”

  “Yes, Hattie, you naughty girl.”

  He ran a hand over my bare thigh, causing me to shiver.

  “Okay, so here’s the embarrassing part,” he sighed. “When’s your period due?”

  “Ewww,” I said.

  He chuckled. “It’s a serious question.”

  “Just in a few days,” I admitted.

  “Good. That means it’s not likely you’d get pregnant from tonight.”

  “That’d suck,” I admitted.

  “Yeah, right now it would.”

  “Right now?”

  “Well, I kinda like you. Maybe someday?”

  I ran a hand down over his crotch, trying to lighten the mood. I was a bit surprised to find him hard again already. I stroked him gently yet firmly, massaging, knowing full well what kind of reaction I would get.

  “That’s not fair,” he said as his breathing deepened.

  Being daring, I slipped my hand beneath the waistband of his boxers until I felt the soft hair that surrounded his cock.

  “Fuck, Hattie,” he gasped.

  “Hmm?” I grunted as I began kissing his bare chest, trailing my lips softly down toward his belly button. Between the two of us, we managed to pull his boxers off.

  “You feel so good,” he moaned quietly, obviously trying to stay quiet enough that his sister wouldn’t hear from the next room.

  I climbed on top of him and looked down. My eyes had adjusted to the dark and the little bit of moonlight that streamed in through the window allowed me to see the longing on his face. I sat upright, grinding against his erection as I did so. The sensation was different, since I still had my panties on. I found it exciting, and from his reaction he did too. I pulled my tank top up over my head, slowly revealing my breasts to him. He struggled beneath me, almost as if trying to gain control over the situation. I felt his fingertips caress my breasts, slowly tracing around my nipples. His touch sent shivers up my spine.

  “Saul?” I whispered, barely audibly.


  “Do you have any condoms in here?”

  “Oh my God I want to fuck you again,” he groaned.

  His body tensed and I heard him fumbling in the drawer of the night stand beside us. Soon I heard him opening the foil package of a condom. I pressed down on his cock again, showing him just how badly I wanted him inside of me. Without warning he rolled out from under me, flipping me onto my back. I watched in the pale light of the moon as he unrolled the condom onto his erection. His face looked almost pained from the extra wait. In the next moments he pulled my panties off, almost roughly.

  “Do you want it rough or sweet and slow?” he almost growled against my neck.

  I wasn't really sure what he meant, so took a chance. “Rough?”

  He began sucking on my neck, and I began getting lost in the passion I felt from his touch. I felt him lift me slightly, readjusting me so that I was lying on my back across the bed. He stood and pulled on my thighs, scooting me toward the edge of the bed.

  “Okay, but promise you’ll tell me if it’s too much?”

  I felt just the tiniest bit of apprehension as he said that.

  “Promise, Hattie?”

  I no
dded. “I promise.”

  He spread my legs, scooting me again until my hips were just off of the edge of the bed. He held my legs wide, and guided his cock to my entry. He slid it in, making sure I was ready, and his first full thrust landed deep. He repeated the motion, filling me with more of his manhood than he had before. I gripped at the sheet beneath me, my breath nearly taken away. After the fourth thrust, he slowed.

  “Is that okay?” he grunted.

  I wasn't sure I could actually speak, so answered by lifting my hips slightly, encouraging him to continue.

  “Oh God,” he moaned as he began thrusting again. This time it was just as deep, but so much faster. He grunted, almost sounding animalistic.

  The initial shock of the way he was fucking me began to ebb and I found myself opening my legs farther, hoping he’d be able to go even deeper. Eventually he leaned forward, finding my wrists above my head, and held my arms down. He continued to deliver thrust after thrust, this time the sensation changed from his angle.

  I tried my best to be quiet, but as I shattered into a million pieces of pleasure I called out just a bit too loud. Saul found his release as mine was ending.


  When we woke the next morning, Lina was missing from the couch. Saul found a note on the kitchen counter.

  Went for a morning walk. Be back by 9:30! –Carolina

  9:30 came and went. Saul and I had both showered and dressed, although my clothes were stale from the day before.

  “Should we go look for her?” I asked Saul as we sat in the kitchen drinking coffee.

  He glanced at the clock on the microwave. “It’s 10:30. Let’s give her another fifteen?”

  “Is her phone going straight to voice mail?”

  “Yeah. Either it’s dead or off, I figure.”

  “You’re worried,” I said, deciding to not pussyfoot around the subject.

  He sighed heavily. “Yeah.”

  “Is there anyone we should call?”

  He sucked in the left side of his cheek and slowly shook his head side to side. “We have family in the area, but honestly they wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about Lina or me.”

  “We should head out and look.”

  He reached a hand across the small table and placed it over my own. I took that as a ‘yes.’

  “Leave your cell here? I’ll leave a note to call me if she gets back.”

  “Sure,” I said. “I’ll go grab it.”

  It didn’t take me long to retrieve my phone from the bedroom, and when I got back to the kitchen Saul was writing his sister a note.

  “It’s almost 10:45,” I said. “Let’s get going?”

  He nodded. “You sure you want to come with?”

  “I insist.”

  I slipped my sweater on and we left the house, leaving the door unlocked. The rental car was gone, so Lina could have been anywhere.


  Saul’s truck was cold, but the sun was shining and the day held promise of being warm. He wasn’t very talkative and seemed tense. Even though we had only known each other for a handful of days, I could tell that he was worried sick about his sister.

  “Is there anywhere you can think of that she might go?” I asked, thinking it prudent.

  “She used to walk the beach a lot. There’s also a park not far that she’s fond of. Tide’s high, so we’ll check the park first.”

  “You have your cell phone, right?”

  He had both hands gripping the steering wheel, so let go with one to feel his chest pocket. “Yeah.”

  “Want me to hold it?”


  He didn’t make a move to hand it to me, so I scooted closer and fished it out of his pocket. I flipped it open to make sure the volume was turned up, and then held it in my hand as we drove. After about five minutes he pulled off onto a small roadway marked with a sign to Mt. Erie Park.

  “She used to hike up to the summit,” he said. “I’d go with on my days off. We’d sit up there and just watch the view for hours.”

  He drove the truck down the curving road that led to the trailhead.



  “I’m wearing sandals. I don’t think I can hike it.”

  He parked the truck and looked over at me. “I’ll take you up there sometime. If you want.”

  I looked at him and nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

  I looked out the passenger window and saw a lone figure sitting on top of a picnic table.

  “Saul? Is that her?”

  Whoever it was had their head hung.

  “I think it might be. Come with me?”

  He unfastened his seatbelt and opened his door. I did the same, and followed as he speed-walked across a grassy field toward the picnic table.

  “Lina?” he called out.

  The figure turned at the sound. We were close enough now to identify her. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

  “Carolina! What’s wrong?” Saul asked as he rushed to her side. “Fuck, I was so worried!”

  I stood back as he wrapped his arms around her. She didn’t answer, but clung to him and began sobbing.

  “Shhhh, Lina…what’s wrong?” he soothed. “Shhhh.”

  I stood back a few feet, not wanting to interfere in whatever was going on.

  His sister continued to cling to him, sobbing, as a small child might.

  “Talk to me, Lina,” he urged. “What’s happened?”

  “He’s dead, Saul,” she sobbed.

  “Who? Lina, you’re scaring me.”

  “Benny. The little boy I took care of.”

  Saul held Lina out from him so that he could look her in the face.

  “The little guy you nanny for? What do you mean he’s dead?”

  She sniffled, using her sleeve to wipe tears from her eyes. “It was my day off. I never should have left.”

  “What happened to him?”

  I took a couple of steps closer, hoping to help in some way.

  “Someone broke into their house.” Carolina looked up into Saul’s face. “They killed him, Saul. There was blood everywhere.”

  “Carolina. Who killed him? You need to take a deep breath and explain, baby girl.”

  I could see her shaking, head to toe.

  “I-I-I’m not sure,” she stammered. “I think his dad might have been a drug dealer. He always paid me in cash and Benny’s mom made a few comments here and there. I always figured I should just mind my own business. When I got back the whole house was dark. Amy and Don always kept lights on and someone was almost always awake. I found them both in the living room, just lying there in blood.” She took a shuddering breath. “There was so much blood, Saul. Benny was on the stairs. His legs were underneath him and oh God…” she broke off.

  Saul held her head against his chest and smoothed her hair which fell down her back in a sheet of brown.

  “I can’t go back there,” she moaned. “I can’t go back to that house.”

  “When did this happen?” I asked, feeling like I was intruding in a very private family moment. I had stepped close enough to rest a hand on her shoulder.

  The girl looked up at me, her face a mess of tears and makeup.

  “Just a few days ago. I wasn’t sure where else to go.”

  “What did the police say?” asked Saul. “Do they have any leads?”

  She shook her head side to side. “Not that they told me. They know I’m here. They said I’ll probably have to go back soon though.”

  “Ok. If that happens I’ll go with you,” he offered. “Right now let’s get you back home. I’ll make breakfast there.”

  “Saul, take her with you. I’ll drive the rental car back,” I offered.

  He simply nodded at me, his expression full of both sadness for his sister and thanks for my offer.

  Lina’s rental car was parked in another lot, so Saul drove me to it. Lina stayed in the cab of the truck with him while I got myself situated in
her rental car. The engine started without any issues and I backed out of the parking spot. Saul was waiting for me so I could follow them home.


  By the time we got back to his little house, Lina had managed to compose herself somewhat and was no longer crying. Her face, though, had tell-tale signs that she had been in rough emotional shape.

  “Lina, I’ll help Saul make some breakfast. Why don’t you go take a hot bath?” I suggested.

  “Yeah I’m sure I could use one,” she admitted.

  “You want omelets or pancakes, Sis?” he sked. His voice sounded a bit strained.

  “Maybe just scrambled eggs? And coffee?”

  “You got it.”

  Lina excused herself and left for the bathroom.

  “Saul? Is she okay?”

  He took a deep breath and put his hands on his hips. “I’m not sure.”

  “How old was the little boy?”

  “Maybe five or six? She’s been his nanny for a couple months now.”

  “Crap. I’m really sorry.”

  He walked to me and wrapped his arms around me. “I’ve never seen her this upset before.”

  “She’s going to need you. I should probably head home after breakfast; give you guys some time alone.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Hattie Cakes.”

  I chuckled at the ridiculous pet name he had just made up.

  “She’ll need your bedroom. I’d say come stay with me, but she needs you here.”

  He kissed my forehead. “I can take you home, but I can also pick you back up later if you want. Lina won’t mind you being here.”

  “Let’s just see how it goes today, okay?”

  He responded by kissing my lips sweetly. “Okay.”

  I got to work on making scrambled eggs while Saul started a fresh pot of coffee. I worked quietly whisking the eggs and a splash of milk together. We held off on cooking them until Lina was done, so while we waited for her I set the table and Saul fished jam and butter from the fridge. He popped bread into his two-slice toaster and I poured two cups of coffee. We sat in the living room until Lina emerged.

  “Feeling better?” I asked just before sipping at my coffee.

  “A little, thanks.”

  “Breakfast will only take a few minutes to cook,” I said. Why don’t you two sit back while I finish up in the kitchen?” I suggested.


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