Diving into Love (The Armstrongs Book 11)

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Diving into Love (The Armstrongs Book 11) Page 13

by Jessica Gray

  River turned his head and watched Pippa’s shoulders rise and fall as she slept. Part of him didn’t want to wake her, but other parts of his body had already hardened at the prospect of different plans.

  Finally he trailed one hand up her arm, grinning when gooseflesh covered her skin and she squirmed. He placed a hand on her lush hips, keeping her butt pressed against his front. It was automatic for his hand to slip down to her core and when he found her moist and ready for him, he couldn’t help the small groan that escaped.

  “Good morning,” he whispered in her ear as his fingers played between her legs. When she parted them for him and pushed back, he chuckled. “Someone’s awake and ready to play.”

  “Quit stalling, already,” Pippa murmured.

  “Yes, ma’am.” River chuckled again and with the practiced ease of someone who knew his way around a woman’s body, he pushed her top thigh toward her chest and then seated himself at her wet center. When she rolled back toward him, he slipped inside and his hand found her breast.

  “I could wake up like this every morning,” Pippa moaned, earning her a coarse groan from River.

  “God, I love you.”

  Pippa paused for a second and he feared she would jump up and run at his unplanned confession. But her only reaction was a slight tremble, before she slid off his hard length and turned around to gaze into his eyes.

  Her glance kicked him in the feels and in this very moment he knew he wouldn’t give up on her, ever. He’d fight for her until his last breath.

  “It’s true,” he said, tracing a finger across her soft arm. “And I’m as surprised as you are, because I’ve never felt this way or said those words to a woman who wasn’t my sister or my mother.” River’s heart contracted at the obvious battle of emotions raging in Pippa’s eyes.

  “I thought I knew what love was, and I was convinced it would be for the best to let you go…but after yesterday and last night…I’m not so sure anymore.”

  “Sure about what?” River raised one eyebrow, trying to keep the rising panic at bay. She would not walk out on him, now, would she?

  “About letting you go,” Pippa said and a huge sigh escaped his throat.

  They both grew quiet and the throbbing in his cock reminded him of what they’d been doing before he had blurted out his love to her.

  “Can we table this discussion for a moment and finish what we started?” Pippa asked and River eagerly complied. He slipped inside her again, while he took her sweet lips in a searing kiss.

  “You’re gorgeous,” River groaned, using his hands to map her body, until he rolled on his back, taking her with him to lie astride him. She pushed up to a sitting position and from down below he had the most enticing view of her wonderful breasts, her nipples teetering into the air, begging his fingers to play with them.

  His erection grew even bigger until he filled every single inch of her tight and wet channel. Pippa clamped her inner muscles around him while her hands roved the sculpted muscles of his chest, the broad shoulders, and the sensitive skin on his neck, drawing groan after delicious groan from his lips.

  Their rhythm increased and he held onto her hips, thrusting into her hard and fast, until she collapsed onto his chest, her body convulsing around him, propelling him to his own powerful release.

  They lay that way for long minutes, the sheen of sweat on their skin evaporating, before he carefully moved her off of him and she snuggled up to his side.

  “I love you, too. More than I thought it was possible to love someone,” Pippa said with her dark blue eyes fixed on his. Shivers of delight racked his body as she continued to speak, “I truly believed you’re better off without me, but after last night…I cannot imagine not having you in my life.”

  “So, you’re coming back to work for me?”


  River’s heart missed a beat. “No? How come?”

  “Because you have a ‘no sleeping with the employees’ policy and I would hate to see you break it.”

  “I made the stupid rule, so I can dump it, you know?” River wrapped his arm tighter around her. He would not let her run away again. For a short moment he considered tying her to the bedpost and his shaft jumped with joy at the fantasy.

  “I wouldn’t want to work for the man I love. Being your employee could become awkward.” Pippa’s words pushed away the delicious image of her tied to his bed, splayed out for his every whim.

  “Okay, I see what you mean, but I don’t want to be out on the boat without you.”

  Pippa sighed. “How about we table this discussion until after breakfast?”

  “That sounds like a good plan. What about pancakes?”

  “As long as you’re the one making them, they sound heavenly.” Pippa giggled and stretched her long limbs leaving him hungry for anything but pancakes.

  “I’m making them.” He tossed her one of his polo shirts and she slipped it on, sans the panties, leaving his mouth gaping wide open.

  “Anything wrong?” Pippa batted her eyelashes in the most innocent way possible and bent down just far enough so he could glimpse at her butt cheeks.

  “Little vixen.” He crossed the distance and delved his hand between her legs, surprised at the forming wetness. “You really are insatiable.”

  “You promised me hours of love making.” She pouted, calling him out on his promise from the day before.

  “And we’ll continue right were we left off, but first breakfast. I wouldn’t want this luscious ass to become all bony.” He slapped her lightly and she followed him to the galley where he set out to make pancakes to slake another type of hunger.

  They ate their pancakes with much teasing and laughing until they were both full. As they washed the dishes together, Pippa said, “Your next trip starts tomorrow, right?”

  “Yes. They’re flying into Aruba, and have directions to come to the boat before noon. I have to lookup their names in the file you made for me.” He swallowed down a lump in his throat. If he couldn’t convince Pippa to work for him, he’d be gone the entire week without her, and that thought didn’t sit well with him. River tossed the dishtowel onto the sink and then leered at her. “I believe someone had the audacity to make fun of my pancakes. That sounds like someone who wants punishment.”

  Pippa grinned at him and began to back up as he stalked her. When her heels hit the stairs, she turned and bolted up to the main salon. River caught her seconds later, toppling them both to wooden floor. He held her down while he got his revenge by tickling her until tears streamed from her eyes.

  “This is what happens to naughty girls who tease and make disparaging comments about a man’s culinary efforts,” River said, before he kissed her hard and they rolled across the floor together.

  Pippa’s giggles soon turned to moans as River used his hands and teeth to map her body. He made short work of their clothes, leaving them scattered across the salon.

  “It seems I can’t keep my hands off of you,” he said, sitting atop of her, pushing into her wet entrance, when a horrified expression crossed her face.

  Then he heard it, too. The sound of someone steps on the deck.

  “Fuck. Someone’s here.” River rolled off of Pippa, frantically searching for her shirt and tossing it to her. He was just reaching for his shorts, when the salon doors opened and a man stepped inside.

  “Whoa! I didn’t see that sort of greeting coming,” his brother Tyler joked. “Surprise!”

  River froze in place, holding his shorts across his lap and shielding Pippa with his body as best as he could. “Damn, bro! What are you doing here? And when will you ever learn to knock?”

  “Sorry, man…” Tyler put his hand across his eyes, “…may I suggest the two of you get dressed. Drake and Roxy are right behind me.”

  River cursed again, pulling Pippa up and hurrying her down the stairs and into his cabin.

  “What just happened?” she asked him once the door was shut.

  “My family just happened. The
guy you saw is Tyler, the firefighter. The one we didn’t see is Drake, my oldest brother. Roxie is his girlfriend.”

  “The one who likes to climb volcanoes?” Her skin had taken on an incredibly sexy rosy blush.

  “One and the same.” River cursed his family for their bad timing. Then he locked the door and stalked her across the room until her knees hit the bed. “Now, where were we?”

  Her blush intensified to a deep crimson. “River! We can’t do this with your family just outside the door.”

  “Why not?” he asked, tackling her and rolling until she straddled him. He pushed his hands beneath her t-shirt, moved his shorts out of the way and then settled her wet center right over his erection. He pulsed beneath her. “We’ll make it a quickie.”

  “Are you serious?” Pippa’s tone changed as he tentatively pushed against her. “What if they hear us?” she moaned as his palms settled on her breasts.

  “What if they do? It’s not like they haven’t already caught us red-handed.”

  Pippa tossed her head back, moving in time with him now as he slid inside her and pushed them both toward that place where ecstasy and reality collided. “We…should…your family…”

  “Shush. It’s only the two of us in here,” he said, pulling her down and fusing their lips together as they reached orgasm at the same time. He held her against his chest, reveling in having her in his arms these last few moments before things were bound to get a little crazy.

  He didn’t know what his siblings were doing on Aruba, but Tyler and Drake he could handle. They probably had some sort of adventure or job planned nearby and would only be here for a day or two at the most. It would be tight quarters once his guests arrived tomorrow, but they’d work it all out. Pippa can even bunk with me if necessary.

  That thought brought a huge smile to his face and as he and Pippa cleaned up and made themselves presentable, he reminded himself to thank Tyler at the first opportunity. Maybe the timing wasn’t that bad after all.

  Chapter 28

  Pippa took a rushed shower, still unable to believe she’d allowed River to make love to her with his family just up the stairs. But it was soooo good. You have to admit it; the pleasure was totally worth the embarrassment.

  River snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body back against his naked one. “Still think I’m better off without you?”

  “The jury is still out.” Pippa giggled before she closed her eyes and leaned back against him, turning her head and meeting his mouth with her own.

  “We’ll see about that later.” River set her free, smacking her ass lightly.

  “So, is it normal for your brothers to just drop in on you?”

  River shook his head as he slipped into a pair of shorts and a clean t-shirt. “No, they usually give me a heads-up. My guess is Drake has a job somewhere in this part of the world and Tyler tagged along for the ride.”

  “How long do you think they’ll stay?”

  River shrugged his shoulders and then turned and watched her slip into another bikini with blue and white pin stripes going horizontally across the fabric. “Has anyone ever told you how absolutely delicious you look in that suit?”

  Pippa blushed and shook her head. River stalked across the room and took the ties from her fingers. Spinning her around, he tied the neck and then the back strap, kissing the nape of her neck before turning her once more. “You look unbelievable in that suit.”

  “Your brothers? Remember?” Pippa pushed away.

  “As if I could forget. Come on, then. Let’s get the introductions over with and figure out the rest of the day.”

  He took Pippa’s hand and she followed him up the stairs, nervous butterflies rolling around in her stomach. She almost crashed into River when he stopped short at the entrance of the salon.

  When he stepped aside, she stared wide-eyed at a bunch of people sitting in the main salon, waiting on her and River to join them. Definitely more than three. She counted up to nine.

  “Who’s responsible for this?” River asked with a growl.

  A beautiful woman with dark auburn hair and River’s sky blue eyes waggled her fingers at him from the corner of a couch. “I am. After you talked to Chuck almost two weeks ago, he and I decided it was time for a family intervention and check-up session.”

  That must be his sister, Vivian.

  “Guys, while I appreciate the effort and all, I have the entire boat already booked starting tomorrow…” River’s voice trailed as the woman started laughing.

  “I booked the boat for the next week, silly. It’s us who are going to enjoy being escorted around these waters by an expert.”

  “You booked the boat?” River didn’t let go of Pippa’s hand and she wasn’t sure whether he wanted to reassure her or him.

  “Well, under a false name, of course. Now, why don’t you remember your manners and introduce us to that beautiful young woman who has decided to put up with you a bit longer?”

  River looked down at Pippa and she met his gaze. There was so much love in his eyes she wanted to melt into a puddle at his feet. Meeting his family hadn’t been on the table just yet, but despite her nerves she was curious about them.

  “Don’t worry, baby. They’re much more fun than they seem right now.”

  “Pippa, this is my oldest brother, Drake, and his girlfriend, Roxie.” Drake, had the same dark hair and blue eyes as River. The family resemblance was striking. And Roxie featured waist-long, pitch-blank hair that fell down in soft waves.

  “It’s nice to meet you both.” Pippa offered to shake his hand, but he shook his head.

  “None of that nonsense.” Then he stepped closer and gave her a bear hug. “I’m delighted to meet the woman who tamed my baby brother.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she notice River glaring daggers at his brother. Whether it was because of the bear hug or the endearment, she had no idea.

  “You’re the one who climbs volcanoes, right?” Pippa asked.

  “Something like that. I hope River has told you only good things about me.”

  “He did,” Pippa hurried to say as Roxie gave her a hug.

  “Oh, hear that.” The man speaking stepped forward. “I’m Chuck and this is Linda. Unfortunately, we couldn’t bring her dog Courage, because they wouldn’t allow him on island.”

  Linda was a rail-thin, delicate woman with blond hair and brown eyes. Pippa couldn’t help but wonder how the unequal pair had fallen in love. Then another pair stepped forward, introducing themselves as Preston and Gina.

  Preston, the billionaire? He does look very down to earth.

  “It’s good to meet you, Pippa. I’m not sure how you put up with him…I know I couldn’t.” Preston winked at her, and she noticed the scowl on River’s face again. He’s jealous. How funny.

  “He’s pretty easy to get along with, actually,” Pippa said.

  Preston gave her only the hint of an embrace, while his fiancé Gina swept her up in an embrace that threatened to suffocate her.

  “I’m so happy to meet you. We were all so curious about the girl River has fallen for,” Gina blurted out with her cute Italian accent and then slapped her hand across her mouth. “I probably shouldn’t have said this.”

  “How come everyone here knows River has fallen for me, before I knew?” Pippa surprised herself with the question.

  “Family secret.” The woman who must be Vivian giggled as she approached her, followed by a very handsome athletic man, whom she immediately recognized as the famous former triathlete Rock Martens.

  “Wow! You’re really Rock Martens? I admire your work a lot,” Pippa said.

  “In the flesh,” the man with the tousled hair, warm brown eyes and designer stubble answered, beaming with pride. He hugged her like the rest of them had done and then whispered in her ear loud enough for everyone to hear. “Don’t listen to them. They’re a bunch of crazy people, these Armstrongs.”

  There was only one person left standing sl
ightly apart from the rest. Pippa blushed, remembering how this man had interrupted her and River earlier.

  He had at least three inches on the rest of his brothers and the impressive muscles testifying to his job spent saving lives on daily basis.

  Now he looked anything but a hero. Wringing his hands with his eyes cast down, he stood in the corner, waiting.

  Pippa took a deep breath and approached him. “Hi, Tyler.”

  “You’ve already met?” asked Vivian.

  “Sort of,” Pippa answered and since he wouldn’t move, she crossed the distance and hugged him. Going on her tiptoes she whispered into his ear, “I won’t tell if you don’t tell, okay?”

  His relief was instant, as he nodded and lifted her up, her feet dangling in the air.

  “That’s enough. She’s my girlfriend,” River growled.

  “Whoa…did I just hear you use the word girlfriend? And I thought you’d never settle for just one woman,” Tyler responded, setting Pippa on her feet.

  She quickly escaped with a hammering heart and watched the staring duel of the two brothers from the sidelines. I’m his girlfriend.

  “I did. And this means hands off for everyone,” River said, looking around the room, “and especially for you.”

  “No worries.” Tyler stepped back with a grin, opening his mouth to say something, but then closing it again.

  River reached for Pippa and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Just so that everyone knows. I’m in love with this woman.” Then he kissed her and the butterflies captured her stomach again.

  Much later they left the boat in search of a restaurant for an early dinner. Pippa snuggled up against River’s side, the same way the other women snuggled up to their men, and she already felt like part of the family.

  As an only child, she still had to get used to their constant bickering, but apparently it was all good-natured. Everyone talked about Rock’s annual fundraiser triathlon for his Rock Solid foundation that had taken place several weeks ago and teased each other with their abysmal performance.

  And Tyler was deep into an arson case and spent most of his time complaining about the evil investigator who was intent on making him check, double check, and quadruple check every little detail. The rest of his siblings laughed at him, teasing relentlessly and wondering if he was even allowed to disclose that level of detail.


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