Let Me In (The Invisibles #2)

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Let Me In (The Invisibles #2) Page 26

by Lynn, Michelle

  She laughs, holding her stomach. “Only abstinence is 100% effective, and God knows we weren’t practicing that.”

  “What does he think about the surprise?” I’d never ask anyone else besides her this question.

  She stares over at her new husband, whose eyes instantly find hers. “Astonishingly, he’s thrilled.” Grant approaches and wraps his arm around her waist, kissing her on the head. I pass him the shot glass and he looks remorsefully down at Jessa. “Go ahead, you can take my place for the next eight months,” she says, elbowing him in the stomach in good humor.

  Grant stares at the dark liquid and then back at her before he shakes his head, setting it down on the bar. “Nah, I’ll wait the eight months with you,” he tells her, and she grabs his face, pulling it down to hers.

  I excuse myself, giving each of them my congratulations. Not that they heard a word I said. Those two are so wrapped up in one another that I’m not sure they’ll ever disentangle themselves.

  Walking back over to Kailey, who’s talking with Sam about some class she’s taking, I wonder what’ll happen with us. We seemed to be on the right track for a while, but lately she’s been distracted. I know she has a lot of shit to deal with, but she’s starting to shut me out. If things continue like this, I’ll have to decide whether to walk or stay. And I’ve always been better at walking.

  Taking the seat next to her, I grab her hand in mine and she squeezes it. The ease of our relationship is what I love the most. It’s been like that from the beginning. We’ve never had those awkward moments or game playing. In this moment, we’re back to where we were before the shit storm happened. Then her cell phone rings and a deep sigh escapes my lips. She looks at me, rolling her eyes at my reaction, before excusing herself from the table to take the call. At this point, I figure I need to either get my keys out so I can drive her there, or hell, maybe I should just stay and send her in a cab.

  Luckily, I get distracted from my aggravated thoughts when they announce the cutting of the cake. I watch as Sadie hands Jessa the knife, smiling devilishly to Grant while he cocks his eyebrows. Handing it nicely to him, Jessa places her hand over Grant’s, and they slice into the chocolate cake, decorated with a scripted letter ‘B’ on top of it. Grant takes the slice that they’ve cut, holding it up for Jessa to take a bite. Even though I wish he would smash it in her face so I could get a good laugh, he places it in front of her mouth and she nibbles a small taste.

  When it’s her turn, she takes off some of the frosting with her finger, positioning it in front of Grant and he opens his mouth, sucking it off her finger. To say it was inappropriate is a severe understatement, even for me. But that’s them, and I love seeing the ‘I don’t give a shit’ Jessa back.

  Brady and Sadie laugh on either side of them, until Brady moves toward his girl and puts a dot of frosting on her nose. She playfully smacks him away when he bends down to lick it off, and her ring sparkles from the lights shining down on top of it. He opts to remove the frosting with his pointer finger and then licks it clean.

  They’re wedding is planned for next year. I’m still in shock that one of my friends is already married and the other engaged. Even more surprising is that Grant and Jessa beat Brady and Sadie down the aisle.

  At least I have Dex. Then again, watching him cozy up to Sam all day, I’m thinking he might be gone soon as well. Doesn’t change anything for me though; I’ll never get married. A lot of people think I don’t want to marry anyone because I had a fucked-up childhood, or my parents divorced and I was a pawn in some nasty custody battle. But truth be told, my parents have been happily married for thirty years and I come from a loving home. I’m just the black sheep of my family. I don’t think people need a certificate to prove they love each other. After all, I did that once and look where it got me.

  Kailey comes up, tapping me on the shoulder, and since she isn’t sitting back down in the chair next to me, I already know she has to leave. Turning around, I see the agony in her eyes and I know I’m probably not making it any easier for her. I nod in silent acknowledgement, and she makes her way over to Jessa and Grant. I watch her hug them and see their sorrowful eyes as they tell her they understand. When she comes back, I walk her out to my car and hand her the keys. I kiss her goodbye, saying I’ll hitch a ride with Dex. She holds me a little longer and tighter than usual, obviously feeling this boulder that seems to be wedged between us lately.

  I wait while she climbs in the car and starts it up before rolling down the window. Giving her one last kiss, I back up and watch her drive away. Walking back into the reception, I notice all eyes are on me, so I grab the bottle of Jack and a shot glass. I can’t do anything to help her, so I might as well numb the pain.

  Trey’s story LET ME LOVE (The Invisibles #3) Coming Next


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  As always, thank you to my husband and children for being understanding to my long hours on my computer. I do this not only for myself but for you as well, but the sacrifices you make do not go unnoticed.

  Thank you to Liz Aguilar from Book Peddler’s Editing for all your storyline and character insight with Grant and Jessa. Those late night chats through Facebook, helped me make their characters who they are.

  Special thanks to S.G. Thomas. You have a wonderful knack on how to make my sentences flow and correcting my horrible use of commas. As every time, it’s a wonderful pleasure to work with you.

  Heather Davenport and the Naughty and Nice Book Blog team. I appreciate you organizing my cover reveal, blitz and tour. You girls are AWESOME and I’m thankful every day that I met you. You answer my countless questions and encourage me when I’m having self-doubt.

  My street team. Thank you for pimpin me and my books. The constant shares, donations and likes mean more to me than I can express. My books would be nowhere without all of you.

  For my gorgeous cover, Sommer Stein. You made a breathtaking cover that suits my book with only reading the synopsis. You’re so talented and I can’t wait to see what you come up with for my next book.

  Melissa Rolka, friend and fellow author, thank you helping make Let Me In a stronger story with your beta reading and consistent conversations on where to take Grant and Jessa. I’m thankful for our immediate friendship that keeps me sane in this world of self-publishing. Thank you for listening to my rants, my indecisiveness and my just plain lunatic ideas!

  My betas, Lindsey, Emma, Michelle, Abby, Becky, Annie and Melissa. I appreciate each of you taking time to read my rough draft and sharing your thoughts with me.

  To ALL bloggers, it astonishes me every time I message any of you with your willingness to help out us smaller, Indie authors. Your shares and likes help my books get up the ranks, thank you.

  Lastly, the readers. Thank you for taking a chance on me. Your faith and dedication to me, keeps me going with stories I hope you love!

  Please reach out. I love to hear from readers!

  Michelle Lynn


  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michelle-Lynn/413280762102448?ref=hl

  Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7065829.Michelle_Lynn

  Twitter - @michellelynnbks

  E-Mail – [email protected]

  Book Peddler’s Editing (Editor)



  [email protected]

  S.G. Thomas (Editor)


  [email protected]

  Sommer Stein (Cover Designer)

  Perfect Pear Creative<
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  Do you want to read Brady and Sadie’s story?

  Here’s an excerpt from Don’t Let Go (The Invisibles #1)

  “What are you in the mood for?” Brady asks me as his eyes roam across the different fast food places.

  “I don’t know.” The last thing I want to do is eat in front of him, but I will never make it through Clinical Psych without something in my stomach. “I think I’m going to get a bagel sandwich.” I point to the bagel place.

  “Sounds good.” He puts his hand on the small of my back, leading me that way. His hand radiates a wave of heat throughout my body so I start walking a few steps faster.

  “You don’t have to get anything from there,” I tell him, assuming he wouldn’t enjoy it.

  “What are you trying to say? A guy can’t like a bagel sandwich? Do you think I should stuff my face with fries and burgers?” His face shows no trace of humor.

  “No, that’s not it. It’s just…” I try to backpedal.

  “I’m kidding, Sadie. To be honest, I have never tried this place but you have piqued my interest.” We stand away from the shop to look up at the menu. “So, what do you usually get?” he asks.

  “The veggie de lite.”

  “Are you a vegetarian?” he inquires, sounding like it could be the worst thing in the world.

  “Is that a deal breaker for you?” I ask.

  “Deal breaker?” he scrunches his eyebrows, confused.

  “You know, something you find out about someone that makes you not want to date them,” I answer.

  “What’s yours?” he asks.

  “I asked first. If I was a vegetarian, would that be a deal breaker?”

  “I’m not sure anything I find out about you would be a deal breaker, but to be honest, I don’t understand vegetarians.”

  “Hmm.” I turn around to give my order to the cute red head behind the counter who can’t keep her eyes off Brady.

  “You never answered. Do you eat meat?” He comes up behind me.

  “No, I’m not a vegetarian. I just like the sandwich,” I honestly reply. “I’ll have a veggie de lite with low fat cream cheese,” I say to the girl. Usually I get the garlic and herb spread, but I’m not about to talk to Brady with garlic breath.

  “What can I get you?” The red head looks Brady up and down while her co-worker starts to make my sandwich.

  “Same, but garlic and herb cream cheese.” He smiles over to me and I’m sure awe fills my face. I’m half tempted to change my order. “I hate that low fat shit.”

  “They have meat, you know,” I tell him.

  “I know. I want to experience why you like it so much.” He scoots next to me and my heart races when his hand brushes against mine. I quickly make my way down the line away from him.

  When we get to the cash register, Brady pulls out a twenty before I can even get in my messenger bag, adding chips and drinks to our meals.

  “Don’t pay for me!”

  “Why not?” Brady looks around, seeing a few students peering our way after my outburst.

  “This is not a date,” I confirm.

  “Hey, just because I decide to buy you lunch or dinner or whatever this meal is, doesn’t mean it’s a date.” He softens his voice, getting closer to me.

  “It’s just…things get implied with dates.” I’m desperate to compose myself. I don’t want to owe him anything.

  “Relax, Sadie. I’ll make you a deal.” He grabs our tray and leads us to a table.

  “What?” I take a seat, happy he picked a table in the back.

  “You can buy me a meal tomorrow.” He smirks up at me.

  “Nice, Carsen.”

  “A meal for a meal, then we’re even.” He takes both straws and pounds them on the table until the wrappers fall down. He puts one in mine and the second in his own drink.

  “When are your classes tomorrow?” I ask.

  “Well…I live off campus and I don’t have classes on Fridays, so it will have to be later.” He takes a bite of his sandwich.

  “Later, when?” I ask before I take a bit of mine.

  “This is really good, you don’t even miss the meat,” he says, lifting his sandwich. “After my show,” he answers my question.

  “I told you the sandwich was good. After the show, what?” I take a sip of my soda.

  “I have a show tomorrow night. We will get something after I’m done,” he casually says while he continues to eat his sandwich.

  “Sorry, but I’m not going to that bar, house or whatever it is from last week.” I shake my head back and forth.

  He laughs. “Good, because we are playing at Aces. I’ll pick you up.”

  “Um…no. Let me just give you the money.” I dig through my bag and get the ten dollars out, placing it on the table.

  “That’s not the deal. A meal for a meal. Just so you know, after a show I’m so hungry you might get the raw end of this deal,” he jokes.

  “I think I already got the raw end. I can’t go to your show tomorrow or out to eat,” I say, putting my sandwich down, suddenly not able to finish it.

  “What do I have to do?” he asks me before he pops a chip in his mouth.

  “Nothing. I don’t date.”

  “Okay, it won’t be a date. A friend coming to another friend’s show and then grabbing something to eat. I will even invite my band if it makes you feel better.” His eyes are begging me and I have to admit I want to go after listening to him sing the last few days.

  “Fine,” I sigh. “But I’m bringing my roommate, Jessa, with me,”

  “Great, the more people the better. I’ll pick you both up.” He picks his sandwich back up, happier than before.

  Where to find Don’t Let Go



  Amazon – UK






  Here’s a sneak peak at another Michelle Lynn’s novel - LOVE ME BACK

  Chapter 1 – 11 years old

  “Madeline Dolores Jennings!” Bryan yells teasingly at me from the bottom of the hill.

  “What do you want, Bryan Otto Edwards?”

  “Hey, I’m just joking, Maddy.” Bryan runs up the hill, throwing his arm around me. “You knew it had to be coming; I have been holding it in all day since Kenna slipped at lunch.”

  I hate the days my mom “works late”. It entails me having to walk up the grassy hill from my grade school to my brother Jack’s football practice with the other latchkey brothers and sisters of the football heroes of our small town. There are four of us that make the trek every day.

  Mackenna Ross is my best friend and our polar opposite personalities only enhance our different qualities. She is free-spirited, whereas I am more conservative. She speaks her mind and I keep my thoughts to myself. We share a love for tennis, swimming, and the game MASH (mansion, apartment, shack or house), where we try to map out our perfect lives.

  Our brothers are teammates but not the best of friends. In fact, they have been known to fight with each other on several occasions. The most recent battle is over a girl… Cindy Rydel. I don’t see what is so intriguing about her, but I am not a seventeen year-old hormone-induced boy either. It doesn’t matter to Kenna and me that they don’t get along, so long as it doesn’t keep us away from one another.

  Jack glances up to the bleachers on his way to the field, giving me a wave as he checks to make sure that I made it safely across the hill from our school. I wave back and take my seat next to MacKenna. She already has her notebook out, wanting to go first. We keep all of our MASH games in a binder, marking stars next to the lives we want. I grab her notebook, flipping to the next blank page.

  “Alright Kenna, four boys?” I ask.

  “Let’s do five today. I can’t decide who to leave out, Jackson or Tyler,�
� she says, tapping her lips with her finger.

  “Fine, five,” I reply. Mackenna never changes the cars she desires or where she wants to live, but the boys’ list is forever rotating between the boys in our school.

  “Ok, well my usual four boys and…” she pauses, glancing over to the field next to us where the latchkey boys are tossing a football around. “Bryan,” she says, spitting it out so fast I barely catch what she said.

  “What?” I scream at her. Two days ago, Bryan told her that her butt is big, and now she is picking him to be her future husband?

  “Maddy! Shhh…it’s my choice. Write it down,” she says, pointing to the paper with her neon-green painted fingernail.

  “Alright, but I don’t understand you at all.” I shake my head back and forth, writing it down and hoping that the rotation eliminates him. I love Mackenna but Bryan is a jerk; I would not let her marry him.

  Luckily, Mackenna ends up married to Tyler, living in a shack in California with eight kids, and driving a Range Rover. I am happy Bryan was eliminated in the third round.

  “Not my best life but I’ll take it. I got my Range Rover.” Mackenna shrugs her shoulders, moving her eyes toward the grassy area again but quickly turning back toward me. “Your turn, hand it over,” she says, holding her hand out.

  I dig through my bag and pull out my purple binder, handing it over to her.

  “Maddy, this time you cannot put Trent down four times; you have to choose other boys.” She starts writing MASH across the white sheet of paper.

  “I only did that once, Kenna.” I look over at Trent throwing the ball to Bryan. “Plus, I don’t like him anymore,” I say, trying to convince myself as much as Mackenna.

  “I’ve heard that before,” she says, tapping the pen on the paper.

  I have known Trent my whole life. His brother, Doug, is Jack’s best friend. We have been thrown together during our brothers’ t-ball and football practices and games, as well as too many Cub Scout events to count. We would play together when we were little, but as we get older we tend to ignore each other, doing our own thing when forced to be around one another.


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