comment on Spender’s politics 24
ends friendship with Spender 87
enjoys hearing about boys in Hamburg 23
introduces Spender to Clemen family 230
Spender wishes to speak to 79
upset at Spender’s article on 82–4
Curzon, Clifford 98
Daily Mail 132
Daily Worker 41
Dante Alighieri 330
David, Jacques-Louis 353
De Kooning, Willem 389–90, 396
Der Monat 105, 238
Devonshire, Duke and Duchess 216
Diaghilev, Serge 62
Diderot, Denis 272
Dimitri (son of Francesca) 177
Dissent 222
Dos Passos, John 96
Driberg, Tom 241–2, 280
Dubrovnik 310
Duke University, North Carolina 202, 216
Dulles, Allen 286, 345
Dunn, Anne 290
Durham, North Carolina 202–3
Durrell, Laurence, The Alexandria Quartet 295
Edinburgh Festival 216
Egypt 171–2
Ehrenburg, Ilya 165
Eliot, T. S. 75
comments on Spender’s suggestion for a magazine 86
defends Curtius’s right to read Spender’s article on 82–3, 83–4
Hayward’s version of his marriage 185
momentarily refuses to have any of his work published 127
‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ 252
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 264
Empson, Hetta 298, 299, 381
Empson, Mogador 298, 299, 381
Empson, William ‘Bill’ 298–9
Encounter 105, 106, 126, 127–9, 139, 142, 143, 150, 151, 176, 201, 221–2, 235–8, 244, 255, 275, 285, 287, 297, 298, 299, 336, 340, 342–55, 372, 377, 393, 396
Encounter Trust 347, 349–50
English Committee for Cultural Freedom 108–10, 127, 350
ENSA (Entertainments National Service Association) 75, 81
Epstein, Jason 107–8, 285, 286
Erika (German girl) 231–2, 233
Ernst, Max, Une Semaine de bonté 273
Erpenbeck family 231–2
European Union 152
Evans, Edwin 58, 60–2
Evening Standard 372
Faber & Faber 20, 29
Fair Trial for Trotsky group 96–7
Farfield Foundation, New York 285
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 132
Fedin, Konstantin 245–6
Festival of Britain 116
Fiamma (opera singer) 401
Fiedler, Leslie 129, 192
Fielding, Mougouch see Phillips, Mougouch
Fielding, Xan 368
Fiesoli 256–7
Finney, Albert 282
First World War 9–10, 65–6, 247
Fitsi (cat) 137
Fitzgerald, Robert 131
Flagstad, Kirsten 253
Fleischman, Julius ’Junkie’ 285, 300
Fleming, Ian, Dr No 156
Florence 30, 245, 385
Ford Foundation 284, 379
Foreign Office 142, 164, 229, 230, 350
Franca (maid at Chapel Street) 274
France 85–6
Francesca 117, 121, 159, 160, 177
French Foreign Legion 292
French, Major 247
Freud, Anna 89–90
Freud, Ernst 74
Freud, Lucian 74, 270
Freud, Sigmund 74, 90, 236, 260
Funtington, Suffolk 59
Gaitskell, Hugh 142, 237, 246
Gardiner, Muriel see Buttinger, Muriel Gardiner
Georg 101 (Spender’s lover) 25
Germany 230–2
Ghana 107–8
Giacometti, Alberto 259, 270
Gide, André 118–19
Retour de l’URSS 47
Giese, Harry 24–5, 31
Gilbert, Michael 191–2
Ginsberg, Allen 224
Glazer, Nathan 129
Goodwin, Michael 108–10, 351
Goodwin, Richard 346
Goossens, Eugene 62
Gorky, Arshile
collection of Cahiers d’Art 271
as friend of Masson 289
his pyjamas lent to Mougouch’s brother Sidney Hosmer 300
Maro’s loyalty to 310–11, 368, 372–3
marriage to Mougouch 264, 370
Matthew and Maro’s attempt at finding information about 393–9
Matthew’s attempts at cataloguing his works 366–7
Mougouch as his muse 311–12
Mougouch’s reminiscences concerning 366–8
painting hung in Percy Street 333
relationship with de Kooning 389–90
suicide of 264, 305, 310, 397–8
works kept by Mougouch under the bed 270
Gorky, Maro
accepted at the Slade 265–6
attitude towards sex 315
bath incident on honeymoon 375
character and description 258–9, 269
defends her father’s lies 368
difficulties when dining at Loudoun Road 294–6
family background 264, 305
fidelity to Matthew 400
finds a half-drowned kitten on Patmos 358
leaves England to live in Italy 384–6
lends Matthew a nightgown 264
marries Matthew 374–5
meets and falls in love with Matthew 258–61
meets Natasha 265
opens Matthew’s eyes to his male thinking 309–10
reaction to Mougouch setting free her birds 399
receives disapproving letter from Spender 277
refuses to be ‘figged’ and ‘tossed’ by Natasha 296
relationship with Mougouch 314–16
sees a ghost at Percy Street 333
strained relationship with Natasha 305–8
strong beliefs concerning her parents 310–12, 368–9, 372–3
takes part in protest outside American Embassy 382–3
throws baskets of frogs at guests 348
told to SHUT.UP by Spender 295
visits Jeanne Reynal, her godmother 395–9
works in interior decoration 333
year of tackling the parent-complex 390–9
Gorky, Maxim 375
Gorky, Mougouch see Phillips, Mougouch
Gorky, Natasha 264, 357
Goss, John 59
Graves, Robert 191, 193
Goodbye to All That 251–2
Greene, Helga 224, 225
Gresham’s, Holt 9
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm 272
Grimmrath, Hermann 83
Gstaad 188, 190
Gunn, Thomas 224
Gunther, Jane 300, 394, 396
Gunther, John 299–300
Hamburg 18–19, 23, 24, 327
Hamilton, Jamie 145, 157, 169
Hamilton, Yvonne 145
Hampshire, Stuart 346, 378
Hayter, William 346
Hayward, John 185
Heard, Gerald 180
Hellman, Lillian 95–6
Hemingway, Ernest 96
Henri, Ernst, ‘Who Financed Anti-Communism?’ 284
Henty, G. A. 130–1
Herrera, Hayden 400
Hitler, Adolf 48, 53, 54, 71, 72, 106, 229, 233
Hitler Youth 80
HIV/AIDS 197, 362
Hockney, David 270, 340
Homer, Iliad 131
homosexuals, homosexuality 131–3, 183–4, 191–2, 226, 360–1
Hook, Sidney 236
Hooker, Edward 181
Hooker, Evelyn 180, 181
Hooper, Alison 101–3, 148
Horizon magazine 51–2, 53, 71, 72, 333
Hosmer family 264
Hosmer, Marion 273
Hosmer, Sidney 300
Hound and Horn magazine 32
Hungary 163
, John 150–1
Huston, Angelica 333
Huston, John 260, 333
Huston, Ricky 333
Hutchinson, Barbara 193, 260, 358, 382
Hutchinson, Eliza 256, 257, 265, 283
Hutchinson, Jeremy 256
Huxley, Aldous 180
Huxley, Julian 379
correspondence with Spender concerning German intellectuals 79
hears about Spender’s marriage to Natasha 68
works at UNESCO 87–8
Hyndman, Tony 17
builds a hutch for cats 137
character and description 29–30, 74–5, 177
and the communist bookshop 333
confrontation in Levanto 30–1
effect of Spender’s marriage to Inez 40
fights in the Spanish Civil War 40, 41
invites Natasha to lunch at Horizon 55
marries unwisely 74
meets Spender 29, 30
possible reason for Spender’s separation from Inez 50
relationship with Spender 29–35, 67, 218, 227, 327
returns to England 47
tendency to cadge and steal 138–9
tensions with Heinz 244
under arrest in Spain 42, 43, 241, 351
Ibiza 27
Idelma 121, 124–5
Imregi, Bela 243
Index on Censorship 378, 379, 380
India 139–40, 344
Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom 140
Information Research Department (IRD) 142–3, 230, 350, 352, 353
Information Services Control 84
International Brigade 42, 64–5
International Christian University, Tokyo 213–14
International Writers’ Congress 47
Ischia 115
Isherwood, Christopher
believes Spender’s marriage to be absurd 48
in Berlin 67
Berlin stories 25–6, 28
character and description 21
comments on Spender’s writing 20–1, 28
correspondence with Spender 40
diatribe on Them and Us 22
hopes to set up writers’ community at Sintra 244–5
involved in mysticism 181
learns of Spender’s separation from Inez 50
leaves England before the War 52–3, 244–5
meets Chandler 180, 181
and patriotism 244
relationship with Heinz Neddermeyer 17, 49, 244
relationship with Spender 20–2, 25–6, 197, 199
spends summer on Rügen Island 255
travels to China with Auden 48–9
Christopher and His Kind 21
Italian Communist Party 354, 393
James (friend of Matthew’s) 257, 258, 259
James, Henry 33, 273
James, William 273
Japan 194, 195–6, 298
John, Augustus 250
Johns, Jasper 394
Johnson, Lyndon B. 343, 344, 346
Jones, Edward 394
Josselson, Jennifer 150
Josselson, Michael ‘Mike’ 106, 127, 149, 238, 343, 353, 355
Kallman, Chester 17, 301–2
Károlyi, Mihály 76
Kawabata, Yasunari 195
Kee, Robert 115
Kennedy, John F. 279–80, 346
Kermode, Frank 287, 340, 344, 349
Khrushchev, Nikita 163, 164, 246, 276
King, Cecil 287, 346–7, 349
Kirk (lover of Spender) 27
Kirstein, Lincoln 32, 33, 36–7
Kitaj, Ronald B. 270
Koestler, Arthur 313
Komsomol (Russian ship) 41
Kremlinologists 164
Kristol, Irving 127–9, 148–9, 151, 221, 236, 351
Kyoto 195
La Jolla, California 168–71
Labour Party 80, 97, 142, 236–7, 242, 246
Lake District 11–12
Lambert, Hansi 151, 152, 159, 188
Lambert, Léon 152
Larkin, Philip 244
Lasky, Melvin
as active promoter of CCF 105, 106
becomes co-editor of Encounter 128, 335–8
involvement in Encounter machinations 336, 342, 346–7
pays money to support Tempo Presente 393
probably aware of CIA involvement in CCF 249–50
probably employed by the CIA 345, 346
as soldier in US Army 105, 346
supported by Cecil King 287, 346–7
threatens to tell press about Spender’s knowledge of CCF financing 350
wishes to cause a stir regarding Pasternak 239
Lawrence, D. H., Lady Chatterley’s Lover 28
Le Monde 377
Lehmann, John 114–15, 116
Leigh Fermor, Paddy 288–9
Levanto 30–1
Library of Congress, Washington 325, 344
Listener journal 33
Litvin, Natasha see Spender, Natasha Litvin
Litvin, Rachel 58–9, 60, 61, 384
Litvinov, Pavel 377–8
Albert Hall 93, 258
American Embassy, Grosvenor Square 382–3
Asiatique Chinese restaurant, Trafalgar Square 236
Baker Street 79
Boulestin, Covent Garden 146
British Museum 333
Café Royal 40, 275
Campden Hill 59
Chapel Street, Belgravia 264–8, 269–71, 319–20, 357, 366–8
Claridge’s Hotel 349
Connaught Hotel, Mayfair 146, 147
Cricklewood 72
Dulwich College 218
Garrick Club 156, 246
Hall School, Finchley 129–30
Hammersmith 39–40
Hampstead 298–9
Hampstead Heath 16
La Speranza 146
Loudoun Road, St John’s Wood 1, 7, 9, 78, 115, 121–2, 137–9, 145, 157, 176, 246, 258, 266, 269, 270–1, 294–6, 301–2, 315–16, 340, 367, 385
Maresfield Gardens 74
Marlborough Gallery 270, 319
Mecklenburg Square 51
Panton House 235
Percy Street 333, 342, 359, 380, 384
Piccadilly Circus 29
Primrose Hill 55–6
Randolph Crescent, Maida Vale 32–3
Rothwell Street 384
Round House, Chalk Farm 299
Royal Academy of Art 362
St Andrew’s Mansions, Barons Court 283, 292–3, 333
St Pancras Town Hall 375
Slade School of Fine Art 248, 249–50, 265–6, 333
Westminster School 217, 226, 227, 228–9, 247–8, 251–2, 274–5, 278, 281
London Blitz 71, 72
London Civil Defence Region 76
London Smog (1956) 172
London University 265, 287
London Zoo 55–6, 87
Los Angeles 161, 180, 182
Louise (friend of Chandler’s) 173, 174
Lowell, Robert 95, 285
Lubbock, Ian 55, 57
Lubbock, Lys 55, 57
Luciano, Charles ‘Lucky’ 208
Lushington, Stephen 274–5
Lushington, Susan 274–5
Macaulay, Rose 56
McCarran Act (USA, 1950) 126
McCarthy, Joe 107, 143
McCarthy, Mary 95–6, 340, 348, 380
becomes an anti-communist 96–7
quarrels with Hellman 95–6
The Groves of Academe 95
My Confessions 96
The Oasis 99
Macdonald, Dwight 128, 149, 151, 235, 348, 351
‘America! America!’ 221–2
Macdonald, Nancy 348
MacGibbon, James 115
MacGregor family 264
McIlhenny, Henry 394
Macintosh, Colonel 122
Maclean, Donald 114–16, 117–18, 132, 240, 242, 378
MacNeice, Bimba 283, 293, 298
MacNeice, Louis 277, 283, 301
amused at Matthew’s mustachios 293
comment on Spender’s first novel 20
lecture tour in America 53
party given for 146
MacShane, Frank 189
Madras 140
Mag (cat) 137
Magruder, Captain 300
Maisky, Ivan 241
Majorca 191, 193
Malraux, André 85, 165, 336
Manchester Guardian 106
Mao Zedong 381
Marseilles 288–9
Marshall Aid 107
Marta 401
Marx Brothers 348
Mas Saint-Jérome, Maussane 290–2, 340, 341
Masaccio, Tribute Money 257
Masson, André 289
Matossian, Nouritza 400
Matta, Robert 270, 311, 312, 398
Maussane 290–2
Mayhew, Christopher 142, 286
Menotti, Gian Carlo 172
Meyer, Cord 286, 346, 353
Meyer, Gerhart 18–19, 31
MI5 77, 115, 117–18, 241, 242–3, 378
Michael (friend of Reynolds Price) 188–9
Michelangelo 328
Mikhailov, Nikolai 246–7
Ministry of Information 72
Montagu, Lord Edward 131, 132
Moore, Henry 197–8, 257, 270, 287, 379
Morandi, Giorgio 316
Moravia, Alberto 195–6
Morrell, Ottoline 33
Moscow 164–5, 239–41, 242, 245, 246, 352, 377
Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts 377
Mountbatten, Lord Louis 347
Muggeridge, Malcolm 287, 325, 342, 347
Murray, Alec 145, 146, 148
Mystery Writers of America 225
Nabokov, Nicolas ‘Nicky’ 355
feud with Soviet Russia and Russian music 150
invites Spender to stay at his château 167–8
as member of the CCF 106, 149
moves to France 106
tells Spender that the Paris CCF has purchased Twentieth Century magazine 108
weeps for loss of pre-revolutionary world 168
writes opera on Rasputin 167–8
Nair, Guptan 139
National Fire Service 76, 77
Nazis 24, 34, 53, 79, 83, 98, 231, 233
Neddermeyer, Heinz 17, 49, 244
Neruda, Pablo 88
New Statesman 53, 143
New Writing magazine 72
New York 49, 99, 107, 202, 222, 285, 300, 367, 393–9
Périgord restaurant 285
Waldorf Astoria Hotel 99
New York Review of Books 107
New York Times 343, 349
News Chronicle 115
Nigeria 107–8
Northwestern University, Evanston (Illinois) 342
Novy Mir 245
O’Brien, Conor Cruise 284–5, 343, 344
Observer newspaper 205
Obst, Bryan
death of 361–2
Spender’s love for 93, 371
visited by Spender and Natasha 197, 199–200, 321
Ockham Hall 275
Officers’ Training Corps 247–8
Orwell, George 333
Nineteen Eighty-four 164, 251
Such, Such were the Joys 252
Orwell, Sonia 301, 319, 321, 333
A House in St John's Wood Page 43