Unbound: The Pentagon Group, Book 2

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Unbound: The Pentagon Group, Book 2 Page 30

by Rosemary Rey

  “Faith, don’t be silly. I’m okay. You get rest.”

  “I can walk you to your door with my cell phone and mace in hand, and get back to my place. Okay?” She seemed concerned, and I didn’t want her to worry about me, especially if safety was an issue for her. I nodded. Faith grabbed her phone and keys. We exited her apartment, Faith locked two locks on her door, and we walked to the elevator.

  We chatted about work as we traveled to my floor. It was nice to have a friend to talk to who wasn’t from my regular social group. We made it safely to my door. I bid her ‘good night’, and secured the locks on my door. It had been a crazy day and an even crazier night. I was exhausted and went to bed.


  The buzzer rang early Saturday morning. I dragged myself out of bed. I’d told Gill he needn’t come by in the morning to help with the cleanup. The caterers weren’t due to come by until after eleven in the morning. After a call from the guards, I would’ve had to give them permission to come up. I looked through the peephole, heeding Faith’s words to be safe at all times. I was stunned to see Matt at the other side. I wiped at my eyes and chin. He knew I liked to sleep in on Saturdays, so I believed he showed up to catch me off guard. My heart beat fast as I unlocked the door. I left a small opening to determine what he wanted.

  “Matt? What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Can I come in?” I hesitated. After last night, I wasn’t sure we could be trusted to be together in a private setting. Faith had a great idea to meet out in the open in a restaurant. I nodded, stepping aside to let him in. I locked the door after he entered. I noticed he had a brown paper bag in his hand, which he set down on the counter.

  “I just woke up, so if you’d give me some time to freshen up?”

  “Yes, of course. I know it’s early.” He said evenly.

  “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.” I rushed to my master bath to brush my teeth, wash my face, and fix my hair in a low, tousled French twist with a clip. I drank some water to moistened my dry mouth and calm the quivering insides. Barefoot, I walked back quietly to the living room. I found Matt standing by the picture window. It was very bright and sunny outside. My canopied bed had blocked the light, which made it harder for my eyes to adjust when I heard the initial buzzing of my door.

  “I’m back.” I said. Matt turned to look at me. He gave me a hopeful smile. He held a shy pose, hands tucked in the pockets of his jeans.

  “I think it’s time for us to have a heart to heart.” When he mentioned ‘heart’, my heart skipped a few beats. It was as if he had extrasensory perception that we needed to talk. I lowered my head and I sat down on the couch.

  “Okay.” I said, folding my arms around myself.

  He came over and sat down on the couch, opposite me, allowing space between us. With a low voice, he said, “I’m sorry for last night . . . I didn’t do right by you. I fucked up. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that.” I was shocked by his apology and admission. “I have no excuse. I just hope you’ll forgive me. I know we’re no longer together. I don’t expect us to get back together, but I’d like to at least be civil. We still have to have a professional relationship with each other for the sake of Pentagon. I know we both have the company’s best interest at heart. Maybe, one day, we can be friends.” I pondered his offer. I knew I couldn’t just be friends.

  “I don’t want to be friends, Matt.” I confessed. He looked forlorn. “I want more, but if civility and friendship is all your looking for, then I think it’s best to not see each other again.” He looked confused.

  “Wait. You want to be with me?” I nodded in response.

  “And you won’t take anything less?” I nodded once more. In an instant, Matt pounced on me, grabbing me with his muscular arms. He held me tight to his body. Kissing my neck, he left a trail of kisses until he met my lips. I yelped in surprise. His large hands held my head in place for a deep, lingering kiss.

  I pushed him back, pulling my head away because we needed to talk first. “We need to talk, Matt.” I declared.

  “No. I need you now. I need to fix how I left you last night.” He begged, pulling me onto him. It was hard to argue with an incredibly handsome, sexy, and strong man. Matt massaged my flesh, alternating spots and squeezing me closer to him. It was as if he couldn’t believe we were going to be together.

  “Wait. We need to clarify what we’re doing here . . . what is happening here.” I said.

  “I want you in my life because I’m in love with you. You want to be with me because you are absolutely head over heels in love with me. I want to make love to you and make you come like I should have last night.” The clarification met my expectations. I smiled and kissed him. “Let’s go to your room.” I nodded, and stood up, off his lap. When he stood up, I reached out for his hand and swiftly led him to my room. The soft light of the overcast morning streamed in from the sheer curtains. Matt saw the draping of the canopy bed and touched the velvety panel.

  “This is so sexy.” He said, transfixed on the bed.

  “Let’s see if it is.” I challenged, pulling my t-shirt over my head. My breasts were revealed to him for the first time in countless weeks. His sights set straight onto my nipples, a flick of his tongue indicated his wish to sample me.

  “Turn around.” He growled. The same voice which made its appearance last night returned. I shivered as I turned around. His fingers hooked into my tight yoga pants, pulling down past my ass and thighs. I slowly pedaled my legs to assist gravity’s pull while Matt touched my back.

  “I missed you so much, babe.” He hissed. I moaned and pressed myself into his touch. “Lean on the bed.” He asked sweetly, but with a hint of the commanding Matt I met last night. He rubbed my ass and growled. With hands on my hips, he pulled me into his jean covered, hardened cock. I felt it on my folds, wanting him inside of me. His hands slid up my belly to pull me up from my chest, cupping my breasts. His large hands barely covered me as he clutched and squeezed them, pinching my nipples with his index and middle fingers. My back was on his clad chest. I wanted to feel his skin on my skin. He deprived me of skin-to-skin contact when he kept my dress on.

  “Take off your shirt, please.” I begged breathily. He released my heaving breasts. I felt the fabric of his t-shirt rise up and ripple up my back, and his skin touched mine, rise by rise of the soft cloth. The warmth of his skin made mine hotter. My entire body tingled as our exposed skin touched and fused to each other. There was no space in between our torsos. We breathed raggedly as we remained holding our connection, savoring our union, and feeling the beat of each other’s heart.

  Matt snaked his hand to my mound. His finger pressing deeper into my flesh as it trailed down into the opening of my cleft. I moaned as he dipped his finger inside, pressing on my clit. He rubbed softly in tiny circles. I could come at that moment. My legs parted as I rose onto my toes and widened into a plié. Matt cupped my breasts softly while tweaking my nipples, pulling my torso against his chest. He sucked and kissed on my neck and earlobes. I could tell he wouldn’t change his attention. He would make me come as I stood before him. I writhed into his hands, moaning as I felt his cock on my ass. The multiple sensations on all of the different areas of my body created a perfect chain reaction for climax. As I wriggled on him, Matt rubbed me faster and pulled me closer to his cock. My pussy tingled, swollen with arousal and manipulation. I cried out, as I felt myself come.

  Matt continued to rub, seeing me over the precipice of climax. He held me tight as I came down from an intense orgasm. I was ready to fall. I needed a few breathes, but knowing Matt, he would get his release. “Lie down, baby.” I heard quietly in my ear. Chills went from my ear down my spine.

  Our lovemaking was slow and prolonged. Matt took me in all the ways he loved: tasting, feeling, and entering me. He was relaxed and attentive to my needs. I made sure to be vocal and give him what his mind and body demanded. I came for the second time as our bodies were pressed close, grinding and thrusting into
each other within the cocoon of the dark canopy. Our bodies were slick with the effort of our union. Making love within the canopy was a surreal experience. It was dark and cozy. I felt safe and uninhibited as Matt flipped me on top to ride him until I came apart over his body, laying on him as he thrust upwards until we both came.


  The need to get the truth off my chest prevented me from enjoying the after-glow of our lovemaking. I lightly traced my finger on Matt’s chest as he held me. His breathing was back to normal. “We need to talk.” I finally said.

  “Hmmm?” Matt responded.

  “We need to talk about why I turned down your proposal and took the shares.”

  “We can talk about it later. I don’t want to think about it.” He said gruffly. His fingers sought my chin and pulled me up for a deep, lingering kiss.

  I pulled away, and sat up from our restful position. “This can no longer wait. We can’t move forward if I keep the truth from you.” I got off of him and sat on the bed, covering myself with the bed sheet. I turned on the light inside the canopy, and dimmed the light.

  “I should’ve told you sooner. I didn’t know how to protect you and myself from what I’m about to say.”

  “Okay? What is it?” He said as he sat up. I ignored his beautiful, naked physique before me.

  “The day before we were to sign the prenup, I got a visit from Brady at Duration. He essentially ordered me not to marry you and to keep the shares. He said some pretty ugly things about me. He wanted to buy the twenty percent for himself. It wasn’t even to give it back to you. He passed me an envelope containing an offer of twenty five million dollars to purchase the shares.” I watched as Matt’s face changed emotions from concern to surprise to anger.

  “If I refused, he would release the video of us having sex at Carve to the public, and would claim I was a gold digger and you a fool for giving me your fortune.” I swallowed. “Instead, I took the copy of the video he gave me as proof of his blackmail and I had Eric Pierce edit to protect your identity, so I could turn the tables on Brady, which is why I texted everyone the video. I never meant to degrade myself or embarrass you. I just needed Brady, and the rest of Pentagon, to understand I was in control over the situation.” I continued as Matt inhaled deeply, and his jaw was clenched.

  “I thought it worked, and all of them agreed to my working at Pentagon, but just a few weeks ago, I was in a car crash. I believe I was kidnapped, and I’m under the impression my blackmail and keeping of the shares caused Brady to order me to be kidnapped.” Matt didn’t say a word. He stood up from the bed, bent down and retrieved his jeans. My heart sunk, thinking he didn’t believe me. He couldn’t believe his longtime friend would do such a thing. I watched as Matt dialed his phone. I wondered if he was calling Brady to accuse him of what I’d just revealed. My heart skipped a beat, and my belly fluttered nervously.

  “Marty. It was Brady. He blackmailed her with the videotape. I want you to question everyone again with the information about Brady stealing the security footage. I want you to question if he paid them off to keep quiet about taking the tape. If they don’t respond truthfully, I want them fired immediately. You talk to Zipper about their separation from Carve. If they admit it, I want it in writing, and I want Zipper involved with it too.” Matt paused to listen to the other end. I was confused. I never heard him mention ‘Marty’. I was relieved he believed me.

  “Yeah, she thinks he had something to do with the kidnapping.” Another pause. “No. I don’t want him to be questioned about her yet. I need proof from the managerial staff first. All should be questioned on the same day and kept separate so as not to taint the investigation.” The pause was longer. “Marty, Brady is from Roxbury. He may have had something to do with her kidnapping.” There were a series of ‘Yes’ thereafter. I was confused by his conversation of the kidnapping. It sounded like Matt knew everything. I got out of the bed and walked naked to the bathroom. I could feel his eyes following me as he continued to talk to ‘Marty’ on the phone.

  I felt sick to my stomach. My thoughts of what had just transpired between us and the phone call, hit me like a lead pipe to the head. Matt used me to get information on Brady. He slept with me to get the information. I was used again. A knock on the door snapped me from the torrent of thoughts and emotions I was feeling. I felt nauseas as I paced around the tiny room.

  “Perla, are you okay, baby?” Matt asked. When I didn’t answer right away, Matt entered the bathroom. I turned around, so I couldn’t face him. “Babe?”

  “What was the phone call about?” I asked.

  Matt paused to think through his response. “I knew about the kidnapping.” My heart stopped. I clutched my throat, covering my breasts in the process, and stepped away from him. He walked forward. “Listen.” He said gruffly, knowing I was pulling away from him. “The night you blackmailed us with the videotape, I assigned our private investigator to determine how you got the video. He couldn’t get anyone at Carve to confess it was Brady. He must’ve paid them off or promised them something. You gave me the missing link; that it was Brady who blackmailed you first and gave you the tape.” I softened slightly.

  “You said something about the kidnapping, as if you knew I’d been kidnapped. How? How did you know?” He nodded in response.

  “I’ve had a security detail on you since the day you rejected me. I wanted to make sure you were safe.” He admitted. I shook my head.

  “No, you didn’t. You wanted to see if I was working with someone else to steal your shares. You questioned me about it the night at Quario’s . . . about being a corporate spy. You thought I was working against the company the whole time we were together. I wasn’t working with anyone. I was completely in the dark about everything.”

  “I know. Well, I know that now. I wanted to keep you safe because I didn’t know how my friends would react to your keeping my shares. You don’t know my friends like I do. I’ve had the benefit of almost twenty years with them. I know exactly what they’ve done in the past, which could be done against you.” I was shocked and frightened at his revelation. I walked past him, back to my bedroom. I found my shirt.

  “Perla.” He called. “Please, listen.” I ignored him, angry, and I wasn’t sure what I was angry about. He pulled at my arm. I pulled away. “Stop.” His voice commanded, and I instantly stopped. He turned me around to face him. “We are going to lay it all out today. We are going to start being truthful today and from now on.”

  “I have been truthful. I just don’t know what you’ve been doing.”

  “I’ve been trying to keep you safe. My people have been trying to find out who took you that night. Ken, your bodyguard, saved your life.” My eyes widened in surprise. A mix of anger, relief, and confusion swirled in my head.

  “So, Ken crashing the car was because he was tailing me the whole time?” I asked. Matt nodded. “And he stayed the whole night because it was his job?” Again, Matt nodded. “Is there anyone else?” He didn’t answer. “Are there other people guarding me?”

  “Yes.” He said.

  “Who are they?” I asked, folding my arms around myself. He took too long to respond. “Please, Matt. I need to know. If we are ever going to make this work, I need to know. Otherwise, you can leave and I will never see you again.”

  “At first it was just Ken and Josh . . .”

  “I know Ken, who’s Josh?” I interrupted.

  “You weren’t supposed to know Ken or Josh. You were never supposed to know about any of them. Ken is night shift, and Josh is day. Josh is a guard at Pentagon. The one you always fought with, refusing a driver.” I was stunned, and slapped my thigh. I laughed. Matt laughed too.

  “That pushy bastard is my bodyguard.” Matt smirked.

  “Yeah!” He said. “I pay him well to be pushy and protect you.”

  “Anyone else?” I asked. Matt nodded.

  “Manny, who drove you a few times.” I threw my hands in the air.

  “Of course, he would
be a guard . . .”

  “He actually is a driver, but also security. Manny has been with Pentagon in his capacity for a while. He’s a former student athlete whose knee I repaired. He went into law enforcement, but felt uncomfortable in the role. I got him a job at Pentagon and he has worked in our security team ever since.” He revealed.

  “Okay. Well, then I can live with that. They’ll just be in the background until we resolve who took me, right?”

  “Yes . . . but . . .” He stalled.


  “There is one more.”

  “One more?”

  “Yeah . . .” I looked at him and shrugged, awaiting an answer. “Faith.”

  “Faith?” He nodded. “Get out!”


  “Out! I want you out!”

  “What the hell is wrong now?”

  “You hired her to be security? I confided in her. Just last night I went to her apartment to talk about us . . . Did she tell you everything?” I asked, feeling humiliated. Matt paused.

  “I was in the apartment last night when you visited.”

  “You were in her apartment?”

  “It’s my apartment. I set it up for her to stay there. Ken too. He was there when you came by.”

  I slapped my hands onto my face, embarrassed about what she might have told him. “You’re only here because she told you I had a secret to share with you. You rightfully assumed it was about the tape. This thing we just had wasn’t about how you treated me last night. It was to get one step closer to figuring out a way to get your shares back. Not me.” I paused. He shook his head. “And I’m such a needy idiot I fell for your charms once again and spread my legs to give you the information.” I walked away from him toward the window.

  “Perla, I didn’t ask you to volunteer the information. You gave it to me willingly. I apologized for my behavior because I was a selfish prick, which you didn’t deserve. It had nothing to do with Faith telling me anything about you wanting me back. I already knew you did. And you always will.” He walked over to me. Reaching to grasp my waist, Matt pulled me to him.


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