Stepbrother's Debt

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Stepbrother's Debt Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Please, Donnie.”

  “Do you want me to fuck you now?” he asked.

  “Yes, please, fuck me. I need you.”

  His thrusts came faster, and he went deeper, slamming deep within her, going harder. The headboard banged against the wall with the strength of his thrusts. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, loving the feel of his dick within her.

  She started to push up, taking more of him inside her. The pain was all but forgotten from the pleasure of his cock.

  “I’m not going to last, baby. Fuck, the best fucking pussy I’ve ever had.” Donnie grunted, tightening inside her, and filling her with his cum. His cock twitched, and Paige held him. She hadn’t come a second time, but she liked seeing the look on Donnie’s face as he gave himself over to pleasure.

  After only a couple of seconds, he collapsed over her, panting for breath. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly against him.

  Chapter Nine

  Donnie moved over Paige but kept his cock still inside her. She didn’t complain about his weight, but he didn’t want her to get uncomfortable with him being over her. Cupping her cheek, he stared into her beautiful blue eyes, knowing he’d lied to her. Paige had broken into his cold heart, and found a place within him. He didn’t want to love her, but he knew that it was already too late.

  He loved Paige, and had done for a long time. He’d only just realized it now.

  “We need to shower,” she said.

  “No, we’re going to have a long relaxing bath. I want to take you again before the night is over.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “Was it, erm, was it any good?” she asked.

  “The best, Paige.”

  “Really? You don’t have to lie.”

  “I’m not lying. If it wasn’t any good, you wouldn’t have a pussy full of my cum.”

  “You’re romantic when you want to be, a real charmer.”

  “I’ll never pretend to be something I’m not. This is who I am.” He glided his hand down so that he caressed her bottom lip. Soon, he’d have those lips wrapped around his dick, which happened to be one of his biggest fantasies.

  “I know. I don’t know what else to expect right now.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “Hey,” he said, bringing her gaze back to him. “Don’t be anything. I’m not expecting anything from you. All I want is for you to be yourself.” He pressed another kiss to her lips then pulled out of her pussy. She gasped, hissing.

  Donnie stared between her thighs. He saw her virgin blood combined with his cum. Their combined juices mingled together, dropping down on the bed.

  “What is it?” she asked, looking between her thighs. “Ew, erm, sorry.”

  He didn’t say anything. Reaching out, he picked her up in his arms. She screamed at him to put her down. Ignoring her pleas, he only put her down when he entered the large, luxurious bathroom. Donnie didn’t speak as he started to fill the tub. She said his name a couple of times, but he ignored her.

  With the water filling the tub, he made his way back toward the bedroom. Stripping down the bed, he remade it with some of the spare blankets he’d seen in the cupboards. Most of the time housecleaning would change the bedding. He didn’t want anyone to see Paige’s innocence. After witnessing her embarrassment, this was between the two of them. No one was going to ever see the evidence of him being her only man. He’d gladly walk back downstairs to the party and show everyone that Paige was pure, and all his.

  After he finished making up the bed, he made his way into the bathroom. He didn’t need to linger on the bed. It was already warm, so they didn’t need many extra layers to keep them warm.

  Entering the bathroom, he found Paige leaning over the bath testing the water. He’d placed some salts in before he left. She turned the tap off and climbed in. He saw her wince a little.

  Donnie needed to hold her. Climbing in behind her, he wrapped his arms around her, tugging her close against him.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey. I know you’re hurting. Let me hold you.”

  “I’m not fighting.”

  She relaxed against him. Their hands locked together, and he stared down at their left hands, which also showed off the ring he’d bought her. She wore the ring his mother once wore, and the wedding band was his. On the inside he’d put “Donnie’s Property”.

  “Everything is so surreal at the moment,” she said.

  He dropped kisses to her neck, listening to her talk.

  “What is surreal?”

  “We’re together. I mean, we’re married. How many stepsiblings actually marry? I don’t know.”

  “We’re not breaking any rules.”

  “I’m sure we’re breaking some kind of rule.”

  “No, we’re not breaking any rules. I told you I wouldn’t put your life at risk, and I’m not going to now.” He licked across her pulse, moaning as she tilted her neck so that he got better access to her flesh. “Damn, you’re making me hard again, baby.” Releasing one of her hands, he slid it down to cup her pussy.

  She moaned but didn’t tense or tell him to stop. Kissing her neck, he caressed through her slit, touching her clit before moving down to enter her pussy. He paused at her cry.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine,” she said, whimpering.

  “That’s it, baby. Scream, and let me hear how much you want my dick.” He fucked her with two fingers, pressing his thumb to her clit. Donnie sucked on her neck, using his teeth to bite down her neck.

  Her pussy clutched his fingers tightly, working her over. His dick was feeling left out of her touch, but right now, this was all for her.

  She started to ride his fingers, and when he could stand it no longer, he pulled out.

  “Donnie, why did you stop?” she asked.

  Without speaking, he eased her around, getting her to straddle his hips. Gripping the base of his now thickened shaft, he found her entrance, and tugged her down so that she’d taken all of his cock inside.

  Together they groaned out, moaning in pleasure.

  “Fuck, baby, this is so fucking perfect.” He ran his hands down to cup her ass, tugging her up then slamming her back onto his cock. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he leaned down, taking one of her pert nipples into his mouth, sucking the hard bud.

  She cried out, throwing her head back, and Donnie moved onto her other nipple, nipping and biting. He kept up the thrusts, easing her up and down his length. She squeezed him so damn tightly that to him, he was in heaven.

  Letting go of one of her hips, he reached down to stroke her clit. This time she was going to come all over his cock, and he was going to love every second of her touch. Circling each nipple with his tongue, he stayed still within her, loving the way her cunt clenched his dick like a vise.

  “Donnie,” she said, moaning at the same time. “It feels so good.”

  Her nails sank into the flesh of his shoulders.

  “I’m going to make you feel this way all the time. There’s not going to be any holding back.” He stroked her clit, and in between watching her reactions, he sucked on her tits.

  “Yes, I want this. I want you. Fuck, I’m a slut. I wanted my stepbrother.”

  He chuckled. “Then I’m damn happy because I wanted my stepsister.”

  It was wrong, yet not at the same time. Neither of them was related or close to being related.

  “Come for me, Paige. Ride my dick and come all over it.”

  Her breathing increased, going a little deeper with each stroke over her clit. Biting on her nipple, he pinched her clit, and Paige splintered apart. He pussy tightened around him in little flutter that had him groaning. Donnie continued to stroke her clit even as he started to fuck her, thrusting up and out of her. Paige held onto him tighter, bouncing a little on his cock. He loved the view of her tits as she did.

  When she could take it no longer and started to shake in his arms, he returned his hands to her hips, and slamme
d her over and over again onto his dick. He growled, going harder than he meant to.

  Finding his own release became like a desperate urge inside him.

  One final thrust up, and Donnie found his second orgasm. His seed spilled into her waiting womb. He didn’t know if he was ever going to be able to use a condom. Paige was the first woman he’d ever gone bare with, and he loved it. Her pussy was the nicest, tightest cunt he’d been inside.

  He held her throughout his orgasm. By the time it was over, he didn’t believe he could think afterward.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “Fuck, baby. If you’re not careful, you’re going to be responsible for killing me.” He pushed her dark hair away from her face so she wasn’t hiding from him. “We were supposed to be getting clean.”

  “I think we got dirty again.” She wrinkled her nose, and he burst out laughing.

  “Yes, we’re dirty again.” Kissing her shoulder, he listened to her gasp.

  “I love it when you kiss and touch me. I don’t know if I can think around you,” she said.

  Donnie smiled against her skin, pressing little kisses until he got to her nipple, and sucked it in deep. “I don’t want you to think. Not yet.”

  “Okay. One night of not thinking. I can handle that.”

  He reached down, cupping her ass. For Donnie, he’d truly believed he’d really hit the jackpot.


  Paige stayed on her front as Donnie caressed his fingers over her back, down to her ass, then back up again.

  They’d been out of the bath, and made love again, which made it three times that night. Each time was even better than the first. When she entered the room, she’d nearly had a panic attack at the change of bedding until Donnie had explained that he’d taken care of the blankets that were stained with their combined releases and her virgin blood.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he said, stroking his fingers down to her neck.

  “You’re just obsessed with touching me,” she said, staring down at the wedding ring on her finger. She was married, and now she was a wife in every sense of the word.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “Nothing, not really.” She shrugged.

  “Tell me.”

  “It’s nothing. I’m just thinking.”

  “We’re naked on our wedding night and you’re thinking. I take it you’re not thinking about sex.”

  She chuckled. “Not at the moment, but I did, once.”

  “Gee, make a guy feel appreciated.”

  “It’s not your fault, I’m sorry.”

  “Okay, what are you thinking about?” he asked, lying beside her. He rested his head on his palm as he lay next to her.

  “What happens next?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do we continue to live at our parents’? What do I do with my time? What’s expected of me? You’ve said I can’t go to college, but I’ll never fit into lunch or anything like that. I’ll happily stay with Maria.” She would do anything to stop that monster, Rafael, from touching the young woman. Paige didn’t know what to expect between herself and Donnie.

  “You can spend time with Maria. She’s not the only woman who suffers, but she’s the only one that I’m close to as well. It drives Luiz crazy.” He reached out, pressing his hand to her back. Donnie always seemed to want to touch her.

  “What did you mean when you said Maria would be safe?” she asked, recalling his words on her birthday.

  Donnie stared at her. “Luiz, Jake, Tonio, and I, we’ve got a plan. I’m not going to tell you more just yet in case I risk your safety. Put it this way. By the time our plan comes into fruition, we’re hoping Maria is kept safe, and so are you.”

  “But I can’t know anymore.”

  “Not yet, you can’t. I wish there was more I could tell you, but I can’t. It’s too much of a risk.” He pressed another kiss to her shoulder, lingering a little longer on touching. “We’re not going to be living at home with our parents. After tonight, we’re going home, and you’re coming to live with me.”

  “Live with you? But I thought you lived with Anthony.”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t live with my father. I haven’t lived there for a long time.”

  “I’m confused. If you’ve not lived there, how come you’re always there?” she asked.

  “You’re there. I wanted to get to know you. I couldn’t stay away, but I don’t live there. I haven’t lived there since I was eighteen. I live in an apartment building owned by The Family. Tonio, Jake, and Luiz each have an apartment there.”

  “Is that where we’ll live?”

  “Yes, that’s where we’ll live. I wouldn’t willingly stay with my father if I could help it. After tomorrow, we’re out of there. I have my own money, and we’ll be set.”

  “We could just run away together,” she said.


  “The money on the card I gave you. We don’t have to keep on fighting to be part of The Family. Me, you, Maria, Luiz, Tonio, and Jake, we could all make a run for it.” The card must have enough money to make her father believe she could start a new life. What if they all started a new life, got out from under The Family?

  “I can’t do it, baby. The Family, it’s part of us, and I would never spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder,” he said.

  “You do that now with your father. You’re always looking over your shoulder. It never ends.”

  He shook his head. “No, it does end. I’m not always looking over my shoulder. Paige, it’s different from running. I’m only looking over my shoulder at our enemies. We run, we’re looking because of our enemies, and The Family.”

  Any hope she had fled. If they were to run, they’d be running from more than one enemy, and that she couldn’t handle.

  “I guess we’re all staying then.”

  “It’s not always going to be like this, I promise.”

  “You’re making a lot of promises lately, Donnie. Be careful.”

  “I’ve told you I wouldn’t put you at risk.”

  “I’m not thinking about myself. I’m thinking about you.” She smiled at him. “At least I don’t have to worry about Anthony breathing down my neck, or Mom forcing me out to lunch.”

  “There are going to be times when you’re going to be left alone. I’ll leave a guard for you outside our door in case you want to go out.”

  “You’re very protective.”

  “I like to take care of what’s mine.”

  He cupped the back of her neck, pulling her close. His lips moved over hers, and her arousal awakened once again. Biting her lip, she stared at him, wondering if it was even normal to be this turned on.

  “How do you make me feel this way?” she asked.

  “I could ask you the exact same thing. I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but I’m hard as rock. Roll over.”

  She rolled over and tried to ignore her shyness and resist the urge to cover herself.

  “Have you ever touched yourself before?” he asked.

  Heat bloomed in her cheeks, and she shook her head. “No.”

  He chuckled. “I can take care of that.” He took her hand within his so their fingers were aligned. “Open your thighs.”

  Sliding her legs open, she stared into his gaze, surprised that he no longer appeared cold, but warm. She wondered if Donnie’s enemies were ever shocked by his gaze, the darkness of his eyes as he stared back at them. He moved closer, placing one arm underneath her neck, and with their hands together, he guided her fingers between her thighs.

  “It’s your body, Paige. You control what you want, what you need.” He pressed their middle fingers inside her. “First, we need to get out fingers nice and wet.”

  “Are you playing teacher now?” she asked.

  “You bet I am.”

  She giggled, moaning as they moved up, stroking over her clit. “This isn’t fair.”

  “There are going to be times when I come home, I’m go
ing to want to watch you play with yourself. I need you to be ready and willing to do that.”

  Paige groaned, closing her eyes.

  “No, look at me. You don’t get to close your eyes when I’m in session.”

  She pouted, hating how cruel he was being. Keeping her gaze on his, she bit her lip when their fingers stroked over her clit.

  “I’m going to let you go now, and you’re going to show me what you like.”

  He released her hand. At first Paige stayed still, not feeling comfortable touching herself.

  “I’m going to be touching my cock.”

  She glanced down to find Donnie stroking his shaft. The sight mesmerized her. His cock was already rock hard once again with the tip leaking fluid. He rubbed his palm over the shaft before moving it down his cock, stroking himself harder.

  Paige used one finger to start off with, touching her clit then going down to tease her entrance. She found what she liked, exploring her own flesh. Paige didn’t like it too rough, nor did she like it too light. She loved something in between that turned her on, drawing her closer to arousal.

  “That’s it, baby. You don’t know how beautiful you look with your legs open, showing me that pretty little pussy.”

  He sucked the nipple that was closer to him, and his strokes increased. Getting lost into the moment, Paige finally closed her eyes, crying out at the intense pleasure that consumed her from the touch of her own fingers.

  Their heavy breathing and the sound of wet flesh echoed around the room.

  “Donnie, I’m close,” she said, moaning.

  “Come for me, Paige. Let it all go and show me how much you love it.”

  Biting her lip, she stroked over her clit, going over the edge into complete bliss. Her fingers weren’t as good as Donnie’s tongue, but they would have to do when he wasn’t around to satisfy her.

  Donnie groaned, and she turned her head in time to see him come all over her stomach and chest. The sight didn’t repulse her, but it turned her on seeing his complete loss of control.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  She removed her fingers from her pussy, and worked them through his cream. “You made me dirty again.”


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