Stepbrother's Debt

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Stepbrother's Debt Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “What does Jake get out of this?” Paige asked, trying to make sense of it all.

  “His father will move up the ranks. At the moment he’s only allowed to remain a soldier. Jake will take his place at my, Tonio, and Luiz’s side. There will be no more forced marriages or arranged marriages. We will keep out Family safe, and bring us into the modern world.”

  “That’s how you’re going to help Maria.”

  “Rafael will not live to see another day the moment Luiz gets hold of him.”

  She ran fingers through her hair, moving toward him. “What about us?”

  “What about us? You’re my wife, and will be the mother of our child. I’ll not give you up, no matter what.” He cupped her cheek, drawing her closer to him. “I will protect you, Paige. Out of everyone, you’re the innocent.”

  She reached out, touching his belt. Tugging on the open end, she began to release his pants from the tight confines of the belt. “I’m not that innocent anymore. You took care of that.”

  “I did.” His fingers brushed across her breasts as he began to unbutton her shirt, taking his time, heightening her arousal. “And now I think it’s time for me to make sure you’re not tempted to go back to being innocent.”

  He pushed her shirt from her shoulders, flicking the catch of her bra. Paige reached out, shoving his shirt off, then went back to his belt. Tugging it open, she stared up into his dark gaze. Donnie yanked out of her grasp as he pulled her jeans down her thighs.

  She didn’t have the chance to catch her breath as he pushed her toward the bed, bending her over it.

  Donnie tore her panties off her body, caressing his hand all over her ass. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  The sound of his belt buckle rattling, followed by his zipper gave her an indication that he was getting naked. He teased her pussy, and he slid two fingers inside her. “Fuck, baby, you’re already soaking wet. You want my cock?”

  “Yes, I want your cock, please.”

  He aligned the tip to her pussy, grabbed her hips, and slammed right deep inside her. “Such a nice tight pussy. I knew it would be like this with you. Fucking amazing.”

  She screamed out as he pulled out and rammed back home. He didn’t let up, fucking her harder than ever before.

  Donnie ran his hands up and down her body before spreading the cheeks of her ass apart.

  His fingers glided over her clit, and suddenly he pressed them against her ass. She tensed up.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to fuck you here yet.”

  “You want to fuck my ass?”

  “Not tonight, but one day, I’m going to own every inch of you.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to question him as he fucked her hard, taking away all thought as his dick became her only focus. He filled her to the brim.

  His fingers caressed over her asshole, and she reached between them to touch her clit. The hardness of his cock, the feel of his fingers on her ass, and her own on her clit were driving her closer to orgasm. She knew in that moment she wasn’t going to last. Her orgasm grew to imaginable heights.

  “That’s it, baby, come all over my cock.”

  Donnie didn’t let up his thrusts, and she screamed out as her orgasm took over, crashing over her. She shoved back onto his cock, prolonging the experience.

  “That’s it. Your cunt is like fucking heaven.” Donnie slammed into her once more, and groaned. His cock jerked inside as his cum filled her up.

  Afterward, Paige didn’t have the energy to get up. She’d gladly die in that moment.

  Chapter Eleven

  One week later

  “When are we making our move?” Luiz asked. “I’m getting sick and tired of hearing from the doctor that Maria has been knocked around.”

  “Does he have you on speed dial?” Jake wasn’t taking the piss. They were all genuinely concerned. They’d been planning this takeover for the last three years, making sure The Family was ready for a new direction of leadership.

  Donnie looked at his wedding band. He’d do anything for Paige, and if taking over The Family was one of them, then he was happy to do it. Anthony was going to try to kill Paige. His father was careening out of control.

  “We’re doing it tonight,” Donnie said. He’d spent the past week putting the cogs in motion to take out his father. Charlene was in on it and had told him Anthony was coming to the apartment tonight.

  He’d gone and visited his father yesterday to give him an update on one of the strip clubs that Donnie had been ordered to take care of. While Anthony had been busy, he’d sent texts to Luiz’s and Tonio’s fathers for them to meet at the apartment. He’d used the code Jake’s father had told him about.

  Tonio looked at his watch. “Wow, a couple of hours and it will all be over.”

  Donnie held his hand out to the group. “I want you all to realize this could get ugly, crazy ugly. Not all of The Family is going to accept our new rule.”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” Tonio said. “I’ve not planned the last three years to sit back and watch shit fall apart. I’d rather die than run, Donnie. You know that.”

  He looked toward Jake and Luiz.

  “Don’t look at me. I love my sister. Maria needs to leave Rafael, and she can’t. I want this change just as much as you. I’m not backing down and let others come at us. We’ve got each other, and I don’t give a shit about whatever fucking shit comes our way. We’re a fucking team, all the way.”

  “I’m with you guys,” Jake said. “My father has been loyal his entire life. I’m not going to sit back and watch him get shit on. We’re in this together, the four of us, brothers, every step of the way.”

  Donnie nodded.

  “You’re not thinking of backing out, are you?” Luiz asked. “We’re a team the whole of the way.”

  “I’m not backing down, nor am I stepping aside. This is what I wanted.”

  “Does Paige know what’s going down?”

  “No, she doesn’t, and I’m not letting her out of the apartment today until I guarantee that she’s safe from my father.” Once his father was dead, he’d be taking the time to pay a little visit to Sharon. Her mother would have two choices. Stay the hell away from Paige, and live the life she’d become accustomed to but keeping silent, or die.

  He truly believed his offers were nice, considering it was Sharon who’d brought Paige into this shit.

  “Right, I want you all back here by six,” he said. “We’ll meet here, and then we’ll go and end this once and for all.”

  Donnie shook hands with each of his friends. None of them were laughing, but then, it wasn’t a laughing matter what they were facing. Four years of planning was finally going to come to fruition. The whole thing was exciting, terrifying, and he couldn’t wait for it to be over. There were times he forgot that he was twenty-one. He’d never really been a kid. From the moment he was born, shit was expected from him, and it wasn’t always good shit either. Donnie had known he was going to be a killer. He’d had to be in order to survive this life. After finding his mother dead, and holding his brother while he took his last breaths, something had hardened within him. Only when he was around Paige did that hardness seem to lessen.

  He walked upstairs into the spare bedroom to find her sitting on the bare mattress. Her hands were resting in her lap. She looked calm, and so totally beautiful, with her raven hair wild around her.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, leaning against the doorframe.

  “Nothing. I’m just wondering what we’re going to do with this space. Do you think we should leave it free for Maria? What will happen to her?” she asked.

  This was what he’d grown to love about Paige. She was always worried about someone else.

  “Luiz will help her.”

  “What about that other woman? You know … Charlene.”

  “I’m not going to kick her out of the apartment. She’s been through enough.” And by the end of the night she was going to have seen a hell of a lot mor
e than she bargained for.

  “Okay. Wow, I can’t believe I’m even thinking like this.”

  He left his position from the doorframe and made his way toward her. “You know it’s for the good of all of us, right?”

  “I know. Anthony is such an evil bastard. Him being dead would be a blessing. I guess I just wish we didn’t have to start our married life off with such death.”

  Donnie sat beside her, cupping her cheek. “Our marriage didn’t exactly start off great.”

  “No, I’m indebted to you.”

  “You’re not, Paige. You’re not in my debt. I just wanted you to believe that so you’d marry me.”

  “Why? Your father was going to kill me. You’d have been well rid of the evil stepsister that was thrust upon you.”

  He stared into her beautiful blue eyes, and found himself falling. This was how she always made him feel. Uneasy, scared, happy, turned on. All of the raw emotions were rolled into one turning him into the mess he was now.

  “You were never my evil stepsister, Paige. You were so much more to me than that.” He took her hand. There was no way he could face his father and the prospect of death without her knowing the truth. “It’s hard for me. Men in my family, men I’m associated with, we’re taught and trained not to feel anything. There’s no room in our life for a pussy who cares about emotions. From the moment I first saw you, Paige, you made me feel shit I hadn’t felt from the moment my brother took his last gasping breath.” Donnie stared into her eyes as he spoke so she would know that he told the truth. “I promised myself I would never love or care for another person for as long as I lived. My father would always find ways to destroy what I loved, and The Family, I do love it. It’s rotten from the inside out, but I will make it better. I promised my brother while he was dying in my arms that I would make The Family whole again.”


  Silencing her with a kiss, he rested his head against hers. “I never expected to meet the most beautiful, mesmerizing, caring, secretive woman along the way. Paige Jones, I should not have married you, and I shouldn’t have fallen so deeply in love with you, but, baby, I’ve never been good at following the rules. I’ve done all of those things.” He kissed away her tears holding her close. “The only lie I ever told you was that I only cared about you. My feelings have gone way beyond that. I cannot live in a world that doesn’t have you in it. You’re my heart and soul, and the very reason why tonight, I’m going to start keeping my promise. I’m going to kill the rot that has been set upon The Family.”

  She spoke his name, but once again he silenced her with a kiss.

  “You deserve someone better. Someone who can give you the white picket fence, let you go to college, and to never fear going out of your home. I can’t give you any of those things, but I promise you, Paige, no man will ever love you so deeply, and all consuming as I do.”

  Paige cupped his face. “Will you shut up for one minute?”

  He frowned, staring into her eyes.

  “I know it’s wrong, and I shouldn’t love you, but I do. I loved you even when I owed you a debt. I love you now, and I’ll love you no matter who you are.” She licked her lips, staring down at his lap before looking back into his eyes. “I know you’re not a good man, Donnie, but I also know you are. You’re a mixture of both, and in The Family, it is hard to find a combination of equally good and bad. I love you, and tonight when you come home, I will love you the same.”

  No longer able to hold back from kissing her, Donnie held her tightly against him, slamming his lips down on hers. He took possession of her mouth, knowing in his heart this could be the last time he held her, touched her, fucked her.

  She moaned, and all sense inside him went out of the window.

  Standing up, he tugged her up against him. She gasped, and he didn’t stop there. He began to remove her clothes, tugging at the fabric. The sound of fabric tearing didn’t stop him. Paige did the same to him, tearing at his clothes. He needed to be inside her and wasn’t going to stop until he was so deep within her.


  Donnie loved her. It was surreal to her. Paige couldn’t believe they were actually in love. How had she gotten so lucky? That luck had come with the price of Donnie being in The Family. She couldn’t imagine her life without him, and didn’t want to. He’d come into her life and invaded her heart. If being around The Family meant she could stay with him then that was exactly what she was going to do.

  Tearing at his clothes she got him as naked as she was. When they were both completely naked, she wrapped her fingers around his cock, working from the base up to the tip. She stroked the tip, caressing his pre-cum into his length.

  “Yeah, baby, touch my cock, make it hard.”

  “You’re already hard.” She smiled. Staring into his eyes, she lowered herself down to her knees. He hissed out. She wasn’t going to be stopped until she’d give him equal pleasure to what he’d given her.

  “Yes, it’s what I always am when I’m around you.”

  She flicked her tongue out, caressing over the tip of his cock. He sank his fingers into her hair, holding her tightly as he thrust into her mouth.

  “Fuck, baby. Your mouth is so beautiful. Suck me a little harder.”

  Paige did exactly what he said, sucking him harder. She used her hands to caress up and down his shaft, prolonging his pleasure. Swallowing down the pre-cum that coated her tongue, she moaned.

  The grip in her hair tightened, and suddenly he pulled out, tugging her to her feet. He covered her mouth with his own, biting and nipping at her lips, and at the same time he urged her back.

  When the mattress hit the back of her legs, she collapsed down onto the bed, laughing then moaning as he cupped her breast, pinching her nipple. Each new touch heightened her arousal. He pinched her nipple before leaning down to suck the bud into his mouth. She arched up into his touch, wanting more. Opening her thighs, she reached between them, and started to stroke her clit.

  “That’s it, baby, get yourself nice and wet for my dick.”

  He kissed across her chest, taking her other nipple into his mouth. Donnie bit down, causing a slight jolt of pain that had her pussy seeping with cream.

  She ran her fingers through her cream, sliding up to tease her clit.

  “I can’t wait any longer.” His hand disappeared, and she imagined him gripping his cock.

  The tip of his cock pressed to her core, and with one long thrust, he filled her to the brim.

  She moaned, and his pelvis made it hard for her to touch her clit. Donnie didn’t stop in his thrusts. Paige kept touching her clit even as he fucked her hard, slamming inside her, taking what he wanted. She stared between them watching his cock grow slick with her cream.

  “You’ve no idea how fucking perfect this is. You’re so beautiful, Paige, and all mine.”

  He gripped her hip hard as he fucked her.

  She rubbed her clit, making her arousal grow.

  “No, I’m not ready for this to be over,” he said, pulling out of her pussy.

  Paige watched as he sank down between her thighs. He opened the lips of her pussy, and she cried out as his tongue attacked her clit. Donnie dropped down to her entrance, plunging his tongue inside her.

  She arched up. The arousal heightened within her. When he stopped plunging his tongue inside her, he used his fingers while he caressed her clit. His tongue and fingers seemed to be everywhere.

  “Please, Donnie, I can’t take much more.”

  He slid inside her, fucking her with his fingers. The moment he sucked her clit into his mouth using his teeth, she came apart. Her orgasm took her by surprise. She gripped his hair.

  Donnie didn’t make her wait any longer. He moved back over her, slamming inside her deeper than ever before.

  Over and over, he fucked her harder. She held onto him, giving Donnie everything, and holding him throughout.

  He slammed inside her one last time, and his cock jerked, filling her with his cum. She lis
tened as Donnie cried out, wrapping his arms around her as he came. Paige didn’t want to let him go. She kept holding him just as much as he held her.

  After their orgasm subsided, he continued to hold her, kissing her neck and shoulder.

  “I love you, baby. This is more than I ever expected for myself.” He whispered the words against her ear, making her gasp as her arousal sparked to life.

  “I love you, Donnie.” She ran her hands across his back. There was nowhere else she wanted to be.

  He ran his hand down her body. Time passed, and he finally looked down at her. “I don’t want to leave your pussy.”

  She smiled. “Then don’t leave. I’m happy with you staying inside me.”

  Donnie claimed her lips, plunging within her mouth. She moaned, touching his tongue with her own, deepening the kiss.

  For the rest of the afternoon, he didn’t leave the comfort of her pussy once. Paige held him tight to her, making love, and being everything he needed in those moments.

  Later that night, she stood by the door watching as he left with Tonio, Jake, and Luiz. She didn’t like watching him leave but knew in her heart this was what he needed to do to create a better future for them, and for any children they might have.

  Chapter Twelve

  Riding down the elevator, Donnie, Tonio, Luiz, and Jake remained silent. Tonight they would either live or die. Donnie hoped the outcome would be life. A life with Paige would be perfect for him.

  Glancing down at his cell phone he saw the text from Charlene, letting him know all three men were in her apartment.

  The elevator pinged open. Walking out, they stepped around the door.

  “Charlene goes out, and I’m sending her up to Paige. I’ve already told her to expect a woman tonight.” He’d asked Paige to let Charlene stay in the apartment until all the mess was cleaned away. Donnie wouldn’t allow any pain to come to the two women.

  “After this, we’re going to Maria’s. I’m not having her stay there another minute,” Luiz said.


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