In My Custody

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In My Custody Page 5

by Stella Marie Alden

  Pursing his lips, Jack opens the back door for the two ladies and me. After we sit, he climbs in the front passenger seat next to the driver.

  “Eighth and Fifty-third.” Jack glances over his shoulder, then adjusts the mirror, the one where things may appear closer than they are.

  With the whole length of Sienna’s thigh tucked tightly to mine, I place my arm behind her on the top of the back seat. While I may not like the fact Dahlyla joined us, I certainly will enjoy the ride. It gets even better when Sienna rests her hand on my knee and shoots me a shy smile.

  At the restaurant, Jack finds us a table near the kitchen so he can face the door while I order us a bottle of wine.

  “I’m playing tonight.” Sienna declines a glass when the waiter holds it out.

  Dahlyla, however, thrusts her glass forward. “Love one, darling. I’m celebrating.”

  “Why is that?” Under the table, I peel her hand off my knee and glare.

  “One hundred million reasons, to be exact.”

  Sienna pales. “No way. Gold Life stopped payment?”

  “Just for now. Pending more evidence, of course.”

  “Care to clue me in, ladies?” I’m well aware of the huge payout being postponed, I just want to hear the reasoning from Dahlyla’s perspective.

  However, it’s Sienna who stirs. Her thick blond lashes raise and wide eyes find mine. “I heard his voice. It’s Peter. He’s not dead.”

  Air whooshes out of my lungs. I sure as hell was not expecting that. “You sure it was him?”

  “Yeah. I got a short recording but not enough, apparently.” Her eyes flick over to Dahlyla.

  “Says who?” I will shut this shit down real fast.

  “The police,” Dahlyla breaks in. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, chill out, Quinn. We gave the sound bite to our experts. The snippet is close enough to deserve more investigation but not enough to prove Peter’s really alive. Anyone can manipulate an audio file.”

  “Who else knows about this?” I glare at the black woman, a spider with two flies caught in her web.

  Her fake black lashes lower and raise. “Just a few in my company and the judge overseeing the case.”

  “And any Tom, Dick, and Harry.” I motion the waitress for the bill. “Didn’t it occur to you that you would be putting Sienna at risk?”

  “Not really. What can Peter do?”

  “Well, for one thing, he could drug her, place her in her car, and disable the brakes.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic. There’s no evidence to support it was him.”

  “You got any other suspects in mind?” I stand, completely and totally miffed at this woman’s careless behavior with my client and maybe my future wife. “You’ll be damned lucky if I don’t slap you with a lawsuit.”

  “For what?” She stands eye to eye with me, dark lips pursed, and brown eyes full of challenge.

  I’ve seen a similar look in guilty-as-sin clients. There’s this complete lack of empathy even though she’s trying hard to hide it.

  I’m damned good at reading people and don’t get intimidated easily. I lean over and speak low and slowly, so she doesn’t miss one goddamned word. “Criminal negligence, for starters. I’m sure I can think of some other things if I work on it.”

  She looks down at the bill, grabs her purse, and fiddles opening her wallet. “Don’t be stupid, Andrew. I broke no laws. C’mon Sienna. Let’s go.”

  I growl at Sienna. “You do and I’m done trying to protect you.”

  My client, the woman who I’ve begun to obsess over, glances back and forth between Dahlyla and me, then puts her palms in both our faces. “I don’t have time for this. You two stay and piss it out. I need to get ready for work. Andy, please put my portion of the meal on my tab. And for God’s sake, Jack, you stay put. I never agreed to any of this.”

  Chapter 6


  I whistle for a city cab and when one arrives, I quickly open the door, and hop in the back seat. “Thirty-ninth, between seventh and eighth.”

  “Sure thing, miss.” When the cabbie starts the meter, I glance over my shoulder and sure enough, there’s Jack.

  He follows in a dark SUV while I make my way downtown, a billion thoughts swirling in my brain. I didn’t like how Andy treated Dahlyla but I have to admit, I didn’t like how she acted either. They’re both being childish and I did good to leave.

  I wanted to side with my sexy lawyer but at what cost? I don’t have enough friends to lose. Generally, I don’t connect. I got no one to call in the middle of the night, no one to share secrets with. Most of the time it doesn’t matter but since meeting Andy, I wish I had someone to talk to.

  As I sat there in the restaurant, my clothes seemed lame while Dahlyla was dressed to the nines. It’s a no-brainer. A guy like Andy goes for a sexy woman and I need to stop fantasizing.

  I let out a long, deep sigh and the driver’s Middle-Eastern eyes catch me in the rearview mirror. “Are you alright, miss?”

  “Fine.” I give him a small smile. Apparently, I haven’t reached rock bottom or by now, I’d be spilling my guts.

  However, I can always count on Sam. Thinking of him, I pick up my cell phone and call. It really was weird how we met. We got to talking before an audition and found out we had the same birth mother.

  Voila. Instant brother.

  “Hey Sis.” I smile at his use of the term. He was as thrilled as me to find a sibling in a city of strangers. “Coming to rehearsal?”

  The cab stops at a light. To avoid traffic, we’ve gone down the west side but still need to go crosstown. “Be there in about twenty.”

  “Good. We only got this place for a couple more hours. See ya in a few. Is your bodyguard with you?”

  “Ah, not really. I think the danger has passed.”

  I wish.

  “Not believing you, Sis.” His connection drops as he hangs up on me.

  A few minutes later, I arrive at rehearsal, huffing and puffing from running up three flights of stairs. The guys in the band look up and grin as I plop down on the piano bench.

  “I want you to sing this tonight.” Sam throws some sheet music on the stand.

  “Why? The lyrics suck.” I glance at the scribbled notes in my handwriting and for the umpteenth time wish that words would come to me as easily as chords.

  “Doesn’t matter. Make something up.” Sam taps his bass, setting the tempo. “One, two, three, and…”

  A guitar lick starts the tune and I shoot my brother a desperate look. “Can’t we do it as an instrumental?”


  What the hell is up with Sam?

  My fingers fly over the keyboard as I recall Andy’s heated look when he helped me into the shower. The former lyrics seem too trite compared to what’s going on inside my head.

  Sam nods, my piano player grins, and I sing what’s lodged deep inside my soul.

  Don’t try

  To chip away at my heart.

  Told you it was stone

  Right from the start.

  Put down your pick

  and jackhammer, baby,

  No blasting stick

  Or C4, honey.

  I swear

  I swear

  I swear

  There’s nothing you can do

  It’s bedrock and you can’t break through

  Walk away

  Shut my door.

  Because you can’t get love from stone

  And I’m bound to be alone


  I make up a few more verses with dynamite and blasting caps and scat the refrain while the guys jam. When we’re done, I’m a frigging emotional wreck.

  “Holy shit.” Sam plays back the recording he made. “That was good, sis. Real good.”

  I have no idea where all the emotion came from but I’m betting it’s from a hot guy with eyes that bore a hole right through me.

  I open the fake book, blow my nose, and pick out a tune where the lyrics don’t hurt so
much. “C’mon. Let’s get a few more under our fingers then meet downtown. I need a few minutes of shuteye before the gig.”

  Much later, at my apartment, I feel better all dolled up in my new halter dress. The slit in the front dips almost to my navel and the open back shows off the long thin tat down my spine. Spike heels do nice things for my butt and my hair is all blown out, split ends rolling under like they should. Some mascara, blush, and a whole lot of concealer block out the accident’s bruises.

  In fact, I look pretty okay as I take a last glance in the mirror.

  Knowing Sam will setup for our gig helps me save a few bucks. I’ll take the subway with my monthly metro card. I’ll be paying off the hospital bill for years to come but there’s nothing I can do by fretting. Somehow, I’ll figure it out.

  I always do.

  As is the norm, the elevator’s out so I take off my shoes and pad down the stairs in my bare feet. When I look up, I sense rather than see the man in the stairwell. I gasp, about to scream until I see who it is.

  “Jack? Jeesh. You scared the b’jesus out of me.”

  “Don’t try to lose me again. Got it?”

  I nod. The guy is fucking scary when he wants to be. I get into the dark SUV and he lets me out in front of the club. “Go straight in. I’ll join you after I park.”

  It takes a moment to adjust to the darkness. Then, I find my way to the dressing room and warm up the vocal chords. The first tune is a little rough but by the second, we’re into it and the applause feels good.

  After saying hello and thanking everyone for coming out, I head to the bar for a water and my heart stops.

  Andy’s sitting there, looking sexy as hell in a black polo shirt, black jeans, and light leather jacket. His eyes drink me in and I smile until I see who is draped over his arm, big boobs poking into him.

  Damn it, Dahlyla. Really?

  She tries on men like other women try on shoes. I try not to let my disappointment show as I paste on my show-biz smile and approach. “Don’t you two look cozy?”

  The smug look on Dahlyla’s face makes me want to puke.

  As usual, I can’t read Mr. Poker-Face when he says hi. His smile is warm but I’m not a good enough actress to return it. If he wants to sleep with her, fine, I don’t have to pretend to like it.

  “Thanks for coming out. We got one more set. Hope you stick around.”

  Before you start fucking.

  “Just a sec, hun.” Dahlyla clamps onto my upper arm and drags me close, smelling of whiskey. “I want to talk… privately.”

  “Sure.” I got no good reason to say no, except she stole my heart’s desire.

  “Will you excuse us?” Dahlyla tries to kiss Andy on the cheek but he turns his head and she catches air.

  Ha. Take that, man-stealer.

  I walk her out the back door, down three cement stairs, and into a back alley.

  Birdlike, she glances around, then whispers, “We need to lose the guys so you can take me to where you heard Peter’s voice.”

  “Are you nuts? No.” I turn to go back but she steps in front of me.

  “I just want to see if there’s any evidence that, you know… that Peter’s alive.”

  “You know what? After almost getting killed, I don’t think I want to know.”

  How could she even ask me such a thing?

  “Hey! You need your mics back and I can help.” Her eyes shine, lit by the street lamp at the end of the block. When she gets like this, she’s a shark after blood and won’t let it rest. I’m afraid if I say no, she’ll go there by herself and I won’t have her get hurt on account of me.

  “Fine.” I turn on my heel and run smack dab into the hard chest of Andy Quinn.

  His voice is low and threatening and yet he wears a friendly smile. “What’re you two planning”

  “Nothing. Just girl talk, hun.” Dahlyla smiles sweetly, takes his arm, and leads him back into the club while I follow.

  Unbelievable. Maybe I should just tell her where to go. I mean the mic location not the other thing. Well, maybe that, too.

  Chapter 7


  My client is a lousy liar and I should drop her like a bad habit but that’s my problem. She’s more than a habit, she’s my new addiction. I’m well aware how my insatiable need to protect goes way back to my childhood but this time the craving is far worse. Maybe it’s because I’ve never cared so deeply before. Whatever the reason, I’m sure as hell not leaving her alone with Spider Woman.

  Back under the stage lights, Sienna brings the mic to her lovely lips and sings about summertime and how the livin’ is easy. Her black dress shows way too much cleavage and hugs her curves as she sways. And the back of the little number? It dips almost to her crack.

  What I wouldn’t give to have her in my arms, my hands touching all that soft skin, her lower body pressed into my thick, swollen need.

  Dahlyla ruins my daydream by sliding a fingernail up and down my arm. Her breath is laced with whiskey when she blows into my ear. “Me and Sienna are going out for drinks but maybe you and me could hookup later?”

  Hell, no. I’d just as soon sleep with a rattlesnake.

  I cover my thoughts with a tight smile. “Thanks for the offer, Dahl, but I got to be up early.”

  I narrowly avoid her thick red lips on my mouth by a quick turn of my head. When the kiss lands on my cheek, Sienna’s looking straight at me, her face full of pain.

  Shit. As soon as I can, I’ll explain why I asked Dahlyla to come with me tonight.

  Remember, son, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  The advice had come from my dad in his good years. However, I need to put some space between me and the voluptuous woman before she ruins any chances I might have with Sienna.

  I pluck her red fingertips off my arm. “I’ll be right back, I need a little air.”

  Out front on the sidewalk, I speak into my comm unit. “Jack. Any sign of trouble?”

  “Nothing. What’s up?” The fucking guy is a ninja. He appears at my side out of nowhere and grins at my startled face.

  “Those two little sneaks are going to try to ditch us.” I glance around to make sure no one followed me and check the time.

  “Don’t tell me. Dahlyla, right?” His mouth purses, his eyes busy but the area is empty except for a smoker across the street, red tip glowing in the dark.

  “The set will be over in about an hour. They can’t try anything until then.”

  “Copy that.” Jack disappears into the alley and I walk back into the bar.

  When the music ends, Dahlyla slips off her stool. “Excuse me. Be right back.” She motions Sienna and they both head into the ladies room.

  Suddenly, a fire alarm blares and everyone is directed out the door, including me.

  Seriously? That’s their play?

  “Sorry.” I have to actually punch a bouncer in order to get him to let go of me. Then, I shove my way into the back and pound on the locked door. When no one answers, I tackle it with all my weight, the small bolt gives, and I enter a fucking empty room.

  Hands over my aching eardrums, I search the back area past the kitchen until I find a red exit sign. Outside, Jack looms over the two women. They’ve both done a wardrobe change into black t-shirts and jeans.

  “Going somewhere?” Heartrate returning to normal, I nod to my friend as he grabs Dahlyla by the arm and directs her to the car. I grab Sienna and follow.

  “Get lost, Quinn. We’re good.” The black woman’s deep red lips curl into a snarl, showing the real bitch I knew was hiding under all that gloss.

  “Sienna, should I leave you with her?” It’s high time my little singer grew up.

  “No. Please don’t go.” Eyes wide, she takes a step toward me as if seeing the unscrupulous insurance investigator for the first time.

  Good girl. “Glad we got that settled.” I open the front passenger door for Jack and Dahlyla and add, “So, where’re we off to?”

  One hand
on Sienna’s soft back, I slide her into the back seat. As I follow, sirens scream, a firetruck’s horn belches, and brakes screech.

  “We need to go.” Checking the rearview, Jack eases into traffic.

  “Don’t say anything, Sin.” Dahlyla shoots bullets at me over the front seat.

  “Now, now. That’s not very nice.” Sighing heavily, I take Sienna’s hand. “We had an agreement. No more lies.”

  “I didn’t lie.” Sienna appends her statement with a barely audible mutter under her breath. “I just omitted a few things.”

  “Did you really lose your memory or was that all lies, too?” That might have come out as a shout but hey, enough is enough.

  Dahlyla reaches for the door handle but before she can exit Jack engages the child-locks. He shoots her a stony look with his right hand tucked in his vest, close to his holster. I guess he’s had enough of the shenanigans, too.

  Sienna’s eyes grow wide as it finally dawns on her this isn’t a fucking game. Then, she closes them under my scrutiny. “Listen, it’s no big deal. My microphones are still in the woods and I need to get them back. Dahlyla said she’d help.”

  “At this hour?”

  “By the time we get up there, the sun will be up. It’ll only take a moment to get them out of the trees… Hey, they’re really expensive.” She bites her lower lip, a clear tell there’s more she’s not saying.

  “Sienna?” I tuck my finger into her mouth, free her lip, and wait for those big blues to open. When they do, my stupid cock twitches and I want to kiss her, not interrogate her.

  Her glance wavers and shoots toward the floor. “I may have hung the mics on posted land.”

  “Oh, fuck me all to hell. Don’t tell me. You hung your mics on the Olafson’s estate, didn’t you?”

  Her heart-shaped chin juts out. “Peter told me his family never goes there. Besides, if he is alive, I’m not trespassing, am I?”

  I roll my eyes. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  Dahlyla turns from the front seat. “You’re not that stupid, Quinn. We need proof Peter’s alive.”

  “What if he’s already seen the mics and that’s why he’s after her. Ever think of that?” I just about lose it. What the fuck were they thinking?


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