In My Custody

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In My Custody Page 9

by Stella Marie Alden

  He looms over me, his tone far too calm for the dark, brooding look he’s firing at me. “Honey, you threw some kind of wrench into a hundred-million-dollar deal, over two years in the making. C’mon now, you’re not stupid. You’ve got to see where that might piss someone off. Peter’s brother is dead. Who’s to say you’re not next? Why play Russian Roulette with your life? Please. Just come to North Carolina for a few days. When we’re sure the coast is clear, we’ll come back.”

  He opens his arms, waiting for me to step forward, and God help me, I do. His logic is sound but it still makes me mad as hell. I married Peter for all the wrong reasons and now, I may be doing it again.

  “Can we at least stop and get my clothes? My guitar?” Did my weak, pathetic, voice just crack? If it did, it’s because the man holds me captive, in more ways than one.

  His sexy voice is right by my ear, lips touching while he speaks. “I’m so, so, sorry, Sienna. I just called the police. Your apartment is part of their murder investigation. You won’t be able to get anything back for a while.”

  “No way. How do they figure that?” Completely freaked, I step out of his warm embrace but he pulls me back into his broad chest, strong arms around me, chin on my head.

  “They found some of Peter’s fingerprints. The good news is you’re no longer a suspect in Adrian’s murder.”

  “Oh my God. Like Cain and Abel, Peter murdered his own brother?” A vision of my teddy bear with the stuffing pulled out makes chills run up and down my spine. “Do you think he was sending me a message?”

  “You tell me.” He cups my cheeks, dark eyes forcing me to face the truth and for the first time since hearing Peter’s voice in the woods, this shit-show becomes very real.

  My eyes leave his to stare at the grain in his antique floorboards. “Every time I get close to getting free of Peter, something bad happens. I didn’t want to believe…”

  “You don’t have to explain. I understand.” Andy tucks a hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead but I push his muscled chest away.

  “You can’t possibly know what it’s like. I got no one to rely on, understand? If I don’t get jobs, me, my brother, his girlfriend, the band, we’re all on the street. Have you ever wondered where your next meal might be coming from?”

  Andy frowns. “What about your parents, surely-”

  “Foster care. I don’t even know which one of my mom’s johns was my dad. Luckily, she OD’d and child welfare came and got me. Otherwise, my life would be a whole different story.”

  “What about your foster family?”

  “Not good but not as bad as others. I survived.” Shuddering at the vision of Mrs. Rasmussan with her wooden spoon raised high, I curse under my breath and mumble, “Not something I really want to talk about.”

  “Sure, luv.” His endearment makes my stupid heart flutter and I scold myself with more logic.

  Luv doesn’t equal L O V E.

  I refuse to gaze into his gorgeous, brown eyes or lean into the strong body that gave me a night so full of pleasure, changing me forever. Nor, will I wallow in self-pity.

  Instead, I get down to business. “Before we go, I need to call Sam. I know a few women who might be able to fill in for me while I’m gone.”

  Trouble is, they’re so good, they’ll have my gig by the time I come back… if I come back.

  That seems to please Mr. Bossy. “Good idea. I got a few things to attend to, as well. I’ll be in my office if you need me. Stay away from the windows, okay?”

  “Yeah, no problem.”

  He spins in shoes that probably cost a fortune. After his footsteps stop on the floor below, I heave a heavy sigh and make calls, essentially killing off my career.

  By the time Andy says it’s almost time to leave, the band is all set, my rent is paid, and my life is over. Perhaps, if I think of this trip as a kind of vacation, rather than hiding out, I can survive the sadness threatening to overwhelm me.

  I pack my things, the doorbell rings and I freeze until Jack’s familiar voice echoes up the stairwell. Immediately, I’m rushed out the door, flanked by two huge men with fierce faces, mouths grim.

  I stay silent with my headphones in my ears while their eyes dart into every vehicle on the way to the airport. The inside of the SUV is so tense, I’m surprised a wide crack doesn’t appear and suck everyone in, like that Stephen King novel.

  Not for the first time today, I long for the man who held me tight last night. For a brief moment, I was the most precious thing in his world. Today, the guy sitting next to me is scary as shit. Like Jack, he’s even carrying a gun.

  The trip to JFK takes about an hour. While others wait in a long line that curls around for miles, we just walk up to this special gate and I show my driver’s license. Then, my few belongings are put through a conveyor belt and I walk through a machine with my arms up in the air. After strolling past bars, gift stores, and duty-free shops, we finally arrive at a seating area near a small booth. Over it, our flight is written on an electronic sign.

  Andy and Jack’s eyes are everywhere. I have no idea how they can stay so vigilant but it’s exhausting to watch. Despite the hard, plastic chair digging into my side, I lean over, Andy raises an arm, and I put my head on his chest.

  I must’ve fallen asleep because there’s drool on his shirt, my neck hurts, and people are standing in line to board.

  “Sorry.” My face heats as I try to wipe my spittle off his shirt but Andy’s eyes are soft as they gaze upon me. Maybe while I slept, aliens came down and put my lover back into his body.

  His hand at my lower back, he leads us through this tunnel that angles down with a curve. At the end, I greet a stewardess with a smile plastered on her face.

  She glances down at my ticket and points to a few seats up front. “You’re right there, miss.”

  Andy lets me sit by the window. Jack walks further into the cabin with a quick nod at us. “Why is he-”

  A finger goes to my lips. “Security, luv.”

  Fascinated, I watch as the plane fills and get a bit worried when the stewardess gives her safety spiel. No one else even looks at the videos but hell, I do. I check my seat for the promised life preserver and look for the hole where the oxygen mask is supposed to drop down. If it does, would I rather pass out or actually experience a crash to earth?

  My thoughts are still there as the engines roar and the jet picks up speed. When we lift off, my stomach flipflops and my hand clamps to Andy’s knee.

  “Wow.” The world gets smaller as we slice through layer after layer of fluffy clouds.

  It is so cool to watch the city fade away. Then, so much green is disconcerting.

  “I always figured forests were a myth.” I make weird faces with an open jaw to get my ears to pop and wonder if Andy knows I’ve never flown before.

  He pushes up the arm rest between us, making one long seat, his thigh pressing firmly against mine. When his hand rests on my mine, I gaze up to where his chocolate eyes hold me captive. One of his nostrils flare and his tongue flicks over his lower lip. My brain stops, my lady-lips twinge, and like in the Uber last night, I wish his hand was a tad higher.

  The stewardess clunks a cart into Andy’s shoulder and he curses but she takes no notice as she hands him a miniature bag of pretzels. “You want something to drink?”

  “Water.” I hold up the three-inch bag. “Is there anything else to eat?”

  “Sorry, short flight.” She doesn’t look sorry at all as she hands us our drinks.

  After the cart moves down the narrow aisle, Andy squeezes my knee, stands, and reaches into the overhead compartment.

  When he sits, he’s holding a paper bag containing two blessed sandwiches. “Roast beef or chicken salad?”

  “Oh my God, chicken. Thank you.” I hold our lunch while he lowers a tray attached to the seat in front of him.

  When we’re finished, I take his strong hand and kiss it, feeling better and thinking wicked thoughts. “Are we booked in the same hot
el room?”

  “Ah, no. Actually, we’re staying with my mom.”

  Yikes. Had I known, I would’ve worn something other than the clothes I went into the woods with. “What’s she like?”

  He smiles and his eyes get soft, obviously a man who had a great childhood. “Don’t worry. You’ll like her… and she’ll like you.”

  After a moment the look disappears and a tiny frown appears. “But we can’t tell her we’re sleeping together and she’ll expect us to go to church with her on Sunday.”

  Seriously? “I don’t do church.”

  “I don’t either but down there, it’s different. Please. For me?”

  “Fine.” But it isn’t.

  Me and God got this agreement. He has pretty much ignored me my whole life so I return the favor. I can’t figure how anyone could picture a kind and merciful God with all the suffering in the world. If there is a God, which I highly doubt, He must be deaf, dumb, and blind.

  I shift in my seat, my leg falling asleep. “So, other than being a holy-roller, what else can I expect from your mother?”

  I guess my voice holds an edge but can you blame me? In addition to losing a golden gig and being abducted, now, I’m going to be dragged to church.

  “Don’t be like that. Wait until you see the place.” His eyes shine. “There’s a wide porch with a bench swing, big green lawn, and a small town where everyone has your back.”

  Great. Now he’s Andy of Mayberry.

  The plane, which seemed fun at first, makes me a bit claustrophobic. I don’t mind small spaces, I just hate how I can’t get up and leave.

  “Excuse me.” I slide across his body and when caught between his legs, my stupid clit twitches. Those ladies are going to need to shut the fuck up because apparently, when we land, we’ll be back in the fifties.

  In the restroom, I glance in the mirror. The dark circles under my eyes remind me I haven’t slept much in the last few days so I refresh my makeup as best I can in the tiny space.

  When I get back to my seat, I put my head on Andy’s warm shoulder and sleep the rest of the flight.

  “Seats up please.” The rude stewardess wakes me as she walks up and down the aisle, pushing on the backs of chairs.

  I’m about to spout off but Andy kisses me and his smile melts my heart. I know he’s going to break it because I really, really suck at picking men.

  When we land, I figured he’d rent a car but as we come out of the gates, a small woman of about fifty greets him with a huge hug that lasts a long time.

  “Andrew. Dear lawd. It’s been too long.” While they continue to embrace, I stand there, awkwardly holding my bag and staring at the Starbucks, the bar, the drop ceiling…

  Finally, Andy sets her aside and says, “Mom, I’d like you to meet Sienna. She’s the client I told you about.”

  Holy shit. Client?

  All my hopes fall down the drain, like a diamond ring in a public restroom but I plaster on a fast smile, the one I use on stage. “Hello Mrs. Quinn. It’s so very kind of you to take me in.”

  “Don’t be silly. I love having company. Andrew, dear. What’s wrong with you? Grab her bag.”

  My knapsack weighs nothing at all because almost everything I owned was either torn to shreds or confiscated. However, I feel vindicated by his mom’s scolding as I shove my bag at his chest. When we get to some old truck, he and his Mom catch up in the front seat while I sit in the back and sulk.

  Client? Does he sleep with all of his clients?

  “Are you hungry dear?” Mrs. Quinn remembers I’m alive and glances into the rearview mirror.

  “No, I had a sandwich on the plane. I’m fine, really. Thank you, though.” I can be polite, even if I am pissed.

  “Okay then, we’ll have a nice dinner ready in a few hours.”

  Her eyes turn back to the road but Andy twists around looking concerned. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I said I was fine, didn’t I?” Your damn client is just peachy.

  Chapter 13


  Sienna must be really tired so I give her a pass on her attitude and don’t say a word. She had a husband come back to life and hasn’t slept for properly for days. Not only that, her apartment was trashed with a lot of rage. That destruction wasn’t a search, it was a warning.

  Anyone would be freaked.

  My phone pings and I check the text as we pull into the drive of the house I grew up in.

  Jack: Staying at Jen’s B&B

  Me: Just pulling into my mom’s

  Jack: Stay in touch

  Me: Will do

  I put my bag in CJ’s old room while my mother directs Sienna to mine. The woman who made passionate love to me last night won’t even meet my gaze.

  Eyes on my mom, she stops at the door and says, “If you don’t mind, I’ll just check my emails. Is there a code for the wifi?”

  “A what?” My mom raises her eyebrows.

  “There’s no code.” I touch Sienna’s arm and she flinches.


  “Thank you.” The woman who stole my heart shuts a door in my face and I’m pretty sure I did something wrong but have no idea what.

  “Poor dear.” My mom clucks her tongue like Sienna’s a lost lamb as we two head down the stairs.

  Then, sitting in a kitchen which hasn’t been updated since the sixties, I sigh and ready myself for the inquisition.

  “Sweet tea?” She gives a saccharine smile.


  Wait for it… Here it comes…

  A glass is placed on the table in front of me and she settles into a ladderback chair. “So, son, how long you here for?”

  “A couple weeks at most.” Okay, so the conversation isn’t what I expected.

  “Wonderful!” A big grin breaks out on her face then abruptly, she gets serious again. “Is your, ah, client, in a lot of danger?”

  I nod. “She is. Jack is here, too. He’s staying at Jen’s.”

  “Oh dear. It’s that bad, is it?” Her mouth turns down and I wonder if I’ve done the right thing by staying at her home. Sometimes, I forget my mom is getting up there in age. I’ll have to buy a place nearby to use as a safe house.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. We just need to keep an eye on her for a few days. Then, we’ll head back.”

  “Is your client going into witness protection?” That’s twice she’s emphasized the word.

  “Maybe. I started the paperwork.” The thought of Sienna leaving me forever just about rips me in two but I need to put her needs first.

  If the Buonanno family wants her dead, the only thing I can do is get her to testify in some way and get her into protective custody. That’s what good lawyers do. They make deals and take care of their clients.

  When I look up, Sienna is standing by the kitchen entrance, eyes spitting fire. “Witness protection? Really, Mr. Quinn?”

  Oh shit. I really stepped in it this time. “Just think of it as a possibility.”

  Even though her face is red and her hands balled in fists, a tear escapes down one cheek. “My God, you are an insufferable ass. You do realize that?”

  She turns on her heel, finds the front door, and leaves me sitting there with my mouth open. I stand with a heavy sigh, wondering what words I can find to undo the damage.

  “Sorry about her language, Mom.”

  “Don’t even think of apologizing. I can’t imagine what she’s gone through. I recognize her, now. She’s that wife of that rich sonofabitch who didn’t leave her a dime, isn’t she? I just read his brother was found murdered. I assume she’s involved?”

  “Yeah.” Miserable, I walk to the dishwasher and put in my glass. How long I should give Sienna before I go chasing after her?

  My mother stares while innocently sipping on her iced tea. Did she guess me and Sienna are sleeping together? “Does the sheriff know you brought a client into town?”

  “Uh-huh. I called Clint before I left New York.”

  Out the front windo
w, Sienna pauses at the foot of the driveway, no doubt deciding which way to go. She turns north.

  “That’s my son, always taking care of things.”

  “Always had to.” Shit. I hadn’t meant to let that slip. What the fuck is wrong with me today?

  Mom’s face drops. “I am so sorry, baby. You know I had no idea how bad things got with your father.”

  “No. I’m sorry, Mom, I didn’t mean anything by it.” I inch toward the door. I need to run after Sienna.

  “You did and it’s okay, Andrew. I had no idea how bad your Dad’s Alzheimer’s had become. Right after the accident, I put him in a home. I never left you alone with him again.”

  Accident? He nearly killed me. However, there’s no point in dredging up the past.

  “I know. You did good. You got one NFL star and a millionaire lawyer.” I lean over and hug her sadness away. “You worked two jobs to make sure we wanted for nothing. I had no business complaining. I’m just tired.”

  And worried about Sienna. Not to mention how coming home brings the past to life. Upstairs is the bathroom where my brother hid. In front of me is the living room where my Dad busted my spleen and broke my arm. And out the front window, Sienna is gone.

  There’s plenty of space for her to walk off some steam which I assume she is doing. Damn, I wish she hadn’t overheard me. The DA insisted I fill out the paperwork, especially when I mentioned the hard drive.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I grab Mom’s keys and circle the block a few times until I find Sienna almost a half mile away. When I pull into the parking lot, she’s sitting on a picnic table outside Tom’s Diner with a large plastic cup and a pile of wings. She pointedly ignores me, chewing slowly, staring at her plate.

  Damned if her anger don’t tear at my insides. The southern redneck rears his ugly head.

  Maybe I’ll just pull her into my arms and make love to her until she sees how foolish she is. Hell, I can argue to a judge and jury for hours on end but can’t find the right words to say to the woman I’m falling for. I’m in so deep, the hole ends at the opposite side of the world.


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