Born Sinner

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Born Sinner Page 6

by Glenna Maynard

  I used to come fishing here as kid with my Sunday school teacher, Darlene. I tried to tell her about the things that Rev did to me and she brushed me off. She didn’t want to hear such vulgar talk coming from my mouth she had said. I remember wandering off away from the group, and I had never felt more alone, more disappointed in a person.

  I knew then that I was stuck in my situation, that was until Trig did what he could to stand up for me.

  Trigger grabs the bag of food and two bottles of beer from his satchel. Following his lead, I walk to the edge of the dock and slip my boots off, letting my feet dangle at the edge of the water. Trigger hands me a sandwich, and a few crappies come to the surface to capture some of my bread crumbs. We split a bag of plain potato chips in silence. The only sound is Trigger popping the bottle caps off our beers.

  “Thought you didn’t want me to start.” I eye him and he grins.

  “You need it today. I do too.”

  Bumping his shoulder with mine, I ask, “Oh, got something on your mind?”

  “Yeah, but it’s nothing that can’t wait. Right now, I just want to sit here with you in the sun, maybe get you naked, and frighten the fish with all the things I wanna do to you Opal Willoughby.”

  “Very tempting.” I sling back a drink of the beer, surprised at my actually enjoying the taste. I had always heard at school that liking beer was an acquired taste, much like vegetables.

  Letting out a small belch, I’m extremely embarrassed. My cheeks are probably a deep shade of red, crimson to be exact.

  Trigger snickers in my ear, and I don’t dare look in his direction. I was brought up to be a lady. Ladies don’t burp and drink beer. But then again, I’m no longer that little girl who’s afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing. I don’t have to live with that fear anymore. The Rev is dead. I’m free. I’m really free.

  Looking at Trig my heart soars. “Thank you Trigger, for freeing me, for loving me.”

  “Just wish I could’ve gotten you away from that piece of shit a lot sooner babe.”

  “Trigger did you kill my father, I mean the Rev.” Referring to him as my father feels foreign now that I know the truth, that he wasn’t my father. Then again, what if my mother was lying? Aaron seemed awful certain I was his sister though, but maybe she put him up to it.

  Lost in my thoughts, I realize Trigger hasn’t answered me.

  “Trigger, did you…did you do it?”

  Cupping the back of his neck he sighs. “Opal, you sure you want to get into this right now?”

  “You and me, we’re solid, but yeah I need to know Trig.” I brush his hair from his eyes, needing him to look at me and be completely honest with me. “Just be straight with me and we won’t have any issues.”

  He downs his beer as I peel away the label to mine. The sun is shining down on the two of us, but a gentle breeze blows, keeping me from getting too hot. I watch the cattails as they move with the wind waiting for him to say something, anything.


  Swallowing hard I want to be honest with Opal, never want to keep shit between us. However, there will be times I’ll have to keep her out of the loop, especially when it comes to my club. As much as I love Opal, my loyalty to my club comes first.

  Breathing in deep, I think on my words. The memory of last night comes to life at the forefront of my mind. I don’t know if I’m making any sense to Opal as I remember the way I felt watching the man who pretended to be her father bleed out. I felt fucking justified. I felt as though I had delivered Opals’ vengeance.

  Once Opal passed out from exhaustion, I lay next to her just watching her breathe. Her chest rose and fell as the moonlight shone on her naked body. My mouth ached to taste her rosy buds once more, but I knew I needed to let her rest. She needed the sleep. I did too, but as I stared at the woman who had stolen my heart so long ago, anger bubbled in my chest. Her words from earlier cut into me. “I’m not talking about the beatings.” That motherfucker had taken what was mine. He had robbed my sweet Opal of her innocence. One too many times that bastard had touched what wasn’t his to have.

  I wanted him to pay. I wanted to kill him. Slice him from his navel to the tip of his cock. Goddamn did I want to see him bleed. Make him feel every circle of hell at my hand.

  Careful not to wake my sleeping beauty, I rose from the bed and got dressed in the living room, taking care to be extra quiet. I wasn’t sure how deep of a sleeper my woman was, being it was our first night together. I hated to leave her, but I had to. Rev had it coming. Motherfucker had hell coming to his doorstep. No prayer would save him.

  Nothing could.

  Rolling my bike down the driveway, I didn’t start it up until I got a good distance from the house. Being mindful of Opal. Wasn’t sure she’d be thrilled to wake up alone, or to my setting out to murder her father. Either way I was set on the course, there was no turning back, I’d made my choice.

  Closing in on town, I made sure to park out of sight. Dressed casual, I wanted to blend in with my surroundings. Careful to avoid anyone who may be leaving early for work.

  Entering the back door, I didn’t bother to knock. Sneaking through the house, I found the Rev sitting with his back to me in his den. The floor creaked as I stepped into the room.

  “Was wondering when you’d show,” he stated coolly without bothering to turn around. “Have a seat.” Waving a hand to the chair across from him, he showed no fear, he welcomed me, welcomed the death I was about to bring him.

  Sitting down slowly, I was on guard, wondering if he might change his mind and try to pull something stupid, however, he began speaking.

  “I loved her ya know. We had a special relationship, Opal and me. Her mother couldn’t understand, she was jealous. I never meant to hurt her. I just needed Opal to see how much I loved her.”

  “By raping and beating her. You sick fuck. What kind of man are you?” My fingers curled into my cut, itching to pull out my gun and splatter the walls with his brains, soak the carpet with his insides.

  “Do you love her?” He dared to question me.

  It was then I noticed the pistol lying on the table.

  “Why shouldn’t I just end this now, stick a gun in your mouth, make you suck it like you made her suck your pathetic cock?”

  “You’re curious. You want to know why? I don’t know when I became so fixated on Opal, but she had a wicked streak in her. She loved to get under my skin, test my patience. Her skin was smooth and creamy like a pearl. Her momma named her Opal, but I wanted to call her Pearl. She’d make such sweet sounds for me. Did she moan for you when you got your first taste of her? Was her sweet cunt as tight as you’d imagined? Or weren’t you able to fuck her after you learned I’d beat you to it. I bet that devastated you. Thought she’d been saving herself for you all these years.”

  “Enough!” I shouted, springing from my chair, pistol whipping him across his sick mouth with his own gun.

  The bastard only smiled and spit his blood onto the white carpet.

  “That all you got for me boy.” He laughed and I hit the smug bastard again.

  I was off my game, this shit was too personal, too close to home, because it was Opal he had hurt. My anger was getting the best of me. Shoving the barrel of the gun down his throat roughly, I was sure I had cracked a few teeth. Not that he’d be needing them where I was sending him—hell.

  Tears pricked in the corners of his eyes and blood dribbled from each side of his mouth, that wasn’t good enough though. It brought me little to no satisfaction. Pressing my knee to his groin, I pushed down with all my strength.

  He shook his head and clawed at my arms. His nails were too short to inflict any real damage, but I didn’t care if they were. I was being careless, fueled by my hate for him.

  I was ready to pull the trigger to end his meaningless life, but he was right. I was curious. I still wanted to know what drove him to do the things he had. I needed an answer for Opal. I wanted him to be fucking sorry. I wanted him to grovel and
plead for her forgiveness, even though he’d never receive it.

  I decided I wanted him to live, make him suffer every day. He wanted to die, he was a coward. He wanted me to do it for him.

  Fuck that.

  Fuck him.

  I went to ease the gun from his mouth and the motherfucker pulled the goddamn trigger.

  Coiling his lifeless hand around the weapon after I had wiped it of my prints, I hurried to vacate the premises. It wouldn’t be long before the gunshot was called in. It wouldn’t be long until an officer of the law arrived on the scene, and I was determined to get back home and rejoin Opal in bed.

  Daylight was breaking and time was running out. I was praying no one had seen me.

  Opal sucks in a deep breath. “You got anymore beer?”

  “Yeah baby, I got you.”


  Leaning back on my elbows, dipping my toes along the water’s edge, I think over all my man has confessed to me. Damn, I wasn’t expecting that. I believe Trig and his recollection of the early morning. He has no reason to lie. He wouldn’t gain anything from it. He already has me. I’m his and he is mine.

  His heavy footsteps fall on the wooden dock as he brings me another beer and a second one for himself. After all the hits I’ve taken today, I don’t know how I am still functioning. If it weren’t for Trigger, I’d go insane. Another good thing about today is the fact that I possibly have a nephew. Crace. A smile plays on my lips as I try to imagine what the little guy must be like. I can’t help but wonder about Aaron, my brother as well.

  Did he mean it when he claimed me as his family? I don’t know if I can trust him, he was apparently raised by my mother. A part of me wants to hate him for getting the attention that shoulda been mine. At the same time, I know it wasn’t his fault.

  Why wait until now to contact me though. Were they really that scared of the Rev? What was he holding over them to keep them away?

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Trig asks bumping a bottle of Bud against my knee. The condensation rolls down my leg to my ankle, providing as short-lived shiver.

  “What do you know about my brother?”

  “Known Aaron most my life, he’s a good dude far as I know. Can’t keep his dick in his pants, but he’s a good dad to his boy. Raising him on his own.”

  “Really? Where’s Crace’s mom?”

  “Manda, she’s around. She works at the hospital. She sees the kid sometimes, but with the way her schedule runs, there isn’t much time for her to be a mom. She pays child support and her and Aaron get along. They just didn’t work together. Wanted different things. Manda is real career driven. Not that Aaron don’t do well for himself, but his boy comes first.”

  “Do you think he’s really my brother?” I take a drink of my beer, appreciating the taste more with each sip.

  “You could always get a test done, then you’d know for sure,” he suggests and I consider it. “Don’t know why Robyn would make that shit up or why Aaron would go along with her if it weren’t true. She’s always been a straight shooter far as I can tell. Most of the old ladies around the clubhouse like her. Porter is good people.”

  “And my mom. Do you think she’s good people?” I don’t know why I, but I need him to be on my side when it comes to her.

  “I thought so, until today. But baby, does make shit a lot easier to swallow knowing Rev wasn’t your father. I’d still wanted to kill him either way had I known. Enough about them fuckers. C’mere.”

  He leans into me claiming my mouth. Strong thick fingers plunder underneath my shirt, teasing at my nipples. Before I can say please, Trigger has my breasts out taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking and nipping at my pink, tender skin. His teeth graze my hardened point and my panties dampen.

  “Need you so damn bad baby.”

  “Want you too Trig,” I whisper as he fumbles with the button on my jeans.

  The evidence of how damn bad he needs me is poking against my thigh.

  “What if someone sees?” I attempt to look around for any signs of other people.

  “Not another soul for miles, but you me and the crappies.” He continues to tug at my jeans.

  “You sure?”


  “How do you know no one will see?”

  “Because I own the place. Nobody trespasses here baby. They know better. And if one of my brothers wants to use my land they call first. Now quit talking and help me get these clothes off you so I can get my cock in ya and make love to ya.”

  His lips brushing against my stomach as his fingers skim across my pantyline has me forgetting all about the possibility of being walked up on.

  Trigger yanks his shirt over the back of his head, giving it to me for a pillow. My nimble fingers roam over his muscles as his body blankets mine, relishing in the fact that this sexier than sin man is all mine. Trigger makes sinning feel damn good. Almost too good.

  My toes curl in my boots as his tongue massages my neck. “My girl tastes motherfuckin’ good,” he rasps as he works his way down my torso.

  My legs kick beneath his weight, struggling to wiggle my pants and panties out of the way. God, do I want him inside me. His fingers tease at the seam of my pussy.

  “Open for me Opal, part them sweet legs.” His voice is rugged and demanding as the wood presses hard into my back.

  Nails raking across his shoulders, I tell him, “I’m trying.” His feet move against mine, and the next thing I know there’s the sound of two distinct plops. He just kicked my shoes into the water, and I’m too turned on to be mad about it. With the boots out of the way, my pants easily come off along with my panties.

  If this dock were any smaller we’d be giving the fish a show in the water, our own version of synchronized swimming. We maneuver slightly away from the edge closer to the center.

  Trigger’s nose runs along my pussy lips, inhaling the scent of my arousal. “My baby is so turned on isn’t she. Pussy smells fucking good. Tastes fucking good too.” His greedy tongue sweeps over my throbbing clit, before he buries his nose in me, inhaling my scent. My nerves are pulsing, begging for a release from this sweet agony.

  My hands grip his shaggy hair, pulling his face closer to the heat of my desire, needing him closer as he tongue fucks me so good. My legs thrash as he holds me down, taking and giving more than I can bear. It’s too much, the pressure building inside my womb, my orgasm is ready to bloom.

  “God, yes! Oh, yes Trig, fuck me. Need you in me, now baby. Give it to me. Give me your fat cock.”

  “Ask and you shall receive baby, but first, I want you cumming on my tongue” he whispers against my pussy, sucking my clit into his mouth.

  Trigger’s mouth hums against my tender skin, taking me to another world, singing a song only my heart can hear.

  “Fuck me, fuck me now Trig,” I beg as he continues to assault my pussy with those greedy lips of torture.

  “Slow and steady Opal. Enjoy the ride.” With his jeans hanging from his hips, he presses into me with languid ease. “Damn you’re so wet for me, ready to take me in one thrust aren’t you.”

  “Now baby, give it to me now.”

  “Love it when you beg me for it Opal. How bad do you want my cock?”

  My nails digging into his ass cheeks as I buck my hips is all the answer he needs.

  Trigger growls against my breasts, sucking my nipple between his teeth, biting me oh so passionately as his body joins mine. If sinning feels this damn good, I don’t ever want to be a saint.


  Opal makes me so damn crazy. I want to tie her up to my bedpost and spank her ass while marking her all over with my cum like a goddamned animal. My thoughts sound like a depraved sex fiend. She’s laying on my chest as the sun kisses her backside, while we dry; I had to wade into the water to get her boots.

  My hand caresses her thick cheeks, relishing in the warmth. My dick gets hard again, thinking about how that sweet ass would look marred with my handprints, displaying who owns it
—me, motherfucking Trigger Jennings. That’s who.

  Her deft fingers draw lazy circles across my chest. I can sense the smile on her lips as she whispers, “I love you Trig.”

  Sated, I knit my fingers with hers. “Love you so damned much it hurts. Always protect you, make you feel like a goddamned queen. First thing when all this shit blows over, gonna give you my last name. Want everyone in the world to know you’re mine. I promise you Opal, I’m gonna give you the world or burn it down trying.”

  “I promise you Trig, I’m gonna love you for forever and a day. Nothing or nobody will ever keep us apart. I’m yours. And you are mine. Can’t wait to carry your name and your child. Want everyone to know that Trigger Jennings owns me—heart, body, and soul.”

  “Say it again Opal.”

  “I love you Trig.”

  “Not that, that you want my baby in you.” I thrust my hips, brushing my dick across her thigh.

  “You trying to kill me?” she laughs.

  “Nope, trying to knock you up. I want babies Opal and lots of them. I want a little girl who has your smile and curls. I want a boy with your eyes and my attitude. Want our own little pack. At least four kids.”

  “Four,” she says shakily. “I’ll blow up like old man Crawley’s prized pigs.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. Fat bottomed girls do make the world go round,” I tease and she punches me in the stomach as she sits up. “Oomph,” I groan while busting out a deep hearty chuckle.

  The chirping of my fuckin’ from the pocket of my jeans, cuts our playtime short. Opal is already dressing as I reach for my phone. “Lo,” I answer seeing Bob’s name on the screen.

  I chuckle softly as Opal scrunches her nose at her soggy shoes.

  “Rev’s body has been sent to the state medical examiner’s office. Could be two weeks before we get word back. Anything I need to prepare for?”

  “Fuck,” I snarl clenching my fist.


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