Born Sinner

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Born Sinner Page 10

by Glenna Maynard

  “Love you Trig,” she whispers with a sated smile.

  “Love you Opal.” I kiss that swollen mouth; her tongue moves languidly with mine.

  I can’t get enough of her. Want to fuck her again, but she needs sleep. She’s gonna be sore and hungover come tomorrow.


  After spending the rest of the weekend and our honeymoon recovering from my hangover and the beating Trig’s dick gave my body, I’m feeling much better. My muscles are still a bit sore, but not enough to keep me from trying to get Trig naked before we go to the courthouse to file our marriage license.

  I’m lying in bed watching him get dressed and smiling at the band on my finger.

  “Time to get up,” he says moving closer to the bed.

  “You talking to your dick Trig, because I agree he definitely needs to rise.” I wink and he laughs.

  “Killing me baby, but I want to get this shit filed. Want to make sure we do everything by the book.”

  “Fine.” I pout, sliding out from under the sheets naked.

  “Fuck,” he says before slapping my butt.

  “So what am I gonna wear?” I stick my chest out a bit further as I turn to face him.

  “Preferably this.” His grin is completely evil as he waggles his brows.

  “You think I should put sunblock on then. I’d hate to burn my nipples,” I tease. “Although it may get us in and out of the clerk’s office quicker.”

  He groans and I giggle.

  “I’ll wear the clothes Big Momma loaned me of Chelsea Joe’s. I’m going to swing into the police station and see if I can enter the house to get my clothes too.”

  “How about I give you my card later and you can order whatever you want from my computer.”

  “Even better.” I grin.

  “Don’t want you having a damn thing that dead fucker bought.”

  “All right caveman.” I smirk, going into the bathroom to get ready.

  An hour later, our marriage is on file with the town. As we are coming out of the building, Officer Wayne stops us.

  Here we go again, I groan on the inside.

  “Opal, Trig,” he greets us.

  “Officer Wayne,” Trig grunts out as I smile meekly.

  “Seems there was an incident on the freeway while the belated Reverend Willoughby was in transport to the state medical examiner’s office. And well, to put it bluntly. His body was damaged in the accident, and we will no longer be investigating his death.”

  “Um, thanks I guess,” I tell him feeling a small pang of relief, not that I was worried.

  “I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “That’s right. Married for two days now,” Trig answers him full of pride, tucking me into his side.

  “Well, we’ll be seeing you.”

  He starts to walk off when Trig says, “Not too soon I hope.”

  Officer Wayne tips his hat and continues down the street.

  “You wouldn’t know anything about that accident, would you?” Looking at him with a side eye glance I wonder, knowing he won’t tell me if he does.

  “Nope, not a thing.” He attempts to lie coolly but the wicked glint in his eye gives him away.

  “Thought so. How about we stop by the garage. I’d like to check in on Aaron and see if there is anything I can do to help him out with my nephew.”

  “Sounds good. So, you’ve accepted him then.”

  “Yeah, I think so. I always wanted a brother or a sister.” I smile as we cross the street to the garage Aaron took over.

  A little boy is sitting on the counter next to the cash register playing with a toy car. He’s adorable in his holey jeans and Harley shirt.

  “Hey, little man, your daddy around?”

  He tilts his head to the side before he finally smiles at me. “Hey, Pa!” He yells.

  Aaron comes through a side door that leads into the bay, wiping grease on his coveralls.

  “Well hey there, Opal, Trig.” He nods. “Crace, buddy. This lady here is Opal, she’s your Aunt. You already know Trig, but he’s your Uncle Trigger now.”

  “How come you never mentioned her before Pa?” The kid doesn’t waste any time getting to the point.

  “Because we didn’t know,” I answer in Aaron’s place.

  “Hey, buddy, how about you and me walk down to Carla May’s and get an ice cream,” Trig suggests.

  “Can I go Pa, please?” His little green eyes sparkle full of excitement.

  “Sure can.”

  “Thank you,” I mouth to Trig.

  “You want us to bring you back something?” Trig asks both my brother and me.

  “I could use a burger and fries,” Aaron speaks up.

  “I’ll take a Coke,” I tell him.

  The two of them take off leaving me alone with Aaron.

  “I’m glad you stopped by. Need a favor.”

  “Only family for a few days and already in need of a favor, I feel so loved,” I tease. “What is it?”

  “It’s Crace. Found out the other day that his Ma got offered a job in Louisville. Means her not being around to do stuff with him. She said she’d take him with her, but she’d just stick him with a babysitter. If anyone is gonna take care of my boy, I’d rather it be family. I’d like it to be you.”

  “Me? He doesn’t even know me.”

  “No, but ya’ll would have all summer to hang out. I can pay you.”

  “I don’t want your money Aaron, I’m just surprised is all.”

  He wipes his brow with a dirty rag. “I know you just got married. If you can’t or don’t want to, I’ll understand.”

  “I’d like to do it. I just want to talk it over with Trig, not that I think he’d tell me no. What about Robyn?”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I like your mom decent enough. She never did me any wrong, but can’t say I’d want her watching my boy either.” He grins.

  “Can’t blame ya there,” I agree. I sure as hell would never want her to watch a kid of mine.

  Before I can say anymore on the subject, some chick comes through the door with her eyes deadlocked on my brother. “You!” she seethes, her chest heaving as she pokes a finger in his chest.

  I wonder if she’s Crace’s momma.

  “Redford promised me he wouldn’t sell until I finished school. You just had to swoop in and prey on him, didn’t you? How did you do it? How’d you get him to sell?” She barks not giving him time to get a word in edgewise.

  “I’ll just give you two a moment,” I interrupt going toward the door.

  The girl spins around looking me over. Her hazel eyes narrow on my shirt. “Where’d you get that shirt?”

  “Oh, um. I borrowed it from a friend.” My cheeks flush. I don’t know why I feel embarrassed.

  “You sure as shit didn’t borrow it from me? Thieving Mudcricket!”

  “Mudcricket?” I laugh.

  “Chelsea Joe, this here is my sister. Opal. Why on earth would she steal your clothes?” He questions stepping between us.

  “I don’t know ask her.” She crosses her arms across her chest, pushing her boobs up through the V in her shirt. Aaron’s eyes land on her tits. “Eyes up here jackass.” She points two fingers at him tilting his face up.

  He scratches the back of neck. “Well, if ya don’t want me looking at them, don’t stick them under my nose.”

  That makes her even madder.

  “Chelsea, Chelsea Joe you said. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by borrowing your clothes. Big Momma said you wouldn’t mind,” I offer in apology and explanation.

  “Big Momma. Who are you? Aaron, you don’t have a sister. Surely to god your daddy didn’t pollute the world with more of your bloodline.” She attempts to insult the two of us and it pisses me off. There’s no reason for her to come at Aaron like that.

  “Look here bitch, I don’t appreciate the way you’re speaking to my brother, or the way you are staring at me and calling me a damn Mudcricket. Whatever in the hell that is. I’m T
rig’s old lady. So, I suggest you dial back the attitude a tad.”

  “Trig, as in Trigger. What’d you say your name is?”

  “Opal,” I tell her softly.

  As if a lightbulb goes off over head, her eyes brighten up and she says, “No shit. It’s nice to meet you. Sorry about being an asshole, my temper gets the best of me and well, your shithead brother pisses me off.”

  “I swear Chelsea Joe, you make madder than a mosquito in a mannequin factory.” Aaron balls his fist ready to blow his top.

  I snicker. It’s obvious that these two have some sort of love/hate relationship going on. You could cut the sexual tension between the two of them with a knife.

  Trigger and Crace walk in a moment later. Trig kisses Chelsea’s cheek and welcomes her home. I don’t get jealous in the least. I know Trig cherishes me. And judging by the way Chelsea looks at Aaron when she thinks no one is watching, she has her heart set on him.

  Aaron excuses himself to wash his hands before he digs into his food while Trig and Chelsea spend a few minutes catching up. I use the time to ask Crace how he’d feel about spending some time with me while his daddy works. He says it sounds awesome as long as there is ice cream involved. I hold my hand out to him and say, “Deal.”

  Trig watches me with a big smile on his face as I play cars with Crace, the two of us making “Vroom,” noises.

  “You ready to get out of here?” I ask my husband, once Aaron returns from the bathroom.

  “Ready when you are baby,” he tells me, and I know I’m ready to get home and get busy making a baby of our own, our own little Sinner.


  Two months later

  “Just pee on the damn thing already,” Star yells at me.

  “Don’t tell her what to do!” Crimson comes to my defense.

  “I’m nervous. Trig wants a baby so bad, and so do I, but what if I can’t give him one. What if I’m the problem.” I let out a sigh as the two of them pace in my living room.

  Trig is gone on a run, and I’d love to surprise him when he comes home, but I’m trying not to get my hopes up. My period is three days late, but that could just be because I’m stressed and missing my man.

  Taking a deep breath, I muster up my inner badass. If it’s meant to happen it will. The Priestess swears I’m pregnant, but that could just be the thoughts of a crazy lady. I’m not sold on her witchy poo ways, but I will say she’s been right about other things.

  When Crace ran off and Aaron couldn’t find him, she called without being asked and offered up his location. He was found behind the church crying with a picture of his Ma. Her being four hours away has been rough on him.

  “All right girls, I’m going in. Wish me luck.”

  “You don’t need it,” one of them calls down the hall after me.

  Right as I am hovering over the stick about to pee on the damn thing, my cell phone starts ringing. Trig is calling. I let it go to voicemail even though it pains me. I don’t want to be tempted to tell him what I’m doing. He has no idea I even suspect I might be pregnant.

  After doing my business I shoot him a quick text message, telling him the girls are over and we are having a movie night. He fires back to have a good time, that he’ll see me tomorrow.

  I let out a happy squeal. This is the first time he’s been on the road longer than two days.

  “Don’t tell me you read the results without us,” Crimson bitches barging into my bedroom.

  “No,” I say shaking my head. “That was Trig, he’s coming home tomorrow.”

  The timer on my cellphone pings and Star dashes to the bathroom with me and Crimson on her heels. “Don’t you dare look at it first!” I yell.

  “Too late,” she singsongs, sticking her tongue out at me. She glances down at the stick and her smile quickly turns into a frown. “I’m sorry Opal, but your gonna have to get bigger clothes.” She grins.

  “Bitch!” I smack at her grabbing the stick. Two pink lines stare back at me.

  I start to cry. “I’m pregnant,” I whisper covering my mouth.

  “We’re pregnant,” Trigger shouts from the doorway nearly giving me a heart attack.

  “Motherfucker! I was about ready to shoot your ass. You can’t be sneaking up on us like that,” Star tells him stuffing the pistol I didn’t know she had on her in the back of her jeans.

  “You said you wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.” I poke his chest with my pregnancy test.

  “Wanted to surprise you baby.” He takes the stick from me and the girls maneuver past us, offering their congratulations and saying goodbye. They know Trig and me need this moment to be about us.

  He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his cut. He reeks of the road and smoke. I don’t even care though. His mouth crushes against mine as he mumbles, “I’m gonna be a dad.”

  “A damn fine one too,” I mumble before his tongue sweeps against mine.

  Nine months from today, a new Sinner will be Born—our very own Born Sinner.

  The End

  Bonus Scene


  Goddamn this bunch is funkier than a bald monkey dancing the funky chicken at a funeral. Cutting their palms, drinking their blood, dancing buck naked under the moon. I wasn’t gonna come, but it woulda looked bad had I been a no show. The Born Sinners are damn good for my club’s moonshine business. Crazy fuckers, but they keep to their word.

  Foxie insisted on coming. She had never been to a Pagan wedding before. Said I don’t take her out enough. Bet she sure as shit won’t be complaining now. I chuckle under my breath, seeing her eyes bug out of her head as I hoist the purdy little bride over my shoulder for the first dance.

  I even smack her ass for one to grow on or good measure, whatever in the fuck you want to call it. Nothing sexual about dancing with her, she seems like a sweet thing and a lotta these men are looking at her in a not so brotherly manner. Don’t like that disrespectful shit, but not my club. Best I can do is set the tone for how they treat her.

  I get the feeling though that man of hers is gonna have his hands full with this one, she’s got a mouth on her. The kind of mouth that leads to some damn good pleasure, but helluva lot of trouble too. Foxie glares at me again in warning. It’s fuckin’ funny she’s getting jealous. She never gets jealous these days. Makes me feel damn good to piss her off.

  Spinning Opal into the arms of another man, I cross the room to my woman, pulling her in close. “Quit staring holes through me and gimme some sugar woman.”

  “Why didn’t you ask the bride to kiss your old ugly ass?” She puffs up, crossing her arms.

  “Don’t be making me look bad damn it. I’ll bend you over my goddamned knee right here. Right now, I’ll fuckin’ spank that ass.”

  She smirks. “Maybe we can go do that in private.”

  “Lead the way,” I grunt.

  Closing Remarks

  Thank you for taking a ride with the Born Sinners. There may a be a book in the future that will focus on Aaron and Chelsea Joe. These two came about thanks to the fantastic Chelsea Camaron. Please remember that this is a work of fiction and in no way depicts the biker lifestyle, or the Pagan life. I made every bit of it up. If you enjoyed this story I hope you will leave a review.


  About the Author

  Glenna Maynard is a Kentucky native with a passion for romance, best known for her bestselling romantic suspense novel I'm with You and The Black Rebel Riders' MC series. When she isn't arguing with the voices in her head or drinking reader tears, she enjoys watching classic TV shows with her two children and longtime leading man.

  You can also find Glenna on several social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, WordPress, Google+ and Goodreads. You are also invited to join her reader group on Facebook just search for Glenna’s Rebels.



  Available Now

im The Beginning





  Heart of A Rebel

  A Rebel Love

  A Rebel In The Roses

  Beauty & The Biker

  I’m with You

  The Suffocation of Katie

  Dirty Love

  When It Rains

  Drunk On You

  Born Sinner

  Grim The Beginning

  My name is Grim and this is the beginning... This isn't a fairytale romance or for the faint of heart. Deep in the hills of Drag Creek Kentucky, there is a group of outlaws, whose love of moonshine and Harley Davidson runs through their blood. We are known as the Black Rebel Riders' MC. For the past twenty years, my club has been at war with a rival MC, The Devils Rejects.


  The Black Rebel Riders' MC is located in Drag Creek Kentucky. They are a group of outlaws who live and die by their way of life. For them it has always been about moonshine, brotherhood and motorcycles. Black Rebel Riders' MC was founded by Slim Black and Grim Jones—two friends who were looking to get out of the killing game, but with everything comes a price. A price that Slim and Grim have been paying for years for turning their backs on the Devils Rejects and starting their own MC. That price is war. Hook, the president of the Devils Rejects has been hell bent on revenge for the past twenty years, this is the beginning, this is my story...Grim.

  Chapter 1

  There’s nothing but the open road, my chopper between my legs, and the moon. Just the way I like it too. There’s nothing better than the sound of a motorcycle roaring down the road, nothing sweeter. At least that’s what I thought until Gypsy Red put her spell on me...

  The night I met Gypsy Red my world was turned upside down. All of my self-imposed rules died like a slowly burning ember fighting for oxygen. She came out of nowhere, literally. It was the night and me, and then there was her. One minute the road laid out empty for miles as far as my eyes could see under the pale of the moon, and then I saw her. She was lying across the hood of her broken down, rusty Nova. I might have missed her if it weren’t for them long, white—creamy legs, and her fire engine red hair. Looked like a damn cotton swab on fire.


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