Disorderly Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Disorderly Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by J. Rose Allister

  “You want what you were starin’ at outside, don’t you?” he asked. “You want to feel my skin against yours.”

  He pressed to her, and although her shirt was still mostly on, strategic points of her bare flesh melded to his—and it was pure magic. The contact didn’t last long, however, since he resumed licking her nipples until her body screamed for more. The tight throbbing in her clit from him pressing his erection against it caused a rapid ascent to a place she’d only ever reached alone, most often after awakening from the good dreams where a cowboy or Indian starred as the hero.

  She was aware of his belt buckle clinking and a zipper lowering. “Touch me, Lana,” he said, beckoning her fingers lower, not only with his seductive voice, but by taking her hand and pushing it downward. “I need your hands on me.”

  He guided her to curl her fingers around the hottest, hardest piece of flesh she had ever experienced. His cock was nothing like she’d imagined a man’s organ would feel like. This was ridged with veins and pulsing like a living creature, an animal intent on just one purpose.

  “Oh, yes, darlin’,” he said. “Squeeze it just like that.”

  He thrust against her hand when she fisted him tighter. He let out an erotic moan before almost destroying her with another scorching kiss.

  Now another zipper was edging downward, but she was too busy meeting his tongue to realize whose it was until a probing hand dipped inside her panties. His fingers brushed her clit, and she cried out. She was ready to explode, ready to give in and let him do anything he wanted to her right against that wall. She clutched his wide shoulders and rode his expert touch, biting down hard to stifle the wicked, naughty cries wanting to burst out. Then it happened, the explosion she’d been craving. Orgasm shook her hard until she could no longer hold back her cry of pleasure.

  “That’s right, baby,” he whispered. “Come for me.” As he said it, his hand plunged farther downward, and a single finger thrust up into the slippery, hot walls of her spasming cunt.

  There was a moment of sheer perfection, but even as her pussy throbbed with the aftermath of climax, reality crashed through the pleasure. That act of penetration, of feeling a man inside her, awakened her to the full weight of what she was doing. Rather, what she was allowing a man to do to her. Men weren’t safe. They couldn’t keep her safe.

  Panic exploded inside her, and the moment was lost.

  “Stop,” she said, pulling back and tugging her shirt down. “That’s enough.”

  His hand was out of her pants in an instant, and he raised both in a gesture of surrender. “What’s wrong? Where did I lose you just now?”

  She zipped up her fly, unable to keep her eyes off the straining cock bobbing not half a foot away. Gods, he was huge, and from the look of it, desperate for relief. After stealing her innocence with his fingers, he no doubt expected to use that monster on her next.

  “Just stop, okay? It’s too fast. I can’t even think.”

  He shoved his cock back in his pants and fastened them. “I’m sorry.”

  Lana laid a palm on her forehead. “No, I’m sorry. It’s my fault you assume I’m so easy. You saw me eyeing you up earlier, and then I claimed I had a man. I was sending all kinds of wrong signals.”

  “No, you weren’t.” He heaved a sigh. “I knew you were innocent before I touched you.”

  She glanced up at him. “How?”

  “I told you I can sense things that would shock you.”

  Tears blurred her vision, and she squeezed her eyes shut to stop them. They came anyway.

  “Hey,” Jayson said in a soothing voice. “It’s all right. I’m sorry.” He pulled her against him, but this time to comfort her. “Jesus, you’re shakin’. I keep doin’ that to you.”

  “I’m an idiot, I know.”

  “No, I’m the damn idiot.” He hugged her tight and stroked the top of her head. “I was tryin’ to make you feel good, not make you cry. Zane’s right. I guess I am too sure of myself.”

  His body felt so incredible this way, just holding her in his strong arms. She could melt against him and never let go. God, what a confused, screwed-up mess she was. First she wanted him, then she shoved him away. She told him no, but then never wanted him to stop holding her.

  A jingling sound distracted her from her inventory of flaws.

  “Your pants are ringing,” she said.

  Jayson stayed put. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Shouldn’t you answer?”

  “It can wait. I reckon my pants have caused enough trouble for one day.”

  She laughed awkwardly and sniffed. He was rocking her gently, swaying back and forth while stroking her.

  “Do you want me to leave?” he asked. “I’ll go if that’s what you want.”

  “No.” She tugged out of his embrace and wiped her cheeks with her hand. “Unless you don’t want to fix my car anymore. I’d understand if you didn’t.”

  “Why? Did you think I expected your virginity in exchange for my trouble?”

  She shot him a sheepish look. “It may have crossed my mind.”

  “You think I’m the world’s biggest sleaze.”

  “Not the biggest. The biggest one wouldn’t have stopped and held me after I led him on.”

  The phone in his pants stopped for a brief moment before ringing again.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to get that?” she asked.

  “I’m fair certain I don’t. But I may as well get it over with.” He pulled out the phone, which jangled more frantically now that the sound was no longer muffled. Still, he paused before answering. “I’ll get back to work on the car, maybe drop the chassis on my head a few times if you think that’ll square us up.”

  Lana obliged him with a smile. “I appreciate the offer, but it isn’t necessary.” She stepped away from the wall. “I should pay you for those parts, though.”

  “No way. That I definitely insist on.”

  “I don’t know.” Taking his charity would mean she owed him, one way or the other.

  “Yes, you do. Damn this ringin’,” he said, scowling at it. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m about to get my head scalped right through the phone line.”

  He picked up the call. “Yeah, I know. It’s okay. Everythin’s under control. Yes, I’m sure.” There was a pause, and he turned away from her and lowered his voice. “Chill the fuck out, Zane. Ain’t you supposed to be workin’? No, I did not. I’m fixin’ the car. Just bring her the stuff after you get off, okay? We’ll talk about this later.”

  He clicked off and went to the door.

  “Is everything all right with Zane?” she asked. “Is he upset about something?”

  “Nothin’ I don’t deserve.” Jayson glanced over his shoulder as he stood in the doorway. “He’ll be here in about an hour with groceries. I should have the car runnin’ by then. I’ll stay outside until he gets here.” There was a brief hesitation. “And after.”

  He strode out and the screen door latched shut behind him. She stared through the doorway for a while, listening to the sound of tools banging around outside. In a slight daze, she wandered to the couch and sank down. She sat there with one hand shoved between her thighs and the other idly toying with her wolf pendant. She was technically still a virgin, but she’d just had her first major make out session with a guy. That milestone had simultaneously proven to be the most breathtaking revelation and the biggest disaster in her otherwise nonexistent love life.

  After all the guys who’d tried to get her to behave the way she just did, why had Jayson been the one to succeed? There were all sorts of reasons why he was the wrong choice. He wasn’t even human, for one. And he’d gone sniffing around in her room without permission. Creepy much? He’d tried sleeping with her not even twenty-four hours after they’d met, although he wasn’t exactly alone in that club. To top it off, he was gay. Well, apparently not exclusively. But then again, Zane had been angry with him. Were they in the middle of a lovers’ tiff? Was that the real
reason Jayson had pursued her—to get a little payback?

  Lana frowned at that. Jayson flat out told her he wasn’t satisfied with just Zane, and that they knew someone else would be added to the mix. Just how did Zane feel about that? Either way, that comment was another strike against him. Getting involved in their complicated dynamic would be utter lunacy.

  Jayson’s issues aside, she wasn’t without blame for what happened. She’d ogled his body right in front of him and gave the impression she was experienced with men. Why on earth had she done such a thing? Maybe she wasn’t thinking clearly because she was in a very vulnerable state. After months of wondering whether this was the day a killer would find her, it shouldn’t be a surprise that she’d gone off her rocker. And for all his faults, Jayson had one thing ranking heavily in his favor—he was unbelievably attractive. Two things, really, if she factored in the whole cowboy thing. She harbored a secret yen for the nights when the good dreams rode in to sweep her away. That was the most likely reason she’d returned Jayson’s kiss and run her hands over all sorts of places they had no right to be.

  “Ugh, what a tramp,” she said, shutting her eyes and laying her head back on the couch. “You don’t even know this guy.”

  The squeak of the screen door sat her upright, and she heard a knock on the doorframe. “Lana?”

  The deep male voice wasn’t Jayson’s.

  “Zane,” she whispered, hopping to her feet and smoothing her outfit. She hadn’t realized she’d been obsessing over Jayson so long.

  Plastering on a smile, she went to the front door. Zane stood there with two grocery bags and a tentative expression that failed to diminish his attractive features. Her stomach immediately coiled into a twist.

  The thought of yanking the bags away and shutting the door in his face held a disturbing appeal, but that would hardly be polite after the trouble he’d gone to. Besides, he wasn’t the one who’d tried to steal her purity.

  “Hi,” she said.

  He gazed at her with dark, penetrating eyes that glittered strangely in the shadows of the porch. “Is everythin’ all right?”

  “Of course,” she replied, although her voice was almost too unsteady to pull it off. “Why do you ask?”

  “You look shaken.”

  “Do I?” She glanced in the mirror on the hall console and mentally cursed her shell-shocked expression. “I’m fine. It’s just been stressful moving to a new place and the car breaking down before I could even buy groceries.” She gave a more genuine smile this time. “Which you kindly agreed to help me with. That was so nice.”

  He gave a single nod, and they lapsed into silence for a moment.

  “Where would you like them?” he finally asked.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Please come in.”

  She stepped aside, and with a tentative glance around, he walked into the entryway. She’d forgotten he was even larger than Jayson, and with him standing so close, his presence seemed to envelop the entire space. He smelled good, too, like fresh laundry and a spicy, outdoors scent that was clean and all male. It was a smell she’d love to bury her nose in. As in a pillowcase, of course. Not his chest.

  “The kitchen?” he asked.

  She blinked. “Right. I’m sorry. I don’t know where my head’s at today.” She made a beeline for the kitchen, and Zane followed. “I can’t thank you enough for this.”

  He set the bags down on the tile counter and glanced down at his legs, which were tangled with feline. Sage had materialized from wherever she’d been hiding and was attaching herself to him. Lana couldn’t help but smile as the cat wound in and out of Zane’s legs, purring like a little motorboat.

  “Now don’t be a nuisance,” Lana mock-scolded. “You’ll rub fur on his clothes.”

  Zane had on tailored black slacks and a white button-down shirt. His work uniform, no doubt, and it suited him nicely. His shirt sleeves were rolled to the elbow, showcasing his muscular forearms. He’d unbuttoned the collar to display just a glimpse of bare chest. Her eyes were drawn to the spot, but she forced them away. Staring at a man’s bare flesh was what had started the whole trouble earlier.

  “Sage really likes you,” Lana said. “She’s not usually so friendly with strangers.” Especially werewolf strangers, so far as Lana had seen.

  He smiled. “Ah, but we ain’t strangers. She and I are previously acquainted.” He nodded to the bags. “I wasn’t sure what you needed. Jayson didn’t say exactly.”

  “Whatever you brought is most appreciated,” she said. “I literally had nothing but crackers and trail mix. Oh, and one beer leftover from the, uh, previous tenant. Would you like it?”

  “I can’t trouble you for your last one.”

  “It’s not my last one. I don’t even drink beer.” She reached into the fridge. “Please, be my guest. And tell me how much I owe you for the groceries.”

  “Nothin’. It’s my pleasure.”

  “Now, don’t you start that too. Jayson’s trying the same thing with the car parts.”

  “I should hope so.”

  “I shouldn’t. I can’t have you boys emptying your pockets because of my poor car-buying instincts.”

  “It wouldn’t be right for me to demand payment for food you ain’t never even asked for. Jayson’s the one who told me to bring groceries, not you.”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but frowned when she thought about that. “Why is it when you two are around common logic makes no sense to me?”

  “Consider it a gift.”

  “My lack of sense?”

  A far too endearing grin lit up his face. “The groceries. My way of sayin’ welcome to town.”

  “Thank you. That’s extremely generous.”

  Common courtesy demanded she offer to make dinner in exchange for the free groceries and car repairs. But did she dare? Either Zane was an unwilling partner in Jayson’s sex schemes, or else he was game for some kind of kinky threesome. Prolonging their visit wouldn’t be nearly as wise as sending them packing.

  “So, what’d I miss around here today?” Zane asked.

  Her eyes widened. “Like what?”

  “With Jayson.”

  She coughed. “Not much, unless you’re a fan of car repair.”

  “He did nothin’ but work on your car all day?”

  Avoiding his piercing stare became easier when she walked beside him and peeked inside a bag. A loaf of whole grain bread sat on top. “Well, we took a quick break for something to drink and my paltry offering of trail mix.”

  “He tried somethin’ with you, didn’t he?”

  She jerked around. “What do you mean?”

  Sage wisely took the tension crackling in the air as her cue to make herself scarce.

  Zane folded his arms and leaned his hip against the counter. “Jayson ain’t exactly subtle when he’s goin’ after somethin’ he wants.”

  Lana tried for a casual shrug. “I hear that’s something you know about firsthand.”

  “He told you about us.”

  She nodded. “Sort of. Not that it’s any of my business.”

  His eyes gleamed strangely in the fluorescent kitchen lights. “What else did he tell you?”

  She backed away from the grocery bag to put some distance between them. She wasn’t about to admit Jayson told her something was missing from their relationship. If that was news to Zane, she sure as hell wouldn’t be the one spilling the beans. “Not much.”

  “Not much, but somethin’.”

  “Didn’t you talk to him yourself before you came to the door?”

  “Not much.”

  She gave him a look.

  “I ain’t tryin’ to make you uncomfortable, Lana, but I see I am anyway. Whatever went on earlier, just know we ain’t aimin’ to rush you into anythin’.”

  We. Sounded like Zane was up to speed on the threesome plan.

  She blew out a breath. “Look, can we talk straight about this? Because I keep trying to second and third guess what you two are abo
ut, and it’s giving me a headache.”

  “Ain’t that what we’re doin’? Talkin’ straight?”

  “No. We’re tap-dancing around vague comments.” She smoothed back her braid and squared her shoulders. “It’s not that I want to sound ungrateful for the groceries and help with the car, but what are your intentions, really? What is it you’re after in return?”

  He stared at her for a long while, and the gleam in his eyes brightened to an unnatural golden glow. “You think the only reason we’re bein’ nice to you is because we want to fuck you.”

  She jerked a little at the crude wording. But then, she was the one who wanted straight talk.

  She stuck her fists beneath her armpits. “I suppose that puts it right out there.”

  “Is it because of somethin’ Jayson did?”

  “Not exactly. I’ve wondered since you two offered to help me find the cabin.”

  “So you want me to deny that Jayson and I hope to see you in our bed.”

  Her heart skipped enough beats to prompt a wave of dizziness. Maybe straight talk had been a stupid idea.

  “Yes,” she whispered, unable to meet his eyes while she said it.

  He pushed off the counter to move forward. “You already sense that we want you, and I ain’t gonna lie about it.” When he stepped close enough for her to see a loose thread hanging from one of his buttons, her gaze flew up to find him gazing at her intently. “You already know there’s somethin’ between us. But the fact that I get hard when I look at you ain’t why I’m tryin’ to help. I’ll do it because I have as big an urge to do right by you as I do to take you in my arms. I’ll help you because it’s what a man ought to do, not because you’ll owe me your body in return.”

  Her mouth had fallen farther open with every word, starting with the admission that he got hard just looking at her. She fought the urge to check that out for herself and licked her lips to combat the dryness in her mouth.

  Zane leaned a hand on the counter beside her, and she had the certain, unavoidable knowledge that he was going to kiss her. As his scent surrounded her, her body throbbed with the desperate hope that he would.

  “You don’t owe us a thing,” he said in a deep, quiet tenor that rumbled through her. “Ain’t nothin’ goin’ to happen between us that you don’t want. Understand?”


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