Disorderly Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Disorderly Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 18

by J. Rose Allister

  Tyson’s name jolted her from thoughts of this Lily Jayson had once felt so attracted to. “I want to believe you,” she said. “I do. But Jayson,” she added, putting extra emphasis on the last word until his gaze slid from her braid to her eyes, “this isn’t just a man we’re talking about, or even a werewolf. He’s a sick, ruthless murderer. Can you say with absolute certainty that a serial killer’s obsession would end just like that? Have you seen it happen with someone like him?”

  He looked at her for a long moment. “I reckon not.”

  Anxiety washed over her. “Then maybe it’s too soon to get our hopes up entirely.”


  Her tension grew at that. Jayson’s eyes seemed to go unfocused for a moment, as though he was distracted by something far off. “It’s Zane,” he said.

  “What about him?”

  “Can’t you feel it?”

  She stopped for a moment until she realized what he meant. Some of her stabs of anxiety were coming at her from somewhere else. “That’s him I’m feeling? He’s upset about something.”

  “More than just upset.” Jayson grabbed his hat, which had gotten tossed on the kitchen counter during their interlude. “I’m sorry, darlin’, but I have to go.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “If he’s in trouble, it’ll be safer for you here.”

  “Alone? What if I get in trouble?”

  He sighed. “Can’t you two just take turns?”

  She gave him a tight smile. “I’ll drive.”

  * * * *

  Lana coaxed as much speed as she dared from her engine without risking her sketchy brakes on the mountain’s hairpin curves. Tension filled the car, some of it from the occupants, some via a wave front she knew was coming from Zane.

  To her surprise, they pulled up at the market in a matter of minutes. She’d somehow pictured civilization being much farther from the cabin. She was cruising along the storefront when Jayson let out a growl.

  “Stay in the car,” he said, and without warning, he popped open his door.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in alarm, but he hit the ground at a brisk jog before she could even stomp on the brake pedal.

  She gaped after him, her eyes searching ahead of his path until she spotted Zane standing stiffly by the cart return. His fists were clenched and his eyes were blazing a little too brightly for a public venue. And he wasn’t alone.

  “Okay then,” she said. “I’ll just park the car.”

  She leaned over to pull the other door shut and then searched out a spot that wasn’t too close but offered her a decent vantage point. The men talking to Zane turned as Jayson approached. Both had bushy brown hair, although the shorter man’s mop was longer and more tousled. He wore a tight black T-shirt with the sleeves rolled. The larger man had slicked his curls back in an attempt to tame them. He wore a yellow tank top that showed off hairy, yet well-muscled arms, and he had a tattoo of a fanged snake on his thick neck.

  A tense confrontation was in progress, and from time to time, voices rose loud enough for Lana to hear they were arguing. A woman came out of the market, throwing nervous glances the men’s way while she made hasty steps to a car one row over. She all but tossed her groceries in beside her and drove off.

  Zane and Jayson’s anger blended with Lana’s worry until it was all she could do to sit in that car. Part of her wanted to burst out with demands for the strangers to leave her mates alone. As if she had the power to do anything about it.

  Or maybe she did. Lana grabbed her plaited hair and whispered words of protection, offering a prayer to the goddess while she loosened one section of braid for Zane and another for Jayson. When she began securing the braid again, however, the elastic band snapped and broke. By the time she’d knotted the broken ends of the band and secured her braid, another section had come undone, maybe two.

  One of the strangers threw his head back and laughed at something Zane said. Jayson got in the guy’s face, but Zane pulled him back. The barely restrained rage flowing around the group was enough to flood her with concern, and Lana’s palms dampened with sweat while she clutched the steering wheel. She caught Zane’s eye and felt the profound shockwave of their connection burning into his frustration. He glanced away quickly, but one of the men apparently caught the look. The snake-tattoo man turned and looked straight at her. He made a comment, and the other glanced her way as well. They gave a smile that stirred a rush of panic in her stomach, especially when their eyes lit with yellow fire.

  “They’re werewolves too,” she whispered, rubbing at the unpleasant gooseflesh raised on her arms.

  Their attention was promptly rerouted when Jayson grabbed the larger man’s shirt and gave him a shove. Zane pulled Jayson back while the smaller guy caught hold of the one who looked ready to lunge.

  Zane looked up abruptly, and Lana saw two employees from the market headed toward him. One looked like a manager, while the other was dressed in the same black apron Zane wore. A tight band of tension squeezed Lana’s chest, and she wondered if the employees had just stepped into a situation they had no idea how to handle.

  Zane broke away from the group and addressed his coworkers, pointing at the strangers. He shook his head at something the manager said, and the coworkers stopped. Lana gritted her teeth and reached for her cell phone. To her surprise, however, the werewolves turned and stalked away from the premises on foot.

  Lana whooshed out a breath as she watched Zane talk to his coworkers. They headed back inside, but Zane followed Jayson to the car. She stepped out and dug her fingers into her arms when he stopped in front of her. She’d forgotten how his nearness filled her until her heart pounded.

  “Jayson shouldn’t have brought you here,” Zane said.

  “Nice to see you too,” Lana said.

  He sighed. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “I should be asking you that question. What’s going on? Who were those men?”

  “They ain’t men,” Jayson answered, leaning on the hood. “They’re two of the mangy sons of my old alpha, Blaise. The ones who helped him murder my parents.”

  Lana’s blood ran cold. “The wolves Jayel is looking for.”

  “If she’s discriminatin’ enough to know who she’s after.”

  “What did they want?”

  “The Forresters know I’m Jayson’s mate,” Zane replied. “They had a message for him.”

  “For both of us, you mean,” Jayson said, giving him a tight look.

  “What kind of message?” Lana asked.

  Jayson’s eyes flashed. “The bullshit kind that ain’t never gonna happen.”

  She glanced at Zane for translation. “They came back to Shay Falls intent on takin’ over their daddy’s old pack. Only most of the wolves have formed packs of their own.”

  “And?” Lana asked.

  “One of those packs killed Jess Forrester when he went after their female,” Zane replied. “Now his brothers mean to take control of the territory. They want to split the new packs up to form one big one.”

  Jayson nodded grimly. “Just like the old days when their asshole father ran the show. Their message to anyone in the new packs is to join them or die.”

  Lana stared at him. “But surely you don’t have to agree to that. It sounds like there are more of you than there are of them. Or do they have the same mind powers as their father?”

  “Not that I know of. Still, they can pick us off one at a time. They know we won’t always be together. It’s not like we can form one big pack to get rid of them.”

  She shrugged. “Why not?”

  Zane smiled, but it was humorless. “What Blaise did ain’t natural, addin’ more to his numbers to increase his power base. Werewolves are meant to bond in groups of three, two male werewolves and a human female. The more who join a bonded pack, the harder it becomes to hold onto our humanity. Our animal nature asserts itself a lot more aggressively.”

  “And the more dangerous you
become,” she said.

  “Beyond that, there’d be more men expectin’ your favors in bed,” Jayson added with a pointed glance at Lana. “When a female bonds with a member of a pack, the attraction is shared by them all. What if there were five others beside Zane and me? Ten?”

  That soured her stomach. “Fine, I get the point. So don’t bond like that. Just cooperate with the other packs to eliminate the threat.”

  “That’s what we’ve been doin’,” Jayson said. “Ever since the alpha who disbanded us agreed to let us work together.”

  “But not everyone is refusin’ the offer,” Zane said. “The Forresters already got two of the old pack.”

  Jayson nodded. “Oscar and Stan. That don’t bode well, especially not Stan. He’s a deputy with the sheriff’s department.”

  Lana leaned heavily against the car. “So the law really can’t be trusted around here.”

  “Not all of it. Not anymore.”

  “So what do we do?” she asked.

  “We don’t do anythin’,” Zane said. “You leave it to us. A few of our packs have already been coordinatin’ search efforts.”

  “I thought that was to find Jayson’s sister?”

  “Yes, but also to patrol for signs of the Forresters,” Zane said. “Just in case Jess’s death wasn’t enough to scare his brothers away.”

  “Apparently it had the opposite effect,” Jayson said.

  Zane glanced over at the market. “I’ve got to get back inside,” he said, and then he looked at Jayson. “Think you can arrange a meetin’ with the others tonight? Best we get a plan fast before they add any more new members.”

  “Or otherwise fuck with the packs,” Jayson said. “I’ll make the rounds after I take Lana home.”

  “I’m the one driving, remember?” she asked. “I can take myself home.”

  “Jayson’s right,” Zane said. “Let him see you home safe.” He eyed the other man. “Make sure no one follows you.”

  Lana was looking at Jayson when Zane leaned in and surprised her with a deep, but all-too-brief kiss. “You sure you’ll be okay if we leave you alone for a while tonight?”

  She flashed him a heated glance. “You’ve already left me alone longer than that already.”

  “Yeah, and I found you danglin’ off a roof,” Jayson said.

  “I’ll be fine.” She glanced down. “Just don’t make being gone a habit.”

  Zane took her hand and started to say something, but someone called out his name. They looked over to see the manager standing outside the market, hands on hips.

  Zane dropped her hand. “I gotta go.”

  A strange sensation crept along her spine as she watched Zane walk away. There was an inexplicable stab of fear she wasn’t sure was coming from her or one of her mates. All she knew was she wanted to get out of that parking lot.

  “Let’s get out of here,” she said.

  Jayson pulled keys from his jeans pocket. “I’ll follow you in Zane’s truck to make sure you get in all right. Then I’ve got to spread the word about tonight.”

  Lana shook her head. “I’ve got a better idea. Follow me to the cabin to drop off my car and let me come with you.” Jayson looked ready to object, but she cut him off. “Please. I’ve been cooped up alone there for too long.”

  He fell silent for a moment. “Fair enough. After that, I reckon there’s time to start makin’ up for those two nights apart.”

  Jayson followed that up with a smoldering look that banished all thoughts of her sudden chill.

  Chapter Ten

  Lana’s back was pressed to the door while Jayson devoured her with his lips. Her body flared to life at his touch despite the two incredible orgasms he’d given her not long before. His body seemed similarly invested in the kiss, considering the hardness he was grinding against her pelvis. She slid a hand between them to grip the bulk in his jeans, and he groaned.

  “How am I gonna make it through the door with you temptin’ me like this?” he asked.

  “Maybe that’s the whole idea.” She rubbed his crotch harder.

  Nevertheless, he pulled away. “Much as I’d love to keep you in bed forever, I have to meet Zane and the others. I’ll be late as it is.”

  She stayed leaning on the door and folded her arms. “I could go with you like I did earlier.”

  “No female mates allowed at the meetin’. This is wolf business, and we need to focus with no distractions.”

  “I know. I’m just worried for you.”

  “Don’t be. You were right when you said there’s more of us than there are of Blaise’s boys, especially now that one of the brothers is gone. We’ll finish this, Lana. We just need a plan.” He gave her a smile. “And for my mate to let me out of her cabin.”

  “Oh, fine,” she said with mock annoyance, and she pushed away from the door.

  Still, he kissed her senseless on his way past her. “If we decide to move forward, we may be out all night huntin’. I’ll call and let you know.”

  “Now that I finally forced you into exchanging cell numbers.”

  “Not forced. We just ain’t never got around to it, is all.” He reached out to trace his fingers over her braid. “We’re usually too busy makin’ out or makin’ up.”

  “Whatever. Just take care of yourself.”

  “That’s what I was about to say to you.” He frowned and took hold of the long ends of hair hanging loose beneath the elastic wrap. “Your braid’s shorter. A lot shorter.”

  She glanced down at it. “I used some of its magic.” She paused and decided against mentioning she’d not only accidentally released two plaits, but had given some away previously to his sister. “In the parking lot today, it seemed like you two were about to need it.”

  “You shouldn’t waste it on us,” he said tightly. “Now there’s hardly any left for you.”

  “I still have a bit. Besides, you said I didn’t even need the braid anymore.”

  He relaxed after a moment. “I reckon that’s true.” Still, he gazed at her warily.

  “And you’d sense it if I was in trouble, right?” she prompted.

  “In a heartbeat.” He hesitated. “Trouble is, we’re meetin’ in the cave behind the falls. Figured that’s the best place to throw Blaise’s boys off the scent if they try to track us.”

  “Which makes perfect sense. So what?”

  “So it’s a right ways off from here, down a steep cliff. It’d take some doin’ to get back in a hurry.” His jaw worked. “Damn. Maybe we should have held the meetin’ here.”

  “You didn’t want to risk leading the Forresters here.”

  He let out a breath. “I know.”

  Lana ran her fingers along the line of his tight jaw. “I’m going to be perfectly fine. Just be safe and go do what you have to.” Her hand slid lower along his neck until she grabbed hold of the front of his shirt. “By the way, I’ll throw in a special bonus if you two don’t have to be gone all night.”

  That prompted the flicker of a smile. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, just like the one he’d left her after he and Zane had stayed the night. The kiss that made her realize she was falling in love.

  “Lock the door behind me,” he said when he stepped out onto the porch.

  Lana nodded and watched him go down the steps, aware of the sound of crickets and a gentle evening breeze. When she heard the truck firing over, she locked up and headed for the bedroom.

  Sage was on the bed, growling like a wild panther as she sniffed disdainfully at Jayson’s scent.

  “You’re going to have to get used to him being around, you know,” Lana said as she stripped the sheets. “You and Zane have made fast friends. Jayson just needs more practice stowing his wolf side someplace where it won’t bother you.”

  While she started a load of laundry, her thoughts refused to settle. She was concerned about Jayson and Zane, truly. But she believed in her mates, and they were teaming up with numerous other werewolves. They’d make a plan, and it would

  Beyond that, it was hard to focus on her worries when her senses were still floating sky high from an afternoon of intense lovemaking. She wasn’t even fully aware of herself moving through the cabin, fussing with this and straightening that, while she waited for the washer to finish its cycle.

  After throwing her sheets into the dryer, she wandered to the kitchen for some tea. Smiling down at her cup, she lost herself in the memory of Jayson’s tender words and inflaming touch under the sheets. It was her first time having sex in an actual bed, not counting when she’d been brought to orgasm while Zane and Jayson fucked. She’d made love under a cherry tree, on the floor during a ritual, and even on the kitchen table. But this time, Jayson had carried her to the bedroom and undressed her slowly, reverently, before slipping inside her and whispering all the things she could already sense flowing from him. Being able to feel her mates’ longing took her to heights she couldn’t imagine possible. Her heightened attunement to their emotions was even more intimate than the physical pleasure they shared. Feeling Jayson’s passion for her, his love, washed away any doubts she’d had during their time apart.

  “It’s definitely love,” she whispered, wandering from the laundry area out to the kitchen. “How crazy is that?”

  Lana glanced over at the table Jayson had her bent over earlier, and she saw his Stetson sitting where he’d left it before taking her to bed. She was strolling over to pick it up just as the knob on the back door rattled.

  Lana gave a knowing smile. “Some cowboy, forgetting your hat,” she said, starting for the door.

  The rattling stopped, and there was silence. Her smile vanished, replaced by a twisting feeling in her gut. She backed away from the door just as it was kicked in violently, and a panicked sob choked off in her throat when the man she hoped never to see again forced his way inside.

  Jonathan Tyson had on the same non-descript blue shirt and jeans he’d worn the day he’d kidnapped her. His square jaw was set and his eyes hard as he came straight for her. She dropped the hat and ran for the front door, praying she’d make it.


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