A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul

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A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul Page 2

by Jack Canfield

  Mark Victor Hansen


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  Do It Today!

  Robert Reasoner


  The Right Words

  Robert J. McMullen Jr.


  An Act of Kindness for a Broken Heart

  Meladee McCarty


  See You in the Morning

  John Wayne Schlatter


  Love Never Leaves You

  Stanley D. Moulson


  The Prettiest Angel

  Ralph Archbold


  4. A Matter of Attitude


  Jack Canfield


  A Place to Stand

  Dr. Charles Garfield


  The Window

  Author Unknown


  The Optimist

  Author Unknown


  Millie's Mother's Red Dress

  Carol Lynn Pearson


  AttitudeOne of Life's Choices

  Bob Harris


  5. On Learning and Teaching

  The Magic Pebbles

  John Wayne Schlatter


  We're the Retards

  Janice Anderson Connolly


  A Scoutmaster Saves the Day

  Walter MacPeek


  What's Happening with Today's Youth?

  Marlon Smith


  Cipher in the Snow

  Jean Tod Hunter


  A Simple Touch

  Nancy Moorman



  Patty Merritt


  Miss Hardy

  H. Stephen Glenn


  Three Letters from Teddy

  Elizabeth Silance Ballard


  A Pearl of Great Value

  Marcia Evans


  As a Man Soweth

  Mike Buettell


  6. Live Your Dream

  A Small Boy

  John Magliola


  A Little Girl's Dream

  Jann Mitchell


  A Salesman's First Sale

  Rob, Toni and Nick Harris


  Let's Walk Through the Garden Again

  Raymond L. Aaron


  18 Holes in His Mind

  Author Unknown


  Keep Your Goals in Sight

  Author Unknown


  The Cowboy's Story

  Larry Winget


  Why Wait? . . . Just Do It!

  Glenn McIntyre


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  7. Overcoming Obstacles

  Consider This

  Jack Canfield


  Thirty-Nine YearsToo ShortToo LongLong Enough

  Willa Perrier


  Nothing But Problems

  Ken Blanchard


  Angels Never Say ''Hello!"

  Dottie Walters


  Why Do These Things Have to Happen?

  Lilly Walters


  The Finest Steel Gets Sent Through the Hottest Furnace

  John Wayne Schlatter


  The Race

  D.H. Groberg


  After a While

  Veronica A. Shoffstall


  Summit America

  Lisa Manley


  An Undiscovered Masterpiece

  Charles A. Coonradt


  If I Could Do It, You Can Too!

  Art Linkletter


  What Happened?

  Author Unknown


  Let There Be Peace

  Gentle Spaces News


  8. Eclectic Wisdom


  Author Unknown


  Napoleon and the Furrier

  Steve Andreas



  Margaret Fishback Powers


  Through a Child's Eyes

  Dee Dee Robinson


  A Sense of a Goose

  Author Unknown


  I Know He Goes to War

  Dr. Barry L. McAlpine


  The Bike Ride

  Author Unknown


  More Chicken Soup?


  Soup Kitchens for the Soul


  Who Is Jack Canfield?


  Who Is Mark Victor Hansen?




  Permissions (continued)


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  Like the first volume of Chicken Soup for the Soul, this book took almost two years to write, compile and edit. It was a true labor of love for all of us, and we would like to thank the following people for their contributions, without which this book could never have been created:

  Dave Potter, for continuing to funnel more stories to us than anyone else on the planet, and for taking us skiing in Idaho when we needed to unwind from the pressures of writing and speaking. You are a true brother, Dave!

  Peter Vegso and Gary Seidler at Health Communications, for believing in us and getting our first book, Chicken Soup for the Soul, into the hands of over a million readers. Thank you Peter and Gary. We love you more than you'll ever know!

  Our wives, Georgia and Patty, and our children, Christopher, Oran, Kyle, Melanie and Elisabeth, who gave us the space to do the book and gave us the needed emotional support to persevere through what seemed like a totally overwhelming and never-ending task. You continue to be chicken soup for our souls day after day!

  Patty Aubery, who spent countless hours typing and retyping the manuscript and supervising the early

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  production phase of the book. Pattywe couldn't have done it without you!

  Kim Wiele, who read all 800 stories that were submitted and gave us hundreds of hours of valuable feedback.

  Nancy Mitchell, who spent countless hours handling the maze of permissions that had to be obtained to make this book a reality.

  Angie Hoover, who handled a lot of the interface between Jack and the outside world and made it possible for us to complete the book.

  Larry Price and Laverne Lee, for running the Foundation for Self-Esteem without the emotional and physical support they should have had from Jack during this period of time. Thanks for hanging in there.

  Trudy Klefstad at Office Works, who typed the first draft of the book in record time and with very few errors. You are a true gem!

  Peggy Paradise, who read and evaluated every story that was submitted through Mark's office.

  Christine Belleris and Matthew Diener, our editors at Health Communications, for their generous efforts in bringing this book to its high state of excellence.

  Dottie Walters, who called us almost every week to tell us about a wonderful story she had just read or about a person we "just had to interview and get their story in the book." Dottie, you are a true mentor and friend!

  The over 800 people who submitted stories, poems and other pieces; you know who you are. While many of the pieces, though wonderful, just didn't fit into the overall structure of this book, you provided us with hundreds of hours of enjoyable and inspiring reading.

  The following people who read the first very rough draft of the book, helped us make the final selections and made invaluable comments on how to improve

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  the book: Raymond Aaron, Steve Andreas, Kelle Apone, John Assaraff, Jeff Aubery, Christine Belleris, Michael and Madonna Billauer, Kyle Canfield, Taylor Canfield, Bill Cowles and Cindy Hancock at SkillPath, Matthew Diener, Mike Hall, Bob and Tere Harris, Jennifer Hawthorne, Lou Heckler, Eve Hogan, Sandy Holland, Norman Howe, Peggy Jenkins, Ruth A. Johnston, Kimberly Kirberger, Jeffrey Laign (the wonderful editor of Changes magazine, which has so graciously featured our Chicken Soup stories over the past year), Danielle Lee, Sandy Limina, Meladee McCarty, Ernie Mendez, Tomas Nani, Cindy Palajac, Dave Potter, Lee Potts, Dave Rabb, Brenda Rose, Marci Shimoff, Carolyn Strickland, Dottie Walters, Harold C. Wells (Jack's co-author on 100 Ways to Enhance Self-Concept in the Classroom) and Maureen Wilcinski.

  And the following people who contributed in other important ways: Kathryn Butterfield; Michael Adamson, Ronald Dahlsten, Chuck Dodge, David Latimer and Martin Louw, who each sent several pieces we have included in this volume; Pam Finger, whose newsletter is a constant source of inspiration to us; Helen Fisher, for a wonderful quote from Gandhi; Barbara Glanz, for all of the great quotes she shared with us; Chuck Glover; Neil Glover; Susan J. Golba; Jerry Harte; Les Hewitt; Keith Howes; Doris Jannke; Michael Jeffries; Don Olivett; Peg Otsby; Bertie Synoweic; Dolly Turpin and Kim Weiss.

  Because of the immensity of this project we are sure we have left out the names of some of the people who helped us. For that we are sorry but nonetheless grateful for the many hands that made this book possible. Thank you all for your vision, your caring, your commitment and your actions.

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  I am here for you. When you are lonely or feel isolated, seek my companionship. When you are filled with doubt and your self-confidence seems to be a distant memory, look to my light. When confusion and chaos appear to reign supreme in your life, listen to my wisdom. As your grandparents used chicken soup to restore health to your body, I am here to give life to your soul. My insights into family and love will guide you out of the caverns of your solitude. My stories of courage and fortitude will strengthen your resolve.

  My recipe contains a strong dose of inspiration offered by those who have faced mountains of challenge, only to overcome and stand above them among the clouds and stars. Your entire system will vibrate with new energy and lightness as you consume large quantities of humor, as you struggle to share your gifts with a world in need. Tales of the champions, the heroes and the heroines who have gone before you, will give new energy to your step and vitality to your dreams. Great thoughts uttered by the wisest of souls will break the shackles of fear that hold you in bondage.

  Above all, I offer you the vitamin of visionthe vision of your future filled with joy, victory, happiness, health, prosperity, companionship and love. I am Chicken Soup for the Soul.


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  The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

  Muriel Ruckeyser

  From our hearts to yours, we are delighted to offer you A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul. This book contains 101 stories that we believe will inspire and motivate you to love more unconditionally, live with more passion and pursue your heartfelt dreams with more conviction. It will sustain you in times of frustration and failure and comfort you in times of pain and loss. It will become a lifetime companion offering support and wisdom whenever you need it.

  You are about to embark on a wonderful journey. This book is different from other books you have read. At times it will touch you at the depths of your being. At other times it will transport you to new levels of love and joy. Our first Chicken Soup for the Soul book was so powerful that nonreaders reported that they read the entire book cover to cover. We wondered how this could be possible. They told us that the love energy, the inspiration and the tears and cheers for their soul captivated them and motivated them to read on.

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  I am only ten and I love this book. It's amazing that I love this book. I used not to read, but now I read, read and read.

  Ryan O.4th grade

  How to Read This Book

  This book could be read all at once in one sitting; however, we don't recommend it. We suggest that you slow down, take your time, savor it like a fine wineone sip at a time. Each little sip will give you a warm glow, a tingling spirit and a radiant countenance. You will find that each story will nourish your heart, mind and soul in a different way. We invite you to surrender to the process and to give yourself enough time to digest each story. If you rush through them, you may miss the deeper meanings that lie beneath the surface. Each story contains a great deal of life wisdom and experience.

  Having received thousands of letters from readers describing how the book affected their lives, we are more convinced than ever that stories are one of the most potent tools we can use to transform our lives. Stories speak directly to our subconscious mind. They lay down blueprints for living a better life. They offer practical solutions to our everyday problems and model creative behavior that works. They heal our wounds and remind us of the grandest aspects of our nature. They lift us out of our habitual day-to-day lives and awaken us to infinite possibilities. They inspire us to do and be more than we originally thought possible.


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