A Merman Uncovered

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A Merman Uncovered Page 2

by Hazel Gower

  “Darling, to me you smell.”

  “I’m not your darling.” She snorted. What the hell? She’d been dreaming of the jerk, and was now arguing with him over whether she smelled or not. She was crazy.

  They lifted the tiger onto the deck, and Alwen came over with a bag. “I called your dad and mum and they’re about an hour away.”

  “Good. They’re on the council and can help with what to do for the children. I’ll need Dad’s help to heal the tiger so he can live. I’m barely keeping him alive right now. April, go over to my brother and look after him until I can get to him.”

  April moved away and Clay got to work. She went over to Roth still in Merman form. “You can’t change back?”

  Roth opened an eye and moaned. “No, I’m too weak, and you being close isn’t helping.”

  April took a step back, hurt spreading through her. She couldn’t figure out why this man, Merman, had that power over her. “I’m sorry.” She backed into the house and for some reason her heart felt like it was breaking. What was wrong with her? April barely knew Roth. She’d meet him all of three times. Once at Alwen’s birthday, another at the engagement party, and the last time at her best friend’s wedding.


  April being at his brother’s was messing with his head. His mate’s lavender smell was intoxicating, and with him not being at full strength he was finding it hard not to use the last of his strength grabbing her and mating her. When he’d met her a year ago at his brother’s mate’s birthday party he’d been deep undercover and so close to getting to the top he knew he couldn’t mate his soul mate and be joined until the bad guys were all away. Now he didn’t know if he was safe and if the bad men thought he was dead or if they were searching for him. He couldn’t and shouldn’t mate her until he knew it was safe, but he’d waited too long.

  He groaned when April’s scent changed to radiate hurt and pain. Motherfucker, he couldn’t deal with this right now. On the bright side he was so weak he couldn’t hear any thoughts, so all he had was peaceful quiet.

  “Come here,” he rasped out. Roth had no idea how he was still breathing, let alone talking. April backed away from him further and he snapped. She was his mate; she should be with him. He tried to crawl to her only to wince. “April, come to me.”

  “No. My smell offends you.”

  “I never said your smell offends me. That’s far from it. Come here before my adrenalin goes and I pass out.” April came closer. “Lean down here.” As soon as she got close enough, his Mer-side took over. “I didn’t want to do this like this.” He grabbed her hand and bit, roaring with all he had left in him. “Mate. Mine!”

  Roth screamed as his body changed from Merman to human and back to Merman and his soul lifted and joined with April’s, who was crying and tugging on her wrist yelling for help. The white light around them faded, and he let go of her wrist licking over her mate mark.

  “You arsehole. What the hell did you just do? Oh shit, why can’t I leave? I want to leave.” If looks could kill, Roth would be dead right now. April glared daggers down at him as she screeched at him. Her long blonde hair was a mess, falling everywhere, and her emerald green eyes flashed with anger.

  Roth felt better, stronger. He knew he wouldn’t pass out anymore thanks to finally mating his mate. He barely felt the pain from being shot. “I mated you. It is the worst thing I could have done until I know everything is sorted, but your hurt at thinking I don’t like you or want you around had me making a bad decision. So now you’re stuck with me. Safe or not.”

  “Oh Roth, you’re not smart,” the teenage Mermaid said. She looked at him with pity in her eyes.

  “What the fuck do you mean, Mermaid, that I’m stuck with you?” April’s hand rested on her hip, and she gave a Roth deadly glare.

  Feeling better, than he had in months, even with the gunshot wounds, he took deep breaths in of April’s now mated status. “Once paranormal beings find their soul mates they are bound them to them for life. In the first three months a human mate physically can’t leave their paranormal mate.” He relaxed back against the wooden deck. “It’s a safety measure to ensure you can’t leave me from being scared or horrified with what I am.” Roth was grateful for this as he was sure right now April wanted to run. He wasn’t too sure how they would work the invisible thread that made it so they couldn’t be without the other for more than a couple of hours, especially with all the trouble he could be in. “It will also stop you from telling any other humans about supernatural creatures.”

  April looked sick and Roth’s good feelings started to disappear. His abilities came back, and he could hear all thoughts around him except April’s. He moaned as his head throbbed.

  “Ha, I’d be committed if I told people about what I saw today. What about the people who shot you? Won’t they find you?”

  “I hope not. They were humans, and they can’t find cloaked places without a shifter or being mated to one of us. They shot me enough that I hope they think I’m dead.”

  “What do you mean by cloaked places?”

  “We are in a cloaked place now. All shifters live in cloaked pockets around the world. The world is a lot bigger than what you think. You see, long ago wizards, witches, and all paranormal people joined together. We made magical pockets in the world—safe places for us to live where you humans won’t harm us.”

  “That’s why I couldn’t find this turnoff?”

  “Yes, but you’re my mate, so you will find it now.”

  “So I can find this place. Shifters exist and I can’t leave now?”

  “You won’t be able to leave me. You can leave, but not if you’re going to run from me, us. You could go visit your parents or go to work for a couple of hours, but you can’t leave me and never return.”

  “So I’m like chained to you?”

  “Yeah, we call it an invisible thread, but chained works as well. It’s nothing personal. It’s like this with all human mates. It helps so they don’t tell our secret and give us a chance to be together. It gives you humans a chance to get to know their other half. I mean, would you still be standing here now after everything you’ve seen and been told?”

  “Hell no. The only reason I stuck around at first was because of Alwen. I can feel the magical pull towards you. Is this why I haven’t been able to be with anyone else since meeting you? Is it why I fantasized about you?”

  He couldn’t help the grin that spread over his face that his mate had been fantasizing about him. Roth had had so many wet dreams about his gorgeous mate he’d lost count. He’d had to come up with an impotence excuse for his cover when they were in strip clubs and parties. “Yes, because we are meant to be. Fated.”

  “Well fate is a bitch who I’d like to meet right now, so I could kick some fate into them. I didn’t ask for any of this.”

  Clay cleared his throat. “I’m going to dig the bullets out. Once they are out, Roth, you’ll heal really quickly. I have the tiger clinging on. Dad and Mum should be here soon.” Clay glanced at April. “You’re doing really well. Alwen is inside with Bianca and the kids. Why don’t you go in and talk?”

  April shook her head. “No. I need fresh air. Will he be in pain when you take the bullets out?”

  “Yes, but I’ll—”

  “Good. I want to watch. The son of a bitch bit me, and now I have no choice but to stay.”

  Clay nodded and looked at him. “She’ll come around. Don’t worry. You did mate her roughly.” Roth easily read his thoughts.

  “April, give my brother a chance. Merpeople are so few now. We are becoming extinct because we aren’t finding our mates, so Roth is lucky to have found you. Our mother is going to be ecstatic.”

  “Oh well if your mother’s going to be happy then I better be.”

  Roth chuckled at April’s snarky comments, but it turned into a wince as Clay lifted the bullet out of his fin.

  His heart soared when April dropped down beside him. “You’re being a bit rough, aren�
�t you?”

  Clay winked at her. “I thought you wanted Roth in pain?’

  “Motherfucker!” Roth yelled, and Clay dug into his shoulder and got the bullet out, then worked on his arm.

  “Yes, no. I don’t know. Not that type of pain. I’m angry at him. Let me be angry.” April reached for his hand and held it tight. Warmth spread through him as he looked up into her beautiful face.

  “You’re all I think about. You don’t know how many times I almost went rogue and left my undercover so I could come and be with you. I’m sorry this is how it happened. I didn’t want you to see this.”

  She nodded, but then her eyes widened as Clay healed him. “He is … I mean … I just … Clay just glowed and healed you.”

  Roth squeezed her hand. “Merpeople are more special because we all have extra abilities, gifts. Clay’s is to heal. I can read minds.”

  “You can read my mind?” April tried to get her hand back.

  “No, not yours. You’re my mate. I’ve never been able to read yours … and I never will.”

  April relaxed again and Clay finished healing him. “What about the rest of your family? Will Alwen’s child have a gift?”

  “Yes, Alwen’s baby will have an ability. We don’t know what yet. My sister can tell when you are lying or when something important is coming. My mother is a seer, and my father is like Clay, but he has been healing longer so his gifts are greater. I have a cousin with the ability to become invisible and another who can levitate, fly.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing.”

  Roth was healed now. He was stiff but felt good. Clay went back over to the tiger, and Roth sat himself up. “I need to go back to the water. I’m healed.”

  “Why can’t you change back?”

  “I mated you, and until you are willing to come to me in this form for a kiss and give us a chance I stay in this form.”

  “I like the purple. It’s my favorite color.” She leaned closer and touched his long hair. He groaned as her finger trailed down his skin. “The shiny skin is pretty cool. It’s the fin that I’m not sure about.” She hesitantly brushed his tail. “This is happening so fast, but it feels right.”

  She gazed up at him, and quick as he could, he captured her lips to his and had his first real taste of his mate. At first she didn’t respond, and he prayed she would give in and let him show her they were meant to be. He gathered her closer to him and traced her lips and nipped her bottom one seeking entry. She sighed and let go, opening her mouth and sinking into him. Roth let the change come over him, grateful she accepted him. He just hoped he could prove he was worthy of her.

  Chapter Two

  April hated to admit it, but Roth was gorgeous in both Merman and human forms. He sat next to her, his jet black hair in a ponytail at his back, his skin looking a healthy dark bronze, and you’d never know he’d been shot three times. His big brown eyes hardly left her as he snuggled into her on the sofa.

  Roth’s parents had come and taken over. His mother took charge making phone calls and organizing the children. She even found out that the fifth child, well teenage girl eagle, had arrived at a family house safe. His mother had just finished questioning her about what she did for a living and what she wanted from life. Easy, right? Ha. April snorted and shook her head.

  “You don’t want to live around here?”

  What? April looked at Roth for help as his mother stared at her with a perfectly crafted eyebrow. “Sure we do, Mum. It’s a nice area, but—”

  April had totally lost the conversation and was in her own world, so she was glad Roth was listening. Maybe having a partner wouldn’t be so bad.

  “There are five houses free in this sector. I say you put in an offer on one.” Roth’s mother cut him off. “As a mating gift your father and I will even pay the deposit. I know the inland pockets are cheaper, but you’re a Merman and need the water.”

  “Mum, I don’t—”

  “Just think, you’ll be close to your brother. I’m sure your mate can’t move to your little place inland that the Paranormal Realm gave you.”

  “I have my house. We don’t need a house.” April rented a cute little cottage not far from here. She said she’d give this a chance, but she couldn’t live with Roth. “I can’t live with Roth.”

  Roth’s mother laughed. “Oh sweetheart, did my son not tell you that you can’t be separated for the first three months for no more than a couple of hours?”

  “He told me we have the shackle that binds us together and that we couldn’t be apart. He didn’t say how many hours or how long we would be stuck together.”

  Roth squeezed her tighter to him and kissed her forehead. “We can’t sleep apart. That’s too long apart. I’ll get one of the houses down the road. That way you’re still close to everything.”

  Alwen came over. “You two can stay here for the next couple of nights. It’s the weekend at least, so April doesn’t have to work.”

  April took deep calming breaths. She was going to be sleeping with a man she’d been dreaming of for over a year. A guy who had mated her against her will and now told her they had to live together. She stood and forced a smile. “I’ll go grab a bag with some of my clothes.” April needed time to herself, even if it was just driving to her house to gather some things and her thoughts.

  Roth got off the sofa. “I’ll come join you.”

  “No. I’ll come back. I can’t leave, remember? I’ll be back.” April didn’t give Roth or anyone a chance to deny her. She grabbed her bag and bolted for the front door.

  The drive to her little cottage seemed to take longer than it usually did, but April needed the quiet to think and process everything before she opened her home and thought about packing.

  April did everything like she always did, parked in the driveway, let herself in the house dumping her bag on the table and slipped out of her shoes, but everything felt different. Controlled. Her life had changed in a matter of hours and all for going to check on her best friend, which she didn’t really do.

  Going to her bedroom she lay on the bed and curled into a ball. Was she overreacting? Was she being selfish thinking of only herself and how everything today had affected her? Was she right in giving in so easily to giving Roth a chance?

  April had been so envious of Alwen. She hated to admit it, but she was. She was happy her friend had found a man who thought the sun shone from her arse, but April had been jealous because she wanted what Alwen had, not Clay himself, but the way he treated her. April had wondered even for a while if she’d fixated on Roth because he was Clay’s brother and she wanted what Alwen had. Now that she’d learnt everything, April didn’t know how she felt. She’d never had a relationship before. She hadn’t found anyone she wanted one with, but even in the last couple of hours she knew Roth was right. He felt good, like a piece of a puzzle she’d been missing.

  Sitting up, she looked around her room. It had clothes strewn around it, shoes here and there, feminine products out in plain sight. It looked like the room of a woman living on her own. Getting off the bed she went to her closet and grabbed a duffle bag. If she wanted what Alwen had, she had to give Roth a real chance. Accept him as he was, learn about him, about each other. What better way to do that than to live together? If she was Roth’s soul mate, then it should all work out. She just had to be willing to work with him. April just hoped Roth was willing to do the same.


  He’d phoned his contact and had a meeting Monday lunch in a park not far from his brother’s place. Roth was told his undercover persona was dead. They were even having a fake funeral for it. Roth didn’t mention Slink. He wasn’t too sure what he was supposed to know about him. Slink was doing well, thanks to Clay and their father coming to help heal him. Roth was happy that his undercover identity was dead. He’d had enough of undercover work. He’d turned forty last year and hadn’t been able to celebrate, hadn’t been able to claim his mate, hadn’t been able to have his own life.

  April lay
in bed with her back turned to him. Stripping out of the clothes Clay had given him, Roth got into bed naked. He wanted this to work with April and not just because they were mates. “I wanted to claim you from the moment I saw you, but I knew it wasn’t safe for you. I work for the Paranormal Realm. My job won’t always be safe, but it keeps everyone else safe. I won’t be doing any more undercover work. I’m done with that. I’m ready for my own life with you. I didn’t mean for you to find out the way you did.” He moved closer to her.

  “I thought something was wrong with me. I’ve never been obsessed with a man, but with you I’d only met you three times and I couldn’t get you off my mind. I’m scared. My whole world has changed in a matter of hours, but I want what Alwen and Clay have. If we can have a bond like them what happened today will all be worth it.”

  Roth gathered April to him. At first she was stiff as a board, but he was eager to make this right. He body was hard all over, eager for the woman in his arms. He’d waited for over a year to be with his mate. His body was primed and ready to go. He turned her and tilted her head so her mouth was level with his and he kissed her. April’s body softened against him.

  “If you let me, I’m going to claim you so good tonight you’ll never want to leave. I’ll claim you the way I should have.” His lips took possession of hers and he moved his hands down to squeeze her arse. Roth ground himself against her and moved so he hovered over her, his elbows resting on either side of her. Slowly he kissed his way down her neck, eager to show her he knew how to claim her right. His hands slid around and glided over her body. He pulled at the baggy shirt she wore, ripping it, and tugged down her boxer shorts, lifting her up to ease them off. He looked at her and smiled as she stared up at him with passion-filled eyes full of anticipation. “Tell me you want this now?”

  “Yes. I want this,” she whispered.

  He gave her feather light kisses down her stomach, spread her legs, and settled between them. He sank a finger into her wet pussy. “Ah April, you’re soaking.”


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