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Brando Page 4

by Marita A. Hansen

  “He’s not. Pansexuality isn’t the same as being gay. He’s into personalities, not what sex a person is.”

  “Sounds like a cover for being gay.”

  “Fuck, you’re a stronzo,” Vinnie said, calling him an asshole. “He. Is. Not. Gay. I see him with more women than men.”

  “Bi, then.”

  “Again, it’s not the same. Bi’s two sexes and he fucks anything: female, male, intersex, trannies, he doesn’t care, so shut your mouth around him, and don’t you dare mention anything to Mamma.”

  “Why hide it?”

  “Because Mamma’s homophobic, so stop talking about it.” Vinnie grabbed his guitar and headed out, Brando shadowing him. He gritted his teeth as Brando continued to talk about Dominic’s sexuality, probably because he’d told him not to. He kicked himself mentally for it, because if you told Brando not to do something: that was precisely what he would do.

  They headed around the large neoclassical-styled house, the lights from within lighting up the surrounding darkness. Up above, a full moon stood guard over their enormous property, the dark waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance only just visible.

  Vinnie was looking forward to the night. It was the first time since the beginning of the mafia war they’d been given permission to return to the stage. He’d missed rocking the club, getting the chicks screaming and breathing in the whole vibe of performing live. He wished he could tour, but he was locked to the island for the meantime—to his family. Still, it was fun to dream every time he played up on H20’s stage, pretending he was performing in front of thousands of fans.

  Vinnie climbed into the back of the armored vehicle, taking the seat next to his twin, who glared angrily at Brando as he climbed into the car. Two soldiers were sitting up front, while another carload of soldiers were waiting behind them—their bodyguards for the night. Although they’d eliminated one of their enemies, another lot were still on the loose, plus the fan mail Vinnie was getting had plunged into stalkerville, the last letter freaking him out. The letters had seemed harmless up until about two weeks ago. The fan had gotten mad at him for not replying, then yesterday she’d sent a kidnap threat, stating that she would chain him up if he didn’t stop cheating on her, the freak having delusions he was her fiancé.

  Something in his peripheral vision caught his attention, cutting off his train of thought. He peered past Brando, looking out the window as the driver started the engine. Two Black Vipers were descending the front steps, the female assassins residing in the main house. They were both wearing skintight clothes, the darker Viper capturing his attention the most. The porch light illuminated her features, the woman gorgeous. She was a mix of African American and Hispanic. She had long brown hair and the most stunning figure—all curves and a shapely ass he wanted to grab with both hands.

  “You’re drooling,” Dominic said.

  Vinnie turned to his twin. “I am not.”

  “Liar. Why don’t you just fuck her and get it out of your system.”

  “I don’t want to fuck her.”

  “Then I’ll fuck her.” Dominic started moving his crotch like he was having an epileptic fit.

  “If you do that, I’ll smash your face in!”

  Dominic laughed. “I knew you liked her.”

  Flicking him the finger, Vinnie turned to look out the window again as the driver steered down the driveway, not interested in Dominic’s teasing.

  “I don’t know why you’re holding back,” Dominic said. “I’ve fucked almost half of those Viper chicks, yet you haven’t even touched one. What’s your issue?”

  “It’ll be awkward the next day.”

  “Only if you’re not upfront about it being no strings attached.”

  “It’s easy for you to say. All the Vipers know if they fuck you they risk getting an STD, so they don’t expect anything the next day.”

  “I get one case of gonorrhea and you never let me live it down.”

  “As far as I remember, you’ve had gonorrhea twice, crabs three times, and genital herpes.”

  “It wasn’t herpes, it was chlamydia, and I’m clean now. No fun without a rubber.”

  Vinnie rolled his eyes, thinking Dominic should’ve protected himself a long time ago. It was just pure luck that the idiot hadn’t contracted anything more serious.

  The driver exited their property, the Mediterranean Sea looking like slick black oil under the night sky. A loud honk came from behind the car. A second later, the two Vipers zipped past on a motorbike: one driving, the other holding onto her tight. Vinnie watched them disappear into the dark, Dominic’s words running through his mind. Maybe he should fuck D and get her out of his system. He just had to be up front about what he wanted—a one-night stand, nothing more.

  His phone rang. He pulled it out and clicked it on, placing it to his ear. “Pronto?” he answered.

  No one replied.


  Again, no reply, only breathing sounds coming through the line.

  He grunted, realizing it was his stalker. “Stop calling me. Also, stop sending me those freaky letters. I’m not your fiancé, I’m no one’s.” He hung up.

  Dominic grabbed Vinnie’s phone out of his hand and looked at it. “It’s a different number. I’ll try tracing it tomorrow.”

  “Why bother?” Vinnie said, taking the phone back. “You haven’t had any luck tracing them before.”

  “They’ll slip up eventually, then I’ll have something to latch onto.”

  Vinnie slumped back into his seat. “I wish.”

  “Trust me, Vinnie, I’ll catch the psycho.”

  Brando elbowed Vinnie, giving him a toothy grin. “Then I’ll make her regret the day she saw you.”

  Vinnie smiled, Brando’s expression snapping him out of his annoyance. “What are you going to do? Suck her dry, vampiro?”

  “No, she can suck my cock dry before I slit her throat.”

  “You’re a sick motherfucker.”

  Brando turned to look out the window, muttering, “I know.”


  Brando emerged from the vehicle, ordering the soldiers from the other car to move out of his way. He was here to protect his brothers, not to be protected. The soldiers stepped aside, not willing to challenge him. He scanned the club’s front and the sidewalk, assessing any threats. People stood in a long line outside H20, many of them openly staring at him. He knew he was beautiful, that was obvious; he had to be blind not to acknowledge it. Though, some of the club-goers’ stares held fear, because they knew he was Mafioso. It wasn’t just the soldiers standing at his back: he had a reputation as a killer, many knowing he was a hitman.

  He tapped on the car’s roof, indicating it was safe for the twins to get out. More soldiers emerged from the other car, creating a barrier for his brothers to walk through. He’d wanted to take the twins around the back of the nightclub, slipping them inside without anyone noticing. But Dominic liked fanfare, his brother needing to breathe the adulation in more than air itself.

  The twins emerged from the car, which set off the women in the line. The groupies ran for his brothers, screaming their names. The soldiers held the women back, giving the twins and him free passage to the club door. The bouncer stepped aside for them, bowing his head in respect, the club belonging to their family.

  More screams welcomed them as they entered the club, the scantily clad women all reaching for the twins, wanting a piece of them. Dominic grinned, looking like he was about to come in his pants from all the attention. A woman in a dress three sizes too small, held out a marker for Dominic to take, saying something Brando couldn’t hear. His brother reached past the soldiers and grabbed the marker, his grin widening as the woman pulled down her dress top. He scrawled his name and number across her bare breasts, handing the marker back once done. He flicked out his studded tongue at her, then resumed walking.

  The soldiers continued to push the club-goers back, trying their best to protect the twins, although hands stil
l snuck through. Vinnie let out a yelp, a female probably pinching his ass. A commotion broke out. Vinnie swung out at a man, attempting to punch him in the face. Brando laughed along with Dominic, realizing the man had done the pinching.

  One of the soldiers dragged Vinnie’s finger-happy admirer away, the man screaming his undying love for Vinnie. Another soldier pulled out a gun, making the club-goers back up fast, fear now replacing lust and fanaticism.

  Dominic continued laughing over Vinnie having his ass pinched by a guy. Vinnie raised his fist again, looking like he was going to punch Dominic. He lowered it a second later, his eyes moving past Brando.

  Brando looked over his shoulder at what had caught Vinnie’s attention. The motorbike-riding Vipers were leaning against the bar, Ivy drawing his eyes to her. She was watching him, the memory of her lips against his making him ache below. The second in command of the Viper Sisterhood had a drink in her hand. She was standing next to... Fuck, who cared who she was next to; all he cared about was Ivy and what he would do to her. He adjusted his package, his cock already filling out, the woman a walking wet dream. He probably shouldn’t have pulled away from her earlier. He just didn’t like how she was playing him, making out as though she wasn’t interested, because she sure as hell was wet for him, just didn’t want to admit to it. Yeah, he knew she hated his personality, especially after he’d ordered her to strip so he could fuck her. She’d done it without complaint. It hadn’t surprised him at the time, since most women stripped when he asked, but he’d thought she was a maid back then, not a spy. An enemy had hired her to kill his family, but unbeknown to the man, Ivy had her own agenda. She wanted an alliance with his family, so they would help her kill a former employer, which they’d agreed upon after the Vipers had risked their lives to save them.

  A waving hand ripped Brando’s gaze away from Ivy. A few feet away, a female was trying to get his attention, her waves making him wonder whether he knew her. He didn’t recognize her face and he had a good memory. Regardless of how many women he’d slept with, he could remember each and every one of them; facial recognition part of his job.

  He walked up to the woman. “What do you want?”

  “You. I’m Fiore.” She held out a shaking hand, the woman obviously nervous. It turned him on along with her looks, her dark hair and kohl-rimmed eyes reminding him of Ivy—just a less smoldering version.

  Ignoring her hand, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off the floor, placing a hand under her ass to help hold her up. She squealed, her expression shocked. “No need to be scared, honey, I’m going to make your night.” He gave her deep kiss, pulling back several seconds later. “Is that fine with you?”

  She nodded, her face flushed, the woman no doubt still stunned by what he was doing.

  He glanced over his shoulder at the soldiers. “Watch the twins; I’m going to be busy.”

  “We don’t need watching,” Dominic said. He walked off with Vinnie, who was throwing glances at the Vipers, the one standing next to Ivy capturing his brother’s attention.

  Brando carried the woman through the crowd, purposely passing by Ivy, intending on making her jealous. He was going to perform for the Viper, and anyone else who was inclined to watch. He had perversions—public sex one of them, and since everyone knew he was Mafioso they didn’t dare stop him. Plus, it was his family’s club, so he could do whatever the hell he liked.

  He steered the Ivy substitute to the corner closest to Ivy and pushed her against the wall. The woman looked both excited and shocked, her eyes drinking in his face, not realizing how ugly his personality was, because if she saw how much hate he had inside of him, she would run screaming.

  He lowered her to her feet. “Do you know me?” He ran a finger over her bottom lip, which was quivering. “Because you didn’t fight me when I picked you up.”

  Still looking stunned, she nodded.

  “Where from?”

  “Here and-and around town,” she stuttered.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  She nodded again, making him think of a bobble-head. “Brando Santini. You’re famous.”

  He smiled. “That’s the first time someone called me famous.”

  “Well, you are on this island. My friends drool over you. They will be so jealous of me.”

  He laughed. “Is that so?”

  “Sì. I come to H20 hoping you turn up with your brothers. Some of my friends like them, but I prefer looking at you,” she babbled, resembling the way the fangirls talked to the twins, the women often revealing too much in their star-struck state. “You are so beautiful. I used to have a picture of you as my screensaver until my boyfriend saw it.” Her face dropped, the woman probably realizing she’d overstepped the mark.

  Brando frowned. “How did you get a picture of me?”

  “I too-took it when I saw you in the-the park once,” she stuttered out.

  “You’re not stalking me, are you?”

  Her eyes widened, fear now coloring them. “No, no,” she said, shaking her head vigorously. “I was taking pictures of the flowers and you walked past. Honest, it was just a coincidence.” She screwed up her face. “I didn’t mean anything by it; it’s just ... you’re so beautiful and—”

  “Calm down, I’m not angry.”

  She breathed out, looking greatly relieved.

  He smiled. “So, how about you give me your email and I’ll send you a naked picture of me to replace the old one.”

  Her eyes went big. “Really?”

  “Yeah, so what is it?”

  “You got a pen?”

  “I don’t need one; I’ve got a very good memory.”

  She rattled it off, also giving him her number. Brando committed them to memory, planning on doing a background check on her.

  “You can call me anytime,” she said.

  “What about your boyfriend?” he asked, only wanting a fuck.

  “Don’t worry about that creep; I’m going to dump him.”

  “Bene. Now, no more talking, I want to kiss you.” He pressed his lips against hers again. She kissed him back, the woman moaning against his lips. As they kissed, he pulled out a condom from his pocket, Vinnie’s leather pants well-stocked. He unzipped his pants and rolled the rubber onto his hard cock. Once ready, he broke the kiss and spun the woman around. He pushed her dress up and yanked down her panties, giving her ass a slap for good measure. She let out a squeal, then went to say something, but he cut it off, clamping a hand over her mouth. He pushed her against the wall as she tried to turn around. “Calm down, sweetheart,” he said, brushing his lips over ear. “You want me, don’t you?”

  She stopped struggling and nodded.

  “Bene, and if you don’t fight me, I’ll make sure you come.”

  She started shaking.

  “Dio, you’re turning me on.” He uncovered her mouth and moved his hand down her body, running it over her tits and stomach. The woman jerked as he touched her pussy, but didn’t fight him. She was already wet, fear and attraction a powerful combination. He pushed his finger inside of her, the woman’s shaking growing. “Again, there’s no need to be scared,” he kissed her neck, “as long as you please me.”

  She gasped as he shoved another finger inside, not being gentle about it.

  “Are you going to please me?”

  “Sì,” she groaned.

  “Aren’t you worried about people watching you?”

  She went stiff.

  “It doesn’t matter, because if I said strip, you would, wouldn’t you?”

  “Sì,” she whimpered.

  “I bet you masturbate to thoughts of me at night.”

  She groaned, confirming he was right.

  “I bet you’ve dreamed of my cazzo pumping your figa.”

  She groaned again, her answer a breathy rumble.

  He removed his fingers and took hold of his cock, penetrating her fast, the woman letting out another squeal. He placed a hand over her mouth again and brushed his lips over h
er ear. “You can squeal all you want, just remember where we are.” He glanced to his side, smiling at a group of women at a table. They were watching him as though he was putting on a show just for them. He blew them a kiss, making a few of the horny donne giggle, then refocused on the woman he was imbedded in and started fucking her. She whimpered again, but didn’t complain or try to stop him. He closed his eyes, imagining she was Ivy, someone he would fuck again—no matter what she said.

  Because the Viper was his, whether she liked it or not.


  “I can’t believe he’s fucking her in public,” D said, her voice thick with disbelief. “You can see his ass moving.” She looked at Ivy, her hazel eyes enormous. “He even has an audience. Those females look like they’re lining up to be next.”

  Ivy gritted her teeth, wanting to kill all of them, most of all the one Brando was nailing to the wall. She forced her gaze away from him, willing herself not to hit the bastard for taunting her, because that was what he was doing. He was punishing her for not bowing down to him. And she wanted to punish him back, doing something that would anger him, but she had no interest in whoring herself like he was doing. Instead, she would snub him, not letting him know how much he was affecting her.

  The sound of instruments being tuned thankfully pulled her attention to the stage, but not for long, because her gaze started wandering back to Brando, the man a magnet. She knew he’d picked that corner, knowing she would see everything. She just wished it was her he was fucking. She imagined herself in front of him, with his cock plowing into her, while his hands moved all over her body, those beautiful lips of his talking dirty to her. They curved up so wickedly, tainting his beauty with an evil air, but she still loved them, especially when he smiled at her as though he was imagining her naked. With one look he could make her feel both dirty and desired ... hell, he could make her wet just by saying hello.

  She swore in her head, annoyed she was thinking about him again. She wished she wasn’t attracted to him, although it was hard not to be with the way he looked. She willed herself to focus on the stage again, where one of the twins was tuning his guitar. The male was decked out in leather pants and a muscle shirt, looking every bit the rock star. She instantly knew which twin he was, because D was blathering on about how gorgeous Vinnie was. It was getting tiresome.


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