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Brando Page 20

by Marita A. Hansen

  Ricardo frowned. “I didn’t realize you’d grown that close.”

  “Because you’re always out with clients or locked away in your office working. We hardly see you anymore and when we do it’s never on good terms.”

  “As a Don I have a huge workload, and my working habits are not the topic of this conversation. And you’re right about me picking and choosing Vipers, which means I have to let them all go, including Menna, once she’s healed.”

  “No!” Brando snapped. “Ivy’s my woman. She stays with me or I leave too.”

  “She’s not your woman; you just want her to be.”

  “She is my woman, and I plan on marrying her.”

  Ricardo snorted out a laugh. “You can’t be serious, she doesn’t even like you.”

  “She wants me just as much as I want her, and she stays along with all the other Vipers. I will smooth things over with the Black Russian; you know I’m quite capable of appeasing him.”

  “Fine, but I want it done sooner rather than later.”

  “I’ll call him after the meeting and arrange things for next week.”

  Ricardo nodded. “Bene, but we will have to watch the Vipers more closely in the meantime. You will obviously watch Ivy, while Alessandro can cover the Asian and Irish Vipers.”

  Alessandro grinned, his violet eyes sparkling. “I’ll cover them real good.”

  Ricardo gave him a disgusted look, then moved his gaze around the room. “Luciano, you can watch the one who’s always in the music room, Silvio can monitor the religious one, while Anna, you can keep an eye on Kennedy and the mute who hangs around the servants’ quarters. Also, does anyone know why she’s always out there?”

  Dominic cut in, “She has a thing for one of the servants. Pity for her he only has eyes for Sergio,” he sniggered, mentioning Anna’s husband.

  Anna shot up off the couch. “He does not! You’re just saying that to annoy me.”

  “Oh, that servant likes Sergio a lot.” Dominic looked around the room. “By the way, where is your dearest husband?” He glanced at the back door. “Maybe he’s with that servant right now.”

  “He’s in a meeting with his famiglia!”

  “I know, I was just teasing you. You’re so much fun to rile.” He snapped his teeth. “You’re like a rabid Chihuahua when you get mad.”

  Anna picked up a pillow and threw it at him. Laughing, Dominic hit it away.

  “Stop it, Dominic,” Ricardo snapped.

  Dominic bowed low. “Please accept my apologies, Lord Vader. I shall not cause any more disturbances within the force.”

  “Don’t speak to me like that!”

  Dominic jolted, his expression surprised. “Okay, you don’t need to overreact; I was just lightening things up.”

  “I don’t appreciate your humor. Menna was stabbed and her baby was murdered. How can you make light of things at a time like this?”

  Dominic grimaced. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.”

  Ricardo’s upper lip twitched, looking like he was trying to restrain his temper. “Apology noted.” He turned his attention to Vinnie. “And back to business. Vinnie, you watch D and the redhead.”

  “I don’t want D,” Vinnie said, worried he’d be tempted again.

  “Then take the Asian Viper and Alessandro can watch D.”

  “No!” Vinnie yelled. “He’s not allowed to touch her.”

  “I’m not pairing up couples; all I’m asking is for everyone to keep an eye on the Vipers to make sure none of them are acting strangely. I want to preempt any attacks.”

  “Then I’ll take D and Alessandro can keep Sae Ra,” Vinnie said.

  “What about me?” Dominic piped up. “Who do I get?”

  Ricardo scowled at him. “No one.”

  “Why not? There are more Vipers to watch. I want the Swedish one; I’ll also take the the South African honey.”

  “I’m not your pimp!”

  Dominic pulled a face. “I didn’t say you were; I was just offering my help.”

  “Your help is not wanted.”

  Dominic’s back straightened. “What the hell is your problem?!”

  “You. I was informed prior to this meeting that you’ve been bribing soldati into smuggling outsiders in for sex. I warned you what would happen if that occurred. As a result, all your privileges will be stopped, including the gigs.”

  Both Dominic and Vinnie yelled out, “No!” at the same time.

  “It’s happening whether you like it or not.”

  Vinnie stepped forward. “But we’ll lose a shitload lot of cash if we don’t play. We’ll also have angry clubbers who are expecting us tonight.”

  “Dominic knew what would happen,” Ricardo said.

  “Then let me perform alone, because I did nothing wrong.”

  “No!” Dominic cut in. “We perform as a duo or not at all.”

  Vinnie turned to him. “You should’ve thought about that before risking my life for a fuck.”

  “That nutjob tricked me.”

  “Which isn’t hard to do,” Brando muttered behind Dominic.

  Dominic spun around. “What did you fucking say?”

  Brando grinned. “That you’re not too bright.”

  Vinnie grabbed Dominic before he could attack Brando. “Don’t risk it, you’ll make things worse.”

  Dominic yanked free. “I’m sick of his insults.” He turned to Ricardo. “And I’m sick of not being able to have a relationship because I’m banned from bringing a chick—”

  “—or a dude home,” Brando cut in.

  Vinnie latched onto Dominic again, who started swearing at Brando, promising him pain.

  “Dominic!” Ricardo yelled. “Control yourself.”

  Dominic pointed at Brando. “He’s the one insulting me!”

  “Live with it, because I have to live with your fuckups.” Ricardo turned towards the archway as Miko entered the room. The overweight man always wore suits far too thick for the climate. He was perspiring badly under his arms, not to mention sweat was trickling down his face. But then again, it could’ve been from nerves, because he was twitching like crazy, his worried gaze on Dominic. Vinnie held onto Dominic tighter, his twin’s body tensing at the sight of Miko.

  “You bastardo!” Dominic hollered at Miko, obviously realizing it was the soldier who’d betrayed him. “I paid you well to keep your fucking mouth shut.”

  Miko grimaced. “Brando put a knife to my throat. I had to talk.”

  “I said I would clear things up with him,” Dominic snapped.

  “Don’t blame Miko,” Ricardo cut in. “You were the one who ordered him to bring those men and women into the compound, not to mention the hit you made him do on Vinnie’s stalker.”

  Surprised, Vinnie let go of Dominic. “You told me she wouldn’t be killed.”

  Dominic turned to him. “She was dangerous.”

  “She was a fucking chick!”

  “And a stalker. I had to dispose of her for your safety.”

  Vinnie shoved Dominic. “You stronzo! Your solution to everything is murder. You’re a fucking psychopath.”

  Dominic shoved him back. “She was a threat! And fuck you for wanting to protect your life.”

  “She didn’t hurt me, and if anyone’s a threat, it’s you. You brought her here.”

  “I didn’t know she was a psycho bitch with a wet one for you.”

  “It doesn’t matter; you weren’t supposed to bring anyone back, which is why we have the fuck room at the club.”

  “Sometimes chicks like privacy and you’re always in there banging groupies.”

  “Regardless, there are rules for a reason.” Vinnie stalked over to Ricardo. “And you’re not stopping me from playing the gig, because I did nothing wrong.”

  Ricardo’s eyes moved to Dominic, then back to Vinnie. “You can go on one condition.”

  “No!” Dominic yelled. “He can’t play without me.”

  A cruel smile formed across Ricardo’s face. �
�Actually, he can, because, Dominic, he speaks the truth. I often treat you two as one unit, which I shouldn’t. Vinnie didn’t do anything wrong, so he can leave the compound while you can stay here and think about what you did.”

  “You can’t do that to me, I’m not a kid who needs to be punished.”

  “Then stop acting like one.”

  “I’m going—”

  “—back to your studio, and if you try to leave, I’ll make sure you don’t get past the guards.”

  “You fucking stronzo!” Dominic yelled. He turned and stormed out the back door, slamming it shut behind him.

  Ricardo returned his attention to Vinnie. “If you need help, Brando can fill Dominic’s shoes.”

  “No, I want to perform alone for once. Dominic always hogs the stage; this is my chance to command it.”

  Ricardo nodded. “Va bene, but still take Brando along with some soldati to guard you.”

  “Not tonight,” Brando said. “I want to stay with Ivy.”

  Ricardo focused on Miko. “Then you can fill in for Brando.”

  Miko’s face perked up, although he looked surprised, the soldier never having been given bodyguard duties before. “I’ll be happy to, Don.”

  “Molto bene,” Ricardo said. “Now, go and have a good night.”

  Vinnie turned and headed out the back door with Miko, Brando shadowing them. Vinnie stopped partway across the courtyard and turned to Brando. “Why are you following us?”

  Brando glanced at Miko, then back to him. “You’re not to go outside the club without a group of bodyguards with you.”

  “Lighten up, man. The Landi and Donatelli are all but destroyed, while my stalker won’t be bothering me anymore,” Vinnie said with a grimace, still upset over what Dominic had done. He didn’t blame Miko, since the soldier had to follow orders.

  Brando looked back at Miko. “Bring my brother back safely and I won’t kill you.”

  “What the fuck, man?” Vinnie snapped. “You don’t talk to Miko like that. What’s wrong with you?”

  Brando pointed at Miko. “He should be punished for what he did, not rewarded with a bodyguard job.”

  “You still don’t threaten him. Other than taking some under-the-table money for extra work, he didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “He killed the stalker.”

  “No, he was just a gun, while Dominic ordered the trigger to be pulled. Of all people, you know how it works with hits.”

  “He still broke trust. He should be punished for it.”

  “I am being punished,” Miko said. “The Don has cut my pay.”

  “Not enough for going against orders, you fat fuck,” Brando snapped.

  “Brando!” Vinnie yelled. “Apologize!”

  Brando ignored him, his eyes still on Miko. “If I find one little cut on Vinnie, I’ll slice you up for bacon like the fat pig you are.”

  Vinnie pushed in between them. “Piss off!”

  Brando pointed at him. “Don’t go outside alone with Miko. He’s not trained to defend you, only to open his fat mouth for food.”

  “Fucking apologize!”

  Brando flicked his teeth with his thumb, indicating for Vinnie to go fuck himself, then stalked back inside the main house.

  Vinnie turned to the soldier. “I’m sorry, Miko, Brando’s a complete and utter stronzo.”

  Miko breathed out, still looking worried. “He scares the merda out of me, boss.”

  Vinnie patted his arm. “Don’t worry, man, I’ll have a talk to Ricardo first thing tomorrow morning about what Brando said, while tonight you can prove you’re a good bodyguard. We’ll make Brando eat his words.”

  Miko nodded. “And I’m sorry about that woman I killed.”

  “As I said, you were just a gun. It’s on Dominic’s head, not yours.”

  Miko smiled. “Grazie.”

  “No worries; see you at the car in fifteen minutes.”

  Miko nodded and left. Vinnie headed into the studio, relieved that Dominic’s door was shut, his twin probably sulking. Not caring, he entered his own room, quickly changing into some leathers and a black wife-beater. He was going to show Dominic that he could carry off a gig without him. He was his own man, not one half of a whole, and tonight he was going to prove it.


  D got off her motorbike and headed for H20’s front entrance, wondering what the Santini meeting was about. With the exception of Menna, all the Vipers had been asked to leave the house while it was on. So, instead of getting a lift with Vinnie, she’d done a bit of sightseeing, planning on catching up with him at the club.

  The bouncer smiled at her. He was a swarthy man with a large nose and a lovely personality. “Hello, D. Come to watch the twins play again?” he asked, with a Turkish accent.

  She nodded. “Are they here yet?”

  “No, and it’ll only be Vinnie performing. I just got a call that Dominic’s been banned from gigs.”


  The bouncer lowered his voice. “One of the soldiers told me he got caught bringing people back to the compound for sex, slipping them in without permission.”

  D shook her head. “He’s just like Alessandro.”

  “Hell no, Alessandro’s a legend. He can bed several women a day and still think he hasn’t had enough. No one is like him.”

  “Thank God for that.”

  The bouncer laughed, stepping aside to let her through the door. A few people waiting in the long line started complaining. D blew them kisses then entered the club, which was already packed. Techno music pumped loud, multicolored strobe lights lit up the space, while people danced or drank, everyone looking like they were having a good time.

  D pushed through the crowd, aiming for the backstage door, hoping to catch Vinnie before the gig. She stopped in front of the door, relieved it was the same guard from last night. “Vincenzo told me to wait for him out back,” she lied.

  “Sure, D,” he replied, opening the door.

  She thanked him and headed through, quickly walking to the room where Vinnie had made love to her. She entered the room, going for the bed, the memories from last night returning: his naked body on top of hers, his thick cock inside of her, his hot breath and hungry kisses...

  Feeling horny, she sat down on the mattress and ran a hand over the clean sheets, wishing she could mess them up again with him. Her mind went to their time in the shower, annoyed that Dominic had ruined it. Just the thought of that dirty bastard made her want to take another shower. If he ever looked at her like that again, she was going to take Kennedy’s advice and kick him in the nuts.

  Faint voices came from the passageway, pulling her attention to the door. She recognized Vinnie’s voice amongst them. She sat up straight, both nervous and excited as the door opened.

  The fat soldier who had a sweat problem strode in, stopping when his eyes landed on her. A big grin spread across his face. He turned as Vinnie entered. “I’ll be out back having a ciggie if you need me, boss.” He disappeared out the door, closing it behind him.

  “What are you doing here?” Vinnie asked, his annoyed tone taking her by surprise.

  “I thought we were meeting up.”

  “I didn’t mean here. You can’t just let yourself into my private room without permission.”

  She stiffened. “I didn’t, the guard did.”

  “Only because you lied to him. He told me what you said.”

  “I didn’t think it would be a problem.” D pushed up off the bed and headed towards him, not happy as he backed up. “Why are you acting this way, Vincenzo?”

  “I’m busy, I have a gig to get ready for,” he said, opening the door. “So leave.”

  Her hand shot out, slamming the door shut. “Too bad, ’cause I don’t appreciate being dismissed so rudely, especially not after what we did earlier. So, tell me what’s really got you all wound up.”

  “I don’t want a fucking relationship, okay!” he snapped, making her jerk back. “So don’t come in acting like w
e’re an item, and stop following me around, tempting me all the fucking time. I’m not your goddamned boyfriend.”

  She blinked at him, totally dumbstruck, his behavior over the top. “I don’t follow you around, we live in the same house.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “Because I wanted to see you and I thought you wanted to see me.”

  “Well, I don’t.”

  She blinked at him again, not believing what she was hearing. He went to leave, snapping her out of her stunned state. She slammed her hand against the door again, anger now bubbling up. “What was I to you? Just a fuck?”

  He turned around. “More or less.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re an asshole!”

  He grimaced. “I might be, but if you expected a relationship you shouldn’t have dropped your panties so fast.”

  “Are you calling me a slut?!”

  “No, just telling it like it is, so let go of the fucking door, I have work to do.”

  “No!” She leaned her face closer to his, seeing the real Vinnie, not the pretty picture she’d painted of him. He was a user like all the other men who’d fucked her, throwing her away like a soiled condom. “Do you do this to all the women? Flash your cute smile for a fuck, maybe two, then take off onto the next gullible idiot once you get what you want.”

  “You’re calling the deal, ’cause I ain’t the gullible idiot.”

  Her hand whipped out, slapping him across the face. The realization of what she’d done struck her a second later. “Shit, I’m sorry, Vincenzo,” she said, placing her hand on his cheek.

  Looking furious, he pushed it away. “I expect you gone by the time I get back.” He yanked open the door and disappeared out of it.

  She followed him into the passageway, spotting him heading for the back exit. He kicked open the door and jumped through it. She wondered whether she should apologize again—

  No! What the hell was wrong with her?! He should apologize to her—NOT—the other way around. The man had done a complete one-eighty, going from sweet and sexy to downright rude and obnoxious. The feeling that he’d been playing her last night came back. He’d probably done this shit a thousand times before, using women to get his jollies, then throwing a barrage of hatred at them so they’d leave, allowing him to move onto his next victim. Well, she wasn’t a victim and there was no way in hell she was going to let the callous prick get away with it. She was a fucking Viper! Not some little girl who screamed from the audience, dreaming of being with a rock star, which he wasn’t! Playing at Mommy’s and Daddy’s club didn’t count, and just because he was hot didn’t give him the goddamn right to treat women this way. And she was going to fucking tell him!


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