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Brando Page 30

by Marita A. Hansen

  Brando looked at his tied arms, knowing he had no way of freeing himself, the rope too tight. His eyes returned to the soldiers, an idea forming in his mind. “I need to use the bathroom¸” he said, knowing they had to let him down eventually, unless they wanted him to stink up the room.

  Miko continued to deal cards. “Hold on,” he said without looking at Brando.

  “I can’t.”

  Miko grabbed his bottle of beer and guzzled it down, then pushed up and walked over to him. “You can piss in here.”

  Brando grimaced. “I need to shit.”

  Miko sneered at him. “I know you well, Brando. As soon as I untie you, you’ll attack me, so don’t try to play me.”

  “I still need to shit.”

  “Okay, then I’ll bring in an incentive so you don’t attack us.”

  “My brother?”

  “No, we’d get killed if we hurt the mistress’s puttano. This is someone entirely different.”

  “Who?” Brando asked, worried they’d captured another family member.

  “It’s a surprise.” Miko glanced at his partner. “Radio to bring her in.”

  Brando’s thoughts instantly went to Ivy. She would’ve gone to his rescue, running right into the Landi’s trap. Fear gripped his chest so tight he couldn’t breathe. His gaze shot to the door, praying it wasn’t her, the woman meaning far too much to him.

  A few minutes later, footsteps approached the bedroom. A man entered with a small girl. Her tear-filled eyes went to Brando, her expression turning to shock. Brando stared back, also shocked, the girl before him knocking the breath out of him.

  “Looks like she got your good looks, Brando,” Miko said. “Very beautiful. I especially like her golden eyes.” He walked over to the girl and placed a hand on her head, stroking her long black hair.

  The girl jerked to the side, her crying picking up.

  Miko smiled. “I don’t think your daughter likes me. Maybe it’s because I hit her mother.” His eyes fell on the girl. “Say hello to your father.”

  “He’s not my tata,” the girl said, sounding Slavic.

  “Sì, he is.” Miko looked back at Brando. “And he’ll do anything to keep you alive, won’t you, Brando?”

  Brando continued to stare at the girl, his mind still in shock. “I don’t have a—”

  Miko cut him off, “Just by her looks alone you can tell she’s yours. You obviously fucked her puttana of a mother.”

  “Gemma never told me,” Brando pushed out, the shock making him slow.

  Miko shook his head. “You Santini populate the land like rabbits. You can’t keep your dicks to yourself. You probably have many more children out there like this one. If you knew them all, what would you do?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Would you protect them like your own even if you hadn’t met them before?”

  The girl cried out as Miko grabbed her hair, yanking her back.

  “Let go of her!” Brando yelled, yanking at his restraints.

  Miko let go of the girl’s hair, the little one’s sobs now loud in the room. “Looks like you would.”

  “She’s a child. You can’t hurt children!”

  “I thought you killed anything.”

  “Not children, so let her go.”

  “Because she’s yours or because she’s a child?”

  “Both. You can’t bring children into this, they’re innocent.”

  “Do you still need to go?”

  “What?” Brando said.

  “To the toilet.” Miko removed a knife from his sheath and placed it to the girl’s throat.

  “No! Don’t!” Brando yelled, yanking at the restraints again. “I’m sorry, just don’t hurt her.”

  Miko moved the knife to the girl’s hair and hacked some off. He walked over to Brando and held it up to his face. “The next time I’ll slice something else off her if you give me any trouble. Capito?”

  “Understood,” Brando croaked out.

  “Do you still need to go to the toilet?” Miko asked.


  “I thought so.” He turned to the soldier who’d brought the girl in. “Take her out, Brando knows what’ll happen if he tries to escape.”

  Brando watched his daughter leave, wanting to save her too. He just needed to save himself first.


  Ivy got off the motorbike and strode towards the Santini’s front door. A soldier opened it for her, D following her inside. The two of them headed for the lounge, where a babble of voices was coming from. Most of the Santini family was spread around the room, along with the Vipers, Kennedy amongst them. Kennedy jumped up and headed for D, her arm in a sling.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Ivy asked.

  “Sae Ra took a corner too fast trying to catch up with you,” Kennedy said. “I knew I shouldn’t have let that moron take the helm. She broke my fucking shooting arm.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Being attended to by the doctor.” Kennedy smiled. “Alessandro won’t be fucking her for a while, she broke her pelvis. Serves her right.”

  Concetta got off the couch and walked over to Ivy. She went to say something, but stopped, her shocked expression locking on the archway. Ivy glanced over her shoulder. Nero and Drago were heading for them, the two men flanked by soldiers.

  Concetta shot past Ivy, yelling, “What’s the meaning of bringing a gypsy into my home, Nero?!”


  She cut him off, not giving him a chance to answer, “Take him to a cell and interrogate him.”

  “He doesn’t need to be interrogated, signora,” Nero said.

  “Of course he does! We need to find out where his people have taken my boys.”

  “The Landi have them,” Drago said. “Not my people. Those monsters abducted my family, too.” His soulful eyes moved to Ricardo as the Don appeared next to Concetta. “I will do anything, anything if you rescue them for me.”

  “No!” Concetta barked. “This is apt punishment for you helping those bastardi.”

  Drago’s gaze snapped back to her, anger firing up his dark eyes. “I didn’t help them! They swarmed my village, massacring my people, all because they wanted your sons.” His face screwed up. “My mother, brothers, nephews, and nieces could be dead now because of you and your kind. And what of the rest of my people? Innocent men, women, and children, who don’t even know who you are, are either dead or captured because the Landi wanted revenge on your family.” He took a step towards her, getting yanked back by Nero. Drago pulled free, but didn’t make another move, his eyes not leaving Concetta. “Why do you mafija kill people without thought, as though we’re nothing but animals. We breathe air like you, eat food like you,” he touched his chest, “and love our families like you love yours.”

  “We didn’t kill your people,” she replied. “The Landi did.”

  “You did by becoming involved in our lives. I told your sons they weren’t welcome in my village, yet they refused to keep away. They led the murderers to my doorstep because you mafija people don’t know when to stop fighting, more concerned with wealth and power than human life. Although I’ve done nothing wrong, I’m the one who suffers, who has to live with the knowledge that I couldn’t protect my people.” He looked up at the ceiling and held out his hands, his grief stricken expression haunting. He started talking in a different language, sounding like he was praying.

  Ricardo took a step towards Drago. The gypsy jerked back, his startled eyes going to the Don.

  “I am truly sorry for your loss,” Ricardo said. “I will do everything to help get your famiglia back.”

  “What of the ones murdered? There were over a hundred people living in my village, of which, only a handful were taken away. Look in the caravans; the bodies are there.”

  “I cannot bring the dead back no matter how much I pray to God, but I will honor their lives by giving them proper burials in accordance with your culture. I will also fight for your famiglia si
nce they were taken because of mine.”

  “Ricardo,” Concetta said. “He could be lying.”

  “He’s not,” Ivy said, staggered by the woman’s callous treatment of Drago. “I don’t mean to appear rude, but please stop treating the poor man with such derision; he’s suffered enough as it is. Even one of your soldiers was in tears after seeing what the Landi did to the gypsies.”

  Concetta’s gaze went to her. She remained quiet for a moment, then nodded. “I know you care for Brando, so I trust your judgment.”

  “I do too,” Ricardo said, turning to Nero. “Get the soldiers ready pronto, the Orsini are already on their way. We will bomb and storm the Landi fortress together.”

  “No!” Concetta yelled. “Vinnie and Brando could be killed if you do that.”

  “We won’t target the lower part of the house, which is where the cells are. Instead, we’ll bomb strategic points to create confusion, so we can get in easier.”

  “Let me go ahead with a few of my Vipers,” Ivy said.

  “We will all go in together, just from different angles.” Ricardo glanced down at his watch. “Darkness will fall in two hours, which is good, because we’ll use it for cover, plus it’ll take that long to get organized and drive there.” He focused on his mother. “You will leave here with the children, women, and servants. Several soldiers will escort you to the Orsini compound, where you’ll be safe.” His attention moved to his brothers. “Salvatore and Silvio, you two will go with them for added protection.”

  Salvatore stood up, his normally pleasant face vicious. “Let me fight, brother.”

  “The women need you.”

  “I need to avenge Rosa!” He clutched his chest, looking stricken.

  Ricardo rushed over to him. “Are you in pain?”

  Salvatore nodded. “Every day without her hurts.”

  Ricardo placed his hands on Salvatore’s arms. “No, I meant your heart. You were clutching your chest.”

  “I’m physically fine, so let me go. I want to annihilate the Landi for what they did to Rosa.”

  “Okay, Luciano can go with the women instead.”

  Luciano shot to his feet. “I will not go with Silvio!”

  Ivy’s attention moved to Luciano, someone who rarely talked. He always stood on the periphery, looking as though he wanted to disappear. Like Salvatore, he had soft blue eyes and a regal face, though his brown hair was messier and partially sun-bleached. A few of the Vipers had talked incessantly about Luciano’s gorgeous curls. The women wanted to run their fingers through his hair, but he ignored them all, walking off whenever they approached him. She’d found out from Alessandro that Luciano was still hung up on his dead wife, unable to move on from losing her.

  Ricardo turned to Luciano. “Put your differences aside for tonight.”

  “No! Silvio’s responsible for my wife’s death. Instead, I will go with the attack party.”

  “You’re not as trained to fight as the rest of us.”

  Luciano stalked up to Ricardo. “If you make me go with Silvio, I promise you, I’ll put a bullet in his head.”

  “Luciano!” Ricardo snapped. “No matter what, he’s still your brother, and what happened was an accident. You know he’s suffered for what he did—”

  “Not enough! And he stopped being my brother the day he drove drunk, killing Paola.” Luciano leaned his face closer to Ricardo, glaring into his brother’s violet eyes. “Push me and see what I do—I dare you.”

  Ricardo glared back at him, his hands bunching into fists. “Step away from me, Luciano. My sympathy will only go so far with you.”

  “Hit me all you like. I. Don’t. Care.”

  Alessandro rose to his feet, capturing Ricardo’s attention. “I will watch the women with Silvio.”

  Ricardo’s angry gaze softened. “Grazie, Alessandro.” He refocused on Luciano. “When we storm the Landi compound, stay behind Nero. I don’t want your son to lose another parent.”

  “You think I’m pathetic, don’t you? The soft one who can’t defend himself. Well, I’m not! I’ve been training, you just don’t know about it because you’re always in your office. If anything, I will show all you arrogant bastardi up.” He spun around and headed for the far wall, shooting daggers at Silvio as he walked past him.

  Ricardo shook his head, his expression frustrated. He exhaled loudly, then turned to the rest of the family. “Brothers, go arm yourselves. We will get Brando, Vinnie, and Drago’s famiglia back or die trying.”

  The men going stood up, yelling out in agreement.

  “Now get suited up,” Ricardo said. “We don’t have much time.”

  Most of the men disappeared out of the room. Concetta ran after Luciano as he followed them, while Silvio shrank into the couch and covered his face. His shoulders started moving up and down, the priest openly sobbing. Bella wheeled her chair over to him and slipped her hand into his. Silvio looked up at his sister—the woman he’d crippled in the car accident.

  “No matter what,” Bella said, her eyes filling with tears, “I will always love you.”

  “Why don’t you hate me like Luciano does?”

  “Because you didn’t mean to hurt Paola or me. What happened was an accident; so please stop torturing yourself, you’ve suffered enough.”

  Silvio lowered his head and resumed sobbing. Bella started stroking his hair, the look of sorrow on the beautiful woman’s face striking.

  “God,” Kennedy sniffled behind Ivy. “She’s beyond perfect.”

  Ivy turned to find Kennedy staring at Bella, the stone-cold bitch having tears in her eyes. Ricardo’s voice made Ivy turn back to the Don.

  “Get the Vipers ready,” he said. “It’s time to kill some Landi.”


  Vinnie entered Irene’s bedroom with two guards and his bride from Hell. Miko was sitting at the desk with a muscular man, playing cards. The traitor placed his cards down and headed for Brando, who was still tied to the cross. He removed a gun from his holster and settled against the wall next to Brando, giving Vinnie a look that told him to behave.

  Brando lifted his head, his eyes locking onto Vinnie. “They have my daughter.”

  Vinnie’s mind went to the girl who resembled Brando. “Have you always known about her?” he asked, hoping Brando said no; his brother’s betrayal still hurting.

  “Not before today.” Brando’s eyes moved to Irene. “You can’t imprison a child. Free her, along with her mother.”

  Vinnie spun around. “You have Gemma?!”

  “Of course I do.” Irene raised her hands to his bow tie, quickly undoing it.

  “Let her go!”

  “Lower your voice, marito,” she said, calling him husband. “Unless you want to be gagged.” She dropped the tie and slipped his jacket off, handing it to one of her soldiers.


  She placed a finger to Vinnie’s lips. “Don’t talk about another woman in my presence, especially that woman.” She started unbuttoning his ruffled shirt.


  “No buts!” She yanked his shirt open, some of the buttons going flying. “If you mention her one more time, I’ll order her death. I will not tolerate you thinking about anyone but me.”

  “I promise you’re the only woman on my mind,” he said, knowing her threat was real.

  She smiled; the sudden change in her demeanor creeping him out. She placed a hand on his chest. “To have power over a strong man is exhilarating, but to have power over a strong and desirable man is simply orgasmic.” She leaned forward and kissed his Adam’s apple, also giving it a little nibble.

  Revolted by her touch, Vinnie closed his eyes.

  “Open your eyes, Vincenzo.”

  He opened them.

  She slipped his shirt off and threw it at Brando’s feet. His brother stared down at the ruined shirt, looking like he didn’t want to see what was happening. Vinnie’s gaze moved to Miko. The bastard smiled at him, giving him the impression Miko was enjoying Vinnie
’s humiliation. Vinnie clenched his hands, willing himself not to attack, Brando’s life at stake.

  Irene unbuckled Vinnie’s belt, snapping his attention back to her. “What are you doing?” he said.

  “Obviously I’m undressing my husband.”

  “But, there are people in the room.”

  She removed the belt. “I undressed you in front of my soldiers.”

  “But, my brother—”

  “I can do whatever I like!”

  He jolted.

  She breathed out, looking like she was trying to get herself under control. “You’re really winding me up. You need to learn fast that I have the power—not you, plus it’s our wedding night. I want to have sex with my husband.”

  “And you can. All I ask is that we don’t do it in front of others,” he said, wanting to get her alone—so he could kill her.

  “Are you shy, Vincenzo?”

  “I just can’t do it in front of people; and especially not my brother.”

  “You have sex in the same room as Dominic. He wanted to fuck me in your band room while you were with that dark woman.”

  “That’s because Dom’s my twin. It’s different with my other brothers.”

  “Okay, maybe I can compromise—to an extent.” She swept her gaze over the soldiers. “Except for Miko and Dino, all of you need to leave.”

  They quickly disappeared out of the room, the muscular solider closing the door behind them. He turned and leaned against it, his eyes going to Vinnie.

  “Happy now?” Irene asked.

  “My brother’s still here, along with two soldati.”

  “I’m certain your brother won’t look, and I need the soldati to ensure you do as you’re told.” She unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, making him inhale sharply, her nails pressing into it. “Have you got a problem with that?”

  He shook his head, although he did.

  “I thought so.” She let go and grabbed his waistband, yanking his pants down, along with his underwear. “Step out of them.”

  Vinnie did as instructed, now totally naked.

  Pushing up, Irene threw his pants and underwear at Brando’s feet. “See ... he’s not looking, he has his eyes closed.” Like a vulture, she started circling Vinnie, running her fingers over his body. She paused to kiss the bullet scar on his back, murmuring, “You’re intoxicating.” Her hand lowered to his ass, giving it a sharp smack, making him jolt again. Giggling like a schoolgirl, she resumed circling him, returning to where she’d started. She brushed her thumb over his bottom lip, her giggles disappearing. “Suck my thumb.”


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