Podric Moon and the Corsican Tyrant

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Podric Moon and the Corsican Tyrant Page 5

by Barney Broom

  Sitting in his den going through his mail, Archie Light put aside bills and circulars, and opened a letter from Secorni. The company rejected his latest game, advising that Andromeda Volcanism was ‘too derivative’ and ‘insufficiently original or challenging’. Secorni also indicated that they were looking to review the financial terms of his contract, offering several dates for a meeting. Archie reached for the phone and angrily hit a memory number. A couple of rings and the cool Californian voice of Carla Logan answered.


  “Carla, put me on to Prendergast.”

  “I’ll check if he’s available.”

  “Put him on, Carla!”

  There was a pause before the voice of Secorni’s Vice President, Europe, Saul Prendergast, came on the line.

  “Archibald? To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Don’t give me that crap, Saul; what the hell do you mean Andromeda’s derivative and unchallenging? There’s never been anything like it.”

  “That’s not the view of our marketing people.”

  “Well, they can…”

  “And I agree with them.”

  “Oh? Look here, Saul. I’ve made your company a fortune – so don’t tell me my game sucks. I know games. I created the biggest seller of all time, or don’t you remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember, Archie. I also remember that was five years ago. Things have moved on since and I’m afraid you haven’t.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It means that we’ll be re-negotiating your contract – if we renew it.”


  Archie’s voice was a snarl.

  “Does Cy know about this?”

  “Sure does. In fact, it was his idea.”

  “You b—!”

  “There’s thanks… Actually, I did try for you, but I guess from your tone it’s best you hear from our legal people. Goodbye Archie – and thank you.”

  The line went dead and with it, Archie’s career at Secorni.

  Like a precocious child, Archie spent the next hour walking around his eyrie cursing. Then he went downstairs to his gym and worked out. After that he took a swim in his pool and lying on his back in the water, he began to calm down. He calculated that whilst he hadn’t saved as much as he should have, if he lived sensibly he wouldn’t starve. Of course, he couldn’t buy that other Facel Vega he’d had his eye on (a rare FV was coming on the market – damn the woman!). Equally, he’d have to watch his running costs. The house, his housekeeper, and there was Cosima’s education. It was his daughter who stirred Archie from his reverie, her svelte form emerging from one of the changing cubicles.

  “Up early?”


  Cosima languidly slid into the water, her body barely making a ripple as she began swimming effortlessly up the pool in an easy stroke. Archie got out.

  After completing several lengths, the girl stopped at the far end, resting against its side.

  “Louisa called. You know her ma’s invited me to South Carolina, but she wants me to go with her to Gstaad.”

  “Bit late in the season, isn’t it?”

  “Not really. Anyway, not sticking around here for the hols.”

  Cosima dropped below the surface and began a length underwater.

  Walking to his changing room, Archie experienced another bout of resentment, feeling that all he’d worked for was taken for granted. Did his daughter have any idea what it cost to keep her in the style to which she was accustomed? Yet he found he couldn’t stop spoiling her. Was it a guilt thing? Whilst he hadn’t always been faithful, his estranged wife – the honourable Charlotte – had behaved with consistent infidelity only months after they’d been married. But still his conscience nagged away – the perverse need to make up for something with his only child – as though whatever he did was never quite enough for her. This invariably seemed to involve spending large amounts of money.

  The end of the morning saw the computer games creator back in his den, still restless and demoralised. He looked through another games idea he’d been developing and for the umpteenth time scanned Andromeda Volcanism. They just didn’t know what they were talking about. He wrote a violent email to Secorni and was about to press ‘Send’ but then saved it as a draft.

  Odd individual that he was, Archie Light had always been extremely disciplined. It was one of the reasons he’d done so brilliantly in his career. Now though, he went to the drinks cabinet and poured himself a large scotch. Despite his massive ego, Archie was hurt and he didn’t like it. What was the point? What had been the point? The answer to that was money and the success that went with it. But what was he going to do? He actually felt like crying, then smashing up his lab, followed by totalling one of his Facel Vegas – but he couldn’t do either. Things must be bad!

  Standing at the table, he noticed a file with a Post-it from Brodie – ‘for your benefit’. Archie flicked open the folder. Inside were several appraisals of Podric Moon.

  His initial reaction was to consign them to the bin. Putting down his drink, Archie began flicking through the pages – in spite of himself, with increased interest. The kid had contacts. What was this – Secorni’s boss, Cy Zaentz, raving about him? And Pasaro – the largest games company in the world; their boss Fred Schepesi reckoned he was a genius. The world was mad. But these were movers and shakers in the industry, people who rated the kid and were actually asking his opinion about games. For all Archie knew, Podric might have been a consultant Cy had checking out Andromeda!

  Walking over to the window, he took in the view and thought about his daughter and his housekeeper. The first was indolent, precocious and someone he loved. The second, a contrary Irish leprechaun, but a person who he knew had his best interests at heart. Maybe he should see the boy again? Arrogant little bastard. What had he been on? Some other reality trip… Nuts. But for all Archie’s conceit, he couldn’t help acknowledge Podric’s computer games brilliance. Well, as Brodie was so obviously keen to set up the meeting, she’d know where to find the lad.


  Podric’s last lesson before lunch wasn’t held in his classroom, but needing some books for his first period in the afternoon, he went by to collect them. His teacher, Miss Mullins, was talking to two girls – Jane Cartwright and Carol Jenson. Podric didn’t know much about them, except that they were both sporty types.

  “Podric, I believe you’re exempt from games at the moment.”

  Gathering up her teaching materials, Denise Mullins fell into step with her new pupil.

  “Will you be on the touch line or are you attending one of the clubs?”

  Podric knew Natural History was an option having been told by Clive and Maurice Jenkins they’d long ago opted out of sport in favour of studying the organic world.

  “Discovering the meaning of life, Podric… It’s so much more interesting than running around, kicking a ball.”

  Clive sniffed.

  “And as for that mud – oh!”

  Twin brother Maurice was dismissive. Breaking into Podric’s thoughts, Miss Mullins smiled.

  “Or perhaps you’d like to make a start on your French essay…?”

  With a twinkle in her eye, the teacher noticed Jane and Carol leaning against the corridor wall, apparently glued to their phones. Walking a little behind his teacher, Podric passed the girls when Jane said, “Podric, we need a favour…” Jane was friendly. “Which involves computers.”

  The two girls eyed each other, then Podric.

  “Got ten minutes after lunch? I’m sure with your skills it won’t take longer.”

  Podric shrugged. Barney Sturridge materialised with a couple of gang members, Dwight and Darlene. The girl was quite as threatening as either of the two boys. A brass ring hanging from her nose along with facial and body tattoos added to her startling appearance.

  “The man in the moon hanging out with the mademoiselles, las señoritas.”

  Barney leered up.

  “Not wasting your time on him, are you, ladies?”

  He looked at Jane and Carol.

  “Mine’s alright, Moonface, but yours… The pitch in an hour, Dark Side. Looking forward to landing one on you right where it hurts. Ha!”

  Reeling about, Barney and his two cohorts went on their abusive way.

  “That bastard ought to be taught a lesson, bloody thug.”

  Carol’s unfeigned distaste for the brutish Sturridge evident, Podric turned to the girls.

  “Okay, whatever it is you want help with, I need you to do something for me payback.”

  He briefly outlined his plan.

  “No worries, Pod, we’ll sort that.”

  “But you get what you’ve got to do. One of these…”

  Podric held up a small microchip.

  “Put into his boots under the sole lining.”

  He replaced the microchip in the sachet with the other.

  “Shouldn’t take more than a few seconds.”

  “Looks like the double act, Carty – form over function.”

  “Toss for it.”

  “Nah, you flirt, I’ll do it. You’ll love playing the come-on with that prick and seeing him get his comeuppance.”

  “All in the phraseology, Carol.”

  Towards the end of their school dinner, Jane appeared across the table from Podric. She carried a hockey stick.


  Podric pushed his half-eaten plate of burger and fries to one side. Billy turned to Podric.

  “Didn’t know you played hockey, Pod?”

  “It’s not his sporting skills we need.”

  Carol stood beside her friend.

  “Ah, computer stuff, huh? Not your irresistible personality then.”

  “Or his body!”

  Carol swung her Grays 7000 Ultrabow.

  “Come on. Let’s make a move.”

  The two girls led Podric to a single-storey building behind the senior school which linked it to the junior. Entering through a side door, Jane tapped a code into a digital combination lock and opened the janitor’s boiler room. Podric looked on bemused.

  “We use this to change – it’s the warmest.”

  He had to admire their logic. Carol immediately dropped her sports bag on a trestle seat and began changing into her hockey kit. Jane walked over to a metal storage cabinet. Also code-locked, she deactivated it. Inside were bundles of pornographic magazines along with an iPad.

  “We’ve known for a while Braxby’s a dirty old git, but the stuff on this is way wrong.”

  She put the iPad down on the janitor’s table.

  “There’s shit there that could get him fired and more.”

  “But we had a little thinky and we thought before we got him exposed, we’d scare him…” Carol appeared in bra and jogging bottoms. The casualness of the girls amazed Podric but he was determined not to react. “… Which might just sort him. We thought if you planted a virus – maybe gave him the idea he’s diverted to some police tracking system, that could haul him in line. Of course if it doesn’t, then he’ll get what’s coming.”

  “Why don’t you want him to get fired?”

  “We have our reasons. It suits us to have him around… but we have to do something about this.”

  Podric didn’t push his question and assumed the school caretaker had some knowledge of escapades Jane and Carol might have been up to. Beginning to strip off herself, Jane looked at Podric.

  “So… you can help us?”

  Podric turned the iPad over in his hands.

  “We’ve already got his pass details.”

  Taking the device from him, she activated it.

  “Come on Podric – you’ve got the techno crap to scare the shit out of the old perv.”

  Now wearing her hockey shirt, Carol leaned forward and kissed him.

  “You can do it, games whizz. We’re relying on you.”

  In reply, Podric handed Carol a small bag.

  “One good turn…”

  Carol smiled.

  “I can’t wait. Come on Carty, we’ve got work to do.”

  Jane emerged adjusting her hockey skirt.

  “Very funny! You okay, Podric?”

  She also gave him a kiss. Although on his hair, it was more intimate than her friend’s peck.

  “By the way, you won’t be disturbed; Thursday afternoons are Braxelrod’s origami class at the oldies’ home in Wendbury.”

  Podric looked up.

  “I know – whacky. He makes some great stuff.”

  About to close the cabinet, Jane pulled out a box containing several exquisite paper items – flowers, birds and even a dinosaur!

  “Not all bad, see. But he still shouldn’t do so much of that crap.”

  She nodded at the iPad Podric was working on and replaced the box in the metal cupboard.

  “When you’re done, just put it back on the shelf and close it. Same with the main door on your way out.”

  Though he noted what she said, Podric didn’t look up.

  “Now the beast… Sure it’s going to work?”

  “Which – your flirting or the insertions?”

  Jane smiled.

  “Fair enough!”

  The boys’ changing rooms being out of bounds to girls, Jane’s hockey stick slipping from her fingers, causing Barney to trip over on his way there, meant she not only had to placate the bully but also ply her feminine wiles. Barney not fancying her, things would have been foreshortened had it not been for Plug and Gnome, who at that moment chose to repeat their S–h–i–v–e–r mantra. This sent Barney into apoplexy. Temporarily forgetting his bag, he grabbed one of Plug’s ears, twisting it ferociously, then stuffed Gnome’s spotty head through the neck of his sweater.

  “It’s rapidly becoming a dubious pleasure to even bother abusing you two retards.”

  “Not the coolest gang members are they, Barney? Brrr…”

  Barney looked up to see Carol pretending to shiver and holding her hockey stick ready for combat. Putting his head back, he laughed.

  “Okay duck face – anytime.”

  Carol kicked his sports bag over to him.

  “Alright with me.”

  The two girls walked away with impressive casualness.


  “Only one boot; the lining was stuck in the other.”

  “Single chip then?”

  “Nah. Put ’em both in.”

  “Will that be okay?”

  “How do I know?

  “Shouldn’t we tell Podric?”

  “If you want… He’ll find out soon enough anyway.”

  Minutes after the girls had left, Podric finished creating an artificial police warning. This meant that when Braxby booted up his device, it looked as though it was directly linked to the boys in blue with a notification that he was under their surveillance for his pornographic activities and liable for prosecution. Putting the iPad away and closing the cupboard doors, Podric returned to the table and opened his backpack.

  His brilliance with computer games meant companies came to Podric with trial equipment, providing him with the latest technology. He owned special models of both Xbox and PlayStation, but possessing the skills and technological abilities he did, he decided it would attract less attention if he synced up one of the games control units programmed for his plan to his iPhone.

  The lock sounded and the door partially opened. Hearing the caretaker talking to someone in the corridor, Podric grabbed his things and quickly hid behind the boiler. A second or two later Braxby entered. Walking over to the metal cabinet, he opened it and took out the box of origami. Whilst Jane
may have been correct about the caretaker’s activities that afternoon, her knowledge of his timing was obviously awry. The janitor relocked the cabinet and departed. Waiting a few seconds, Podric went to the door and slipped out into the corridor.

  Arriving at the playing fields, Jane managed to tell Podric that Carol had only been able to insert chips into Barney’s right boot and that she’d stuck both of them in it. This didn’t bother Podric unduly, but just how effectively they would work remained to be seen.

  Standing near the touchline, he watched the teams warm up. Miles Willoughby ran by looking even skinnier in his football shirt – his body skeletal and white knobbly knees knocking with cold.Billy was at his side.

  “Fun afternoon this’ll be. Sturridge and his mob’ll slaughter us.”

  Billy limbered up.

  “Reckon you’re well out of this one, Pod.”

  Miles and Billy began passing a ball back and forth as Barney and several gang members came onto the field. Activating his iPhone, Podric moved his thumb across its face as if checking apps.

  “You’ll need more than a call for help, Moony. Just ’cos you’re on the touchline, don’t think that’ll save you.”

  The bully won the toss and elected to kick off. However, there was only one person who was going to have first touch! Approaching the ball, Barney’s foot suddenly seemed to veer away and he missed connecting, the ball rolling towards the feet of Miles Willoughby, who made a good pass.

  As the game progressed, things only got worse for Barney. Every time the ball came to him, his right foot suddenly appeared to have a mind of its own and repeatedly failed to make contact. His efforts became more and more frenzied as the half wore on, other team members ignoring him, which drove him crazy. So frustrated did Barney become that he barged past one of his own side and attempted an enormous kick near the goal mouth. Yet again missing the ball, the velocity of his effort was such that it caused him to smash into one of the goal posts and stun himself! Seeing Barney carried off the field concussed, Podric switched off his phone.

  With Barney out of the match, his side’s threat largely collapsed. Mr. Fantoni, the games master and referee, struggled to maintain some sort of order but things descended into chaos. A lucky pass from V Arts Jackie O’Hara flicked the ball to an out-of-position Billy Johnson who scored. Podric’s friend went on to put the ball in the net for another later in the match. At the final whistle V G were defeated 2-nil.


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