Forever Young (The Forever Land Chronicles)

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Forever Young (The Forever Land Chronicles) Page 3

by Sawyer Bennett

  I looked back at Mr. Jennings briefly, but then did a double take. Gone was his dark suit and wool overcoat. Now he sported a pair of khaki shorts, a Hawaiian print shirt and flip flops. He was also wearing sunglasses. My jaw dropped open.

  Trying to make sense, I stumbled out of the elevator onto the white marble, looking at the ocean. I could hear Mr. Jennings follow behind me and the elevator doors close. This had to be some type of cinematic trick. Maybe this was a large IMAX screen I had walked in to. Except, how had Mr. Jennings changed his clothes so quickly?

  I glanced back and the elevator doors were indeed closed. Maybe he could have been wearing his tropical gear beneath his suit and discarded it quickly while I was entranced by my new surroundings. With the elevator closed, I would have no way to know if his suit and coat were lying on the floor in there.

  Even as I had those thoughts, I started to take stock of other sensations that were assaulting me. Gone was the chilly mist of New York and I actually felt warm, humid air floating around me. I could smell the salt from the ocean below and the bouquet of sweet flowers. I could hear birds squawking off in the distant forest. As all of these sensations flooded me, I actually started feeling a little lightheaded over the possibility that this was very much real. But I just couldn't give into that thought. There was no way things like this happened. Except...I was a girl that saw people's faces morph into otherworldly creatures. Why couldn't this be real?

  I mentally shook away those thoughts. No way, I firmly told myself.

  Glancing over at Mr. Jennings, I had only one question. "Please tell me that you have a rainbow butted unicorn that will be coming by sometime soon?"

  Mr. Jennings started laughing. I know he didn't get my inside joke, but I think he appreciated my attempt at humor in the overwhelming face of this insanity that was currently before me.

  "No, Charlie. You're not dreaming." His laugh faded to a chuckle. Sweeping his hand out again, gesturing to the gorgeous scenery before me, he added, "Welcome to Semper Terra...or as we call it... Forever Land."

  Chapter 4

  My mind was buzzing. How could this be real? But with the sounds, and smells, and tropical temperature, how could it not be real? I didn't know what to believe. Mr. Jennings took my elbow and led me over to the side of the marble terrace we were on. I saw a staircase descending down into a dense forest.

  "There's a lovely spot just down this way that has a gorgeous view of the lagoon and a place we can set awhile. We don't have to meet Caiden until 6:00pm?"

  "Caiden?" The capacity for any deeper question seemed to have left me.

  "An Annihilator. Well, I'll explain what that means later. He's a friend and he's going to give you a tour of Semper Terra."

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Jennings. You're going to put me in the hands of someone you just called an Annihilator, and I'm supposed to be okay with this?"

  Mr. Jennings laughed again. I was glad he found me so amusing. Not!

  "First, please call me Sebastian. We are very informal here. And, you couldn't be with anyone safer than an Annihilator. Don't worry. He only annihilates bad things."

  Somehow, that didn't reassure me but I followed Sebastian down the stairs. After descending a few flights worth of the winding staircase, the mountain we were on apparently flattened out a bit and provided a scenic overview of the lagoon. I removed my jacket, thankful that I had on just a t-shirt and jeans underneath. If I had dressed warmer, I would be miserable before too long.

  Sebastian plopped down on a wooden bench that sat just before a sharp drop off to the sea below. Before I sat down, I looked up behind me and could see the large marble terrace we had been on, about a hundred feet up. It was partially hidden by some of the trees and flowering vines that covered the slope of the mountain.

  Sebastian sighed. "I never get tired of this view. Sometimes, when I'm working in my office—the one we just left in New York City—I will just ride the elevator up to spend a few minutes looking over this lagoon. It changes my whole day."

  I just stared at him dumbfounded.

  "Yes, well... I'm sure you want to know more about where we are, not about how this place speaks to my soul." I just cocked an eyebrow at him. Duh!

  "Okay, let's see. I guess I'll start at the beginning. Around 2500 B.C., what we believe was some type of meteor from space crashed into our atmosphere, landing in the Egyptian desert. It was discovered by a pharaoh named Khufu, who, in turn, discovered it contained magical properties."

  He paused to look at me and I guess my face had skepticism written all over it.

  "Just give this a chance, Charlie and don't discount what I'm saying." Gesturing to the turquoise waters below, he added, "Just this side of five minutes ago, you were in New York City."

  Point taken. "I'll try to keep an open mind."

  "Good girl. Well, King Khufu first tried to hide the stone, so he built the great pyramid of Giza to cover it. But the stone was not a secret that could be kept, and soon the pyramid was sacked, over and over again. The stone, being too big to move, was chipped away by thieves and pieces stolen off into the night. Eventually, through enough trial and error, scientists or sorcerers—I have no clue which—figured out the stone could create a doorway into another dimension. Over the next hundreds of years, the stones that were chipped away were used to open doorways into dozens upon dozens of alternate worlds."

  "You mean other planets? Since the stone came from space?"

  "Good question, but no. All of these worlds still exist on the planet Earth, which is known as the First Dimension. But somehow, through the magic of the stone, these worlds exist simultaneously upon this planet."

  "And this place...where we are now?"

  "This is Semper Terra. It's an AltVeritas...which is what we call these alternate dimensions."

  "Semper Terra? What does that mean?"

  "It's Latin for Always Land or Forever Land. Your choice, but Forever Land seems to be what has stuck over the years. The modern day name, as you will."

  Part of me still couldn't believe this crazy story. But as I sat in the warmth of the tropical sun, and smelled the ocean breeze, I was having a hard time denying the reality of where I was. Of course, I was still holding out that this was just a dream.

  "Did you use a stone to bring me here?"

  "Not at all. The stones are no longer needed. That was old magic, used to create the dimensions. Once the doorways—or Veils as well call them—were formed, magical incantations can transport you in between worlds. You arrived in a bit of a fancy way. We just enchanted our New York office elevator to bring us here."

  Hmmm. Sounded legit. If I had dropped acid!

  "I'm sorry. I'm having a hard time buying this," I gestured to my surroundings. "It would be easier for me to believe you are subjecting me to some type of weird psychological experiment. For all I know, I'm still sitting in Dr. Tinesdale's office right now."

  While I thought I was pretty sane—again, thank you New York for your generous donation of therapy—I couldn't discount the possibility that my mind was being manipulated.

  "Not to worry, Charlie. You promised me twenty-four hours and I think you will believe me by then. You're a smart girl." He leaned over and patted my knee. "Come on. Let's head into town. I'm starving."

  I followed Sebastian down the same staircase, descending to the beach below. Stepping out of the trees and bushes, I got my first good view of the lagoon and beach. The fine sand was a brilliant white and my Converse sneakers sunk down into its soft warmth. To my left, the lagoon opened up. The water was crystal clear nearest the sand line and I could see colorful fish darting in and out of coral formations. As the water deepened, it turned light blue, then further out a darker blue. Several small sailboats were anchored in the waters, and further out, a huge luxury yacht lay heavy on the bay. I had to put my hand up to shield my eyes from the low sun as I took in the sparkling water, opening up to a vast ocean beyond.

  The beach itself was probably a hundred yards wide
and there was no one but us walking on the pristine sand. To my right, several buildings lined the perimeter of the beach, each surrounded by a large array of tropical plants and trees. Huge, colorful blooms stood out in contrast from the tender, green leaves and their perfume sweetened the air. A mountain rose up behind the beach, and I could see buildings extending all the way up its slope.

  The buildings all seemed to be retail stores and were all similarly built. Wooden, with large open windows and sprawling porches. Each structure was painted in a different color ranging from yellows, to peaches, to pinks and blues. All of the trim was carved in ornate designs and painted a white so bright they practically sparkled. The shingles were gray slate and looked immaculate. It was, quite frankly, the most beautiful setting I had ever seen. It looked warm, casual and cheery. I felt my heart lift in response.

  Sebastian took off across the beach, his flip flops kicking up puffs of sand. He walked toward a pink building in the middle. It had a huge porch that spanned its entire length along the sand with wide, welcoming steps. Several tables were set along the porch with white tablecloths and wrought iron chairs. A large sign hung over the steps that read "Café Syreni" and there was a carving of a mermaid drinking a martini on the side.

  I followed Sebastian up the steps to a set of large French doors that were open. Inside, it was a typical restaurant setting. More tables dotted the dark, brown wooden floors that were polished to a high sheen. Large, lazy fans hung from the ceiling, spinning out tufts of breezy air. Toward the back of the restaurant, sat a U-shaped bar, also made of the same polished brown wood. It was surrounded by bar stools, the backs of which were made from recycled ship helms and decorated with fish netting. Other than Sebastian and I, there were no other customers. A tall, lean man stood behind the bar, polishing glasses. He looked up as we entered and called out a greeting.

  "Sebastian! Good to see you."

  "Hey, Benja-doodle. Here for an early dinner." Sebastian's voice was filled with fondness as he called out to the bartender.

  "Just grab any table and I'll bring you over some menus."

  Sebastian led me to a table next to one of the large, open windows overlooking the beach. I took a seat.


  Sebastian chuckled and we watched as the bartender walked up to our table. "Just a nickname when he was younger. Charlie... this is Ben. He owns and runs Café Syreni."

  Ben held his hand out and I shook it. He had sandy blond hair and warm brown eyes. His skin was tanned and he was wearing a Maui & Sons t-shirt along with blue surf shorts. Flip flops seemed to be the shoe ware of choice around here.

  "Nice to meet you, Ben."

  "Likewise, Charlie." Ben smiled and placed a menu in front of each of us. "What would you like to drink?"

  "Aaahhh...I think I'll take a Pina Colada," Sebastian decided. "Would you like one, Charlie? They are really quite good."

  He was offering me alcohol? Way to corrupt the minor who is probably in the middle of a psychotic meltdown.

  "Just some water would be good."

  "And how about two cheeseburgers for dinner," Sebastian added while looking at me. I nodded in agreement although I no longer had an appetite. The unfolding events caused my hunger to be replaced with a faint queasiness.

  "Sure thing," Ben replied and walked back to the bar.

  I looked at Sebastian and he was watching me with that curious look again.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Nothing, my dear. Just trying to see if your face reveals how you are feeling right now. I know better than to try to ask." His voice held recrimination for my earlier explosion at him. I didn't care though.

  "How I feel? Well, let's see...I'm in a supposed alternate universe, sitting on a sandy beach with a strange man having a Pina Colada. I feel—what's the phrase I'm looking for—freaked out. Yes. That's it—-freaked out."

  Sebastian gave me a knowing look but before he could say anything, Ben returned with our drinks. He placed them on the table and Sebastian immediately took a sip from the straw hanging out of his frothy concoction. He sighed in pleasure. I didn't touch my water. There was no way I was going to eat or drink anything that was put before me. I will still holding out that this was a psychological experiment and there could be drugs in there for all I knew.

  "Are you waiting for someone else?" Ben asked.

  Sebastian nodded after taking another healthy sip of his drink. "Caiden will be here around 6:00."

  "Cool. I'll just hang out here until he arrives."

  "Actually, Charlie and I have some talking to do..."

  But Ben didn't listen and plopped himself down in the seat next to me. Putting his elbow on the table, he rested his head on his hand. Looking at me solemnly, he asked, "So Charlie, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?"

  "Uhhhh...." I couldn't think what to say. His words sounded like a bad pickup line from Pretty Little Liars or something.

  Sebastian chuckled and answered for me. "Give it up, Ben. She's not your type. She's here as a potential new recruit for The Alliance."

  "Ohhh... a tough girl. I wouldn't have thought with those angelic blue-green eyes of yours." He turned to look at Sebastian. "Seriously, have you ever seen eyes like that? Blue, mixed with green, and...if I'm not mistaken, there are flecks of gold in there. I think my heart is lost."

  I snickered to myself. Man, that was lame. Still, a little flutter of pleasure went through me at the compliment. I had not been paid many in the last four years.

  Before I could come up with a witty retort, Ben's face started to morph. There's never any warning for when it will happen and I've become very good over the years at hiding my shock. His tan skin melted and turned a putrid shade of green. His eyes turned from brown to a dull red and his lips pulled back in a smile that revealed razor sharp teeth. I stared in morbid fascination as his ears lengthened, the round tops stretching out into pointy tips. I don't know if I simply couldn't handle one more weird occurrence today or what, but my body involuntarily shrank backward.

  "What are you?" I asked in horror.

  I watched as Ben's smile disappeared, hiding those sharp teeth. Confusion appeared in those blood red eyes. "What do you mean, what am I?"

  Before I could answer, Sebastian leaned toward me and placed a hand on my arm. "What do you see, Charlie?"

  I looked at Sebastian, not sure if I should have revealed what I just saw. I had never before told a single soul about my ability as I knew that would guarantee me permanent residence in the psych unit. I glanced back at Ben to double check but just as quickly, the scary face was gone, and it was just surfer-boy Ben who was staring at me. I was ashamed that I'd put hurt in his brown eyes.

  I shook my head slightly and closed my eyes for a few seconds. I took a deep breath and opened them back up. Ben was still the same. He appeared normal.

  "I'm...s-s-s-s-orry," I stammered. "It's nothing. I think the heat is just getting to me."

  Ben and Sebastian exchanged worried looks. The weight of the past hour was hanging on me like a ton of bricks. I suddenly felt like I was going to burst into tears, and I had no idea why. Charlie Wright doesn't cry...anymore. Sebastian pushed my water toward me. "Here, take a drink, you'll feel better."

  I shook my head, still believing that they could be drugging me. That seemed the safest solution to all of this madness. "I'm fine."

  A knowing look dawned on Sebastian's face. "Come on, Charlie. Do you honestly think we would poison you at this point? Here, I'll take a drink to prove it." Sebastian lifted my water to his lips and took a deep swallow. He placed it back down in front of me.

  I looked at the water skeptically, not sure whether to trust. But honestly, I was feeling a little dizzy and decided to take a drink. The water was cool and crisp. It soothed my throat and the minute it hit my stomach, I felt immediately better. It was the best water I had ever had.

  "That's delicious." I took several more sips and set the glass back down.

ebastian looked at Ben. "How about giving us some privacy? We do have a lot of things to talk about. I'm sure you'll have time later to get to know Charlie."

  "No problem." Ben placed his hand lightly on my shoulder before walking away. "It was nice meeting you. I hope you feel better."

  I looked up and gave him a weak smile, nodding my head. I felt terrible that I had hurt his feelings. I looked down at my hands that were clasped in my lap. I wasn't sure that my sanity was built to take much more calamity today.

  "Charlie," Sebastian said gently. I looked up at him. "I'm not going to ask what you saw or thought you saw when looking at Ben, because I have a good idea. You saw Ben's true self, didn't you?"

  I didn't say anything but swallowed hard.

  "He had green teeth..." Sebastian mimed with his hands by his ears. "Pointy ears...?"

  "Yes," I whispered, afraid to admit it too loudly. I watched him fearfully.

  Sebastian clapped his hands in delight. "My dear girl! That is absolutely amazing. You have a natural gift. And you haven't even had any training." Sebastian took a long pull on the straw protruding from his Pina Colada as if in celebration and beamed at me.

  "A gift? That I can see monsters?"

  Sebastian chuckled. "Ben is no monster. He is a very nice, young man who just happens to be a bit different looking than you. That's all."

  "But..what is he?"

  "He's a daimon. That's spelled D-A-I-M-O-N. You probably are aware of the modern term ‘demon’?"

  I nodded my head. I had been forced to church every weekend as a ward of the state. I had read about demons in the bible. "Then he's evil?"

  "Not at all. As I said, Ben is a very nice man. He just happens to have different colored skin than you."


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