Forever Young (The Forever Land Chronicles)

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Forever Young (The Forever Land Chronicles) Page 14

by Sawyer Bennett

  The addition of our tattoos ended up being a little anticlimactic. I had imagined something very dramatic, like a moonlight ceremony where we all wore robes with hoods. And we would stand in a circle made of stones and fire, and we would chant magical lines of appreciation to the Great Lady.

  Instead, our tattoos were done in the main auditorium under harsh florescent lights. We waited patiently in our seats while our names were called alphabetically. Six tattoo artists sat in chairs at the front of the auditorium, and they pushed us through their production line. The tattoo was a small infinity symbol but we were allowed to have it tattooed on whatever body part we wanted. Seeing as how my last name started with a "W", I had plenty of opportunity to watch the other recruits make their choices. Some had it done on their lower back, some on their arms. A few chose to have it on their ankle. One guy chose to have it done at the corner of his left eye, as if it was a tear drop falling down his face.

  When it was my turn, I made my way down to the next available tattoo artist and sat in the chair. When asked where I wanted the symbol, I raised my hair and pointed to the back of my neck. I chose that spot so that I could keep it hidden by my hair if I so desired, or I could proudly display it when I wore my hair in a ponytail. I liked being multi-faceted.

  The ink used for the tattoo was not the standard green you normally see. The bottle of ink attached to the tattoo gun was filled with a shimmery, gold liquid that swirled around and throbbed as if it was alive. I could actually feel magic from the ink gun pulsing as the artist brought it up to the back of my neck. He flicked the gun on and I heard a buzzing vibration as the tiny needle hammered back and forth. I expected to feel some pain when the needle first touched my skin, but instead a languid warmth overcame me. As the gold liquid seeped into my skin, I felt the magic jet through my entire body, invading every cell and fiber of my being.

  It took merely seconds for the tattoo to be created and then the artist was smearing some cream over the top. He taped a small bandage over it and gave me instructions to leave it on for the rest of the day. I nodded my thanks and headed out of the auditorium, happy with the knowledge that Semper Terra's magic was now a permanent part of me.

  That night, Justas, Emerson and I ate dinner together and then went back to my apartment to admire our tattoos. Justas' was on his lower back and when he removed his shirt, I was startled to see that he already had a tattoo there. I had never noticed it before, but it's not like I had seen Justas without his shirt a lot. His original tattoo was amazing. It was done in white ink which showed up brightly against his tanned skin. It was nothing more than the word "Strength" written in cursive across his back. He had the gold infinity symbol done inside the closed portion of the letter "e", which sparkled in contrast.

  "Wow," I admired. "That is really cool, Justas. How come I can't be cool like you?"

  Justas laughed and playfully punched my arm. "Just keep hangin' with me, Charlie. You'll make it one day." Turning his attention to Emerson, he said, "Okay, shrimp... show us yours."

  Emerson held out her dainty wrist. Just below the palm of her hand, the small gold infinity was branded against her mocha skin. It was luminescent...just like Emerson herself.

  "I was going to get it on my back too, but I decided on my wrist at the last minute. I like being able to see it anytime I want. It means I belong." She gave a wisp of a smile which made my heart expand and flop over. I both hated and loved seeing Emerson battle with her personal pain. Hated that she had to even deal with it, but loved that she was finding joy in her new life.

  "Let's see yours," Emerson said. I lifted my hair up, allowing Justas and Emerson to ooh and aah over my tattoo, which took all of about ten seconds. We spent the rest of the night practicing spells on each other. We all laughed until our stomachs were on fire when Emerson grew a moustache on her lip and couldn't get it off. Finally, she was able to reverse the spell and we figured we had better stop while we were ahead. The next day, we were learning how to fly and we wanted to be well rested.

  For our flight launch day, all of the students were told to congregate on the sports field at dawn and classes were cancelled for the entire day. Once we arrived, we were broken up into small groups of five recruits, with each group having an instructor or mentor. Caiden was there and he got assigned to Payton's group. I watched with narrowed eyes as she shamelessly flirted with him, glancing over at me every once in a while. It was a good thing Dane wasn't there to see her behavior. However, my happiness over learning to fly outweighed any annoyance I had over Payton's flirting with Caiden, especially because I noticed that he was ignoring her gestures.

  Bashir made some opening remarks to all of the students, reminding us of the basic principles of flight...lift, weight, thrust and drag. I wasn't too worried about it. I already had a good feel for it during the few times I had flown with Caiden and I had watched him closely to see how he would steer and maneuver.

  When it was time to launch, each instructor gave us a last minute pep talk, and one by one we were allowed to take a short flight. The groups of students were spread widely over the sports field and we were told to spring into the air and do a short flight around the field, going no more than twenty feet above the ground. When it came my turn, I was bubbling with so much excitement, I was surprised I didn't shoot up straight out of the atmosphere. Instead, I managed to execute a perfect take-off and landing, earning praise from our instructor.

  As the day wore on, we were allowed to take longer flights and by dinner time, I found myself flying solo over the lagoon and out to the ocean. The act of flight was amazingly freeing. With the power of my mind, I could shoot my body like a bullet through the air, or I could float lazily on my back while watching the clouds roll overhead. If I so chose, I could hover in the air, bobbing softly up and down while I took in the lush scenery of Semper Terra. Of all the wonders I had experienced the last few weeks, nothing compared with the ability to fly.

  It was a perfect day and all of the students were loud and boisterous as we made our way to dinner that night. As I was walking to the cafeteria with Justas and Emerson, a student that I didn't recognize came up to me and informed me that Sarah wanted to see me in her office. I sniffed longingly at the aromas of dinner but turned on my heel after a short goodbye to my friends.

  The walk to Sarah's office was just long enough to have me worrying myself into a frenzy as to what she could want. I had tried to stay out of her way and I was doing very well at keeping my nose clean. Payton often tried to bait me with snotty remarks, but I became very good at ignoring her. I'm not sure what kind of favor Caiden called in to Sarah to keep me from getting expelled, but I was not about to let him down. I could ignore Payton and refrain from rearranging her perfectly pretty face.

  When I arrived at Sarah's office, I knocked briefly and opened the door. Sarah was sitting at her desk, reading through some papers. She looked up at me. I’m not sure what it was about my countenance that caused her lips to press so tightly together and her mouth settle into a grim line but, yes—there it was—her usual “Oh, great, it’s Charlie” look.

  Pointing to one of the chairs opposite her desk, she said, "Have a seat." I plopped down and looked at her expectantly, trying to keep a pleasant look on my face.

  Not one to beat around the bush, she shocked the hell out of me when she said, "Charlie, I understand you are involved with Caiden Gallagher."

  Uh oh. Where was this going? While Caiden and I didn't hide our friendship, we certainly didn't flaunt it. Particularly around the Academy, we were completely business-like.

  "Uh...we are more like really good friends."

  She stared at me thoughtfully, trying to see if I was lying. Which I wasn't. I mean... Caiden and I were good friends. I wanted more, of course, but I didn't think she could see that on my face.

  "I see. Well, if I can impart some advice to you—woman to woman—you need to be careful around him."

  Okay, now she had my curiosity piqued. "What do you mean

  "I know Caiden well. He and I were lovers." Ugh. I so did not want to hear this. I wondered if I poured acid in my ears could I erase those words. "I know more than anyone the charms he will throw your way to get you into bed. He's a user. He will chew you up, spit you out and then throw you away."

  I tried to look sympathetic toward her. "Is that what he did to you?"

  "Yes. Sadly. He was cheating on me." She pulled out a hanky and dabbed at her eyes. "Then he kicked me to the curb, with no explanation, no apology. My heart was broken."

  Oh, puh-leeze. Save the act for someone that is more gullible than I am. I didn't believe one word of what she said. Sarah had already proven to be vindictive and manipulative, plus she had been the one to clearly do something to Caiden as I had heard her apologize to him that day in the gym. Not to mention she was throwing herself at him and begging for a second chance.

  " really appreciate your advice."

  Sarah appraised me again. I could see her mind calculating, wondering if I was pulling her leg or not. I guess she bought my fake sincerity because she gave me a conspiratorial smile. "Women should stick together, right Charlie? I've seen that he has interest in you and I just couldn't bear if that happened to you too. That's why I had to let you know about him."

  I tried not to roll my eyes at her and managed a legitimate looking nod of thanks. Then I decided to really lay it on thick. "Thanks. It means a lot that you would look out for me. Women should definitely stick together."

  I thought I saw triumph flash in her eyes but then it was quickly covered up with that fake smile of hers. "Well, I'm glad we see eye to eye on that. The other reason I called you here is because your dorm confinement is now at an end. You are free to go anywhere on Semper Terra that you would like this coming weekend."

  I had completely forgotten that my probation was over. My heart leapt in joy because the first thing I remembered was that Caiden had invited me on a date. I hoped Sarah believed the sudden look of excitement that surely was etched all over my face was due to being off confinement rather than a date with Caiden. I thanked her again for her time and left as quickly as I could.

  By the time I got back to the cafeteria, dinner had already been served. I didn't care though. I had learned to fly, I was off of dorm restriction and I would be going on a date with Caiden soon.

  Chapter 18

  The week ended up dragging by. I was so excited about being off dorm restriction and possibly having a date with Caiden that I could barely concentrate on my studies. The way time was practically standing still and impeding on my ability to go on my date made me cranky. I snapped at poor Justas a time or two when his jokes rubbed me the wrong way, an action I would have to apologize to him for once I got over my crabbiness. I even snapped at Emerson once but was actually proud of her that she snapped back, telling me to get my head out of my butt.

  Finally, Saturday arrived and I had my training session with Caiden. He was, of course, all business and I was forced to concentrate on his instruction so I didn't end up slammed into the mats too many times. After he declared our workout session over, I casually mentioned to him that my dorm confinement was over. He smiled at me and officially asked me out on a date that very evening. I graciously accepted, of course.

  Caiden insisted on picking me up at my apartment, which I thought was both sweet and old fashioned. I chose a dress to wear, which was usually not my style. But the coral print set off my tan to perfection and made me feel feminine. I left my hair loose and wavy around my shoulders and kept my makeup to a minimum. Some light peach blush and nude lip gloss.

  When Caiden knocked on my door, I felt the reverberation of it all the way through to my chest. I was so excited I thought I might throw up. My first real date and the anticipation of spending time alone with him had my head spinning.

  When I opened the door, Caiden ran his gaze from my head to my toes and I could see appreciation in his eyes. "You look beautiful, Charlie."

  I couldn't help the blush that stained my cheeks or the warmth that coursed through my body. I was not used to someone...anyone... calling me beautiful. The fact those words came from a man who was epically gorgeous made it all the more amazing to me. Lucky, lucky girl.

  "You look great too."

  In fact, Caiden looked more than terrific. He was wearing khaki linen pants and a blue checked, button down shirt with the sleeves rolled casually up his arms. He had dark stubble on his face that made him look dangerous and made me itch to run my fingers along his jaw.

  "Well, let's get going. I made reservations for us at Café Syreni."

  Caiden took my hand in his and led me out of the dormitory. I expected us to fly over the mountain, but Caiden insisted we walk. We took our time, holding hands and talking about various things. It felt so good to have him hold my hand again and I wanted to cherish that moment forever.

  Our reserved table was outside on the porch where we could enjoy the sunset while we ate. We ordered a white pizza and iced tea, and continued to talk while we ate our dinner. All of my nervousness disappeared while we talked, a credit to Caiden's easy going nature.

  After we had finished eating, I was caught off guard when Caiden asked, "Will you tell me about your parents?"

  My first instinct was to clam up and snap at him for being nosy. But I looked at him and he wasn't gazing at me with morbid curiosity the way most people did. In fact, I realized by his question he wasn't asking me about their deaths at all but rather he was asking me what type of people they were.

  I took a deep breath and my eyes misted just a bit but I didn't care. They were worth it and Caiden was the one person around whom I could let down all of my defenses.

  "They were wonderful. Truly...the best parents anyone could ask for. My mom was beautiful and loving. The type of mom that baked cookies with you on the weekend and let me dress up in her clothes. My dad doted on me. I don't think I could do anything wrong in his eyes." I trailed off, getting caught up in the memory of them.

  Caiden reached over and squeezed my hand. "What did they do for a living?"

  "My dad was an architect. I used to love going to his office with him and looking at all of the models of buildings he had constructed. My mom was a ballet teacher. She was all grace and charm while I inherited two left feet. That must have come from my dad now that I think about it." We both laughed about that.

  "I can't even imagine how hard it was for you to lose them. I think you are a remarkable woman, Charlie. They would be very proud of you right now."

  Those words choked me up. Would they be proud of me? Learning how to battle evil? I certainly wasn't able to fight for them when intruders broke into our house. I remembered the feeling of helplessness as I hid under my parents' bed while they were shot to death. I would never forget their bodies falling to the carpet, staring at me with lifeless eyes. Their gazes felt condemning to me in my memories.

  I realized Caiden was squeezing my hand again and I looked at him. Concern was all over his face. "Are you okay?"

  I nodded. "Sorry. I was just remembering the night they were killed."

  Caiden didn't press me for details but rather rubbed his thumb gently back and forth across my hand in reassurance. It was soothing and I felt my pulse actually slow down a bit. Normally, his touch had the opposite effect on me.

  "I was thirteen when they were killed. We were all in their bedroom, watching a movie in their bed. I was in the middle of them, holding a bowl of popcorn. We were laughing. I remember that. I don't remember the movie but I do remember we were laughing, so it must have been funny, right?"

  Caiden's hand continued to stroke mine and with his other, he reached out and wiped a tear off my cheek. "You don't have to tell me the details."

  "I want to." And I truly did. I wanted this man to know everything about me. "Someone broke into our home and shot both my parents while I hid cowering under the bed. I couldn't even move I was so scared. I couldn't help them."

  "You were a
child. You weren't supposed to do anything but hide. I'm sure your parents even told you to hide, right?"

  I nodded my head. They had indeed pushed me under the bed and told me not to make a sound, no matter what happened. I remembered covering my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't involuntarily scream out. Their murderer spent hours in our house, tearing things apart. But he never found me. By some miracle, or maybe it was simply magic, he never looked under my parents’ bed. Or maybe he knew I was under there but I wasn’t important to him.

  Regardless, I stayed under the bed until the next morning and never came out. It was only after my dad's office called the police, concerned he didn't show up that I was found. I can still remember the police officer looking under the bed at me with horror that I was under there.

  Caiden released my hand and got out of his seat. He crouched down in front of me as I sat in my chair. He put his hands on my bare knees and looked up at me. I was mesmerized by his gaze and thrilled by his touch.

  "None of this is your fault, Charlie. And if anything, it has made you stronger and more resilient. Your parents would not want you carrying around this guilt. They loved you too much for that. You hear me?"

  I gave a trembling sigh. I did know that. I had enough therapy sessions on this issue that it was drilled into my head.

  "Thank you," I whispered. "For listening."

  Caiden pulled one of my hands to his mouth, and gently kissed my knuckles. Goosebumps broke out and ran straight up my arm. "Thank you for sharing."

  He then stood up and took his seat again. We sat there, holding hands, as we watched the sun sink into the water and I felt at peace. Ben brought us the check and Caiden paid for it, but he made no move for us to leave. I was completely content to stay there the rest of the night with him. The sun finally set, and the moon rose high, casting silver sparkles across the lagoon.


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