The Toy

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The Toy Page 4

by Claire Thompson

  Again he said, his tone sharp, "Get up and do as you're told." Awkwardly Gina got to her feet. She swayed a bit, then stood with a leg over either side of the bowl. Embarrassment began to outweigh the pleasant high from the alcohol. This horrible man wanted her to pee in front of him! She really did have to go, now that she thought of it. It had been hours since they had let her use the toilet, and the champagne had certainly made it worse!

  Gina, naked and already humiliated in front of this cold, strange man, knew she had better obey. She knelt, squatting over the bowl, and tried to pee. Her natural shyness kept her from complying at first, but then the sound of liquid hitting the bowl, and the warm pungent smell of urine, made it clear she had complied with his odd demand. Gina stayed crouching, wondering what to do now. Gordon didn't seem to be offering her any toilet paper. Her legs were cramping and she felt ridiculous and ashamed huddled over a bowl of her own urine!

  Gordon, as usual, seemed completely unconcerned or unaware of her discomfiture. "Get up."

  "Please, sir. Um, excuse me?"


  "May I speak, sir?"

  She was learning at last the language of a slave. Gordon smiled but only said, "Yes."

  "Um, toilet paper? I need some."

  "No you don't."


  "I said you don't. End of discussion. Stand up. You did passably well. Now you will be punished." Punished! But she had done as he asked. Gina felt a panic rise in her. Any trace of euphoria from the champagne was squelched under the terror of a promised punishment. She barely registered the little droplets of urine that rolled down her inner thighs as she stood.

  "You passed this test of modesty, but you have forgotten your earlier transgression, that of moving out of position without permission. You will be punished for that, and also because it pleases me to punish you. I like the way you quiver when I beat you. Today I think we'll try something new. I'm going to tie you up like the fat little calf you are, and then watch you squirm away from my whip."

  Gina was trembling, hugging her naked body. She considered for a moment trying to fight him. Somehow pushing him aside, getting away, running through the door which he had not locked. But he was standing between her and that door. She looked at his strongly muscled chest and arms, and at the rope he was uncoiling. She stayed motionless, feeling her momentary courage evaporate as he approached her.

  "Kneel." She collapsed, kneeling at his feet. Gordon coiled the thin supple rope around the poor naked girl, trussing her arms behind her back, securing her at the elbows, knees and ankles, so that she fell onto her side, unable to balance. Around and around her body he looped the strong cords, until she was completely immobile; completely helpless.

  Then the whipping began. He used the riding crop, smacking her exposed flesh in a rhythmic tattoo. He started lightly, smacking her ass and thighs, which were exposed through the fine ropes coiling around her. He couldn't get a proper smack at her pussy, and so contented himself with smacking her ass until it was a lovely rosy red, which looked especially nice against the white rope. Coming around to her front, he playfully smacked her tits. She couldn't move at all to block the blows. Squeezing her eyes tight, she gave a tiny squeal with each blow. Gordon's cock hardened painfully in his pants. When he hit her nipples, she screamed. He did it again and again, until the flesh was numb and she had subsided to a whimpering.

  As she lay gasping and sweating, her body contorted in its ropes, Gordon approached with a small greased dildo. Aware of her still virgin state, he didn't want to tear his toy, his property. Not with this at any rate. Gina's eyes were closed, and she didn't open them as he loomed over her. He didn't speak or warn her of what was to come. Even tied as she was, when he knelt down, he could see her pussy peaking out between her legs. Gina jerked forward when she felt the hard unfamiliar object press against her virgin opening. Using one hand, Gordon spread her pussy lips, allowing easier access. Slowly but relentlessly he slipped the phallus into her body, violating her innocence with the greased plastic penis. Gina screamed as he pushed it in to the hilt. She continued screaming as he walked out the door, leaving her bound and alone in the room full of mirrors.


  When Frank found her, Gina lay still bound, perhaps asleep. She had pushed the offending dildo from her pussy, and it lay near her contorted and tied body. Upon closer inspection, Frank saw that she wasn't asleep; her eyes were open, but she showed little reaction when he crouched near her. Gina had screamed herself hoarse, finally subsiding, giving up, as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

  The dildo had hurt her, but mostly it had scared her to have something shoved into her like that. Her vaginal muscles had clamped down on the offending object, and thus had held it in place. As she rocked and moaned, the phallus moved gently inside her. When she had calmed and quieted, Gina realized with a shock that the feeling wasn't entirely unpleasant. In fact, it felt almost good, like some kind of massage from the inside out. She was confused by her feelings, and so she stopped thinking about it, just letting her body rock and move in such a way that the phallus shifted pleasantly inside of her.

  As she relaxed, exhausted from struggling against her bonds, her vaginal muscles eased and the phallus slipped out. Gina was at once relieved and a little sorry. She mentally scolded herself, wondering what was happening to her. Now Frank was next to her, sitting cross-legged as he untied the knots that bound her. Those he couldn't undo, he cut with a sharp penknife he had brought for the purpose. Gina lay still, not looking at him or responding to his presence in any way. Once the ropes were off, Frank forced Gina's legs to uncurl. They were stiff and cramped from being bent under her for so long. Rolling her gently from her side to her back, he stretched her legs out slowly. When he saw the dildo lying nearby, still greasy from the jelly, he knew what Gordon must have done.

  It was a small dildo, but to Gina it had probably felt huge. Was this why she was so quiet? He leaned down toward her face and whispered, "Gina? Are you ok?" She didn't answer, but he could see she had heard him. He considered a reprimand for her insubordination, her failure to answer when questioned, but decided against it.

  Instead, he spread her legs slightly, and she offered no resistance. It was almost as if she had left her body for a while. He hoped she would come back, was sure she would, but meanwhile, he was curious. Using his index and middle fingers, Frank gently spread Gina's labia, while with the other hand he forced her thighs further apart. Still no protest. He licked a finger and slowly, carefully, inserted it into her pussy.

  Finally a reaction, as Gina gasped, her voice still hoarse from screaming. Her body spasmed slightly in response to his invasion. Frank held her still, and kept his finger buried in the warm velvety tunnel. Slowly he began to move his finger till he felt a sweet wetness begin inside of her.

  Though her mind had not allowed her to think about it, Gina's body remembered that first orgasm. Exhaustion had lowered Gina's defenses, and now she felt with her body, while her mind was shut down. There were literally no thoughts in her head. She gave herself over to sensation. It was so much easier than constantly fighting. And this sensation at least was pleasant. She liked his warm supple finger inside of her. It was much nicer than the thing Gordon had pressed into her.

  He slowly moved the finger and withdrew it, only to move it up to her hardening clit. He circled the clit, the circle wide at first and then closing in on the sensitive engorged flesh. When he touched the hooded button, Gina moaned slightly but still did not move. She was like a great rag doll, inert and limp, naked on the floor. Frank's fingers slid back to her now slick opening, pressing in two this time. Using his thumb, he massaged her clit while finger fucking her, first slowly, and then with more intensity.

  Gina's body began to move, to arch up into his hand. Her eyes were shut, lips apart, glistening as she licked them. Frank felt his cock harden and his own breath quicken with desire as he watched her respond. He wanted to fuck her, now. This minute. She was h
is naked slave, his toy for his use and pleasure. He could rape her; he could do whatever he wanted to her, as long as he left her available for Gordon.

  Of course, Gordon had first claim on her cunt. He always used the slaves first, but quickly lost interest in the girls. Still, how would Gordon know if Frank fucked her first? She'd still be plenty tight, plenty new, after just one penetration. And Gordon wasn't even home. Frank could fuck her now and there was no one to stop him, certainly not Gina. And yet, despite his rock hard cock, he realized with some surprise that he didn't want to fuck her. Not yet. She was too new. She certainly wasn't ready yet. He wanted her to want it.

  This was odd, this sudden consideration of a toy's feelings! He would have to think about this. But meanwhile, he liked how ardently she responded – this virginal little priss was pressing against him like any slut in heat. Her cheeks were flushing a pleasing pink, and her rose colored nipples were erect and straining from her soft white breasts.

  Impulsively Frank leaned over and kissed the hard little nipple of one breast, then the other. He suckled gently, and Gina, eyes still closed, moaned sweetly, thrusting herself against his mouth. He rubbed her pussy harder, alternating between finger fucking her and massaging her hard pleasure bud, now soaked with her own juices.

  Her breathing was shallow, fast and jagged in her throat. He could feel her heart pounding on his cheek as he kissed and bit her nipples. Kneeling between her knees, he lowered his head till he was at her pussy, where he inhaled the sweet musky scent of her. He delicately licked her labia.

  Frank had expected some protest at this point. He was certain oral sex was taboo in her religious code. But still no resistance was offered. He began to lick and nibble her labia and clit, while still keeping a finger or two embedded in her hot wet pussy. Gina was gasping, her voice cracked and low from her prior ordeal, but aching with passion.

  Suddenly he felt her body stiffen and arch, and her cries escalated, her register high now, piercing. As she came, he felt her muscles clamp around his fingers, and her body jerked up against his mouth. Still he continued to gently kiss and tease her until the last spasm had subsided. Then he lay next to her, kissing her face.

  Slowly Gina opened her eyes and looked at him, lying close to her on the floor. She looked so satisfied, like a baby that has had lots of delicious milk. As the sadist in him got the upper hand, Frank couldn't resist saying, "You'll have to be punished, you know." Gina's eyes widened in fear and surprise, but still she didn't speak.

  "Yes," Frank went on, "you'll have to be punished for coming without permission. You know that's a rule, don't you? A slave must always ask first, because that body isn't yours, not any more. We own it. We use it however we want, and when we make you come, you have to ask permission to use our body. But maybe you did that on purpose, huh? Maybe you like to be punished now. Maybe it's getting under your skin, and you are becoming the pain/pleasure slut that lives inside each of us. I guess we'll find out, soon enough."


  Days passed. It might have been weeks, as time lost its meaning for Gina. She had stopped believing that her death was imminent. Now, with the amazing capacity humans have for adapting, she simply got from day to day as best she could, avoiding beatings when possible, trying to learn what was expected and what was required of her. It could have been afternoon ... probably was. Gina was in her most common position, though this time Frank had thoughtfully placed a pad beneath her knees. She was kneeling, hands tied loosely behind her back, hair pulled into a long ponytail behind her. Her mouth was wide open, and Frank was easing the tip of his very erect cock into it. She, of course, was naked.

  Frank had unzipped his jeans, pulling out his cock for her, but otherwise had remained fully clothed. Except for the eyes squeezed shut, the face a study in distaste, Gina was behaving well, all things considered. Gordon would have probably whipped her for that expression, but Frank's approach was more subtle. He would teach her not only to behave as if she enjoyed what she was doing; he would actually teach her to love it. As the spongy tip of his penis touched her lower lip, Gina moved back slightly. At a reminder from Frank, she stilled and remained obediently in position.

  Slowly Frank eased just the head into her mouth. "Lick it. Just around the head; see what the texture is like, the taste. Take your time." Eyes still squeezed comically shut, Gina's pink tongue licked the underside of the head, and then circled up to the top. Frank eased his cock just slightly further into her mouth. Soft lips closed lightly around it and Frank sighed with pleasure. "That's it," he urged. "Gently, slowly, you want to tease, to make the man want more; to make him beg for it."

  Gina wasn't thinking at the moment. She had let her mind leave, as she was becoming adept at doing these days. Her body was here, and she wasn't being hurt or frightened, so she was able to obey his careful instruction. As long as she knelt here, learning to suck Frank's penis, no one would beat her, and hopefully she wouldn't have to see Gordon. She actually sort of liked the way Frank's penis was hard, but soft at the same time. The skin was smooth and silky over his rock hard erection. She continued to suckle and kiss the tip of his cock until Frank took her head in his hands and gently eased his cock further into her mouth.

  Alarmed, Gina pulled back, but Frank held her still, admonishing, "Now stop it, silly girl. It's still not even halfway in! I know you can do better than that! Gordon wanted to gag you with a penis gag overnight to desensitize you, but I told him that really wouldn't be necessary. I promised him I could teach you to suck a dick like a pro without it. Don't make a liar of me, slave girl, or you'll have to suffer, make no mistake."

  Gina looked up at him, nodding slightly, fear in her face. She would try to obey him. Willing herself to relax, she allowed Frank to begin again, gently easing his shaft into her mouth. "Yes," he sighed, pleasure running through his body as her supple tongue began to move up and down his cock. "Slower, take it easy. Remember, it's a tease. The object is to make it last as long as possible; to draw out the pleasure until they can't take one more second."

  They spent the better part of an hour working on Gina's technique. When he let her rest, Gina's jaw was aching and her tongue felt like it was coming unhinged. Frank still hadn't come, and he made it clear that this was just a break, not the end of the lesson. After having Gina did her daily exercise routine, he gave her some water and had her kneel again, ready for more advanced technique.

  "Relax, look at me. Open your eyes. A man likes to see your eyes while you kiss him, and then you can close them when he closes his. Yes, oh, yes, that's very good." As Gina nibbled and suckled his hard smooth cock, Frank began slowly to press it further and further into her mouth, till the head was just touching the soft palate. Gina pulled away, gagging slightly.

  "Shh," Frank whispered. "Just relax, you can do this. You've handled much more difficult tasks than an average sized dick!" He laughed, holding her head so she couldn't pull away again. Then slowly he pressed his cock back into her throat, ignoring her stifled protests. Gina gagged and thrashed, but Frank held her, unyielding until she stilled. His cock was blocking her windpipe and she was getting lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. As she relaxed, he loosened his grip and allowed his cock to slide back, letting her gasp for breath.

  "We'll work on that, sweetheart. It takes a while to really let go and learn how to overcome that gag reflex. I know you can do it though. You've already shown great potential. I do believe that you have a knack for this! My, my, what would Daddy say about this, little girl?"

  What indeed? Gina shuddered at the thought. What she was doing was clearly a sin in the eyes of her father, and until recently, in her own eyes as well. She wasn't saying it was ok, but Gina no longer arbitrarily insisted in her head that she was sinning and would go to hell for what was happening to her. There had to be a gray area, and she was definitely in it.

  "Here's something that helped me when I was first learning. You practice with this; it helps you get used to something back there in your th
roat, but it's not so invasive as a dildo. Here, open up, come on, there's a girl." Frank had taken out a teaspoon. It was real silver and glinted in the fluorescent light. When Gina didn't immediately open her mouth, he gently smacked the bowl of the spoon against her lips, his foot tapping impatiently. Reluctantly she opened her mouth, and Frank slid the spoon back till it touched her soft palette.

  When he pushed it a little further, Gina gagged and pulled back. He held her by the back of the head, forcing her to stay still, and again eased the spoon in, sliding the bowl back into her throat. Tears reflexively sprang to Gina's eyes, but she could not get away from the strong man and she gave up, relaxing. He held the spoon in place for some moments longer and then said, "Much better. We'll make a suck slut out of you yet, my girl." He dropped the spoon next to the kneeling woman and again positioned himself in front of her, cock still erect and ready.

  This time he eased his cock in slowly till it was again lodged in her throat. Gina stayed still and didn't gag or struggle. Frank began to move back and forth, his hips gently thrusting so that his cock slid in and out of her throat, creating an exquisite friction.

  For several minutes he used her, fucking her face. "Oh, God!" he cried out suddenly, and withdrew entirely, spurting his load over Gina's face and breasts. She yelped in surprise and horror, as he splattered her with a hot sticky goo. Frank sighed happily, and then, noticing Gina's reaction, he laughed, amused by her agitation over a little cum.

  Carefully he released her wrists from behind her back, and pulled back the hair that had come loose from her ponytail. Kissing her on the cheek he said, "Clean up, sugar, we're not done yet." He tossed her a soft cloth and while she was cleaning herself, he lay down on her mattress. "Come over here. Now you have a harder job. You have to arouse me, make me hard and then make me come again. And not only that, but you are going to swallow it this time when I come."


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