The Toy

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The Toy Page 8

by Claire Thompson

  "Come on!" Gordon emphasized the last word with a strong smack to her wet ass. He continued to jerk the leash, while hitting her bare bottom, until Gina began to whimper and beg. She tried to squat, but he kept pulling her out of position, and then hitting her for failing to obey.

  "She can't, sir," Frank said, finally stepping forward. "She hasn't had any food or water for 24 hours. She's got nothing to piss."

  Gordon slapped her wet cheek. Unzipping his jeans, he pulled out his cock and forced it into Gina's mouth. He held her head, pressing his cock back into her throat, choking her with it. "Suck it, cunt. Show me how all those lessons on Frank have made you a cocksucking queen." Holding her head in both hands, he rammed his cock deep into her throat, giving Gina no chance to catch her breath. He was rough, but he was fast, and after just a few minutes he let her go, sending her sprawling back on the wet grass.

  His semen mixed with the rain pelting on her bare belly. He was zipping up as Frank said, trying to keep his voice light, "Let's go in, Gordon. We don't want a sick toy on our hands. Think how boring that would be." Gordon seemed to consider this, staring at the naked muddied girl gasping on the ground in front of him. Frank gently took the leash from Gordon, who made no protest, and led Gina, still on her hands and knees, back into the house.

  Unlike Gordon, who had half dragged Gina on her leash, Frank went slowly, allowing her to keep her balance. He stopped in front of the fire, where Gina gratefully edged next to the hot flames, sniffling. She was a mess, hair wet and matted over her face, body wet and flecked with mud. The anal plug was still buried in her ass, but she didn't even notice it now, her sole preoccupation fixed on getting closer to that fire. Frank was using a large towel, wiping off some of the water, cum and mud that covered Gina's naked body.

  Gordon stood apart from the pair, his eyes hooded, expression closed. Pursing his lips he said, "All right Frank. You always were the one with common sense, I suppose. Though I'd like to have let her try a little longer. Go ahead, clean her off and get her back in her room. I think I'll go out. I'm finding the two of you a little tedious today." Frank watched him leave, and a worried look washed across his face.

  But once Gordon had left the room, Frank helped Gina to her feet and as they walked back to her prison, he draped his arm protectively around her. First stop was the bathroom, where Frank poured a hot bath for the slave girl, adding the sweet smelling oils he had used that first time.

  "Bend over," he ordered, and Gina blushed while he removed the little dildo from her ass and threw it into the sink. Then Frank helped his charge into the tub, leaving her to soak while he went to get her something to eat. He came back with a corn muffin, toasted with butter melting on top, and a steaming mug of coffee. Setting it next to the bath, he fed Gina little bits of the muffin as she soaked.

  Slowly her body warmed, and she relaxed into the hot fragrant water. The corn muffin was the best thing she had ever tasted, and the coffee was hot and sweet, like caramel and cream. After weeks of broth and vegetables, it was quite a treat. Gina realized with surprise that she felt happy. The feeling was so alien, so new, like a fledgling little bird, mouth open, hungry for more. She smiled at Frank, who smiled back.

  He had rarely seen that smile, being used to the pensive girl in repose, or the terrified slave being tortured, or the lust-filled woman racked in orgasm. But that smile! A pretty face was transformed into something radiant, like a private little dawn, and Frank felt his heart melt. He almost said aloud the words that had been slowly forming in his heart for some time now. Almost said them, but didn't, for the feelings confused and upset him.

  She was his toy; his plaything. He and Gordon used their toys, and abused them, certainly they never loved them! There! He'd said it. Now he'd deny it. Perhaps to deceive himself, certainly to deceive her, Frank pushed down his newly admitted feelings. He realized that Gordon must have sensed this change in him as well. It would explain the man's abrupt departure, and his derisive comments about his two slaves before he left. Frank knew he would have to be very careful around Gordon for a while. He also knew he was in for a whipping himself this evening, and probably without the sexual overlay that usually defined his interaction with his master.

  With these thoughts in his mind, Frank left Gina a towel and said tersely, "Dry yourself. Then go to your room. I'll bring you your meal and then I've got some work to do." Gina did as she was commanded, confused by his sudden withdrawal of affection. They had almost been friends for a moment. She had seen how he had stepped in for her; protected her from Gordon's craziness outside. She had also seen that Gordon seemed to be angry, and how he had left so abruptly.

  She thought about the two of them, their complex relationship as lovers and as master and slave. It hadn't really occurred to her before now that Gordon might be in love with Frank, and vice versa. She didn't like the thought, felt possessive of Frank. Thinking of two men together still made her queasy, and she tried not to visualize what they must do when making love.

  And now Gordon was hurt, perhaps jealous of what he sensed between Gina and Frank. And Frank, used to bending his own will entirely to Gordon's, had stood up to him, had taken the leash and literally as well as symbolically taken over control of Gina. But now Frank was gone, and Gina was alone in her room.

  He brought in dinner, just a salad and seltzer, and left her without a word. She should have been delighted to be alone, to have escaped Gordon's wrath, but all she could think of was Frank's expression when Gordon had left them. No matter what she might fantasize went on between herself and Frank, clearly his heart, or at least his allegiance, was still with the master. Gina ate, barely tasting the food, and fell into an unsatisfactory and fitful doze.

  The light was still on when Gina awoke and she had no idea what time it was, but something told her it was night. A sound outside her door must have awoken her. She heard the familiar sound of lock tumblers falling as the key turned and the door swung open, revealing Gordon, no shirt, blue jeans unbuttoned, hair tussled and falling over his eyebrow.

  "Get up, cunt. I'm tired of watching Frank coddle you and treat you with kid gloves. Fuck that. I want to take your ass, and I am going to do just that. And, no, your knight in shining amour won't be coming to save you. He's, uh, tied up at the moment." He laughed at his own inside joke, as Frank was indeed tied up, wrists and ankles shackled to the bed where Gordon had just brutally sodomized him with a large rubber penis, leaving the offending article sticking out of his ass while he went to find Gina.

  Gordon had been drinking, something he rarely did because he was aware of his own penchant for getting drunk. And he was, he knew, an ugly drunk. Sadism moved from carefully controlled and considered action to a restlessness and a cruelty which could be dangerous if unchecked. Gordon, sober, was a careful, even meticulous man who was always aware of his slaves' limits, even if he chose to violate them. But Gordon, drunk, was a man without scruples.

  "Get up, cunt; it's your turn. I saved this all for you, baby. All for you." Gina stood uncertainly, fear breaking like a cold sweat over her body. She smelled the alcohol on his breath as Gordon roughly grabbed her hair, pulling her head back, holding her still as he kissed her. It wasn't like the slow sensual kisses Frank gave her. Gordon's kiss was an attack, a rape of her mouth. He thrust his tongue, forcing her teeth apart; an act of aggression.

  "Come on, cunt. I'm going to show Frank how it's done." He grabbed Gina's wrist, pulling her into the hallway and through the living room to the bedroom where Frank was still tied down. Gina shrieked in horror when she saw Frank, the phallus rammed into his ass, face down in the pillow. Frank shifted, trying to lift his head when he heard them come in.

  "Stay there!" Gordon ordered as he pushed Gina into a corner. Going over to Frank, Gordon removed a long thin sheath from his hip pocket, and Gina saw that it was a switchblade. The edge looked sharp and dangerous, as Gordon brought it close to Frank's face. Frank closed his eyes, making no protest. Gordon moved the blade and used
it to cut the chords from Frank's wrists and ankles. He pulled the rubber dildo from Frank's ass and tossed it on the floor. As Frank massaged his wrists, Gordon said, "Stay there, boy. Position yourself so you can see. It's time you learned how to properly fuck a slave girl. How to rape a slave girl."

  He laughed, his face more a grimace than a smile, and Gina shrunk back further into the corner. Gordon grabbed her wrist again and this time Gina actually pulled back, trying to get away. Gordon's face darkened, and he pulled out the knife, causing the blade to leap out with the flick of a button.

  "How dare you, slut," he hissed, bringing the knife to her breast. "Have you learned nothing since you've been here? You don't resist me. Ever. I own you. I could kill you and no one would ever know. Got that, you bitch? You have no say. None. And neither does Frankie here. Now get down on the floor. Get your ass ready with this and consider yourself very lucky that I'm bothering with the lubricant. It's really for my comfort, not yours. I like an easy entrance." He tossed a tube of lubricating jelly toward the kneeling woman.

  She opened the tube, fear making her movements jerky. She felt stunned by the naked Frank and how he had been bound. She had known intellectually that Frank was Gordon's slave boy, but she had never had it so clearly demonstrated. It at once diminished and yet humanized Frank in her eyes. She felt his silent urging for her to obey, and his presence gave her the courage to do as Gordon commanded. Squeezing a dollop of the cold clear gel onto her fingers, she smeared it against her asshole, which was clenched tight.

  "Now watch and learn, Frankie boy. I'm going to fuck a girl the only place she deserves to be fucked." Gordon unzipped his pants and stepped neatly out of them. Gina was looking down at the floor and didn't see the sizable erection as he slipped off his underwear. Gordon was considerably aroused from abusing his slave boy. He lusted for the power trip he experienced by dominating both Frank and Gina at once. And on a more secret, less acknowledged level, even to himself, he was angry at Frank, and hurt. He correctly perceived that Frank's feelings for Gina went beyond that of pleasure over use of a toy. In a word, he was feeling like the lover scorned.

  Gina cried out slightly as he crouched behind her, gripping her hips. She felt his hard penis head press against her tightly shut sphincter. She knew she had to relax or he would hurt her all the more. She tried desperately to control her fear. She didn't dare try to catch Frank's eye, but she felt his presence in the room and felt safer because of it. Focusing on the relaxation techniques he had taught her, her body eased somewhat. Gordon's thick cock head slipped past the first ring of muscle. Gina held very still, afraid that any movement might hurt her more.

  "Slut," Gordon said through clenched teeth, but there was arousal in his tone. He was in his element, with two slaves completely at his mercy. He pulled the trembling woman toward him and his cock pressed further into her ass. It hurt, but wasn't unbearable. Gina found if she could keep her mind empty and let her body flow with Gordon's rough movements, she could tolerate this invasion.

  He fucked her hard and fast, leaning over her from behind so that Gina could smell his alcohol-soaked breath. "You like it, don't you, cunt? You know it's what you deserve. I don't like to waste my cum on some twat, no indeed. If I close my eyes, I can almost imagine you're – a – boy!" The last three words by punctuated by particularly brutal thrusts which forced a grunt of pain from Gina's lips. She was breathing hard, her breath coming in rasping gasps.

  He gripped her long hair, pulling back hard, forcing Gina's head up and back. Her lips were parted and eyes squeezed closed. Frank, from his position on the bed, could see the two of them from the side. He could see Gina's face, her expression at once one of pain, and perhaps something else? The parted lips, the flush – was she experiencing something sexual?

  Frank couldn't help but become aroused as he watched his master plunder the virgin asshole of his own personal slave girl. He knew every inch of her, which was now becoming lithe and defined from their daily exercise routine. His hand dropped to his cock, semi-erect and filling now with blood as he watched Gordon thrust hard into the girl, his moan low and sensual.

  Gordon collapsed on Gina and she folded under him. He slipped out of her ass, leaving a sticky trail of semen. Gina lay panting and very still, resisting the urge to reach back and touch her very sore bottom. She was like an animal, trapped and remaining still to avoid capture. Of course that was absurd, as she was very much a prisoner with no chance of escape. Gordon groaned and pulled himself to his feet. "Take her back to her room, boy. I forgive you both; consider your slates wiped clean."

  Frank, still naked, took his charge by the arm, understanding he was being offered a second chance. This was the first time Gordon had punished him in anger. And by allowing Gina to see him, Frank, naked and impaled by a rubber cock, he had diminished Frank's dominance over Gina. Frank realized with some surprise that this mattered to him. He liked ... no, that was too weak a word ... he adored having Gina respond to his every whim, obeying him completely. He had of course dominated the other 'toys,' but mostly he had done so to accommodate his master's wishes. Somehow, this time it was different. He cared what Gina thought. And he cared less what Gordon thought. His motives, he realized, were certainly suspect. Their 'object', their 'toy' had become real to him.

  He had never voiced his feelings, certainly not to Gordon, and not even to himself on any conscious level. In the past Gordon had never minded what he did with the toys, as long as he was available, and clearly committed to Gordon. But now his master, aware even before he himself was, was forgiving him for a transgression he hadn't known he was committing. A strange notion had slipped into his brain; did he want to be forgiven?

  Chapter 6 - The Spoon

  "That's it! You can do it, just five more." Frank's encouragement was punctuated by swats to Gina's bare ass as she completed her step aerobics in front of the ubiquitous mirrors. Gina was bathed in sweat, her body a rosy pink from exertion. The plump exterior had literally melted away with Frank's strict exercise and diet regime, and Gina's body was starting to be defined by shapely muscles and long slender lines.

  Today was different from their usual exercise routine, because this time Gordon was in attendance. He rarely bothered to check on Gina's more mundane progress with diet and exercise. His interests lay in her development as a slave and slut. But today, feeling mildly curious, he had decided to watch. He said he wanted to see how Frank was transforming the formerly chubby little girl into the voluptuous woman Gina was becoming. Because Gordon was there, Frank had made the workout especially grueling, and he decided to add a little fun at the end for his master's amusement.

  Gina's ass was still ample, and Frank loved to smack the jiggling flesh as she bounced up and down on the stair step in time to the fast tempo music playing on the portable tape deck. Gina wanted to stop; she was nearing the edge of exhaustion, but Frank wasn't done with her yet. "Ok, now for a little weight training. Let's show Gordon how disciplined you are." Gina wiped her brow and pushed her heavy hair from her shoulders. She was trying to catch her breath, and trying to prepare mentally for whatever he had in mind.

  Frank looked over at Gordon, who was leaning against a wall, smiling slightly, enjoying the spectacle. Encouraged by the smile, Frank handed Gina a set of arm weights and instructed her to hold them out to either side. After a series of slow lifts, Frank said, "Now let's test your endurance, and your control. I want you to hold these weights out, and stand with your legs spread. I'm going to play with your pussy, and if you fail to hold out the weights at any time, you'll be punished. If you can keep your arms out until I decide the game's over, you win, and you get to come. Easy, right?"

  Gina didn't respond and no response was expected. She knew she was being set up to fail and she also knew she had no choice in the matter. Dutifully she held out her weights, with arms already fatigued, and tried to stay still as Frank's sure fingers found her clit and began to massage and tickle her. He inserted a finger, then two, into h
er pussy. Gina tried to ignore the presence of the laconic Gordon leaning casually against a wall, watching intently, eyes hooded.

  Frank's fingers knew their target well, and soon Gina began to breathe heavily. The flush on her cheeks and chest deepened with her arousal, but still she managed to hold out the weights. "Eat her and see how she does," Gordon ordered in a bored voice, though the erection pressing against his jeans gave him away.

  Frank knelt, using his hands to spread her shaved pussy for easier access. As the long wet tongue found its mark, Gina started to lower the weights, but somehow found the strength to hold them out a little longer. Frank spread her pussy with his hands, making the stimulation too much to bear. Gina shuddered, and with a sigh of pleasure and defeat, let her exhausted arms fall to her sides. Knowing she'd failed, she let the heavy weights clatter to the floor. Frank kissed and teased her pussy for several minutes until she was on the verge of orgasm, and then he pulled away. "Too bad, sugar. You lose. Now for your punishment."

  Coming to herself, humiliated and embarrassed in front of Gordon, but longing for release, Gina pressed her legs together, trying to control her wanton display of need. The two men stared at her, making her blush furiously.

  "Very nice, Frank," Gordon said approvingly. "You are becoming quite the sadist yourself, aren't you? I have an idea of how you should punish her." Frank nodded toward him deferentially. Gordon crooked a finger, indicating that Frank should come closer, and he whispered something in Frank's ear. Frank nodded again, raising his eyebrows, but saying nothing. Gina felt a clutch of terror as she tried to blot out various torture scenes that leaped to her mind. Gordon always punished her more severely than Frank, always.


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