A Magical Friend

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A Magical Friend Page 3

by Chloe Ryder

  Anxious to get started, Pippa gently shook her new friend awake.

  ‘You’re still here!’ Stardust whinnied with delight as she opened her eyes. ‘I thought I might have dreamt you.’

  Quickly, she rolled out of bed and nuzzled Pippa’s dark hair.

  ‘Me too,’ said Pippa. ‘But it’s not a dream and we’re going to find the missing horseshoes.’

  Stardust took ages getting ready so Pippa helped, combing her long mane and tail, to hurry her along.

  ‘I’ve been wondering where to go today,’ Stardust said idly. ‘We could visit the Grasslands or the beaches. Or perhaps we should start with the Savannah where the striped ponies roam wild. Then there’s the Horseshoe Hills and the Volcano. Maybe not the Volcano – it’s spooky there.’ Stardust shivered.

  Pippa stopped combing as something clicked into place.

  ‘The Volcano!’ she exclaimed. ‘Maybe that would explain the black hoof marks I saw in the courtyard yesterday. I wondered where they’d come from. Everywhere in Chevalia seems so clean, especially around the Castle, but volcanoes are covered in ash.’

  ‘Are you sure?’ Stardust asked uncertainly. ‘Wouldn’t you rather search the beaches? We might find some clues there.’

  ‘But the black hoof marks are a clue!’ Pippa said, her voice rising with excitement. ‘We have to search the Volcano.’

  ‘I’m not sure,’ Stardust said reluctantly. ‘Storm – he’s my youngest brother – told me never to go there. It’s too dangerous.’

  ‘Then I’ll go on my own,’ Pippa said stubbornly.

  Stardust’s eyes widened.

  ‘You’d really do that?’

  Pippa nodded. She’d promised to save Chevalia and she meant to keep her word, no matter how dangerous it was.

  ‘Then I’m coming with you,’ said Stardust.

  Pippa hugged Stardust round the neck, pleased that she didn’t have to go to the Volcano alone.

  Even though she was nervous, Pippa was impatient to get started. After a hurried breakfast of cereal and apples, she and Stardust left the Castle by a back entrance. It was very early and the door was still locked. Stardust drew back the bolts with her teeth.

  ‘Maybe the Night Mares stole our horseshoes,’ wondered Stardust. ‘Storm thinks that they live on the Volcano, but Comet, my bookworm brother, says that’s just a myth. But if it was the Night Mares then how did they get inside the Castle? All the doors are locked from the inside at night.’

  ‘Perhaps someone helped them,’ suggested Pippa.

  ‘No!’ Stardust exclaimed, sounding shocked. ‘Why would anyone do that?’

  Pippa shrugged. She didn’t know either. Chevalia was so special, she couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to harm it.

  Pippa could hardly believe how much her riding had improved in such a short time. She felt as comfortable riding Stardust bareback as if she’d been riding with a saddle. How impressed her pony-mad friends back home would be if they could see her now!

  At last, they entered the Foothills, keeping to the path so that they didn’t get lost. The higher they went, the steeper the path grew. Sometimes it ran alongside the cliff face. Pippa didn’t like that – it made her dizzy to look down and see the jagged rocks falling away beneath her. Stardust seemed to sense her fear and kept away from the edge.

  It was very peaceful. The only sounds were the clopping of Stardust’s hooves, the cry of the birds soaring overhead, and a soft rushing noise that Pippa couldn’t work out until they reached a small stream that crossed the path.

  ‘So that’s what I could hear,’ Pippa said, as Stardust jumped the stream then stopped for a drink.

  ‘Try some,’ she said. ‘It’s fresh and it’s clean.’

  Pippa slid from Stardust’s back and, kneeling down, scooped up the water in cupped hands. It was freezing cold and made her fingers tingle.

  ‘Mmm, that’s delicious,’ she said, enjoying a long drink.

  Stardust nudged her playfully, her long, white mane falling over Pippa’s arm.

  ‘That tickles!’ Pippa giggled, nudging Stardust back.

  Stardust dipped a hoof in the stream, splashing water at Pippa.

  ‘Water fight!’ she neighed.

  ‘Water fight!’ Pippa agreed enthusiastically, splashing Stardust back.

  Stardust splashed with her hooves and Pippa with her feet. They disappeared in a shower of water, which sparkled like diamonds in the sunshine, until Pippa and Stardust were soaking wet.

  ‘Stop!’ Pippa begged, pushing her soggy curls away from her face.

  ‘That was such fun,’ Stardust whinnied, shaking herself dry and soaking Pippa all over again.

  ‘Eeww!’ squealed Pippa. ‘I didn’t think I could get any wetter!’

  It was already very hot, and as the friends climbed higher the sun soon dried Pippa’s clothes. After a while, they followed another stream that snaked alongside the path before tumbling over a cliff in a fast-flowing waterfall.

  ‘It’s beautiful!’ gasped Pippa.

  ‘Chevalia is beautiful,’ Stardust said, her face clouding with worry. ‘I can’t understand why the Night Mares would want to harm it.’

  ‘It might not have been them,’ said Pippa.

  ‘Who else could it have been?’ asked Stardust. ‘No one knows about Chevalia. Only true pony lovers can see it and a true pony lover would never harm us.’

  Pippa twisted a curl of her hair around her finger. ‘But the island’s not going to disappear. We’re going to find the golden horseshoes.’

  ‘Promise?’ asked Stardust.

  ‘Yes,’ said Pippa.

  Knowing it was a sign of friendship in ponies, she leaned forward, softly blowing air at Stardust’s nostrils.

  Stardust blew air back.

  ‘Thank you, Pippa,’ she whispered. ‘You’re a true friend.’

  Pippa fought back her worries as she smiled at Stardust. Promises were easy to make, but could she really keep hers?

  Yes, she told herself firmly. She would not break her word. She would find the golden horseshoes in time to save Chevalia.

  Chapter 6

  As Pippa and Stardust neared the base of the Volcano, the path grew steeper and it was strewn with black rocks.

  ‘They’re hot!’ exclaimed Pippa. She picked one up and quickly put it down again, brushing the black dirt from her hands.

  ‘Yes, and this is as far as we can go,’ Stardust said nervously. ‘I think the Night Mares live near here.’

  ‘So now we look for clues?’ Pippa asked.

  Stardust nodded.

  ‘But only on this side of the Volcano. We mustn’t stray into the Cloud Forest on the other side. No one’s allowed to go there. Not even Mum and Dad.’

  ‘Why not?’ asked Pippa.

  ‘It’s haunted,’ she whispered.

  ‘Oh,’ Pippa said, feeling both scared and relieved.

  The Volcano was so big it would have taken for ever if they’d had to search it all. On the other hand, she hoped she wouldn’t have to look for the horseshoes in a haunted forest.

  Side by side, Pippa and Stardust started to hunt for clues. At first Pippa was very excited, thinking that they might find all eight of the horseshoes. The rocky landscape had lots of nooks and crannies, perfect for hiding things in. Each time she saw something glinting in the sun Pippa rushed forward, and each time she was disappointed.

  ‘I’m thirsty,’ Stardust said at last. Her white coat was smudged with dirt and her long tail was full of tangles. ‘Let’s go back to the stream for a drink.’

  She was trotting towards the path when something soared overhead.

  ‘What’s that?’ Pippa cried, pointing upwards.

  Stardust swung round.

  ‘What?’ she asked. ‘I can’t see anything.’

  ‘It’s gone.’ Pippa was dismayed.

  ‘Maybe it was an eagle?’ said Stardust.

  Pippa fell silent. The thing she’d seen had been far too big to be an eagle but, as sh
e followed Stardust to the stream, the creature flew over again. Pippa’s eyes widened.

  ‘Look!’ she shouted. ‘It’s a flying horse!’

  Stardust spun round again.

  ‘Peggy!’ she exclaimed.

  Peggy had a silvery coat, a long mane and tail, and an enormous pair of feathery wings. She circled overhead, tilting slightly as she drifted through the air.

  ‘She’s amazing,’ Pippa breathed, her heart thudding. ‘Stardust, I think she’s trying to tell us something!’

  ‘I don’t think so,’ said Stardust. ‘Peggy hardly ever shows herself – you’re honoured to have seen her. I think she’s curious about you.’

  Pippa shielded her eyes with her hands as she squinted at the flying horse.

  ‘But look how she keeps dipping her wing. It’s at the same place every time. And then she turns her head to see if we’re watching her.’

  Stardust watched in silence.

  ‘It might be just a coincidence, but perhaps we should check it out,’ she said at last.

  Forgetting their thirst, Pippa and Stardust hurried back the way they’d come. Peggy remained overhead, still flying in the same circle, until the friends were directly underneath her. Suddenly she swooped much lower, hovering right above a rocky ledge. Whinnying loudly, she reared up. Then, with a flick of her silvery tail, she flew away.

  ‘Look!’ Pippa said, breaking into a run. ‘There’s something sparkly up there on the ledge.’

  Pippa and Stardust raced across the rocks until they reached the ledge that Peggy had showed them.

  Stardust neighed with excitement.

  ‘I can see something shining in the grass.’

  Pippa stood on tiptoes. In the middle of a scrubby clump of grass, something was shining with a soft, yellow glow.

  ‘It must be one of our golden horseshoes!’ she exclaimed.

  The horseshoe was so well hidden that if it hadn’t been for Peggy, Pippa and Stardust would never have spotted it. Nervously, Pippa rubbed her hands on her shorts. The ledge was over twice her height and she’d have to climb it to reach the horseshoe. The thought made her feel hot and shaky. She couldn’t do it. The ledge was far too high.

  ‘Stand on my back,’ Stardust said eagerly.

  Pippa hesitated, for she had always been nervous of heights.

  ‘Don’t worry – you won’t hurt me. I’m really strong,’ Stardust said, misunderstanding Pippa’s concern.

  Reluctantly, Pippa vaulted on to Stardust’s back, sitting for a moment to work up the courage to go on.

  Come on, you can do this, she silently urged herself.

  Slowly, Pippa stood up. Her heart was racing and her legs trembled like a jellyfish. Stardust remained completely still and, gradually, Pippa relaxed. That wasn’t so bad! Now all she had to do was stretch up to retrieve the missing horseshoe. But, frustratingly, it was just out of reach. Pippa stretched as far as she dared – any further and she’d lose her balance.

  ‘It’s no good,’ she called at last. ‘I can’t get it. Can you move any closer?’

  ‘I’m as close as I can get,’ said Stardust.

  Pippa stared at the ground and immediately wished she hadn’t. Quickly, she sat back down, clinging on to Stardust’s mane until her head had stopped swimming.

  ‘Are you OK?’ asked Stardust.

  ‘I’m fine,’ Pippa replied, licking her dry lips.

  She was going to have to dismount and climb up to the ledge instead. But as she slid down from Stardust’s back, she saw a long, sturdy stick. Snatching it up, she waved it in relief.

  ‘I might be able to reach the horseshoe with this.’

  Taking great care not to hit Stardust with the stick, Pippa scrambled on to her back once more. But as she reached up to hook the horseshoe, she froze. What was that? Above the ledge, to the right, was a large slab of rock where two scruffy-looking ponies, with thin, straggly manes and tails, were arguing loudly. Pippa’s insides turned to ice.

  ‘They must be Night Mares!’ she whispered.

  Chapter 7

  Hardly daring to breathe, Pippa listened to the Night Mares’ argument.

  ‘How did you manage to drop a horseshoe, Nightshade?’ the smaller pony whinnied crossly. ‘The Mistress said to hide it carefully so that the Royal Ponies wouldn’t find it! It just goes to show that even though you’re bigger than me, you’re not smarter.’

  ‘Be quiet, Eclipse. Nagging me isn’t going to help me get the horseshoe back,’ Nightshade whinnied.

  ‘But how will we reach it from here?’

  ‘Use that branch behind you.’

  As Eclipse turned to examine the branch, Pippa snapped into action. With trembling hands, she reached up to hook the golden horseshoe down from the ledge. It was very heavy and, although Pippa’s stick was long enough to touch it, she couldn’t drag the horseshoe towards her. Swallowing her frustration, she tried again.

  ‘What’s happening?’ called Stardust. ‘Have you got it yet?’

  ‘Ssssh,’ whispered Pippa.

  But it was too late.

  ‘Who’s that?’ asked Nightshade. She peered over the outcrop of rock and her eyes locked with Pippa’s. ‘Eclipse, it’s a girl!’ she neighed. ‘And she’s stealing my horseshoe!’

  ‘Prancing ponies!’ cursed Eclipse.

  Breathing heavily, Pippa blotted out Nightshade and Eclipse’s frantic conversation and concentrated on getting the horseshoe. Using both hands to hold the stick, and hoping that Stardust wouldn’t move a muscle, she dragged the horseshoe down. But Eclipse had also found a stick on the ground and tried to pull the horseshoe up. It was turning into a tug of war! Luckily, despite Eclipse’s stick being larger than Pippa’s, the pony was holding it in her mouth and having difficulty controlling it. Steadily, Pippa dragged the horseshoe to the edge of the ledge. As she reached out to pick it up, Eclipse brought her stick crashing down.

  Just in time, Pippa snatched her hand out of the way. She sat down on Stardust’s back and tightly clutched the horseshoe.

  ‘I’ve got it!’ she said triumphantly.

  ‘Hold on tight!’ Stardust said, turning sharply to gallop back down the Volcano.

  ‘That’s my horseshoe!’ Nightshade shouted after her.

  As Stardust gathered speed, her hooves thumping on the ash-covered path, the Night Mares’ voices faded away.

  Pippa started to wonder who Eclipse had meant by ‘the Mistress’. She clung on to Stardust, wrapping her free hand around the white mane and gripping with her knees. Stardust didn’t stop until she was safely at the bottom of the Volcano, where she pulled up under the shade of a tree. Pippa slid down from her back and fanned her friend with a feathery, green leaf. It was several minutes before Stardust got her breath back.

  ‘We did it,’ Stardust said, trembling with excitement. ‘We found our first horseshoe. I can’t wait to show Mum and Dad. They’ll be thrilled!’

  Pippa’s smile was so wide it almost reached her ears, but her stomach churned nervously. That had been so scary.

  ‘So you were right – it was the Night Mares who stole the horseshoes!’

  She hoped the other seven horseshoes would be easier to retrieve, but what if they couldn’t find them?

  ‘What do you think?’ Stardust asked impatiently, pawing the ground with a hoof.

  ‘Sorry, what did you say?’ Pippa realised that she hadn’t been listening.

  ‘Nightshade and Eclipse think we’ve gone home,’ Stardust repeated. ‘We could sneak back and follow them. They might let slip where the other horseshoes are – or who this mysterious Mistress is.’

  Pippa slid the golden horseshoe into her pocket.

  ‘I think we should take this one back to the Castle first and hang it where it belongs. We don’t want to lose it again.’

  Stardust sighed. Her new friend was very sensible.

  ‘You’re right. The horseshoe needs to be back on the wall so that it can pick up the love from all the horse and pony lovers around th
e world. It’s what keeps Chevalia alive.’

  In silence, they hurried back to the Castle, entering by the back door and going straight to the Royal Court.

  As the guard opened the large wooden door, Pippa pulled the horseshoe from her pocket and handed it to Stardust.

  ‘You take this,’ she said.

  ‘No way!’ exclaimed Stardust. ‘You rescued it. You can give it to Mum and Dad.’

  The Royal Court was packed and noisy, but when the ponies saw the golden horseshoe they immediately fell silent. Self-consciously, Pippa followed Stardust over to her parents.

  Queen Moonshine’s eyes lit up with joy.

  ‘You’ve found one of our horseshoes!’ she whinnied. ‘That’s wonderful. I’m so proud of you both.’

  ‘This is fantastic,’ King Firestar agreed, stamping a large hoof. ‘And now the horseshoe must be put back where it belongs.’

  One of the Court’s helpers trotted over, but the King waved him away.

  ‘Thank you, Conker, but I shall hang the horseshoe myself,’ he said.

  Pippa was pleased – she didn’t really want to hand over the missing horseshoe to anyone other than the Queen or the King.

  A procession of horses followed them to the Whispering Wall, where King Firestar rehung the horseshoe. Stardust was so excited that she couldn’t stand still and she danced on the spot.

  When the horseshoe was back in its place, the crowd neighed loudly. But the single horseshoe looked very small and lonely hanging on the wall.

  Pippa clapped, but part of her felt anxious. There was still so much to do.

  ‘Congratulations,’ Queen Moonshine said in a low voice. ‘But your quest has only just begun. Midsummer Day will soon be here and there are still seven horseshoes to find. Go safely, my children, and remember not to count your horseshoes until they’re hung!’

  ‘We won’t, Your Majesty,’ Pippa said earnestly.

  Both the Queen’s words and seeing the golden horseshoe hanging on the wall had filled her with a new confidence. They could do this. Together she and Stardust would find all of the missing horseshoes.


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