Veronica’s Dragon: Icehome Book Two

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Veronica’s Dragon: Icehome Book Two Page 20

by Dixon, Ruby

  I groan as her thoughts grow louder and louder, until the mental connection between us is as strong as a speaking voice. I close my eyes, savoring it.

  I did not realize how much of who I am felt cut away until it was restored. Slavers have no use for telepaths, and the ability has been throttled in one way or another ever since I was enslaved at the age of eight. When I arrived here, uncollared, it returned, only to find I had no one to talk to. Now that a link has been established, I feel…whole.

  I also feel surprisingly like weeping, except that is a human reaction, not a drakoni one. Still, the knot of emotion in my throat is as real as anything.

  My Ashtar, my mate sighs in her sleep, and pleasure ripples through her thoughts even as her body shifts against me.

  Here, I tell her, licking the bite on her neck again. Always right here.

  There's a hint of surprise in her mind, and then the dream-fog clears away and her eyes flutter open. She moans low, and I can feel her body responding to mine. How intense it feels for her to wake up and realize I'm still buried deep in her cunt, filling her. Oh my god, she thinks. He feels so… Her thought breaks off into a bone-deep shudder. "Was I asleep for long?"

  Not long, I tell her, and gently lick her throat again. How do you feel?

  "Fine, I think." She frowns a little. "Head hurts a bit."

  Because of my thoughts?

  Realization dawns on her as she grasps that I'm talking to her without moving my lips. Oh.

  Should I stop?

  No, I…I like it. Another full body shiver moves through her, and she's thinking of my cock, filling her up so deep. I'm still getting used to…everything.

  I slide my hand down her arm, caressing her. Do I feel too hot against your skin?

  Too hot? No, you feel good. She trembles again, as if another orgasm is racing close to climax. Really good. Did you come? She thinks of our joined bodies but doesn't feel the wet stickiness that comes with my spend.

  Not yet, I reassure her. I had to wait.

  For what?

  For your body to be ready. I glide my claws lightly over her tender skin. For you to be able to take my seed. You have to have my fires, first, or I would burn your womb.

  So you've just been…waiting? She thinks of me and my hard cock, my body pressing over hers and invading her in every way. A little moan escapes her throat. Isn't that hard?

  Very. I send her a flurry of images of just how deep and forcefully I want to thrust into her, and her cunt tightens around me with pleasure. But you are worth waiting for.

  Veronica moans aloud again. Can we start? Are you ready?

  I have waited a lifetime to be ready. I press my back against her as we lie, side by side, and nip lightly at the bit of shoulder revealed to me. Her tunic is still bunched up past her breasts, and I remember the way she teased them earlier. It is my turn now. I reach forward, caressing the tips, and her cunt shudders around my cock. She lets out a soft cry, closing her eyes and pushing back against me, as if she can work my cock deeper into her body.

  My glorious, beautiful Veronica.

  I tease the tips of her breasts, caressing and flicking until they are hard and aching. I love our mental connection, because now I can feel which touches make her react deep inside, and where she wants my hands next. I coax her breasts until they are aching and she's so aroused that she's rubbing back against me, little whimpers escaping her as I nibble at her throat and send a barrage of mental images of my mouth on her nipples.

  Veronica moans, rocking her hips back against mine. "Please, Ashtar." And then I hear it in her thoughts. Please, my love.

  Already she has learned how to tease me best. My resolve to take her slowly and tenderly dissolves to dust, and with a growl in my throat, I pump into her. She cries out with joy, and I can feel her pleasure exploding through her mind. Our prior touches feel like a pale shadow compared to how it is now, with our minds linked. The joy is exquisite, and I cannot stop myself as I thrust into her, hard and rough.

  I can tell—I can feel—that she loves every surge into her. Her cunt grips me tight, and within moments, she's quaking, on the verge of a climax. Close, but not quite, and I'm shocked when she sends me a mental image of my hand between her thighs as I pump into her. She's telling me what she wants. Carefully, mindful of the sharpness of my talons, I lightly caress her clit even as I thrust into her.

  She comes with a cry, the inner walls of her cunt squeezing my cock so tight and so pleasurably that it sends me over as well. I pound into her soft body, unable to stop myself as I empty my seed into her warmth. My heat floods into her, and I can sense the surprise of her response and the gentle pleasure she feels as I come. She didn't expect to feel my release, not like that.

  I bury my face against her hair, shuddering with the force of my release. I clench her tight against me, because I never want to let her go ever again. My mate.

  I'm here, she tells me softly. I love you.

  In this moment, I know complete and utter joy.



  The mind-link takes a little getting used to, at least on my end. When I wake up (after drowsing off once more) and think about how I need to pee, Ashtar slaps my flanks. Then get up, my lazy, beautiful one.

  So that's awkward. Kind of cute, but also kind of awkward. Him calling me beautiful takes the edge off of it, though. And as we move around the cave that morning, it's weirdly quiet—because we're talking in our heads. Or rather, Ashtar's talking in mine. I'm still trying to absorb everything.

  He's so damn…happy. Like I didn't think he was unhappy before, but there's sheer joy in his mind now. He loves our mental connection. Revels in it. I can feel his fierce possessive thoughts as he thinks of me, and they feel like candy-coated happiness. So much telepathy makes my head twinge with a hint of a headache between my brows, and it feels oddly familiar. I've had similar headaches a few times in the last couple of weeks, and I wonder if that was because Ashtar was trying desperately to send his thoughts to me in the past.

  It makes me feel guilty that I wasn't able to receive them until now, because the mental connection brings him such happiness. It's such a small thing that clearly is everything to him.

  I feel a little shy after last night, though. It's silly, of course. The man's claimed every inch of me as his own. I shouldn't feel awkward about that at all, and yet I find myself blushing every time I move and get a sore twinge between my legs. Of course, then he smirks and gets one of those expressions of masculine pride on his face which just makes me even more embarrassed. It's something we'll have to get through. It's not bad, just strange realizing there's no privacy anymore…and being okay with it.

  Ashtar puts tea on the fire and pulls a few roots out of one of the baskets of supplies, slicing it open with his claws and then laying it on the hot stones to cook. Not for him, I pick up from his thoughts, but for me, because he thinks I'll like them. Aw. My dragon's a big softie. He must have been hard at work learning all this stuff while I was asleep.

  I wanted to know how to take care of you, he agrees, his thoughts drifting through mine. Your comfort is important to me, especially if we have young.

  Young. Oh boy. I think of my sore pussy again, my cheeks heating, and just how much come he emptied into me. There was no condom that'd hold that load, and then I blush harder at my crude thoughts. I wonder if one of those super-heated swimmers found its way home already or if we're going to have to go at it for days on end, like Gren and Willa.

  I am quite happy to do that, Ashtar tells me cheerily.

  "I'm sure you are." At least we have privacy, I think as I stir the pouch of tea hanging over the fire. I can't imagine going through this back at the beach camp, where there's nothing but tents and the breeze to carry all your moaning to everyone's ears. I do want to go back, because I don't think I can live in isolation out here. Just…not yet. Not until our cooties are settled.

  We will go back, Ashtar promises me. It is not so bad to have frie

  I look up from my stirring, surprised. "You mean that? Really?"

  I do. But now that we have our minds linked, do not expect me to say much to you aloud. I prefer this intimacy. His eyes turn to liquid gold and a smile curves over his fangs. And I plan on sending you thoughts of mating all day and all night long so you will know just how much your drakoni wants his mate.

  Like Ashtar needed encouragement to be a horndog. "This coming from the man who introduced himself by showing off his dick to everyone."

  Not to everyone, he corrects. Just to you. You were the only one I was ever interested in. The others were just in the way.

  Oh my gosh, he's melting my non-existent panties all over again with just a few thoughts. My cootie begins to purr again, the song growing bold and demanding immediately. I put a hand to my breast, feeling it throb in my chest—and throb between my thighs. No wonder Willa and Gren are constantly tearing at each other. I'm immediately full of hungry need for my mate. Yeah, we're not traveling for a while. Not until we get this overwhelming lust out of our systems.

  Not entirely out of our systems, I hope. Ashtar's eyes gleam gold, his blood as heated as mine.

  "Never," I tell him.

  Good. Get on your belly, then. He gets to his feet and rips off his loincloth, revealing a cock already enormously thick and hard.

  "And they say romance is dead," I murmur, breathless as I move to the blankets and pull off my leggings. "Can we do it facing each other this time?" Much as I like doggy style, I also love the thought of watching him as he comes.

  That stops him in his tracks. He cocks his head at me, utterly confused, and I can feel his mental images as he tries to put the pieces together. Will your breasts not get in the way?

  I snort, doing my best not to laugh at him and failing. "Uh, no? It'll be nice. I promise." I tear my tunic over my head and then open my arms for him.

  Very well. He moves onto the blankets next to me. When I lie down, though, he doesn't immediately move for me. He just watches me.

  Everything okay? I ask, because he's staring at me so intently that I don't trust my voice.

  I am thinking how I am the luckiest male that ever lived. He reaches out and brushes his knuckles over my cheek. To think that I was stolen from my planet to be a gladiator and somehow ended up with the finest mate in three worlds…I am beyond lucky. This is a good life.

  And now I'm going to cry, because that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. It's on the tip of my tongue to modestly deny that I'm that wonderful, but I can feel his thoughts. I know in his eyes I am truly amazing and beyond compare, because I can feel it. It's humbling, and I lean in to kiss him, wishing I could show him a tenth of how I feel about him.

  Your mind tells me everything. There is no need to show.

  Here you thought I would hate a mind-link, I tease, sliding my arms around his neck and pressing my breasts against his hard chest. He feels so good to rub up against.

  I did not want to push you into it, he tells me. Not when so many other choices have been taken from you.

  That's one of the reasons I love him so much—that even though my Ashtar is stronger than me in every way, his first concern is always for me and how I feel. I would never hate being bonded to you. Never ever. Privacy is overrated. Your love constantly going through my head through all hours of the day? Beyond wonderful.

  I am glad, he tells me, sliding a hand up and down my side. I love being this connected to you. I didn't realize how much I wanted it until now. He leans closer and nips lightly at my lower lip, sending shivers through my body. I moan, and when he pulls back, I press forward, kissing him even harder. Kissing him feels like heaven, and when he begins to fuck my mouth with his tongue, I can't resist rocking my hips in reaction. It's like every time his tongue slides against mine, I lose all concept of time and space. There's only Ashtar and his delicious, textured tongue rubbing me in all the right ways.

  Then he kisses lower, nipping at my jaw and then down my throat. I love these breasts, he tells me as he kisses the slope of one and gently scores his teeth over my skin. I love how your little nipples get so tight when I touch you. It's like they're begging for my mouth.

  And his lips enclose over one tip, and it feels like I'm about to explode already. The breath whimpers from my throat as he drags his tongue over my nipple, teasing until it's stiffer than I thought possible. Each rasping slick against my skin feels as if it's between my thighs, and I rock against him, moaning my need and frustration. "Please, Ashtar. Please." His big body is pressing mine into the blankets, my legs locked around his hips as he takes his sweet time toying with my breasts. One big hand cups one while his mouth works the other. I always thought it was crap when women said they could come from boob play alone, but after this, I could believe it. I feel so ready to come that I'm squirming with need against him.

  "Want you inside me," I tell him, panting. "Now. Right now."

  Not yet. We are barely beginning. He gives my breast a leisurely flick with his tongue, his gaze locked on me. I plan on teasing these pretty nipples until you scream, and then I'm going to lick your cunt for hours. He drags his tongue over one nipple. Hours and hours and hours.

  Oh god. I'm going to die before then. He's going to kill me. Death by orgasm. I need to find a way to speed him up. I want him to lose control—like I'm desperately close to doing—so he can push into me and fuck me with that big golden cock of his, and then we both get what we want.

  He growls low in his throat, a sign that he's listening in to my thoughts and heard that.

  Good. I want you to hear that. I reach lower, caressing his ass and squeezing hard. It's like rock, his muscle here, and I've never wanted to bite a rock so much in my life.

  I'm going to take my time with you, Ashtar tells me.

  But what if I want a quick, dirty fuck? I imagine him over me, thrusting hard and fast, and he sucks in a breath. Oh wow, so I don't even have to “think” it for him to pick it up? Now there's something. I carry on with that train of thought, pushing the boundaries. I mentally picture him with my hands pinned over my head, my breasts bouncing as he thrusts into me so hard that our bodies are sliding across the furs. I get filthy with my mental images, too, adding in how it'd feel, how wet I'd be and the slick sounds my pussy would make as he rams into me—

  One clawed hand snarls in my hair, pinning me as he gives me the world's fiercest kiss. I shiver with delight as he ravages my mouth, his thoughts a hot, heavy press into mine. You want me to take you hard?

  Yes, I tell him eagerly. That's exactly what I want.

  Then you'll wait until I'm ready. He kisses me again, and his hand slides between our bodies, cupping my pussy. This is mine. I'll take it when I know you're ready.

  Oh god, that is so damn sexy. I whimper against his ravaging mouth, turned on beyond all control. My pulse is a heady throb between my thighs and I'm aching for him to fill me up. I'm ready.

  I'll be the judge of that. He pushes his knuckle into my core, teasing me. You're wet, but I bet my tongue could get you wetter.

  I moan against his mouth as he slicks his tongue against mine, sending me visuals of doing just that same movement between my thighs. There's an extra level of intensity between us thanks to the mental bond, and feeling his excitement and arousal only heightens mine.

  Are you going to come for me? It's less of a question and more of a demand, and he glides his knuckle out of my slick core and circles it around my clit. I nearly come out of my own skin at that small touch, crying out against his mouth.

  I clench my hands in his hair as he continues those slow, maddening circles, teasing me over and over again. I can't believe I'm so close to coming already, but he won't stop, those tiny movements driving me over within moments. I come hard, gasping against his mouth as I climax.

  As I said, he tells me, his thoughts full of thick satisfaction. This is mine.

  Then claim it. I slide my leg over his hip. Take me. Show me what you've got. Am
I impatient? Yes. Do I care? Not in the slightest. I'm still quivering deep inside with the force of my orgasm, but he's pressed against me, his cock an iron bar of need against my thigh, and I'm so hungry for more that it's like an ache inside me. The itch hasn't been scratched. Not yet. Not entirely.

  Ashtar bares his teeth at me in a feral grin, and then I feel the head of his cock pressing against my core.

  Oh, yes. I close my eyes, lifting my hips in silent encouragement, trying to nudge him deeper into me.

  My sweet tease of a mate, he tells me, lips brushing against my jaw. So greedy. But he teases the head into me again in the barest of thrusts.

  I whimper, clinging to him. "Ashtar, if you don't fuck me now, so help me…"

  You'll…what? But he pushes into me deeper, no longer a promise but something real and hard and delicious. I arch against him, and when he thrusts again, his hand locks on my hip so our bodies move together. His next pump into me is deeper, rougher, and the next one after that even more so. He kisses me even as he rocks into me again. I like mating like this, he decides. Your breasts tease my chest when I fuck you, and I can see every expression on your face as I claim you. And your mouth, he tells me with another kiss, is mine to take. Just like your cunt.

  I cry out as he pumps into me, starting a forceful rhythm of pounding thrusts. Each one seems more perfect than the last, and I'm writhing underneath him as he takes control. It's like he could go on forever, while I'm already on the brink of yet another hard orgasm. My toes curl as he claims me with every perfect, teasing stroke until I'm coming all over again, lost in pleasure.

  As he surges into me, he clasps me hard against his chest, his body piercing me so deeply I swear I feel it in my soul. Mine, he tells me as he shudders over me. My Veronica.

  And I love that I belong to him.

  * * *

  A few hours later, I wake up curled against my mate and realize that the constant, insistent humming of my cootie has changed. It's still purring happily—especially since I'm pressed skin to skin against Ashtar—but there's a subtle difference. The urgency is gone and it feels sated.


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