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Stephan Page 5

by S F Draven

  My balls slapped against her perfect pussy with every thrust, and my body began to grow tense, my dick pulsating inside of her, nearly ready for me to cum. I slipped out for a moment, turning her around, and lifting her onto the counter so I could see that beautifully blushing face of hers. I held her legs open, my dick slipping back inside of her without any help, so I could finish the job. I watched her bite down on her lips, her legs shaking in my hands, and I held her steady as she came. I rammed her harder, yanking backward so I could shower her stomach in my cum, and just like that, we were both left trying to catch our breaths.

  We cleaned up just in time to hear the front door swing open, and Annika was already halfway up the stairs, barely waving at them before trailing off into the guest room.

  Chapter Six: Annika

  I have no idea what came over me, or why I even went there with Stephan, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it felt good to escape my reality even if it was just for a little while. I promised myself even before Natalia and I threw that party that I was going to start going after the things I wanted, that I wouldn’t allow my fear to hold me back. It has been a very long time since I’ve been touched like that, cared for like that, and I let my emotions and adrenaline get the best of me.

  I don’t know how to explain how wonderful it felt to feel his hands all over me, to forget about all of the trauma I’d been through last night, and just enjoy it. It’s exactly the kind of thing Natalia was hoping would happen for both of us at the party, but even now I don’t think that sharing the details of my little rendezvous is going to sit well with her.

  She may have only known Adrian for a little while, but she was the most broken I’d ever seen her. I can’t let my attraction to Stephan overwhelm me right now. I need to focus on getting my life back in order.

  Natalia slept in nearly the entire next day, and I laid next to her, scrolling through my phone, sending another text message to my mother letting her know that everything was alright. The house was quiet when I eventually had a shower and made it downstairs to find all three of them sitting at the island having their dinner. It was an eerily normal situation considering the fact that they just buried their friend the night prior.

  I still have a lot to learn about how criminals process their guilt. I never once saw my father feel anything of the sort, and I’m starting to think that this is how things work when you spend your life engaging in these acts.

  I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t the slightest bit of thrill involved. There was a strange kind of excitement that I felt while staying there under their roof, trying to figure out where I’m headed next. It was the first time I was ever offered any sort of freedom, and I knew that it wasn’t going to last for long, but I wanted nothing more than to be a little reckless for a change.

  After watching one of Stephan’s friends bleed out on my kitchen floor, and having to deal with cleaning all of that up, I began to feel like I was capable of processing a lot more of what it was like being a part of this world. My father had always tried to keep me in the dark until he’d decide when he wanted to start divulging his secrets, but I didn’t want to wait anymore.

  If the strange connection I felt with Stephan was an indication of anything, it was that I needed to start taking charge of my own life for a change.

  I heard my phone buzz in my pocket later that evening, curled up on the couch with a cup of tea in my hand, realizing that I had completely forgotten about my real estate agent who was supposed to show up at my house to give me the key to the new gallery.

  Shit. I thought, when I recognized the number, feeling incredibly guilty.

  “Hello, Annika? I’m sorry if this is a bad time, or if something happened, but I showed up at your house last night and no one was answering the door. I got a bit held up at the office and was late, and you must’ve been asleep, but I do need to get these keys to you,” she said, fumbling over her words.

  “Oh my God, I am so sorry. I had a bit of a family emergency, and I got so caught up rushing around that I completely forgot. If it would be easier, I can stop by your office first thing in the morning to get them,” I said, offering up a solution because I didn’t want anyone to get near the truth of what happened at my home last night.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Ms. Novikova. That sounds perfect, I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, and I hung up, sighing loudly.

  I got so swept up in all of this mess that I completely forgot I was almost at the edge of achieving everything I’ve ever wanted. I remember the day I decided I wanted to start looking for a place to open my gallery, and now everything seems so bleak. I’m not even sure if that’s in the cards for me anymore.

  I felt a presence behind me, and I turned around to see Stephan standing there with a worried look on his face.

  “Do you really think it’s a good idea to head out right now after what happened only last night?” he asked, and I could tell that he was trying to be nice, but even after what happened, I found myself desperately trying to cling onto whatever felt normal in my life.

  “I have to get those keys, and I have to get back to living my life, Stephan. I can’t hide out here for four days, go completely off the grid like you criminals do. It’s not in my nature, and it never was.”

  “I’m just trying to offer some help, Annika. I know you’ve been through a lot in such a short amount of time. I’m worried that something is going to happen to you. I know how these things go, and if those people who broke in know who you are, this cannot possibly end well,” he said, and his words only made me angry.

  “So, what exactly do you expect that I do, Stephan? Sit around here, pretend like you and your friends aren’t out there robbing people blind, until it’s safe enough for me to return home where my parents can continue to call the shots for the rest of my life? This gallery was my way out of all of that, it was going to be the move that finally made everyone see I’m capable of living my own life,” I said, and he nodded his head.

  “I know that you want to get back to living a normal life, Annika, but you have to be prepared for what’s to come if you are in any real danger. I will go with you to the office to pick up the keys tomorrow, and then you’re going to give me twenty-four hours to find out if someone is out there trying to hurt you. I promise you that if I don’t find anything, I’ll let you get back to your life, and I’ll continue to help any way I can. I care about you, Annika. I’m not going to let you put yourself in harm’s way.”

  It was strange to hear it from his lips that he had already begun to care about me because it was something I had started to feel myself, but I was afraid of acknowledging it.

  I was scared to go on living my life like normal knowing what I did, but I didn’t know what else to do. As we stood, Stephan and I were still strangers, and if this experience taught me anything, it was that I had to be careful about who I trusted.

  He really did seem to want to protect me, and right now that was much better than me trying to go at this on my own, especially if the break-in had any connection to my father.

  I knew enough about the crime world to know how easy it would be for someone to snatch me up and demand my father pay for my safe return.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about what Stephan had said about my father not having any security stationed in front of the house, especially in his line of work, and now I was starting to even doubt the man that had raised me.

  I feel so lost right now, but I have to keep my head held high, because the minute I let myself slip up, it could be the end of me as I know it. I’m not ready to give up yet, but I’m going to have to demand that they let me fight harder.

  Somewhere along the line, I’m going to find middle ground between my two complicated worlds, but I’m just not sure which of them is going to capture most of my attention.

  Stephan sat next to me on the couch, taking the empty teacup from my hands and placing it on the coffee table so we could have a proper chat. There was still so much that I di
dn’t know about him, so much that was left up in the air because we were too busy caught up in feeling something other than the pain and tragedy from last night.

  I wanted to hear his story, I wanted to know why he got so involved in this life, but he was the only one that was going to fill me in, and I wasn’t going to push him until he was ready.

  He took my hand into his, looking deep into my eyes, and I let it all back in. I let the feelings of last night rush back, every memory, every flashback creeping into my mind, while I finally broke down right then.

  He squeezed my hand tightly, and he wiped my tears away, tilting my chin up to look at him.

  “I know what you’re going through, Annika, much more than you know. I was born into a family that is heavily involved in crime, and there was a time I didn’t know if I wanted any part of it.”

  He looked me in the eyes, then continued. “Eventually, I realized that it was what I was best at, it brought me everything I needed, and I felt free. I left home much younger than the rest of my brothers, because I didn’t know how to face them knowing I’d never be able to live up to their capabilities, though the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve begun to understand why they each took so long to come into their own, despite their setbacks.

  “They took the time they needed to figure out who they were, and that’s all I’m trying to do right now. I don’t know as much about this world as you think I do, but I’m still learning. You have to decide if you want to let this all go, or give it your all, because you can’t keep living your life in limbo.”

  It was the harshest truth I’d ever had to swallow, but he was certainly right.

  I pretended for such a long time that my father wasn’t involved in any underhanded behavior, that he was just doing what he thought was best to give my family the life he thought we deserved, but never did I even consider that he might have liked engaging in that behavior.

  I never gave much thought to the idea that he enjoyed the life of crime. I tried to justify it any way I could, but now I’ve begun to see that was a way of life, and when my parents returned, I had to make the very real decision of how I wanted the rest of my years to play out.

  “You’re right. The thing is, I’ve been pretending like it doesn’t exist for so long that I don’t even know what I want. Stephan, I’ve been stuck for such a long time, trying to focus on my passion and forget that my father and mother both know how they were able to afford that lavish house we lived in or everything they’ve given me from the day I was born. I don’t know if I want a part in any of that because I wasn’t given the opportunity to see what it feels like, and now I’m just scared. I’m scared all the time because I had a quick brush with death, and I don’t even know if the people that broke in wanted anything to do with me. I can’t make that decision until I can safely say that I have a hand in trying to protect myself as much as you’re trying to protect me.”

  “Alright, then. It’s settled. The only way you’re going to truly know where you belong is if you get a taste for this life yourself. We’ll take it slow, I’ll teach you everything you need to know, and the decision will be yours whether you decide to walk away from it all or not. Okay?”

  “Thank you, Stephan,” I replied. I was a mix of emotions, some heightened, others sinking into numbness, but he didn’t seem to care.

  He looked back at me like he genuinely understood what I was going through, and I believed the story he told me about trying to find his way. It was what we both wanted, to feel like we were in control of our own lives again, and he was going to give me the opportunity to feel that for myself. I wondered for a moment if he knew more than he was letting on because he always knew the right thing to say at the very moment I needed to hear it, but I decided not to let my speculation get the better of me.

  He’s the only one around here that’s willing to teach me what I need to know, and he doesn’t seem to be afraid of what could be in store for all of us. I wonder if I’ll ever get to a point where none of this ever fazes me anymore, or if I’ll always be frightened by it.

  I could tell that he still had a human side to him, that even though he spent his life doing terrible things, he still had enough kindness in his heart to help me find out the truth about what was going on, and help me to stand on my own two feet.

  That is enough for now.

  Chapter Seven: Stephan

  I woke up right as the sun had begun to rise, and opened up the window in my bedroom to let in a bit of fresh air. Annika and Natalia were still fast asleep in the guest room, and the boys had been rustling about for a few hours probably trying to get a workout in.

  I sighed, brushing my fingers through my hair, thinking about Annika and everything she must’ve been going through right now. I couldn’t shake the guilt of knowing that I was hiding the very secret that got everyone into this mess in the first place, but I couldn’t give it up, especially before I found out what the Malevich painting was worth.

  I hadn’t heard much about it, nor did I know its name, but from what I did know about art, it seemed that this painting’s existence was only known by a few people. I hated keeping that secret from Annika, but I knew that news would probably send her running, and I’ve begun to care too much about her to let her get away before I could explain myself.

  She and I were both still figuring out our places in this world, and she was adamant on learning what the ins and outs of criminal life was genuinely like, so she could decide if she wanted to remain a part of it or not. Though from what I’ve seen of her, she’s very much capable of holding her own, and keeping her head held high despite how troubling the experience might be.

  I still wondered whether she was developing feelings for me too, or if the night we spent together had been a one-off, disappearing into the back of our memories, to one day be forgotten.

  I could tell that she was still deciding whether she trusted me or not, and no matter how much I told her that I was just trying to keep her safe, I knew deep down that I had the one thing that would continuously put her in danger until I figured out what I was going to do with it.

  This painting has caused more trouble for me than it has done any good. I need to find someone to tell me how much this thing is worth, so I can finally get it off my hands.

  I would take turns with Eduard and Feliks to run small jobs while one of them stayed behind to watch over the girls, and I knew that Annika didn’t feel as comfortable around them as she did me, but I still had work to do. I still worried that something bad was going to happen every time I stepped foot out of the house, with either Eduard or Feliks by my side, but I had a reputation to maintain, and I needed to fund my business if I ever planned on leaving the two boys behind.

  I’ve wanted out of our little arrangement for so long, but I know Eduard and Feliks are going to be devastated when they realize what’s been going on behind their backs. Things are far more complicated now because I worry that one of them is going to use Annika to get to me. That is why I have to keep it quiet about my plans, hopefully get the painting off my hand for a good price, and pretend like nothing ever happened.

  Eduard and Feliks both have started to figure out that I’ve taken a liking to Annika, and I hope they don’t do anything to screw that up.

  I’d gotten ready that morning, heading down into the kitchen for some coffee, ready to take Annika to get the keys from her realtor. She had told me how much this gallery space had meant to her, but I saw her sitting at the kitchen island looking rather glum for someone who was about to get what they’ve wanted for so long.

  “Good morning,” I said, and she smiled, but her expression quickly returned to its sad, lifeless form.

  “Hello, Stephan. Should we get going soon?” she asked.

  “Yes, would you like something to eat before we go? You look pale, tired, are you okay?” I asked, genuinely concerned about her.

  “I didn’t get much sleep last night. Nightmares and all, but I suppose that’s to be expected. You kno
w, receiving the keys to my gallery had been a dream of mine for such a long time, but now I’m starting to feel like it doesn’t even matter anymore.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I guess I’m just starting to rethink my entire life, everything that I’ve learned up until this point, and I want to figure out where I belong. I just don’t know if collecting art is the way to go anymore,” she said, and I already knew what was coming before she continued.

  “What would you rather be doing instead?” I asked, curiously.

  “I’ve been debating this the entire night, and after the conversation we had, I’m not even sure if its the right move, but if I’m to learn everything there is to know about your world, then I have to see if I’m even fit to be a part of it,” she replied, still dancing around my question.

  “You want in, don’t you? You want to see if you can handle this life?” I questioned her, shaking my head because I knew she was going to get herself killed if I let her anywhere near a job.

  “I have to know if it's what I’m meant to do. The next time you need to leave to go on a job, can I accompany you? I promise to stay behind, just observe, until I get a better feel for where I fit in if I fit in at all.”

  I knew it was a bad idea, but I also realized she would continue pressing me until I gave in, so I decided to start her with a small job.

  “Okay, but first I’m going to have to teach you a few things before I let you anywhere near to a job. Depending on the type, shipments, robbery, or anything along those lines, you have to be elusive, in and out before people can see you. If you really want a feel for all of this, we’re going to start very small, like taking candy from a baby,” I said, with a smile, placing my empty coffee cup in the sink before I grabbed my keys.


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