Last but not Leashed

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Last but not Leashed Page 9

by RJ Blain

  “You’ll understand when you meet them.”

  That only worried me more.

  Chapter Eight

  Ethel chose suppertime to be delivered to her father, the one we determined most likely to be the culprit responsible for the bounty. The other members of her family, while potentially involved, didn’t live in Phoenix, a thirty-minute drive outside of Baltimore. The rest of her family lived in Towson, forming the majority of the Towson pack.

  Ethel’s mother was the kind to handle any kidnappings personally, and had she been the mastermind, she would’ve secured me, wrapped me up for Ethel’s pleasure, and delivered me herself.

  I wasn’t sure what I thought about that. On one hand, I didn’t want to be kidnapped, but on the other hand, I was an avid supporter of Ethel doing whatever she wanted with me. My damned virus really would get me killed at the rate it was going.

  Then there was the issue of Ethel’s sisters. It never occurred to me the reason I hadn’t been assigned to the Towson area until after she had confessed that her family mostly lived there. Until she secured me as her mate, she used her role as my supervisor to keep some of the competition away.

  Lycanthrope males weren’t much different.

  To keep Ethel on her toes and maintain the element of surprise, I remained in my hybrid form, but I packed my best suit in a duffel bag, and Ethel took it upon herself to use a few basic practitioner tricks to keep my clothes from wrinkling. My suit wouldn’t impress anyone, although it was the better of the two I had, the one I used whenever I had a somewhat formal meeting, which wasn’t often.

  If her parents couldn’t handle my purple and blue fur, I’d find out. Either they’d accept me or they wouldn’t, but I wouldn’t allow my embarrassment to ruin my chance to secure Ethel as my mate.

  Ethel worried over nothing, as I had zero intention of pursuing anyone else. I’d use her parents to ensure no one doubted my intentions or interest in her. I’d play their game. As they seemed to want to pay a bounty for me to make their daughter happy, I’d take their cash at the same time I took their daughter.

  If I played the game right, they’d probably pay me extra to not give her back, not that there was any risk of that.

  Convincing Ethel she had no competition to worry about would be the real challenge.

  While I waited for Ethel to be ready, I prowled the kitchen. My contented growls worried the pack, which made me growl more, which stoked their worries. If I bared even a hint of fang, I’d have to peel wolves from the ceiling.

  The thought tempted me.

  Allison stomped up to me and prodded me in the chest. “Why are you so growly?”

  “I’m happy.”

  “Wag your tail if you’re happy! The growling makes it sound like you’re planning on eating some—” Her eyes widened. “Oh. Dale, are you happy because you’re planning to mate with Ethel in the very near future?”

  I twisted around so I could get a good view of my blue-tipped tail, giving it an experimental wag. “Would I do something like that?”

  “A few days ago, I would’ve said no. Today? I’m thinking the answer is yes. While I understand you not wanting to leave your hybrid form now that you can openly strut around, why won’t you shift back to human?”

  I chuckled. “I’m showing off to make Ethel’s sisters jealous. I’m also showing her parents I’m not just any old wolf after their daughter.”

  “Don’t be silly. They already know. How could they not? Ethel’s been drenching herself in that goddamned perfume for years because you’re the only wolf in this fucking state who likes the scent.”

  “I like it because she wears it.”

  “See? You’re hopeless. She could pull out your fur and you’d like it.”

  I flicked an ear back. “Maybe.”

  “You’re surprisingly honest for a jerk who refused to trust his pack because his fur is a unique color.”

  I flattened both my ears. “You would’ve laughed. You did laugh.”

  “You’re joking, right? Only an idiot, or pack, would laugh at the huge hybrid with enough strength to throw a car. As we’re pack, we’re allowed. It’s a rule. Unless pack, don’t piss off the hybrids. Now, we are going to keep laughing at your fighting skills, but you only have yourself to blame for that. Improve, then we won’t laugh at you.”

  “That’s fair,” I admitted.

  “Of course it is.”

  I huffed and waited for Ethel to finish coercing Jerome into loaning her his truck, the only vehicle the pack had that I could fit in comfortably while in my hybrid form.

  Ethel returned to the kitchen with Jerome an hour after dragging him off to negotiate for his truck. I had no idea where Jerome had gotten the handcuffs, collar, and leash, but I loved him for them. My tail developed a life of its own, wagging at the idea of handcuffing Ethel to me so she couldn’t escape.

  “Don’t you dare, Dale,” Ethel snarled.

  My tag wagged harder, and I huffed my amusement. Since I couldn’t purr, I growled, “Cuffed and leashed just for me.”

  Allison giggled. “Even when you lose you win, Ethel. Let the little wolfie have his fun.”

  “You’re seriously going along with this?”

  For a moment, I thought she’d been talking to Allison, but Ethel’s attention was fully on me. “Yes, I am. The bounty only said to deliver us both, not how. I become rich, I’m gifted to you, we’re happy.” I leaned forward, showing my teeth in a canine grin. “Unless you don’t want me as a gift anymore?”

  She sucked in a breath. “Dale!”

  “It’s only thirty minutes.” My grin widened. “At my mercy.”

  “You’re something else. You’re not supposed to be this enthusiastic, sir.”

  I huffed my amusement. “Why not?”

  “You’re quiet and shy.”

  “I think I’ve lost the opportunity to return to my shy and quiet life,” I admitted. “As such, while Allison seems to believe there’s nothing wrong with being last but not leashed, I’m operating under the expectation of retaliation at a later date. As I’m going to be leashed anyway, I feel it’s important I’ve properly earned it.”

  Allison cackled, her mirth so intense she plopped off her counter and hit the floor, kicking her feet. “Y-y-you…”

  I waited as did the rest of the pack.

  Allison choked, shuddered, and gasped out, “You’ve lost, Ethel. Let poor Dale have his fun. Be glad he’s willing to meet your parents.”

  I nudged Allison with my foot. “I’m expecting them to pay me for the privilege.”

  I loved the sound of silence.

  Jerome shot me a disgusted look. “You’re taking advantage of this mess.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Throwing his arms in the air, Jerome turned and stomped out of his kitchen. “Fine. Do what you want. Get out of my house and don’t you dare come back until the wee hours of the morning. And I will kill you if you wake us up.”

  I picked up my bag, slung it over my shoulder, grabbed the collar, leash, and handcuffs and held them in one hand. With my free arm, I plucked Ethel off the counter, tossed her over my shoulder, and headed for Jerome’s truck before my future mate got tired of my alphas’ shit and killed them both.

  Chapter Nine

  Ethel drove as she didn’t want to pay to repair Jerome’s truck, a real risk thanks to my claws. She banished me to the back seat, although I wasn’t certain why I’d gone along with her orders. The front seat had plenty of space for me, my claws, and even my bag. Going along with her wishes would preserve my life for a few minutes, as I expected I’d test everyone’s patience when I met her parents.

  How better to learn what sort of in-laws I’d have? A few pushes, a few comments, a few toes dipped into murky waters, and I’d know exactly what I’d be getting into.

  While the decision was already made, understanding the nuances of my decision to secure Ethel as my mate was important. How would I know which lines I couldn’t cross unless I poke
d and prodded them? My fur color would establish the basics. I’d play the rest by ear.

  With a little luck, I’d have fun doing it.

  On the other hand, everything that could go wrong probably would, and I had doubts I’d survive when it did. Ethel alone could take over the world if she wanted, and I loved her for it. I played hard to get, but I belonged to her as much as my virus insisted she belonged to me. My delays weren’t necessary, although I wanted to be in a better position to have a home before I took the plunge.

  Sacrifices would be made, and I wouldn’t survive another night with her without giving in to my need to make her mine in all ways—or have her make me hers in all ways. All it would take was one intentional kiss to break me.

  I wondered which one of us would make the first move.

  It wouldn’t take her long to figure out how much power she held over me, and I’d enjoy when I finally unleashed myself around her, showing her how much I wanted her.

  Then again, she likely already knew. Lycanthropes had sensitive noses.

  “When we arrive at my parents’ place, I recommend you cuff my hands in front of me,” she muttered.

  I worried. “Why?”

  “I can’t strangle my parents for this stupid stunt if my hands are behind my back. They should’ve ensured no harm came to you.”

  I barked a laugh. “Really, Ethel? I’m a lycanthrope male. We have a reputation of being difficult to capture on a good day, thus the bonus bounty for you. I’d like to know what you’ve been telling them about me for them to resort to using that tactic,” I teased.

  “They know I’m interested in you. They know you’re one of my contractors. Little else.”

  A wiser man would’ve left it alone, but curiosity ate away at me. “Tell me more about the little else, please.”

  She giggled, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. “I had one too many girly drinks with Dad, and I think I told them I liked you in your jeans so much that I wanted to rip you out of them.”

  I made a mental note to buy more jeans. “Girly drinks?”

  “Yeah. They’re girly because the manly ones leave the drinker upright when it’s done with them. Daddy doesn’t like when his little girl drinks him under the table.”

  “What the hell are you drinking that’ll knock a lycanthrope under the table?”

  “Cherries in moonshine.”

  “How is that girly? Since when is moonshine girly?”

  Her giggling grew into laughter. “I dared Dad to eat just the cherries once. I was adding them to my Sex on the Beach. Knocked him off his seat. We had to carry him to his bedroom that night.”

  “Should I be concerned?”

  “Only if you make fun of my liquor.”

  “I probably wouldn’t say no to sex on a beach,” I admitted. I could think of a few beaches within comfortable driving distance, and some were more private than others.

  “Is that all it’d take?” she demanded.

  I grinned. “Ask me again after I survive meeting your parents, then you’ll find out.”

  Ethel’s parents lived in a mansion, which I should’ve expected considering how much they were willing to spend on their bounty stunt. The presence of seven luxury cars in the driveway, however, worried me.

  Ethel pulled in behind the cars, angled the truck to ensure they’d have to drive on the grass to escape the property, and killed the engine. With breathy growls I wanted to hear more of, she pounded the steering wheel. “Damn it! All of my brothers and sisters are here.”

  Some things needed to be addressed, and a cranky lycanthrope female protecting her territory might level the entire mansion given a few minutes and provocation. “I’m not going to leave you for one of your sisters.”

  “It’s my brothers I’m worried about.”

  Wait. What? I blinked, thought about it, but came to the same conclusion each time. I’d never understand women. “If I’m unwilling to leave you for one of your sisters, I’m definitely not going to leave you for one of your brothers.”


  “What? It’s true.”

  “Dale. They’re not going to try to seduce you. They’ll try to pick a fight with you.”

  Ah. “And?”

  “They’ll kick your ass.”

  I nodded my agreement with her assessment of the situation. “I’m used to having my ass kicked, but I can take a beating with the best of them. If I’m going to require transfusions, I request you be the donor.”

  If she didn’t clue in I wanted her from that, I’d have to start spelling it out to get the point across.

  “Keep talking like that, and we’re going to end up having a quickie in the back of Jerome’s truck,” she growled.

  “I deserve a bed—and not the back of a truck variety.”


  “We’ll see.”

  “That wasn’t a no.”

  “How observant of you. Should I survive my meeting with your parents, there will be no crashing Jerome’s truck trying to get a hotel faster.”

  “You might need to drive, then.”

  I’d underestimated the appeal of a frustrated, desperate woman wanting me. “Once I’m rich, I can get a nice house for us, and I can pay for any damages we do to the hotel room, but I need to be rich first, which means we can’t detour to a bed right now.”

  “I’ll pay for it.”

  “I know you can.”

  “Why is it an issue?”

  “Because I need to prove I can?”

  “Damned lycanthrope males!”

  Unable to help myself, I laughed. “You only have yourself to blame for charming my virus so thoroughly.”

  “Good. But I can provide for both of us.”

  “I know that, but I want to be a competent partner.”

  “I have no doubts of your competency. Except in a fight.”

  As I deserved that, I sighed. “That’s something.”

  Unbuckling her seatbelt, Ethel crawled onto the driver’s seat before wiggling her way into the back with me. “Leash me.”

  With two words, she tested my patience, dignity, and general ability to string two words together. Had I been thinking earlier, I would’ve seen the cuffs and leash as the traps they were. I’d spend the entire evening pretending I didn’t want to use Jerome’s truck to stake an intimate claim on the woman I loved.

  Maybe thinking about my taxes or various brutal ways to die would get me through the evening without my scent betraying my desire. After two work-related catastrophes, my taxes would be a nightmare.

  “Leash me,” she whispered in my ear. “Then you can cuff me. Securely.”

  I growled. “You’re evil.”

  “It’s your fault you’re so handsome. I have itches I want you to scratch, sir.”

  With her talking like that, I was done. “Where’s the nearest hotel?”

  Laughing, she pointed at her parents’ mansion. “All bedrooms are essentially soundproofed as my parents enjoy feeding people liquor. Drunk people get rowdy. Rowdy people often decide to sleep together, and no one here wants an audience. We’re rowdy but private.”

  “There’s no way I’m surviving tonight is there?”

  “They’ll ply you with booze and lock you in my bedroom the instant they learn who you are. And they’ll probably hold you hostage at gunpoint until I get what I want. You. In case you weren’t certain.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Are you sure you’re not the one who’s behind the bounty?”

  “I’m going to make them pay for coming up with the idea first—after you’re safely mated to me. For now, this benefits me. I’m going to take advantage of their idiocy. I’m willing to bet my asshole uncles helped talk my father into this.”

  I started with the collar, as she’d ordered; wrapping it around her throat and buckling it tested me far more than I’d anticipated. Cuffing her gave me and my virus ideas, all of them perverted. Handing her the duffel with my clothes helped remind my virus waiting was neces

  Long enough to confirm her bedroom was soundproofed—or partially soundproofed. I could deal with partially soundproofed.

  “I disapprove of this bag.”

  As I could see Ethel wanting to tear into her family, even cuffed, I replied, “Swing it like a weapon.”

  “Oh, I like that. You’re not going to stop me from beating my family?”

  “While I’d like to get paid, I’ll accept any losses should your temper snap before they can cut me a check. Just don’t hurt yourself hurting them.”

  If they hurt her, I’d join in the fray and lose miserably.

  “Deal. A few warnings. Dad might get growly over the collar. Ignore him. If he bothers you, do that roar you do. He’s a big pussy cat. Mom’s the one you need to worry about.”

  I believed her. If Ethel’s mother was anything like her, her father wouldn’t need to lift a finger to keep the family safe. I’d seen Ethel armed and dangerous.

  Only a fool would deliberately test her. By those standards, I was the king of all fools, as I’d do so at every opportunity.

  “The sooner you get your family to pay out the bounty, the sooner we can test your claim that the rooms are soundproofed,” I growled.

  “They’re not fully soundproofed, but as long as we avoid screaming, it’ll be as private as a full house gets.”

  “So, not private at all?”

  “I wouldn’t worry about any screaming, honestly. We’re lycanthropes. We’re not exactly quiet by nature. They’re also lycanthropes, so it’s not like my family is going to care, especially not after paying so much for us to make a little noise.”

  I questioned her use of ‘little,’ but as everything else made sense, I decided against arguing with her. “The hotel probably has paper-thin walls anyway,” I admitted.

  “Who cares? If they put a glass to the door, they can be jealous of your prowess. I saw you first, so tough shit for them.”

  “You’re assuming a lot.”

  Ethel grinned. “Basic lycanthrope biology, and every single woman I’ve asked has confirmed the rumor: a male in the mating frenzy is a wonder to behold. I’m looking forward to it.”


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