Zombie Games (Uncut) Boxed Set

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Zombie Games (Uncut) Boxed Set Page 63

by Kristen Middleton

  “Are you okay?” she asked, stiffening up.

  “I’m fine,” he said. “Relax.” Then, he raised his hand behind her head and pulled her face to his. When his lips touched hers, he made a strange noise in the back of his throat.

  “Billie,” she murmured, trying to pull away. “Let me get you something. Even your lips are hot.” Although she yearned for his kisses, she had to remember, he was obviously infected.

  “Please,” he pleaded, touching her cheek. “Just let me kiss you. You taste so good and it’s been so long.”

  His words warmed her heart, making her feel more wanted than she had in a very long time. She longed for Billie to hold her, to tell her that everything was going to be all right. Like he had in Atlanta.

  Screw it.

  “Okay, Billie. But just on the lips, though; no tongue and no saliva.”

  Smiling, he pulled her back into his arms and found her lips once again. When his tongue slid inside of her mouth, she panicked and tried breaking free from his firm hold.

  “No,” she gasped, trying to push away from his chest. “It’s too dangerous!”

  “Smells so good,” he growled, crushing his lips to hers once again. He pushed her down on the bed and forced his tongue into her mouth. Before she knew what was happening, he bit her tongue, drawing blood.

  “Stop!” she screamed, kicking at him.

  Kristie stormed through the door. “What in the hell is going on in here?!”

  Billie backed away and Nora jumped off the bed, her face covered with tears.

  “I’m sorry!” cried Billie, his face crumbling. “I didn’t mean to do that, to hurt you! I… I couldn’t help myself.”

  Nora picked up the ax she’d left on the floor. “You bit my tongue!”

  “Nora,” what are you doing with that ax?” he asked, staring at her in horror.

  “Billie, I’m not going to hurt you. Unless you attack me like that again!”

  He held out his hand. “I swear to you, I didn’t do it on purpose. I just… I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “It’s the zombie virus,” said Kristie. “He’s already craving flesh.”

  “No!” gasped Billie. “Hell no!”

  “It’s true. First the erratic behavior, and now this,” said Kristie. “Good thing he didn’t get away with Adria.”

  Billie’s eyebrows shot up. “With Adria?”

  “Yeah, you tried to kidnap her, don’t you remember?” asked Nora.

  He looked confused. “No, I… I remember seeing your face and then blacking out. Who is Adria?”

  “The baby you found,” said Kristie. “In Stillwater.”

  He slumped back against the pillows and put his head in his hands. “I just can’t remember any of what you’re telling me.”

  Kristie turned to Nora. “We have to tie him back up and then I’m going to have Tiny watch him. Obviously, you two can’t be trusted alone together.”

  Nora nodded. “I’m sorry. I just…”

  She put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, honey. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Nora,” said Billie. “I’m sorry. I swear to God, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I… I’m sorry.”

  She nodded and looked away.

  “Go get Tiny,” said Kristie, taking the ax from Nora. “I’ll watch him until we get his hands tied again.”

  “Not so tight this time,” said Nora, softly. “His wrists are raw.”

  “I’ll tell Tiny.”

  Nora left the bedroom, trying not to cry. It was obvious as to what was happening to Billie. He was changing into a zombie and she was going to lose another person she held dear to her heart.



  “Looks pretty quiet,” said Henry as they approached the Mall of America. “Except for all the damage to the building, you wouldn’t even know what was happening all around it.”

  “Yeah, it’s quiet; too quiet,” I said.

  It definitely didn’t look like a survivor bunker. Just like every other place that had once been bustling with people prior to the apocalypse, it now appeared more like an abandoned ghost-town, even with all the vehicles still parked outside of the ginormous building.

  “Should we park in one of the ramps?” asked Bryce.

  “Why?” asked Paige. “Let’s just park right outside of Macy’s or Sears. I think it’s safe to say we’re not going to get towed.”

  “I don’t know if I want to park right out in the open,” he replied. “I’d rather sneak up on this guy and find out what’s going on. Just in case his intentions aren’t exactly what he’s been spouting over the airwaves.”

  “I agree,” said Henry. “If it’s who I think it is, this guy might be pulling in survivors and taking their supplies.”

  Paige snorted. “Because he doesn’t have enough of his own, in one of the world’s largest shopping malls?”

  “She has a point,” I said.

  Henry sighed. “Yeah, but I still say it sounds like that Travis character. What do you think, Wild?”

  “I really don’t know,” I said. It had kind of sounded like Travis, but I couldn’t be certain.

  Bryce looked back at me. “Regardless, we all still have to be on guard. Don’t forget what happened in Atlanta. You just can’t trust anyone.”

  “Yeah,” said Henry. “I agree with Bryce. We’d better park somewhere inconspicuous. Pull into a ramp.”

  We pulled into the east ramp, and ended up parking next to several other vehicles on the first floor.

  “Hey,” said Bryce, as he got out of the van. “I don’t think these are abandoned cars.”

  Henry touched the top of the Honda parked next to us. “This one is still pretty warm. Like they just got here themselves.”

  “Let’s go,” said Bryce. “See if we can find whoever arrived in these cars.”

  “Lead the way,” said Henry. “And if you see one of those fancy little electric chairs, grab one. My back is starting to hurt again.”

  “I’m sure we’ll find you something,” I said.

  We followed Bryce into the stairwell and to the first floor of the mall where it was dark and quiet.

  “I guess they haven’t established a welcoming committee yet,” whispered Paige.

  “Guess not,” I said, walking next to her. “Man, I forgot how large this place is. It seems even bigger now that we’re the only ones inside.”

  With over five hundred shops and millions of square feet, the mall was like its own little city. With enough security, it was an ideal place for a shelter, which reminded me – where were all the zombies?

  “Well,” sighed Henry. “If this is supposed to be a shelter or bunker of some sort, where the hell is everyone?”

  “Exactly,” said Bryce as we turned another corner. “Another thing that’s pretty strange is, we haven’t come across any zombies. Not even a few stragglers.”

  “That’s what I was wondering,” I said. “There weren’t any outside, either.”

  “I don’t like this,” muttered Henry. “Not one bit.”

  “Hey,” I whispered. “You hear that?”

  Someone was whistling.

  “Hello!” hollered Paige, walking to one of the entrances leading to Nickelodeon Universe.

  “Nice,” said Bryce, shaking his head angrily. “So much for remaining inconspicuous.”

  The whistling stopped and someone called out, “Hello?!”

  “There he is,” said Paige, pointing to a lone figure walking toward them through the amusement park. “Hey! Over here!”

  The guy, an athletic-looking blonde dressed in crisp black jeans and a blue polo shirt, raised his hand in greeting and then began walking toward us.

  “Meow,” whispered Paige. “Who’d have thought the mall would still be a place to meet hot guys?”

  I smiled, although it bothered me that his clothing did not match his style, which reminded me more of a biker with and outgrown mohawk and piercings. Something definitely wasn’t jiving w
ith this guy.

  “Welcome,” said the man.

  “Hey there, young feller,” said Henry. “Are you part of the shelter team?”

  “Please, follow me,” he replied, walking away.

  I looked at Paige, who shrugged.

  “Okay, since he’s hot, we can excuse his weirdness,” she whispered.

  “Excuse me,” called Bryce.

  The stranger kept walking.

  “Dude, stop for a second!” hollered Bryce.

  The man froze and turned around.

  Bryce walked up to him. “Where are you taking us, exactly?”

  “To him,” he answered in a stoic voice. “The man you seek.”

  Bryce’s eyebrows furrowed. “The man we seek?”

  The guy’s face turned red and he broke out into a sweat. “Yes,” he said.

  Henry shuffled over to him. “Son, are you okay?”

  His lips moved but he couldn’t quite seem to answer.

  “Oh, my God, is he having a seizure or something?” cried Paige.

  “What was that?” asked Henry, pressing a hand on his shoulder. “You trying to say something?”

  He opened his mouth. “Huhhh…”

  Paige turned to me. “Maybe he’s handicapped?” “Autistic or something?”

  I looked down at the stranger’s hand and noticed he was clutching something so tightly that his knuckles were white.

  “What do you have there?” I asked, motioning toward his closed fist.

  He glanced down at his hand and then back up at me, the look in his eyes desperate.

  “Bryce,” I said. “Open up his fist. He might have some kind of weapon or something.”

  Bryce sighed and then grabbed the guy’s wrist.

  “Nnnooo…” rasped the guy as Bryce tried uncurling his fingers.

  “Cassie,” said Paige. “Honestly, what kind of weapon could he have that’s small enough to fit in the palm of his hand?”

  My eyes met the stranger’s, whose expression turned from fear to disbelief. Before I could say anything, he opened his fist.

  “Oh, my God,” I said, staring at the cross necklace. “That’s my sister’s!”

  The man closed his eyes and fell to his knees. “It’s true,” he croaked. “Thank God.”

  Henry shook his head in disgust. “Oh, now he talks.”

  Bryce grabbed him by the front of the shirt. “Where did you get that?”

  He looked at me again. “From Allie, her sister.”


  Travis’s face turned red. “Dammit!” he raged, throwing his empty beer bottle at the wall of liquor behind the bar. They were in one of the nightclubs on the upper floor of the mall, waiting for Justice to return.

  Kylie and Allie, who were sitting in one of the booths, flinched as he threw a second one, shattering glass all over the bar.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Dwayne, rushing into the restaurant.

  “He broke free!” raged Travis. “I can’t control him anymore.”


  “He must be one of those ‘Born Agains’,” he sneered. “Gee, I wonder how that happened?”

  Allie looked away.

  “Why do we even need him anymore?”

  He paused, and then smiled, his entire demeanor changing. “You’re right, we don’t. We have the girls and they’re going to help us locate the baby. Now, go and kill them. Kill them all.”

  Dwayne bowed and then walked back out of the bar.

  The girls stared at each other in horror.

  “No,” begged Allie, turning to Travis. “Please don’t let him kill Justice!”

  “Child, not only is he going to slit your friend’s throat,” chuckled Travis, as he grabbed a warm beer from the cooler. “But he’s also going to kill your sisters, and eventually, every person that you care about. Damn,” he groaned, after taking a long swig of beer. “This is tasty.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Kylie, standing up. “Do you know where our sisters are?”

  Travis sat down at a table across from them and put his feet up. “Why, yes I do,” he said, his eyes turning red. “Now, sit back down before I kill Allie, just for shits and giggles. I really only need one of you.”

  Kylie immediately sat down.

  “Now,” he said, tapping his fingers on the table. “There’s been a change of plans. After I finish this beer, we’re going to take ourselves a little ride.”

  “Where?” asked Kylie, trying not to cry.

  He took another pull of his beer and belched. “Cheer up. I’m going to bring you back to your mommy.”



  “Excuse me?” I gasped.

  “He has your sister and Kylie,” said Justice.

  “I think she means the part of him being some kind of demon. You know, an entity from Hell,” said Paige with a smirk.

  “I know you guys think I’m crazy, hell, I would too if I hadn’t seen the stuff he can do with my own eyes. He actually took possession of my body, for God’s sake.”

  I tried not to smile. “And, how’d you get it back?” I asked, wondering if he was a complete nut-job.

  He nodded toward the necklace I was holding. “I think it had something to do with that,” he smiled sheepishly, “and the fact that I finally believe in God.”

  “You didn’t before?” asked Bryce.

  He sighed. “No. Not until today.”

  “So, you say this guy’s name is really Travis?” asked Henry.

  “That’s what he claims, but I’m sure it’s not his real name.”

  “See, Wild,” said Henry. “I told you it was that pecker-head, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah you did. So,” I said, turning back to Justice. “I think it’s time you took us to my sister and Kylie.”

  Before he could answer, the sound of gunfire exploded all around us and we all crouched down on our hands and knees.

  “Cassie!” hollered Bryce, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. “Come on, this way!”

  “Paige!” I screamed, looking back for her.

  “I’m fine!” she hollered. She was kneeling behind a large garbage can with Justice crouched down beside her.

  We scurried over to the other side of the level to a purse kiosk and Bryce pointed. “There.”

  I looked up and saw Dwayne as he aimed the gun toward us and began firing once again.

  “Shit!” growled Bryce, pulling me down.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “We’re going to have to get up there and take him down, because I’m no marksman. There’s no way I’ll hit him from this distance.”

  Just then, I looked over at Henry, who was standing up without any kind of cover, had his gun raised, and was aiming for Dwayne.

  “What is he doing?” I gasped. “He’ll never hit him at that range with a shotgun!”

  Bryce swore, then raised his revolver and fired up toward Dwayne.

  “Henry!” I screamed, trying to get his attention when Dwayne ducked behind a wall.

  Henry lowered his gun and crouched back down.

  “I’m going up there,” said Bryce, pointing toward the escalators, which were shut down. “You try to distract him somehow.”

  “How?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” he pointed to my T-shirt. “Flash him or something.”

  I scowled. “Very funny.”

  “It wouldn’t work anyway, he wouldn’t be able to see much.”

  I smacked his shoulder. “Bryce!”

  “For God’s sake, I’m saying he’s too far away!”

  I stared at him for a second. “Don’t you dare smile.”

  Biting back a grin, he turned and fired, then bolted behind a coffee stand that was closer to the escalators.

  “Better give yourselves up!” hollered Dwayne. “You can’t beat him. He’ll skin you all alive and eat you for dinner if you don’t stand down!”

  “Cassie!” whispered Paige, loudly. “Look out!”

I looked behind me and saw two zombies approaching the kiosk.


  It was obvious they weren’t there to buy, but I began chucking purses at them anyway.

  “Where’s your bat?” asked Paige, coming up behind me just as the first zombie rounded the corner.

  “I dropped it,” I said, as she swung her bat and bashed the zombie’s skull in.

  “Nice going,” she snorted, as I raised my leg and kicked the other zombie in the face, sending him flying backwards.

  I sighed. “I know, not very smart. Crap, here comes another one.”

  The third zombie charged us but was stopped when Justice slammed a metal chair into his face. When the creature stood back up, he quickly grabbed a long metal paper hole-punch that was sitting on the kiosk, and drove it into the zombie’s skull.

  Paige nodded in approval, and when he turned away, I noticed her checking out his buns.

  I smiled.

  If we got out of this alive, it was my turn to tease the crap out of her.

  “Where’s Bryce?” she asked.

  “He went up the escalator,” said Justice.

  I looked up but couldn’t see Bryce or Dwayne, nor did I hear any more gunfire.

  “Henry!” I whispered loudly.

  He was still hiding in the same spot, and when he turned, I could see that he’d just stuck another wad of chew into his mouth.

  “What?” he hollered.

  “Where’d Bryce go?”

  Before he could respond, we heard gunfire from above. This time it was deeper in the mall.

  I stood up and began moving toward the escalator. They’d obviously moved and there was no way I was going to stay down here if Bryce needed me.

  Plus, he only had so many rounds.

  “No!” hollered Henry. “Wild, you get your ass back to that kiosk!”

  Ignoring him, I ran as fast as I could up the escalator and then hid behind another garbage container.

  “What are you doing?” whispered Justice, who’d obviously followed me.

  “Bryce is going to need my help,” I whispered back.

  Another round of gunfire and my stomach started twisting into knots.

  If anything happened to Bryce…

  “Sorry, but you’re no help without a gun,” said Justice.


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