The edge of life: Official cover - coming soon

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The edge of life: Official cover - coming soon Page 9

by Rachael Tonks

  “You need me to get a doc to see you?”

  “Absolutely not,” she denies vehemently.

  “I’m worried, Ma,” I growl. “Every time I come, you seem worse.”

  “Don’t exaggerate,” she retorts. “I’m just having a bad day; I told you that.”

  I can tell by the way the skin around her eyes wrinkles and the lines on her forehead deepen that she’s getting annoyed at me. It’s a look I’ve recognized a thousand times before.

  “So coffee,” I say, trying to defuse things. I make my way into the small kitchen, emptying the groceries from the bags. I make Mom a coffee, just the way she likes it. Really strong with two spoonsful of sugar.

  “Here you go,” I say, placing the coffee down in front of her. The cigarette she has in her hand drops ash onto her lap, and she dusts it off, letting out a massive sigh. Her eyes dart to me. “I know what you’re going to say, but save it. I’m not giving them up. They’re my one and only enjoyment in my life.”

  “Gee, thanks. Isn’t that nice,” I say with a laugh.

  “You know what I mean.” She hits the top of my arm lightly.

  “It’s only making things worse for you, Mom. I hate seeing you this way.” I sigh, wrapping my arm around her. She leans her weary body against me, and I feel a huge comfort in being here with her. Holding her this way.

  I suddenly have an idea.

  “Mom.” I release the hold I have on her, turning to face her. “I need your help.”

  “Anything for you, my boy.” She smiles. “What is it?” She studies my face.

  “Well, the thing is—” But I don’t get a chance to finish before she interrupts.

  “It’s a girl, isn’t it? Oh god, please tell me this is about a girl.”

  I tilt my head to the side, pursing my lips together.

  “Well,” she prompts, her eyes widening.

  “Yes… and no,” I rush out, not wanting to give my poor mom a damn heart attack. I can see how her eyes sparkle with excitement. She sighs, slumping in the seat beside me.

  “Look, here’s the thing. A girl turned up at the trailer park. A young girl, who is like a fucking fish outta water there with us.”

  “She’s staying with you, how?” Mom questions with her words but also with her eyes too.

  “Not with us, with the fucking scumbag Eric,” I spit out.

  “Oh, Jesus, no.” She gasps. “Poor girl. Doesn’t she have anywhere else to go?”

  I shake my head. “I think it would be good for both of you if she came and stayed here. She could help you, and it would really put my mind at ease to know she’s with you; that there’s someone here, looking out for you.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” she scorns.

  “No, but company, someone to help out when I’m not here would be good, right?”

  “Maybe…” She answers slowly as if she’s seriously thinking about my suggestion. This is a win-win in my mind. I get Kailee away from my asshole brother and out of that shithole of a trailer park, but I also get a companion for my mom.

  “Let me think about it,” she says with a nod.

  I spend the rest of the day with Mom, telling her more about Kailee and that waste of space she calls her father. After the upbringing we had, after the constant beatings and verbal abuse, standing back and watching a man hit a minor isn’t something I can do. Little did I know from that first meeting, from the very first time I saw that bright red hair and that beautiful fucking face full of freckles, I would be in trouble.

  Holy fucking shit balls, am I in trouble.

  She’s a fucking feast upon my hungry eyes. And given half the chance and another lifetime, I’d devour her. Every single part of her heaven-sent body.


  Arriving back at the trailer park, I’m eager to get inside and talk to Jax about my plans for Kailee to move into Mom’s. She doesn’t belong here, and this weekend has proven that.

  She’s been here all a few days, but I know all I need to know about her.

  I step into our trailer, calling out his name.

  “Jax,” I yell, my eyes scanning the trailer as I try to locate him.

  “In here, bro,” he shouts back, and it sounds like he’s in his bedroom. Making my way over, I push open his slightly ajar door. I peer through warily, half expecting to see him with Kailee. He’s standing, pulling on his workout gear.

  “I’m going down to the gym, you coming?”

  “Sure,” I say with a lift of my chin. “Listen, we need to talk.”

  “What’s up?” he says with a funny smile. It makes me a little suspicious of him, but I don’t hesitate to continue.

  “It’s Kailee,” I say straight out.

  He places his hand on the back of his neck, rolling his head.

  “What about her?” he says, and I narrow my eyes at him.

  “What the fuck are you playing at, man? She’s fucking seventeen.”

  “So,” he says, loosely lifting his shoulders. “You’re just jealous because I got to her first. Don’t tell me you haven’t dreamed about how fine her fucking pussy is?”

  I can’t help myself. I fly at him, knocking him onto the bed.

  “Don’t fucking talk like that,” I growl. “She deserves better than your pathetic ass. You don’t care about her. Fuck, she’s been here a few days, and already, you have your claws into her.”

  “What’s wrong,” he yells. “The whole bad brother thing not working for you this time?”

  I thrust him against the bed. “This isn’t about me, and you fucking know that.” I release my hold, stepping back. My whole body shakes with anger. My brother really is the biggest asshole at times.

  “I fucking saved your skin, and this is how you repay me,” he says breathlessly, sitting up and stepping off the bed. He tugs at his running top, straightening it out from our tussle.

  “Yeah, you showed up, but there was no need. I had it all under control. Marco’s boys were on their way. You should have just fucking drove past, man. Instead, you brought her into the mix.” I’m angry, so damn angry, and my words come out with venom.

  “Why are you getting so wound up about this?” he asks in confusion.

  “You fucked up, bro. BIG time. You brought someone from the outside into our problems, into our dealings. What if she shoots her mouth off, huh? Did you ever stop to think about that?”

  “It’s not going to be a problem.” He instantly dismisses me.

  “How can you be so fucking sure? You don’t even know the girl,” I roar at him. I’m less concerned about her blabbing as I am about her getting mixed up in our lives. But I’m not about to admit that to him.

  “There’s more to this,” he says with a squint. “Come on, Ry, what’s the real reason you got your dick in a twist over this girl.”

  “Fuck you, asshole,” I shoot back. I’m not going to let him drag me into this. He always has a way of getting me to open up. He is my brother, after all, and we’ve always been inseparable. Saying that, we couldn’t be more different if we tried. The similarity is purely physical. “What’s the deal with you and Kailee, truthfully?”

  “Hmmm,” he hums. “She is all types of fine. And that fucking pussy, man; I can’t wait to bury myself deep. So fucking deep.”

  I tense my jaw, unable to restrict every physical reaction to his words. It takes everything I have not to explode. But what choice do I have? None.

  “Don’t fuck her about, man. She’s young and vulnerable.”

  “I don’t intend on making her do anything she doesn’t want. You should have heard the way she was begging for me,” he teases. I squeeze my hand into a fist so tight it almost fucking hurts.

  “Stop,” I yell, the strain scratching the back of my throat. I can’t bear anymore. I know this is how we usually discuss the girls we have had in the past. But not Kailee. To me, she’s different and doesn’t deserve this. “Let’s just go to the gym,” I say before storming off to my room to change. I yank open my
closet drawer, pulling out my workout bag. I quickly change, desperately trying to calm myself down. But I can’t. My damn heartbeat won’t slow, and it’s starting to piss me off. Why the fuck do I feel this way? What the hell is wrong with me? I need to get back in control. Control I feel like I’m losing day by day, minute by minute. Grabbing my workout bag, I throw it over my shoulder and head out to Jax’s car. He’s already waiting for me, so I lock the door, jogging over to the passenger side. I lower myself into the car, throwing my bag onto the backseat.

  Shutting the door behind me, Jax puts the car in drive, and we set off. “So what I wanted to talk to you about…” I say, my head turned in his direction.

  “What is it?”

  “Kailee’s moving in with Mom.”

  He lets out a choke of laughter. “No fucking way, bro.”

  “It’s the best thing all round.”

  His eyes dart at me and then back to the road. “Not happening. Since when did you get to decide where Kailee lives?”

  “Oh, so you think her being in the trailer park with us is a better option? She’s too close for comfort… too involved even.”

  “She’s staying with Eric. She’s not our responsibility, Ryder. You don’t get a fucking say in this.”

  I glance at him. “You made her your responsibility when you involved her in our business. Not to mention putting your fucking hands on her.”

  “Oh.” He blurts out, widening his eyes. “So this is what it’s really all about, huh? Put her in the one goddamn place where I refuse to go.” He throws his hand up in the air before it lands loudly against the steering wheel. “Tell you what.” He pauses, his voice suddenly calmer than before. “You want that pretty pussy, then fucking have her. Have her,” he repeats, “but don’t get too fucking attached because she won’t be around forever.”

  “What the fuck does that mean,” I growl, scowling at him, eager for him to explain himself.

  “This whole living arrangement was only ever temporary,” he says matter-of-factly.

  “So you’re planning on using her then? Does she know this?” I can’t believe the shit spewing from his mouth. Same old Jax. Love ‘em and leave ‘em. Fucking jerk.

  “She knows the score. She knows this is not forever.” His voice is calm, but I’m anything but. My heart pounds in my chest, and I need to be at that gym. Like now. I need to let loose and get out this raging emotion that is like a tornado inside. I slump in my seat, pulling out my packet of cigs and lighting up.

  Jax glares at me. “Yeah, good one, Ryder. That’s going to help you going into the gym.” He shakes his head disapprovingly. I don’t reply; I just take a huge drag on my smoke, the hit of nicotine just enough to calm me. I close my eyes, resting my head back against the seat.

  Fucking broad.

  “How’s your arm?” Jax asks, breaking the silence that fills the car.


  “You should be careful.” I lift my head, a nonverbal way of acknowledgment. Jax has always been the same. Watching out for me. I am the loose cannon; the one who usually got us into a fight. He’s the calmer, less explosive twin. Whenever we would plan a breaking and entering with the intent to steal, Jax would go all out to do his research and plan the operation step by fucking step. He’s a little anal like that. I’d like to say he’s the brains, but that would be an over exaggeration.

  I’m snapped from my thoughts as I grab the handle on the door when Jax swerves into the parking lot in front of the gym.

  “Jesus, Jax,” I groan, sighing heavily as we finally come to a stop.

  My eyes focus on the dull lit, derelict looking building. This isn’t any ordinary gym. This is the gym where underground fighters train. Jax has never been into the fighting, but me, well, I get a fucking kick out of beating the shit outta my opponents. The owner of this gym also runs the underground club, which is the venue for all our fights. It is for the elite—the most feared bare knuckle fighters—and I’m right up there. This is exactly what my father did, how he fed us, his family. But most of all, he did it to feed his alcohol addiction. He was a fucking no-good alcoholic who used his fists, not just in the ring but in his home too. I hated him with every fiber of my being.

  The prizes here aren’t as big as some of the other underground fights, but a win usually results in a good payout. And I have to do this. Not just for me but for my ma. She has medical bills coming out of her ears, and every spare fucking dollar goes to getting her the treatment she needs. Her damn insurance policy doesn’t cover any of her bills as they class her condition as pre-existing. Motherfuckers.

  I’ve been out of the fighting scene for a while, but I’m training to get back in that fucking ring again soon. I need that fucking cash, and mostly, it’s easy money. I’m a good fighter. One of the best here. Losses are few and far between, thankfully.


  I step into the gym, letting the door swing behind me. I’m ready, so fucking ready for this workout. The whole place comes to a complete standstill; the guys sparring in the makeshift ring pause, their eyes locked on me as I walk in with a bag thrown over my shoulder.

  “Well, look who just fucking rocked up,” he shouts, hobbling over to me, cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth like it’s about to fall out at any moment.

  I hold out my hand to him. He takes it, and I pull him in closer for a man hug. I pat his back. “Good to see you, Sailor,” I say with a chuckle. The guy is about seventy years old, smokes like a goddamn chimney, and swears like a sailor. Hence his nickname.

  He releases my hold, taking the cigarette and dropping it onto the floor, crushing it with his foot.

  “And where the fuck have you been fucking hiding,” he says gruffly.

  “Nowhere,” I dismiss. “I’m here now; that’s the main thing.”

  “And where’s asshole number two?”

  “Coming,” I reply, walking toward the benches and dropping my gym bag.

  “You going in the ring today?” he asks, his eyes widening.

  “Maybe a little later. I really need to get warmed up and work on some cardio. It’s been a few days.”

  He nods. “Give me a shout when you’re ready. I’ll make sure that fucker’s free.”

  “Thanks, man,” I say, slapping his back lightly.

  The gym has two areas to it. The typical sort of gym with weights, running machines, and all the works. Then the other half is kitted out with punch bags, speedballs, and three rings—one full-size ring in the middle and two smaller ones on the far side of the room.

  I get to work warming up, conscious not to do too much with my arm. Jax joins me, and as always, it becomes a competition between us. But often, he’s the push I need to get the best out of my workouts.

  After about twenty minutes, I slow down the treadmill, coming to an eventual stop. I step down, grabbing my towel and wiping away the of sweat dripping down my face.

  “You fucking pussy,” Jax shouts over his shoulder, his feet still thudding against the belt of the treadmill. I laugh at his pathetic attempt to get me to bite.

  “You do what you’re best at, motherfucker. Some of us have more talents than just running on the damn treadmill.”

  He shoots me a glare. I feel a hand on my back, and I turn to see who it is.

  “Boss man wants a word,” whispers Sailor.

  “A word about what?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

  “You’ll see.” He walks away from me, making a circular motion with his arm to indicate I should follow him. Jax soon dismounts the treadmill; his hand lands on my shoulder as he pulls me to a stop.

  “Need me?” he asks, and I know exactly what he means.

  “Let’s do this. See what that son of a bitch wants…”

  “Maybe his girlfriend back,” Jax whispers, partially blurting out a laugh.

  “Think he’s still pissed about that?” I lift my eyebrows; my memory fleets back to the night he and his girlfriend Liza had an argument. She raced out of the club and str
aight into my arms. Her slender figure, big tits, and foul mouth were too hot to resist.

  I’m convinced that’s why he set up the last fight with an opponent I’d never heard of from way out of town. Turns out he was a dirty motherfucker who did everything he could to cripple me. Including breaking my ribs. But it didn’t work. I fucked him up good.

  “He needs to get over it already. He has chicks coming in and out of this place all the damn time. So what if you fucked one of them.” His voice is hushed, but he struggles to contain his laughter.

  I glance, giving him a glare in warning.

  “Sorry.” He straightens up, clearing his throat. “I got your back, bro. Always.”

  I nod, knocking lightly before pushing open the door. I see the gray-haired guy, Julian, with his feet up on the table and two henchmen standing on either side of him. They’re big guys, but as I take them in, I know we could take these guys if needed.

  “Blackheart bastards. Welcome,” he says, throwing his hands in the air and dropping his feet off the table to the floor. I stand there staring at Julian, my legs slightly parted and my hands held in front of me. I give Jax a sideways look, and I can see his nostrils flare. I lean into him. “Let me deal with this,” I whisper. His eyes widen, but eventually, he gives me a barely noticeable nod.

  “Here’s the thing, Julian,” I say, pausing momentarily to rub my hands together. “Throwing out insults the minute we walk in here is only going to cause trouble. You get me? So I’ll let that one go. But know this,” I growl, stepping forward and leaning on the oak table, bending my head until I’m close enough to intimidate this motherfucker. His henchmen get closer, but I don’t care. “Say another fucking word like that, and you will see a side of hell where even Satan himself is afraid to go. You got it?”

  “My apologies, Ryder.” He steps up from his desk. “This is about business; I should have known better than to get personal.” He pushes his hand toward me in an attempt to shake. I glare at him, stepping back from the table and standing in line with Jax.


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