Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2)

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Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2) Page 1

by Dana Arden

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Preview of Immense Tension (The Southern Chaotic’s MC Book 3)

  Chapter 1

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Preview of Immense Tension (The Southern Chaotic’s MC Book 3)

  If you didn’t read Minor Glitches, here’s a peak at the first two chapters.

  Chapter 1

  Major Conflict


  Dana Arden

  Major Conflict

  Copyright © 2017 by Dana Arden. All rights reserved.

  No parts of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons – living or dead – is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: @ Tverdohlib

  Cover Design: Vikki @Fiverr


  There are scenes in this book that may not be suitable for some people. If you cannot handle books with dark matter, then please do not continue. All fictional characters in this book are 18 years of age or older. This book was written for an audience at least 18 years of age or older.


  This book is dedicated to the men and women that have been afflicted by rape or abuse in any form and have survived their demons. If you’re still battling those demons, keep fighting.

  "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

  ~ Dr. Seuss

  Chapter 1


  Walking through the front door of my house that I share with my husband, David to the sounds of grunting, whimpering and scraping, isn’t how I imagined the day to go after coming home early to cook a romantic dinner for our anniversary. All I can see is his back with a woman’s legs with red stilettos wrapped around his waist while he pounds into her. It’s brutal enough that the kitchen table is scraping against the floor and beginning to bang into the wall.

  “Harder, big daddy!” The unidentified woman starts to scream.

  “Just lay there and you’ll get what I give you, bitch.” David growls, still continuously slamming into her.

  I’m frozen in place and it takes everything I have to set the bags down until I hear his next words.

  “At least you give it to me better than the stuck-up bitch I’m married to.”

  I slam the bags down on the counter interrupting their romping and reach for the broom that is between the fridge and the wall. I walk over to where they are and slam the broom down on the table close to the skank’s head.

  “If this is what you do when you’re supposed to be at work, then I’d appreciate a heads up.” The skank just stares at me, but I can feel the heat of David’s glare on the side of my face.

  “What the fuck, Lily? Why are you here?” David states angrily.

  “Well, I think the answer to that question is that I’m currently married to you and I live here, but that’ll soon be changing.” I turn and start walking up the stairs to our room.

  As I’m packing he stomps into our bedroom as though I’m the one in the wrong.

  “What’re you doing?” He bellows.

  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m packing.”

  “You don’t need to do that. We can work this out. It was just a mistake.” He pleads.

  “A mistake?” I question. “A mistake is picking up the wrong brand of coffee at the grocery store. A mistake is forgetting to get gas when your car is on E. This is not a mistake. This is stupidity and I’ve had nine years of your stupidity and excuses. I’m done!” I yell at him.

  “I wouldn’t have to fuck other women if you’d just give it up. If this is anyone’s fault it’s yours.” Of course, he always blames me.

  “Guess what, I’m correcting my faults. I’ll be out of here before you know it. You can keep the house and everything in it. I just want a quick and painless divorce.”

  “You’re not divorcing me, you stupid cunt. You belong to me and if I want to fuck around on you, I will. No one is going to want you. You’re a fat ass. The only thing you have going for you is that you can cook and clean.” He bellows.

  “Well, I guess it’s a good thing that I’ve had enough of one man to last me a while. You enjoy your endless hook ups with whores.” With this I begin to walk out of the room.

  “If you leave this house, I’ll never take you back.”

  “I’m betting on that fact.” I mutter as I walk down the steps and out the front door.

  I come out of my daydream when Dani clears her throat.

  “One Bud Light and two Coronas, Lily. You okay, girly?”

  “Thanks. Yeah, I’m just fine now.”

  Once I left David’s, I came back to Cumming, Georgia. I was born here and lived here until I was twelve. My dad, Wiz, was a part of the Southern Chaotic’s MC, but he died after he intervened during a convenience store robbery. After that my mom packed us up and moved us to Tampa, Florida.

  My life in Florida wasn’t sunshine and rainbows. My mom worked two jobs, so I barely saw her until I was seventeen and she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It had progressed rather rapidly and they were unable to stop it.

  A few days after my eighteenth birthday, my mom passed away and left me feeling alone. My life went from having the only family I had left to no one. I went downhill fast with depression and my self esteem was nonexistent. I felt inadequate. Eating everything in sight helped add an extra thirty pounds to my already five-six big-boned figure.

  I met David during that time and he won me over. He made me feel worthy of something else in this life. It, also, helped that he was over six feet of lean, well-groomed perfection, especially in a uniform. We married a few weeks later and within six months everything changed. He would come home smelling of cheap perfume or he wouldn’t come home at all. He always had a reasonable excuse since he was in the Air Force; ‘I had duty, you must not have remem
bered’ or my favorite, ‘I work really hard to provide all that we have, I just needed a night out with the guys.’

  I’m to blame for staying as long as I did, but it took me a while to get on my own two feet without needing him financially. I took a job as a receptionist for a process serving company and slowly worked my way up in the company to an office manager. My life individually was great. I had friends and my own money. My life with David was mediocre. I would check his phone to find the ever so glorious dick pic sent to his new flavor of the week and all the sexting they enjoyed. I became the Virgin Mary. I would use the normal excuses, ‘I’ve got a headache’ or ‘not tonight I’ve got to get up early.’ So I guess I should be thanking David for having the balls to bring his latest ‘friend’ to the house and letting me see him in action firsthand.

  Once I came back to Cumming, I went to the Southern Chaotic’s clubhouse and talked to Rudy, who is the club President and was also one of my dad’s best friends. He set me up in one of the club’s rooms for guest. I met Dani one morning when I was cooking breakfast for the guys. Apparently, Rudy had called Dani and asked her if she knew of any work in town.

  She was getting the run around by one of her dancers and was looking to add some new blood, but I’m not one to take my clothes off so we settled for cocktail waitressing.

  I had worked at Dani’s for a month before I witnessed the Southern Chaotic’s MC deal with chaos. Deceptively, one of the club whores, Jolene or Sammy, who was also a dancer at Dani’s was actually Ryker’s ex-girlfriend from years previous and as a way of revenge from losing Ryker, she decided to kidnap Dani and Ryker’s kids.

  She hasn’t been seen or heard from, but she left behind a little boy, Jake who ended up being Chase’s, a brother in the MC; small world huh and kind of confusing.

  I’ve never really met Chase. I’ve seen him from afar and he’s a beautiful, bearded man. He has brown hair that’s short on the sides and longer on top. I haven’t been close enough to catch a glimpse of his eyes, but from a distance they are dark orbs that make me feel vulnerable as if he can read my every thought. He’s tall and broad. He has shoulders that I wouldn’t mind wrapping my arms around, hard chest and firm stomach I could press my core against, and nice tight ass that I could rest my legs on while my ankles were crossed behind his back. I’ve had plenty of fantasies about this man I’ve barely spoken to and rarely see.

  He’s rather standoffish when it comes to new people and I may have grown up in the club, but they don’t know me anymore. I don’t think I’ve even heard him speak other than a grunt here or there, but I’ve learned a lot from watching him. He’s fond of Ginger, a redheaded dancer here. They disappear after most of her sets on the stage. At club parties and once Jake has been put to bed, you can find him surrounded by club whores.

  The more I see him with Ginger and the club whores, I realize that I’m far from his type. The women he’s interested in are thin, like ribs poking out thin, and have very fake attributes. I’m curvy, thick thighs, soft stomach, wide hips and overly generous breasts.

  Just from his actions with the other women, he’s far from what I need in my life. I may not be ready to jump into a relationship, but I know my worth. I’m not a ‘hit it’ and ‘quit it’ type of woman. I don’t want to have to worry about what a man is bringing into my bed. I’ve been there and done that. The next time I decide that I’m ready to be in a ‘forever’ relationship, it’ll be with a man who’s the complete opposite of Chase. It could even be a brother in the club. I don’t discriminate because I’ve watched how Ryker is with Dani, as well as how Rudy is with Queenie, his wife. For now, Chase is just a fantasy that can’t be touched.

  I look over to the table that contains most of the brothers of the MC as they watch Ginger on stage. I guess now is a good time to disappear to the bathroom. I go to the bar to let Dani know what’s up.

  “Dani, I’m going to take ten.”

  “Go for it, Lily. We’ve slowed down quite a bit, so we should be good.”

  I make my way to the back of the bar where the bathrooms are and begin taking care of my business in one of the stalls. I’m just about to wipe when the door to the bathroom bangs open hitting the wall. I look through the crack and low and behold, it’s Chase and Ginger. He has her up against the door with her legs and arms wrapped around him. I guess I’m stuck in here for a few.

  Ginger releases Chase and slides to the floor on her knees as Chase undoes his pants.

  “Suck it, Gin.” Chase commands as Ginger leans forward. “That’s it.”

  All I can do is stand here and feel like a voyeur. I don’t want to be caught watching them, so I flush the toilet and start making noise in the stall. As I strut out the stall to the sink, all eyes are on me as they frantically straightening their clothes.

  “Lily.” Ginger squeaks.

  “Ginger.” I mutter as I glance in the mirror and continue to wash my hands. “I’ll be out of your way shortly. Don’t mind me.” This isn’t my first rodeo with witnessing the act, but it doesn’t mean I want to become accustomed to it.

  I dry my hands and turn to face them as I walk towards the door. They move out of my way. Chase has still not spoken a word. He just glares at me. I guess interrupting the larger-than-life man-whore is a no no.

  Outside the bathroom, I blow out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Being around him in any capacity is getting more and more difficult. He jump starts my libido and he probably didn’t even know my name until Ginger screeched.

  Praying the next two hours will be uneventful must’ve been too much to ask, because the last hour of my shift is met with a stone faced Chase glowering at him.

  This is my job and I don’t like feeling so uncomfortable. I’ve come a long way from the woman with no self-esteem to a woman I can respect. I’m independent and capable. I don’t necessarily need a man, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want one eventually. I just need to bide my time, keep my head down and focus on work.

  I can ignore this broody man. At least long enough to get my shit done and get the hell out of here and into the comfort of my little cottage.

  I check all my tables, avoiding the MC table since thankfully Razz took care of them. I’m at my last table when I hear my name being spoken.

  “What do you think about Lily?” Someone ask.

  “I think she’s a good girl who doesn’t need the likes of you, Spook.”

  “That can be said about all of us, but I’m not as bad as you are, Chase. Shit, you can’t keep your dick in your pants for an entire night while you’re here.” I assume Spook is replying.

  “I can’t help it if every woman I come across wants my cock.” Chase’s gravely voice responds. I really hope he doesn’t think he can accomplish that with every female, because it’ll be a cold day in hell before I spread’um for a slut like him.

  “If that’s what you think. Shit, you fuck the same set of girls. It isn’t about them wanting you, but more of what you can do for them. Have any of them met your kid?”

  “Nope and they won’t. The women he needs in his life are the ones who are in it now and the others aren’t important enough.” He states coldly.

  Well, isn’t he just charming. My blood has gone from overly heated to ice cold. In my mind, his voice matches, but the stance he has on women has thrown me for a loop. I can understand sleeping around and not wanting a relationship, but there’s no need to be that cruel. These women are important enough for him to get his dick wet, but any further and they’re nonexistent.

  Chase just went from getting off material to man-hate material. He has reminded me why I have no need for men who think they’re God’s gift. My ex was just like him. David was tall and not as muscular as Chase, but he’s a human Ken doll; blonde hair, blue-eyed, cocky and could never do wrong. I need to start demanding the respect I deserve. I may not be a lot of men’s brand of sexy, but I know I’m worth more than just a fuck and duck.

  Chapter 2


>   How life can change in the blink of an eye. I went from happy-go-lucky biker who got my rocks off when I wanted to father overnight. I’m not saying I still don’t play hide the salami, but it’s more spur of the moment when I’m not at home trying to help my broke eight year old.

  If it wasn’t for the club, Dani, Sadie and the kids, I’d be lost when it came to Jake. When he first became an idea, I was literally scared I’d fuck him up by being his dad. But when I saw him in that hospital bed cowering from every little thing, I knew there would be nothing I wouldn’t do for him.

  I didn’t need a paternity test to tell me he was mine. He has my dark brown hair and brown eyes. He even has a cleft in his chin just like mine. But in order for him not to be swept off to foster care, like I was, CPS needed to be sure.

  I know from experience that foster care isn’t the place for an abused child to be. He needed family and friends around. When Jolene kidnapped Dani’s kids, Rory and Tate, Jake bonded with them. It didn’t take long to realize he needed them to feel secure.

  Jake and I moved into Dani and Ryker’s house with Trigger, Sadie and the kids the same day that the paternity test came back 99.9 percent positive he was mine. It was strange at first living with the woman you had wanted for the past five years. Shit, I got my road name because I chased the hell out of Dani, but she never showed any interest. She was happy with just remaining friends and I didn’t mind when she used me as a prop on stage when she would dance.

  When Ryker made his appearance, I knew that there was no chance in hell I would ever be with Dani. Even when she was pissed off at him, she still looked at him with so much love. I couldn’t match that because although I may have wanted Dani, it was a want to get my dick into her tight cunt. I’m not relationship material. I can’t be monogamous. I don’t want to have someone dictate what I can and can’t do. I want to be free to do whatever the fuck I want and the only person I want to expect to answer to is my son.

  A few nights a week after Jake goes to bed and when someone is there to look over the kids, I slip out and end up at the bar or at the clubhouse. I have my regulars. If I want to drink and watch some ass shake on a stage, I go to Dani’s. At Dani’s, I usually get sucked or fucked by Ginger. She doesn’t ask questions and I give her what we both want, release. If I want to enjoy a girl or two, I hit up the clubhouse. The whores are there to service the brothers with no questions asked and no expectations of becoming an ol’ lady. Most of them know the deal, but sometimes new girls arrive looking for the biker experience and one fuck in their mind is a relationship.


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