Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2)

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Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2) Page 9

by Dana Arden

  Once I have her under my thumb again, we can go back to Florida and face the heat together. She’ll make me look like a model airman just like she did before with the crew and their wives. She was always able to put people at ease, especially the women. God, I can’t even count how many of my fellow airmen’s wives I fucked because they thought I was the cream of the crop because of Lily.

  Or they felt bad for me, because Lily wouldn’t put out. But who cares? I don’t. All I care about is getting my perfect life back and once I get my wife back, I will.

  Chapter 18


  Having Lily with Jake and I has been enlightening. Jake’s opened up more to Lily. I came home from Church on Wednesday to Lily and Jake on the patio of the pool tucked into each other on a lounge chair having a discussion I’ve been to pussy to have with my son.

  “Toots, why did my momma not want me?”

  “Bud, I think your momma was sick.”

  “But, she didn’t have a cough or look sick.”

  Lily runs her hand down Jake’s cheek. “There are different types of sick. Sometimes people can be head sick, where their thoughts aren’t good. I think your momma was head sick and she didn’t know what to do about it.”

  “Oh, okay. Do you think she loved me like I loved her?” Jake’s voice is full of emotion.

  “Bud, I think she loved you as much as she could, but you don’t have to worry about that because I love you so much and your Daddy loves you. Man you have a whole clubhouse full of men that love you and will always look out for you.”

  “I love you to, Toots, from the Big Dipper and back.”

  After that discussion, Lily and Jake have gotten closer if that’s even possible. Bedtime’s a joint task between Lily and me. She reads him a story or tells stories about when she was little and being around the club.

  One story she told made me wish I’d grown up in the club, because I would’ve loved seeing my brothers back in the day doing things for the kids, like wearing Easter bunny costumes.

  “I’m gonna tell you a story about one Easter at the club when I was a little girl, okay?” Lily tells Jake.

  “Yep.” He bounces on the bed excitedly.

  “When I was eight, the club had an Easter egg festival for all the kids in the club. The day before the brothers bought two hundred eggs from the store and all of us spent most of that day dying eggs. Man, you should have seen those eggs, bud. There were some really ugly ones and then there were the ones your Uncle Rudy made. Your Uncle Rudy got stuck with all the girly colors and he made at least fifty tie-dyed girly Easter eggs. The men gave him so much crap about making girly eggs that he declared that ever brother who made fun of his eggs had to dress up like an Easter bunny. Do you know what the brothers did?”

  “No, Toots. What’d they do?”

  “That year I saw ten Easter bunnies. Ten, bud and they hid all those eggs for us kids. It was the best Easter I remember before my dad passed away. But guess what?” Jake looks at Lily expectedly. “None of those brothers made fun of anything girly again, because they didn’t want to have to be Easter bunnies again.”

  Jake giggles. “I wonder if they’ll dress like an Easter bunny for me.”

  “I bet your Uncle Trigger and a few other brothers would dress up as anything for you, Jake. Those men love you and don’t you ever forget that you have so many people that love you.” She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. “Love you, bud. Now get some sleep.”

  So from then until now, Lily and Jake say ‘I love you’ before they leave each other and before they go to bed. I can only hope to be that open with my love one day, but right now, saying the words I’ve never said before I found Jake are hard to spit out to the one woman that could destroy me.


  It’s Saturday and instead of being at home with my kid and my woman, I’m at the clubhouse dealing with bullshit. Well, it isn’t bullshit, but I’d rather be with them than here with a bunch of ugly mugs talking about the Chaotic’s Fall Festival.

  Every year, we put together a festival for the community. We do bike and treat, games and plenty of food. We started it three years ago when Dani started dreading dragging two kids around door to door. Of course Queenie came up with the idea and it was a success.

  We love giving back to the community and will continue to do so. This year the brothers want to add a little more. Since every year so far has been crowded, Rudy decided to let Beanie, one of our brothers, perform with his band, Chaotic Crushers. They’re more of a cover band and have been informed that it has to be somewhat kid friendly since most of the kids aren’t club brats who’ve listen to some Def Leopard, Manson, you get my drift.

  When I think we’re finally done, Rudy pulls me to the side as I’m hustling to get out the door.

  “Chase, how’re things with Lil?”

  “Great. Stepping up was probably the best thing I could’ve done for Jake.”

  “What about for you? Is it the best thing you did for yourself?”

  “Absolutely. She’s everything I never knew I wanted or needed. She grounds me.”

  “Good, good. That’s all I needed to know.” With that, he walks away.

  Straddling my bike, I’m getting ready to start her up when my phone vibrates in my pocket.

  “Hey, Babe.”

  “Dad, he took Lily?” Jake gasps.

  And my world turns on its axis.

  Chapter 19


  Jake and I decide to have a park day since Chase’s at the clubhouse. Of course, we’ve got to be escorted but I’m happy it’s Toby. I haven’t had much time with him since Chase and I became an item and it’ll be good to catch up.

  We’re at the jungle gym and Jake’s running around with a little girl he just met. I’m proud of him for taking the step towards making new friends. He’s coming out of his shell more and more. He’s still a little timid with strangers, especially women but Chase and I have told him he’s stronger than he thinks and sometimes taking chances pays off.

  I brought stuff for a picnic hoping that Chase would be able to make it in time, but it’s now after one and he’s still in Church. I spread out a blanket and we sit down. I begin to pull out the turkey and cheese sandwiches, chips and fruit from the basket when I hear a gunshot.

  As I lift my head, I see Toby topple to the side. I want to scream and run away but I’ve got to protect Jake.

  I crawl over to Jake who’s cowering against the tree.

  “Bud, open your eyes. Look at me.” He slowly opens his eyes.

  “I need you to take my phone and run towards the woods. I need you to call your dad and get the club here. Got it.” He nods. I hand over my phone. “When I tell you to run, you go as fast as you can. You can do this.”

  I slide over to Toby whose bleeding from his shoulder. I pull a towel out of the basket and hand it to him. “Hold this tight over your wound.” I look over my shoulder to see David pointing the gun at me. I lean closer to Toby. “I need you to make sure that Chase knows who has me. Tell him my ex is back.” He nods as he goes in and out of consciousness.

  I turn my head to Jake. He has tears flowing furiously down his cheeks. “It’ll be fine, bud. You be the big boy I know you are and…RUN!” He takes off towards the trees as I face David who’s still aiming at me.

  “Hello, my wife.” He sneers.

  “What do you want, David?” I question.

  “Exactly what I wanted the last time I saw you. You. Come with me and I won’t kill your biker buddy or the little boy.”

  “Fine.” I head towards him and once I pass a little ahead, I feel the metal press to my side.



  I ran as fast as I could. My Toots is in danger and the bad man’ll hurt her if I don’t tell my dad.

  “Hey, Babe.” My dad says.

  “Dad, he took Lily?”

  “Jake? What did you just say?”

  “He took Toots. You’ve got to get to the par
k. He shot Toby.” I scream in the phone.

  “I’m on my way.” I hear him yelling for the other guys. “Where are you?”

  “Toots told me to hide in the woods and call you.”

  “Okay, stay put and don’t come out until you hear me call you.”

  “Okay, Dad, but you gotta get Toots.” I start to cry.

  “We’ll get her back. You can count on that.”

  Chapter 20


  I’m utterly devastated. I can’t even fathom how he got to her. Benny followed them in a cage and Toby was with them.

  I rounded up all my brothers that were here and we are hauling ass to the park. When we get close, I see an ambulance loading someone up and it can only be Toby.

  We come to an abrupt stop to the side of the ambulance. I almost drop my bike rushing to get off. I run to the stretcher and sure enough its Toby passed out. I look to my brothers.

  “Go check the SUV.” I bellow at Trigger who turns on his heel and sprints to the black cage Benny was driving.

  I run to where a picnic is spread out that the cops are checking over.

  “Excuse me, sir. This is a crime scene. We need you to step back.” A young police officer I’ve never met says.

  “My woman was taken, my brother was shot and my boy is somewhere in the woods.” I tell him. He steps away from me. “Jake.” I scream towards the trees. “Jake.”

  Jake slowly approaches and the defeated look on his face makes my stomach drop. “Dad, he took my Toots. I need my Toots. We’ve got to rescue my Toots.”

  I cradle him in my arms. “I know and we’ll find your Toots, because I need my Babe back.”

  As I walk with my son in my arms, my brothers are crowding around the bikes. I see Sadie and Queenie running in our direction. Sadie goes to Trigger and wraps her body around his as she cries into his neck. Queenie goes to Rudy who nods over to me and Jake. She comes barreling to us and engulfs us in a tight hug.

  “Jakie baby, why don’t you come with Aunt Queenie, so your daddy and the brothers can find Lily.” She says softly to him.

  “I can’t Aunt Q. I’ve got to help find my Toots. I can’t go with you until my Toots is back.” Jake screams.

  My brothers’ eyes are on my son. This is miserable. My boy just lost the most important woman he’s ever had in his life and he’s losing his shit.

  “Bud, go with Queenie. I promise we’ll find her, but I need to make sure your safe before I can do that.” I lift his chin to meet his red-rimmed eyes. “Okay?”

  He’s sobbing uncontrollably now. “You’ve got to find my Toots. You’ve got to. I need her, dad. She’s my Toots.”

  “I know she’s yours, bud and we’ll do everything we can to get her back to you. I love you, buddy.” I hand him off to Queenie whose eyes are wet.

  Once they’ve left, Rudy stands in the middle of the circle we’ve formed.

  “Alright boys, there’s a lot of shit and no idea which direction to go. Benny was knocked out in the SUV. He doesn’t remember anything other than watching Lily, Jake and Toby sitting down and passing out sandwiches. Toby’s incoherent, so there’s nothing there. Any ideas?” Rudy growls.

  “We can’t track her phone this time. She gave it to Toby to call me.” I say hastily as I run my hand down my face. “Professor, has there been anything on his end. Phone calls?” He shakes his head. “Money?” He shakes his head again. “Fuck!” I roar.

  “Excuse me.” A short, plump brown-haired older lady says. “I saw the man force a blonde woman into the back of a black sedan. They sped,” she points to our left, “down that way. He was moving too fast for me to get a look at the plate.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” Rudy answers while looking in the direction she pointed. “Okay so we can assume he’s heading north on highway 9. Let’s have a few of ya’ll canvas the area and the rest of us will head up 9 and see if we catch a scent.”

  I’m coming for ya, Babe. Just stay strong.

  Chapter 21


  I don’t know how long I’ve been here, but since David handcuffed me to the door of his car and injected me with a needle in my neck, it’s all a blur. I woke in a dilapidated house with my hands bound together with rope attached to a rafter in the ceiling in my bra and panties. I’m barely able to touch the floor.

  David comes and goes. I should be grateful he feeds me once a day and gives me water when he remembers. There’s no electric and the place is smoldering.

  I could’ve been here hours, days or weeks, but I don’t have the faintest of time. I know my arms are painfully numb and the stretch of my body is making my muscles cramp.

  I’ve since learned to keep my mouth shut and not poke the bear that’s David. He showed me he had definitely changed from the manipulative man I knew him to be to the abusive dickhead he’s become.

  When he’s not in the room with me pacing or constantly checking the windows, he’s in the other room on the phone or he could be talking to himself. He’s unkempt and has a crazy look in his eyes.

  Just like now, he’s walking back and forth, back and forth. His hands are running through his already disheveled hair. He’s muttering something under his breath.

  “David.” I whimper. He stops and slowly turns to face me. “Can you please untie me? I can’t feel my arms.”

  “No. I will NOT untie you. Last time I did that you ran back to the bikers. Fuck that. I’m going to figure out how to get out of this shithole and get us back to Florida. When were back in Florida, I might untie you, but until then no.” He looks me up and down and his stone-cold glare turns to a smirk. “I kind of like you tied up like this. What do you think your biker boyfriend will think if I take what’s mine? I bet he’d toss you like trash. Shit, I’d have left your ass alone if you hadn’t cost me everything by leaving.” He creeps closer to me with each word. “I think I might plant a little David in you, so if he ever does find you, he won’t want anything to do with your ass.” He starts pacing again. “Yeah, I think I might do that.”

  He moves so fast I don’t have a chance to kick or fight. He rips my panties off and pulls a knife from his back pocket. “Stop fucking moving or I’ll cut your tits off along with your bra.” He bellows.

  I continue to squirm and try to get as far as the ropes will allow me to go, but there’s no hope. As he positions the knife under the center of my bra, he nicks my flesh and pulls the knife back to himself, freeing me of my bra. I watch as the blood runs down my chest to my stomach. I’m numb because I don’t even feel pain from the cut.

  He snatches the bra away from my breasts, but it doesn’t go far. He tosses the knife to the floor and grips one breast tight enough to make me scream.

  “That’s right. Scream for me. I’m going to show you why I had to go to all those bitches to get what I want.”

  He undoes the button and zipper to his jeans and they slide to his ankles. He pushes his underwear down enough for his dick to pop free. I never would have thought of his dick as small until I saw Chase’s. Where Chase is thick, David is skinny. Where Chase is long, David is stunted. I begin to deliriously laugh as David palms his little peter.

  “What the fuck do you have to laugh about?” He questions frustrated.

  “Um…nothing other than you’ve got a baby dick compared to what Chase has and I find it amusing that all those women screamed for you, as you so think they did. Have you ever wonder if they faked it? You know moaned and screamed to get you off so you would get out of them.” I chuckle on the last few words.

  “Cunt.” He growls as he backhands me and I laugh again. Nothing about this situation is funny, but I can’t seem to get a hold of it. “I’ll give you something to laugh about.”

  He steps closer, grabs my thighs in his hand and brings my core to his. At the first touch of his dick against my pussy, bile rises in my throat. He loosens his hold on one of my thighs so he can position himself better at my entrance. When he’s about to push forward, his phone rings. He drop
s my legs back to the floor. I exhale.

  “Yeah.” He answers. “When? Okay, meet me off of Burruss Road.” A few more grunts and yeah’s. “I’ll meet you and bring you back here, so you can see what I’m dealing with. Yes, I’ve got the money. You just have to do your part and get me the fuck out of Georgia.” He hangs up.

  He’s grinning wide. “We’ll be getting back to Florida sooner than I expected thanks to your little biker buddies having beef with another MC. Plus throw in a little money and it’s golden.” He spins and leaves the room. I hear a door slam and I’m left alone.


  I’m awoken from the sound of heavy boots and rough voices nearing me. I lift my head hoping that my biker family has finally found me.

  Once I get a good look at the men that are entering behind David, I bow my head again. Not even close to my biker family. These men are a part of the Rioting Devils MC. They’ve been rivals to the Chaotic’s since I was little.

  My dad told me once that the President, Brute had a thing for Queenie back in the day. Brute and Rudy were best friends. They’d started the Southern Chaotic’s together, but when Queenie started hanging around a few years after Rudy’s wife left, there was a lot of posturing for her attention. The way Dad told it Brute fell hard for Queenie at first sight, but Queenie only had eyes for Rudy.

  When Queenie made her choice, Brute left the club and his VP patch because there was no way he could watch as the woman he fell madly in love with and his best friend be together.

  He ended up starting up the Rioting Devils MC a few months later and that’s when all the chaos started. Brute wanted Rudy to half the territory and Rudy wouldn’t. Brute started muling drugs through Cumming and Rudy put a stop to it. Each would push and pull and never give a bit.

  Finally, Brute relocated somewhere in northern Georgia and as far as I’ve known there’s been no issues between the clubs. Looks like Brute’s ready to start a war.

  I look up and I’m eye level with a leather kutte with Brute stitched on to it. I gradually raise my head and into the eyes of a bald hard faced man with cold green eyes. There’s no warmth or concern on his face for me, just anger.


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