Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2)

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Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2) Page 12

by Dana Arden

  Since we’re no longer staying at Dani and Ryker’s, we started a weekly ritual of movie and pizza night. We alternate houses and we’re about sick of pizza, so the menu’s about to change.

  Jake’s become the carefree little boy he was meant to be. For Halloween, his school had a Halloween dance the Friday before. He made sure to introduce me to the nose-picking brat who he got into a fight with. The introduction wasn’t very friendly once his snobby mother decided to stick her nose in it. Let’s just say that after I was surrounded by fifteen plus bikers and their women, she backed down and dragged her son out the door.

  Chase and my relationship has definitely surpassed any expectation I had. I went from hating the man to being so filled with love by him. Its different being cuddled, kissed and caressed at every turn to what I was used to with my ex. Looking back, my relationship with him was fake. It was more for show than David actually loving me back.

  I wouldn’t change the path I’ve traveled for anything since it led me in this direction.

  Today is the Halloween Fall Festival at the clubhouse. Chase has been gone since early this morning. Jake and I had a lazy morning of watching cartoons and lounging around in our pajamas until the early afternoon.

  Now it’s time for us to leave for the festival. Jake’s dressed as a zombie Lego man. He has a Lego person head and the rest of his clothes are shredded with fake blood stains. I’m dressed as a sexy witch with a purple, green and black sequins dress that comes mid-thigh, and I couldn’t not wear the black fishnets that Dani swore I had to have with my outfit. Don’t get me started on the knee-high black boots with the pointy toes. I look damn good for a wicked witch.

  Gathering my purse, extra candy and change of clothes for Jake and myself, we head to my car, but not before my phone vibrates in my bra.

  I shift everything in my arms as I unlock the car and bring my cell to my ear. “Hello.”

  “Babe, where are you? You were supposed to be here by now.” Chase complains.

  “I’m getting in the car now. I’ll be there in like ten.”

  “Okay, drive safe. Love you.” He whispers.

  “Love you too, hun.”

  Ten minutes later, we’re pulling through the gates of the clubhouse. I wave to Toby and Benny who are manning the gate and make my way to the back.

  When we get out of the car, I stop Jake from running off and get him to help me carry some of the things I already had in the car, like the fog machine that Chase had to have.

  Getting closer to the side door, I notice someone dressed as an Easter bunny and I can’t help but giggle. Jake looks at the bunny strangely and then turns to me tugging on my arm.

  “Toots, you think that’s Rudy?” I shrug. “I won’t laugh at them until I know if it’s Rudy or not.” He whispers.

  “That might be a good idea.”

  We walk into the main room that’s filled with little kids getting their faces painted and costumes situated. I go to the kitchen where I can hear Dani talking.

  “Hey, Dani. How’re you feeling?” She looks miserable.

  “Ugh, can we just go now and have them extracted from my body. I’m tired of being tired and tired of peeing every five minutes. My ankles swell even if I stand for a minute. I’m not doing this again. I think four’s enough.” She groans.

  “Well, you look beautiful. Tell me, who’s the Easter Bunny.”

  “No clue, they just showed up about twenty minutes ago.”

  “Oh, do you know if it’s Rudy?”

  “No, it isn’t Rudy. Queenie has him dressed up like a troll doll. It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.”

  “Jake!” I yell through the doorway. He comes running over. I bend and whisper in his ear. “The bunny isn’t Rudy, go laugh and point all you want.” He nods and takes off in the direction of the last place we saw the bunny.

  Dani looks at me dumbfounded. “What’s that all about?”

  “Um, I told Jake the story of when I was little and Rudy got stuck making girly eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt. When the guys made fun of Rudy’s eggs, he made them all dress up like Easter bunnies the next day. Jake wanted to make sure it wasn’t Rudy so he wouldn’t have to do anything embarrassing.”

  She giggles. “God, I wish I could’ve seen that. Could you imagine Ryker as an Easter bunny?” I shake my head.

  I’m getting ready to respond when Jake comes hauling ass back into the kitchen and bumps into my legs. “What’s going on, bud?”

  “I started laughing at the bunny and he pushed me. He isn’t very nice.”

  “What?” I screech.

  “He pushed me because I was laughing at him.”

  “You stay here while I go and take care of this bunny.” I tell him as I pass and head for the door.



  I’ve been nothing but a nervous wreck since I woke up this morning. All the planning over the last few weeks couldn’t prepare me for the tension that the last four hours of waiting have caused.

  Lily’s my one and only. She’s my ride or die. She has my son’s back and mine. She not only respects the MC, but what it takes to be an ol’ Lady. She’s proved her loyalty tenfold and I want all of her for the rest of my life.

  The waiting is the worst part, at least that’s what Ryker and Rudy said. Most of my brothers helped with what I’ve got planned for Lily and Jake.

  Seeing them pulling into the parking lot, bobbing their heads to whatever was on the radio, was just another incentive that what I’m doing is absolute. They are mine today, tomorrow and all the days to come. The takeoff might be a little overboard, but I want it to be memorable for both of them.

  Lily and Jake walked right past me and had no clue it was me. I had to stop myself from following them inside, especially with that getup Lily’s wearing.

  Then, Jake came back out laughing and pointing at me and I had to figure a way that he would get Lily out here without telling him it was me, so I pushed him. Not hard, but enough that he staggered back. Of course, Jake went running to Lily.

  Few minutes later, a hard push from behind has me lurching forward and turning around to a pissed off Lily.

  “How’s it feel, motherfucker, being pushed around?” She screams at me and it takes everything not to laugh. She heads towards me again with purpose and I hold up my hands. She stops.

  Jake shows up at her side with his arms crossed and his eyebrows drawn low. He’s the spitting image of me. “Yeah, Mister Bunny, how’s it feel?” Man, this is too much.

  I just stand there with my hands up not saying a word. My brothers start circling around us, but Lily and Jake are so intent on me they haven’t noticed. When Lily moves forward again, I speak.

  “Whoa, Babe.” She halts. “Don’t hurt the Easter Bunny or you won’t get any candy.”

  “Ch…Chase.” She stutters. “What the fuck? Oops, sorry Jake. I mean why are you dressed like a bunny? It’s Halloween. I figured you’d be dressed as a zombie biker or something.” She says with her arms flailing at her sides and then she places one on her cocked hip.

  I take the head off and Jake’s eyes widen. “Dad.” Then it hits him. “You pushed me. Why would you push me? Toots, why did he push me?” She shrugs.

  “I did it because I needed you to get Lily out here without you or her knowing it was me, bud and it worked, so thank you.”

  He looks so confused I almost feel bad. “You’re thanking me for getting you in trouble with Toots?” He questions glancing from me and Lily. Again, she shrugs.

  I kneel on one knee and stick my hand out towards Sadie. She places the black velvet box in my hand as Lily’s hand covers her mouth.

  “So, I met this woman a few months back and I couldn’t stand her. She got under my skin and I couldn’t get her out of my head no matter what I did. Then she was taken from me before I could get to know her and I regretted treating her the way I did, so I told my brothers that night that once I got her back she’d be mine. Babe, I got you back and mad
e you mine and the damnedest thing happen. You were taken again. So after almost losing you twice, I swore to myself that this time I’d go to the ends of the earth and to the Big Dipper and back to protect you. The day we got you back, you blessed me with having another child. Now most everyone here knows that I was a foster kid and never wanted any kids because of the way I grew up.” I turn to Jake. “But the moment, I laid eyes on you, bud that all changed. You bring so much love and happiness into my life I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I look up to Lily. “So Babe, not only have you made me the happiest bastard alive, but you give life to it as well. So, Lily Rae will you do me the honor of being my ol’ Lady, the mother to my children and my wife?”

  Lily nods her head vigorously as tears spill down her cheeks. “I need the words, Babe.”

  “Yes.” She croaks. “I want to be all those things and more.” She drops to her knees and hugs me tightly. I look over her shoulder to Jake and motion him over to us. He joins in the hug and my family hoots and hollers.

  I just got the woman and the family I didn’t originally want, and I feel like I’m sitting on top of the world.

  It’s amazing what a lot of conflict can bring you when it’s reckoned correctly.

  Thank you for reading Major Conflict

  I know some of the issues that were portrayed in this book can leave a bad taste in your mouth, but awareness of any type of abuse is substantial. Abuse isn’t just physical; it can be mental and emotional. Children are our future and deserve every outlet to succeed. If you or anyone you know suffers from past or present abuse, please be the rock they need to lean on. There are many organizations that are available to help. Listed below are just a few.

  The National Domestic Violence Hotline

  The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline

  Per the Huffington Post , 1 in 5 women are at risk of being raped. As a woman and a mother, I would not be able to stand if someone was to touch my child inappropriately and I definitely would not turn a blind eye if I suspected a man, woman or child was being mistreated.

  Online resources for abuse

  Preview of Immense Tension (The Southern Chaotic’s MC Book 3)

  Chapter 1


  There’s nothing better than being in unchartered territory and being surrounded by sharks. My arrival may not have been subtle, but I’m not a very restrained woman. All my life, I’ve been balls to the walls, never slowing down unless I’m asleep. I guess you can blame it on the biker blood that runs through my veins.

  If you haven’t figured it out, I’m the daughter of the Southern Chaotic’s MC President, Rudy. I’m sure most of these men that are hovering around me have no clue that they’re hungry eyes are eating up what most MC’s consider their Princess and I’m not going to be the one to announce it.

  When I pulled up to the metal gate out front, I just lowered the window of my forest green 1967 Camaro SS and the young thing at the gate just let me through. He’ll probably be up shit’s creek without a paddle once my father realizes.

  I parked my baby and strutted right though the door to ten men in leather of various ages.

  When they didn’t speak, I let my mouth do what it does best. “Anyone up for some shots?

  And that was thirty minutes ago and probably ten shots of Patron. I feel lovely. The more liquid that courses through me the more I feel the need to move.

  “Don’t ya’ll have any music in this place?” I ask.

  “Sure, honey.” The man with Spook stitched to his kutte responds and goes about turning on the music that thumps through the clubhouse. He’s a beautiful specimen. He’s probably in his early forties, a foot taller than my five-four, broad shoulders and damn if he can’t fill out those jeans nicely.

  I jump off the bar stool and make my way to the center of the room. Yes, you better believe that every one of these men is thinking with their dicks. It doesn’t help that I’m sporting my favorite skinny jeans that have holes everywhere screaming just touch this succulent skin and possibly move your finger upward and X marks the spot, along with a black halter top that’s low in the front so my girls are on full display.

  I’m midway through swaying my hips seductively to Sex on Fire by the Kings of Leon when the music abruptly stops.

  I turn to see my little brother, Nate who doesn’t look very happy to see me, but who can blame him. I barely know him. I haven’t seen him or my dad in fifteen years, but I can only feel guilty for five of those years since my father dropped off the face of the earth when I was about thirteen.

  I place an overly fake smile on my face and slowly saunter toward Nate. “Well, well, well little brother, you grew up nice and pretty.”

  He doesn’t respond just steps back. “Aw, no love for your sister or let me guess, I don’t rate on the ‘give a shit’ scale.” Still nothing. “Well, I’m glad to feel the happiness radiating from you. Don’t worry I’ll leave now so you can go back to living your spectacular life. No skin off my teeth. It’s not like any of my family here has given a fuck about me in years.” I pass by him on my way to the door. “Glad to see ya again, Nate. Give Pops a kiss for me.”

  No one stops me and as much as I’d have treasured my brother coming to me with surprise and happiness that I finally came home, what’d I expect. They’ve left me with the devil incarnated most of my life and didn’t give a fuck about me why would they give a shit now.

  I get back into the only thing that has ever completely been mine and throw gravel as I speed out of the parking lot with my middle finger out the window waving good bye to the life I should have had.

  If you didn’t read Minor Glitches, here’s a peak at the first two chapters.


  8 years ago (September)


  “Pregnant!” I lift my head and stare into the eyes of Dr. Ryan. “Pregnant with twins, not one but two babies!”

  “Yes, dear. Your urine test came back positive and then we did the ultrasound, which puts you at about seven weeks along with twins.” Dr. Ryan grabbed my hand. “You can do this Dani. You are going to be fine. The babies look healthy and I will get you started on some prenatal vitamins. If you start cramping or not feeling right, you call the office or you go straight to the emergency room. But at this moment, everything and everyone is doing great.”

  I give Dr. Ryan a hug and take the ultrasound photos with me as I leave his office. Pregnant and not at all the flu I thought I had been suffering for the last week. God what is Ryker going to say about this. Definitely unexpected. Hopefully I will be able to get in touch with him. He hasn’t answered his phone or responded to my text in the last week. At first, I thought I had done something wrong, but that’s impossible because the last time I saw him we were laying in my bed talking about our future plans.

  Getting in my car, I call Ryker again except this time instead of going to voicemail I receive the disturbing this number has been disconnected message. What the fuck is going on with Ryker? So what else is there to do then to drive to Ryker’s house.

  When I arrive at the two-story white rancher, I get out of the car and start walking to the front door. I’m getting ready to knock when the front door swings open and a bottle blonde with her face caked with makeup, Ryker’s ex, is standing there grinning. What does she have to grin about?

  “Is Ryker here, Sammy?” No response, just a bigger smile. Oh my god, I am not in the mood for this shit. I would much rather have her lips kiss my fist, hard. “Is he here or not?”

  “Dani, well isn’t this a surprise!” Now she is rubbing her chin with her left hand that happens to have a shiny diamond ring on her ring finger. Hmmm…who is stupid enough to marry this bitch? “Ryker isn’t here. Actually he left last week for boot camp.”

  What the fuck is she talking about? Ryker never said anything about joining the military. He was going to continue to work at the seed plant a
nd we were going to save up money for a place of our own.

  “Okay, well are Doris and Todd home?” I say as calmly as I can, since my tolerance with this skank is limited.

  “Yeah, let me go get them for you.” Sammy responds in a saccharin sweet tone.

  This just seems to be getting stranger. Doris and Todd come to the front door all but blocking it like they think I’m going to barge in. Doris looks pissed and Todd just looks bored. These two have never treated me like this. They are always smiles and jokes, but apparently not today.

  “Hey Doris. Todd. Can you tell me how to get in touch with Ryker and when did he decide to join the military?”

  “We are not giving you anything, Dani.” Doris replies with a huff. “It would be best if you just leave him alone. He doesn’t need the stress of dealing with a whore on top of getting ready to start his own family.”

  Now I’m pissed. How am I a whore when the only person I have ever slept with is their son and Ryker knows that. If anyone is a whore it is Sammy who spreads her legs for anyone even when she was in a relationship with Ryker and that is why he ended it with her in the spring.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way Doris. I would’ve never expected to be treated this way by you all especially when I have done nothing wrong. Please explain how I am a whore and the tramp that is in your house isn’t.”

  Doris’ eyes bug out and if anything she seems to get even more pissed off. “We live in a small town, Dani. I can’t go to the grocery store without hearing about how you are prancing around with the Langston boy or the Jones boy down the street. I hear everything, but thankfully Ryker has cut ties with you and is marrying the woman who is having his child. Sammy is going to be having my grandchild and I will not put up with you calling her names. All you are doing is disrespecting my family. It is time for you to leave and don’t come back trying to get to Ryker or Sammy.”


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