Handcuffs and Roses

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Handcuffs and Roses Page 3

by Laura Hammond

  "Talk to me Shira, honey ... show me again where you are.... “Lisa kept repeating, willing the vision of her dream to return so she could try to find something ... anything that would give a clue to where the child was being held.

  ACROSS TOWN IN AN Old warehouse that was in the process of being converted to half million dollar lofts, a five year old girl shivered in the cold room. She pulled her feet in under the hem of her dress trying to keep warm, but it was hard to do. The lady had taken her away without her coat, and when she tried to scream, a funny smelling washcloth had been put her over her face. It had something in it that made her fall asleep, waking up later to find herself locked in here.

  She wanted to go to sleep and maybe when she woke up she would be back home with mommy, or in the trailer on set with the nice people coming by to bring her sandwiches and cookies and candies. But more than anything, she wanted to get away from the mean, horrible lady who had put her here. She hadn't a clue where she was but she could hear traffic zooming by in a big hurry outside.

  Outside the door she could hear the cruel woman shouting angrily to someone but there was no answering voice, so she assumed that the woman was talking on her cell phone. Then something crashed to the floor, followed by retreating footsteps and total silence except for the sound of the traffic.

  The little girl forced herself to stand up but her ribs hurt from where the woman had kicked her, and she felt so cold. Trying the door to the room in which she was in, she found it locked. Defeated and shivering, she slid back down to the floor. She felt so tired and frozen and her eyes started to close of their own accord.

  Maybe she would just think of other pleasant things and drift off for a while. Mommy had taught her that when you couldn't do something about a situation, you think about something else that was pleasant and it helped the bad stuff to go away. Before long she was dreaming of a pretty lady with kind grey eyes who was calling out to her, asking her to show her where she was....

  AS LISA MAYNE CONTINUED TO concentrate, holding the child's sweater, she started to receive impressions of the same warehouse she had seen in her dream, this time she could hear the sound of rushing traffic outside the room, and presumed that wherever Shira was being held, there was a Highway close by. Then suddenly the sound of the phone ringing broke her concentration...

  "Damn it McGuinn, not now!” She snapped as she noticed his name on the caller ID panel on her living room telephone, but she didn't pick it up.

  "Lisa pick up if you're there.” His very incisive voice spoke authoritatively into the answering machine. “If not, call me.... it's urgent. I think we may have a lead on the child."

  That got her attention and she reached for the receiver, but he had already hung up. Just as she was about dial his cell phone number hers rang.

  "What have you got?” she asked as she saw his name again on the call display.

  "I'll pick you up in five minutes. Be ready.” He rang off before she had a chance to respond. Damn! She wasn't used to being treated this way, and she fully intended to give him piece of her mind when he picked her up.

  EXACTLY IN FIVE MINUTES as he had said on the phone, Lisa heard on the honk of the horn in her driveway, and she quickly slipped on her favourite electric blue leather blazer jacket and hurried out to join Detective McGuinn. This morning he was driving an unmarked police car. She got in beside him the passenger seat and snapped on her seatbelt. Lisa couldn't help the beat that her heart skipped as she glanced at him, looking as hip and gorgeous as ever, along with his clean male scent mingled with expensive aftershave that were threatening to wreak havoc on her senses. Nor could she stop the rushing of the blood through her veins and the shivers of desire and anticipation shooting up and down her spine as erotic visions flashed by her like a speeded up movie montage. No damned man had a right to look this good first thing in the morning, even with the last traces of the purple and red shiner just below his left eye. He certainly was healing fast.

  This is fucking lunacy Mayne. She silently rebuked herself. But I'll be damned if he isn't the most desirable hunk of Dom male to have come my way in ages. Resolutely she forced herself to concentrate on the issue at hand.

  "May I ask one question before we proceed?"

  "Shoot.” He responded, gingerly backing out of her driveway onto the snow covered street thanks to another dump from Mother Nature last night, and the snow ploughs had yet to show up. And while she would never admit it to him, she was glad that she didn't have to drive today.

  "Whose case is this...?"

  "It's ours. Why?"

  "Then stop treating me like I'm your subordinate all right?"

  "Huh?” James slammed his foot so heavily on the brake pedal that the car scrunched on the snow and fishtailed, bumping into a snow bank on the curb before he was able to bring it to a full stop. “Goddammit!” He swore stopping fully staring at her, those brilliant blue eyes now darkened and smoldering with indignant anger.

  "What the hell are you talking about woman?"

  "I don't appreciate being ordered about or hung up on when I ask a question."

  "Jesus! Is your ego that damned fragile? I was in a rush to get here for Chrissakes! And I don't appreciate having to explain myself like this to you.... or anyone for that matter. Look here if you don't want to work with me just say so dammit! And I'll just inform Willard...."


  "No, what?"

  "Don't say anything to the chief. Okay. I was just setting some ground rules, all right? I'm your equal on this case or any other we might work on for that matter, and expect to be treated as such."

  "On a professional level I never thought of you as anything other than an equal partner. Now on another ... more personal level...” He said, softening a bit now as he started the car again and turned it around proceeding towards north to Queen Street where he turned left and headed westbound.

  Dogs don't see a fresh snowfall as an excuse for their owners not to take them out for their walk, therefore several Beaches residents were out walking theirs before they headed off for work. Although she didn't own one herself because of the nature of her job, it was the one thing that Lisa loved about her neighbourhood and she often thought that ratio of canine to human population here was a clean fifty/fifty. And she knew the name of just about every dog for a radius of five blocks. It was how she had gotten to know her neighbours when she first inherited her house and moved here; by treating their dogs to tasty homemade biscuits she had picked up at the local dog pastry shop, when she went for her morning jog along the boardwalk or Kew Gardens Park. Yes, this was her neighbourhood and she had grown to love it dearly and couldn't ever foresee moving from here.

  "Let's not go there please,” she responded to James’ statement a little too quickly while her stomach felt like a thousand butterflies were fluttering around within. “Just tell me what you've got."

  James just shot her a quick knowing glance, while the ghost of a smug smile played about his lips. She was just so damned determined to fight the inevitable; the intense desire she felt for his lead on the tether and collar around her neck.

  It's only a matter of time before you will be addressing me as Master James, and begging me to spank your ass my dear Callisto ... only a matter of time. But first we've got a case to solve and a missing child to find.

  "As you wish...” James responded blandly to her last statement. “Anyway, an informant of mine called me earlier about something he thought was rather strange. He's working as a security guard in this old warehouse in Liberty Village where all those new condos and lofts are going up. The last few days he's noticed a strange woman coming and going into the warehouse even though it is supposed to be deserted, except for the work crew that's converting it into lofts."

  "Did he give a description of her?

  "Far as he could see she's always in a long black coat with a black toque and very dark sunglasses."

  "Ohmygawd, what the hell are we waiting for? Let's move it!” Lisa felt
her stomach plummet.” James, taken aback by her sudden urgency glanced at her, momentarily taking his eyes off the road only to be barely missed by an almost out of control speeding car coming from the other direction. The driver gave him the finger and had they not been in such a hurry, he would have stopped immediately and pulled the man over for reckless driving. Instead he got on the police radio and called for any patrol car in the area stop the man, after giving a description of the other vehicle.

  "Okay, you know something that I don't?” He turned his attention back to Lisa.

  "Look, I don't know what the chief might have told you about me, but obviously he must have told you about a particular talent I have."

  "That you often see visions of situations that have to do with cases in the process of being solved. I thought it was just a bunch of hooey, but I'm not closed minded to unusual methods being utilized to help catch the bad guys by whatever means necessary. Is it true? Do you really have a gift?"

  "Yes. But don't worry. It goes against my code of ethics to use it for anything other than professional reasons, or protecting myself on a personal level. Now that you know, can you handle working with me, or would it make you uncomfortable?"

  "Hell no! It'll be quite interesting working with you on this then."

  He was telling the truth, she knew.

  "Anyway, before you rang, I had a dream of the little girl, seeing through her eyes. She's being held on a very cold place in a warehouse. Is this warehouse that your informant told you about near the Gardiner? Because there was the sound of fast moving traffic outside. She's frightened and cold, she was taken without a coat.

  "The woman who took her is one sick puppy filled with a lot of hatred and a driving need for revenge. She has physically abused the child as well. Before Chief called me on the case I'd had another dream of her, only that time I saw things through her eyes...."

  "Oh shit, I just hope we're not too late.” James speeded up as quickly as he could safely drive in such snowy conditions, turning off at Eastern Avenue which had been cleared and was a much faster route than going along Queen Street or even the Lakeshore during the morning rush hour.


  WHEN THEY ARRIVED at Liberty Village near the old warehouse that was indeed close to the Gardiner Expressway, there were about half a dozen cop cars with their lights flashing as well as an ambulance. They could see a man on a stretcher being lifted into the back of the ambulance. James barely parked the car and rushed out before the EMS's closed the door. Lisa got out and rushed after him flashing her badge at the uniformed officer who tried to stop her from crossing a yellow taped off crime scene.

  The man on the stretcher was conscious as James approached, also flashing his badge to the police and EMS's.

  "What the hell are you doing here McGuinn?” One of the officers demanded in an unfriendly tone.

  "Not that it's any of your business, but this has to do with a case that I'm working on with Detective Mayne here. Now get the fuck out of our faces let us do our job."

  "Still the smart ass ain't ya pretty boy?” The cop shot back snidely, and James shot him an ominous glare. For one alarming moment Lisa thought James was going to deck him, although the other fellow was definitely asking for it. Just then Lisa felt empathy and something akin to sympathy for him. It must have been tough looking like he did in this business. But she had already seen that James could more than take care of himself, still the woman's heart in her couldn't help but feel for him. However, she was more concerned about finding the missing Shira before the poor child froze to death wherever she was being held.

  "One more crack out of you Danzen and I'll see that your sorry ass ends up on meter maid duty,” he threatened grimly instead and turned his attention to the man on the stretcher.

  "What happened since you called me Lenny?"

  "The crazy bitch came back the warehouse and I approached her to try and find out what she was doing, coming back and forth there. She pulled a gun on me man.” The injured security guard informed him.

  "Is the warehouse open or are there any areas that you need keys for?” Lisa asked the man.

  "There are a couple rooms that are locked. You can get the keys from my partner in the security office."

  "Where is that?"

  "Right next to the Sales office and model suite."

  Lisa shot off like a bullet leaving James to continue questioning the man.

  LISA ENTERED THE COLD darkened warehouse which was in the first stages of loft conversion. Her heart was in her throat, hoping and praying that the child was here and still alive. Grey daylight filtered in through the windows but not enough to brighten the interior areas. There were many newly constructed hallways leading in different directions, and the place smelled of fresh lumber and concrete. There were pieces of lumber lying haphazardly on the floors as well. When the work was completed the building would be a box of half million dollar lofts. She had seen the advertising for it in the NOW Newspaper.

  "Shira, Shira honey are you in here?” She knocked and called as she gingerly passed each closed door. Just as she was about to go up the stairs to the second floor after covering what she thought was the whole floor and knocking on the last door, she heard a tiny, wheezy voice crying out behind it. “Shira is that you?” Lisa stepped back towards the door and tried to open it with, trying every key on the large ring she held but none worked.

  "P..please h..help me ... I'm s..s..so c.c.cold” Came the young voice again."

  "Just hold on honey I'm coming to get you."

  Lisa put her foot up against the door and gave it a hard kick. She didn't have the time to go back to the security office to get the key that might work in this door. The door didn't give an inch. She aimed another kick at it again.

  "Hold on. Let me.” James said suddenly seeming to materialize behind her, as she hadn't heard him approach. Between the both of them and one more hard kick together, the door gave way and collapsed to the floor.

  "Call for another ambulance!” Lisa ordered him as she encountered the shivering barely alive five year old girl curled up on the cold concrete floor. Lisa quickly unbuttoned her coat and scooped her in her arms, holding her close to warm up the child with her own body heat. James slipped off his leather jacket and covered the child with it as Lisa carried her out of the warehouse, her eyes blurry.

  "We'll get her to the hospital much faster than waiting for them to show up.” James decided as they rushed back to his car.

  By now most of the uniformed police officers had left and only one patrol car remained.

  "What's going on guys?” One of the officers asked as the two detectives came out with the child."

  "We have to get her to the hospital, yesterday. Can't wait for the Paramedics to arrive.” James said in a brusque voice and didn't offer anymore by way of explanation as he got into the driver's seat, started the car up and sped off as quickly as he dared on the snowy street after turning on the portable red flashing police light and snapping it into a holder on the roof of the car. His face was grim as he concentrated on the road only turning on the siren to give him the emergency right of way to speed through red traffic lights. Lisa could tell that was just as affected as she was by this situation. This time she got into the back with Shira, massaging and rubbing her little hands and feet bring warmth and circulation back to them.

  "Did Lenny give you a description of the sick bitch that did this to this poor child?” She asked in an angry but strangled voice.

  "Basically the same as he had given earlier. She never took off her sunglasses so he never saw her eyes, but at least he saw her up close this time and was able provide enough of a description. So later when he's been patched up we'll take the police artist down to St. Mike's where they have taken him, and have a sketch done for circulation."

  WITHIN TEN MINUTES they arrived at Sick Kids’ Hospital Emergency, where a team of medical personnel immediately got to work on Shira, after James and Lisa flashed their badges. By n
ow Shira had lapsed into unconsciousness. Lisa went along with them as far as outside of the Emergency OR where she was told to wait, while James went to the Admitting Department to give whatever information he could provide on the child before calling Staff Superintendent Willard at the station.

  "I've got both good and bad news,” he announced.

  "Give me the good first.” Willard demanded anxiously.

  "Shira's been found and we had to bring her in to Sick Kids. She was in a very bad shape so there was no way we could wait for the paramedics."

  "Okay, now the bad."

  "The bitch that was holding her hostage had taken the kid without a coat, and when we found her she was almost frozen stiff. They're working on her right now in Emergency. Lisa's waiting there to until they can give us news of her condition."

  "I understand that the perp shot a security guard..."

  "Yes, have a sketch artist meet us at St. Mike's in about an hour and a half. Apparently Lenny, the guard, got close up view of her. They took him there.

  "Consider it done. And James...?"

  "Yes chief?"

  "We've got to find this bitch. You and Lisa implement whatever means necessary to get the job done, but find her!"

  "You just took the words right out of my mouth chief. Dowd is still being detained right?"

  "He was taken to the Don Jail."

  "That fucking hell hole is perfect for the likes of him. I think we'll pay him a visit there when we're done here.” James decided grimly. “Can you arrange it?"

  "Consider it done."

  "In the meantime, Lisa and I will wait until the child's mother arrives. We haven't notified her. Since you're close to her I thought you'd want to do that yourself."

  Yes. She'll be so relieved. Keep me posted on the child's progress. Got another call holding,” he rang off.


  AT THE END OF WHAT SEEMED LIKE an interminable day, Staff Superintendent Willard ordered both detectives to go home and get some rest.


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