Handcuffs and Roses

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Handcuffs and Roses Page 11

by Laura Hammond

  James and Lisa got out of the car and rushed over to the scene.

  One of the detectives who had been on guard outside and had fortunately left the car to go and use the washroom, approached them with a somber look on his face.

  "Oh Christ, how do I tell his wife? Maybe if I hadn't left him alone....

  "You more than likely would also be in a body bag beside him.” James finished grimly. “Did you see anything?"

  "Yeah, just a shadowy figure clad head to toe in black that have been male or female hurrying away from the car as I was coming back from takin’ a piss.” I ordered the person to stop but they wouldn't so I fired. I hit them on the shoulder but they just kept running. I chased after them, but they got into a dark coloured Toyota and drove off. Looked like a late nineties model."

  "It's her.” Lisa interposed.

  "Did you get a look at the license plate?"

  "Yes. It was AWCP 176

  "Thanks Gord, you've been a great help.” James thanked him, then turned to Lisa, and asked. “You want to make the call to dispatch with the information? Since I've been in the position of seeing my partner get gunned down before, maybe I can help him a little.” He motioned towards the other detective who was clearly distraught.

  Lisa shook her head affirmatively, understanding.

  BY THE TIME THIS HARROWING night was over, the cops dispatched to the motel where Darlene had been staying had recovered the red knapsack with the money and all of Sandra Levenson's documents; the Fire department had been able to save most of the actress’ home but there was still considerable damage done which the insurance would cover, Sandra Levenson and her mother had been driven to the Fairmont Royal York Hotel and ensconced there; and Darlene had been apprehended. Chief Willard who had joined them at the crime scene, told Lisa that she officially had her month off as of that night, now that Darlene had been apprehended.

  "I'm going to go with Gord to Detective Wallace's home and help him break the news to the man's wife, that her husband was killed in the line of duty.” James told Lisa in a somber tone matching the look on his face as he got her alone for a few moments. “These are always the most difficult visits to make..."

  "I know. Would you like me to come along?” She offered in a soft sympathetic voice.

  "Normally I would, but I have other plans for you tonight my sweet. Here is an extra set of keys, take my car, go back to my place and wait there for me. After entering and closing the door behind you, do not lock it. You'll see a videocam set up near the entrance to the kitchen; I want you to turn it before you do anything else that I'm going to instruct you to do now. You'll then go to the play room and take the collar and leash I placed on you before and put them on first. Also take a set of leg irons and your pair of handcuffs. You'll then return to the living room. Facing the camera, I want you to remove your sweater and jeans in a slow sinuous dance like you're doing a striptease. Keep your boots on. Make sure you use the facilities first if you need to. Then put the shackles on and kneel on the floor facing the camera at all times, as you caress yourself. Play with your breasts and nipples, but don't remove the shields, stimulate yourself with your other hand and think of me tonguing and touching you all over for as along as you can bear it without climaxing. When you think you're reaching the orgasmic point you will then securely lock your wrists into your handcuffs, behind your back.

  "Oh, you may take the sheepskin rug from the play room to kneel on so that you'll be more comfortable.” He instructed her, fully in dominant headspace, his eyes with pinpoints of reflected light within them literally hypnotizing her to submit to his will. It didn't matter that over the last three days they probably had about an average of eight hours sleep. But one thing she did know was that they were both elated that Darlene had finally been apprehended.

  "I just heard Chief give you the go ahead to take your vacation, so for the next month you're entirely mine, Callisto, to train and love as I see fit.” Though he was still in Dom mode, his voice dropped to a caressing tone as he stole a quick kiss, gently cupping her cheek, then furtively looked around to make sure no one had seen them kiss. “Oh, and as of this point you will now address me as Master James. Now go my sweet slave and do as I have commanded you, exactly in the order that I've laid out. And as before, even when you hear me open the door and enter the room, do not look around. You may stop and fortify yourself with a strong cup of coffee on the way home.” He didn't have to add that they had big night of BDSM games ahead of them and he wanted her fully alert and functioning.

  "Yes, Master James,” she breathed softly, as delicious shivers of anticipation coursed up and down her spine and made her break out in goose-bumps all over. “But how will you get home?” Lisa asked suddenly feeling uncharacteristically anxious. Yet at the same time she was in there stratospheric heights of thrill as she thought about the risks of the position he was commanding her to place herself in. What if there was a fire or a home invasion while she was all locked into handcuffs and shackles and leather strap bondage bra there on his living room floor? But oh dear Lord, how can I not obey him and do as he commanded, when this was what I've been waiting for, seemingly all my life? It's almost like Paul or any other play partner I might have had, never existed. Oh lord, James McGuinn, what have you done to my head?

  "Your car is still in the underground parking garage at the station. Give me your keys. I'll drive it back here after having Gord drive me back to the station."

  Together they went to his car where she fished her keys out of her purse that had been left in the passenger seat, and gave them to him. He lightly kissed her one more time, then gently slapped her on the butt before letting her get into the driver's seat of his car. It suddenly occurred to the Lisa, the level of trust this man was placing in her, by letting her drive his expensive fancy car when he would barely allow anyone else to touch it.

  She felt a little afraid and intimidated at first as she was now operating fully in subspace, her mind entirely focused on the commands James had issued to her. She didn't want to disappoint him by missing any, but as any normal submissive, she couldn't help but wonder what the consequences would be if she disobeyed any of his commands. There was no doubt in her mind that he could be very severe in his punishment, as he had that dangerous, and sadistic yet wildly exciting streak in him. Yet at the same time he could be so gentle and loving and funny. But as in all D/S relationships, they only worked if each partner remembered his/her place in them, and she certainly knew hers and relished the feeling of freedom of not having to make the first sexual moves.

  While she had always been strong in other areas of her life, Lisa who tended to be a bit of a loner because of her gift and her sense of being different had never felt comfortable approaching a man first in a sexual situation. It didn't matter to her one that she lived in an age where it was perfectly all right do so. Also she was aware, that deep within she still sought that father figure in a lover, who would be firm with her without walking all over her once she gave him the gift of her submission.

  It was something she found that she do without fear in a D/S relationship-at least the ones she had been in so far-as opposed to a so-called normal vanilla relationships where the minute you showed any such weakness, the average man would pounce like a predator and milk it for all it was worth. While consciously she was aware that that wasn't the case with everyone in vanilla relationships, somehow, she just couldn't rid herself of the fear after seeing other so-called normal couples in action. Maybe it had stemmed from attending one too many domestic disturbance calls in her rookie days, and seeing the deplorable manner in which a lot of so-called normal men treated their partners. So therefore, consciously and unconsciously Lisa had avoided vanilla relationships like the plague for all of her adult life so far.

  No, she didn't consider herself a masochist or pain slut, far from it, suffice it to say, because she really hadn't enjoyed some of the more painful aspects of BDSM that Paul had tried to introduce her to. But her main beef wit
h him was that he had been too much of a gentleman and simply wasn't firm enough. And many times she felt like she was topping from below which took away quite a bit of the thrill of complete surrender for her. But then again, she had never completely surrendered to Paul and even now she was amazed that they had managed to have a relationship for almost eight years: Her longest, until his needs changed and he decided that he had wanted a 24/7 lifestyle slave which she hadn't been prepared to be with him. But at least he had always respected her.

  Now for the next month at least she was going to be James’ 24/7 slave, or at least he had overtly hinted at it earlier, and the tingling in her body plus the butterflies in her stomach had her feeling like a teenager on her first date. And the anticipation of the freedom of ultimate and complete surrender again evoked in her a comfortable, safe womblike feeling. With Paul, while she had been very fond of him, she had still withheld her heart. But now she felt like she was losing that last bastion of self to James, and oddly enough, she didn't mind as she looked forward to where he would take her as his submissive.


  ON THE WAY back to James’ place Lisa stopped at Lettieri's, a trendy coffee shop on Spadina and Queen, and got an espresso to go. She also got one for James.

  If nothing else will keep me alert and bouncing off the walls, this will. It certainly beats Wake Ups which would keep me wanting to go to the can all night anyway. Good gawd Master James, where do you get the stamina from? But something tells me that you are the kind of dominant who wouldn't let anything stand in you way when you make up your mind to play. And I loooove it!

  She drank the espresso while driving, careful not to spill any in the car, because she sensed that he would be royally pissed off she got any coffee stains on the expensive soft leather seats or the floor.

  Arriving at his address, after parking the car in James’ allotted spot in the underground garage, Lisa locked it and made a quick beeline for the elevator; anxious to get upstairs and ready herself for her master. She hoped he would be along soon and she wouldn't have to wait too long. Riding up to the penthouse, she reflected upon last night he brought her here and how she had ridden up, also secretly in bondage of handcuffs. It seemed so long ago. It also occurred to her that she hadn't been back to her own house since then except earlier today when he drove her home to get a change of clothing before meeting him back at the station for the interrogation of Shane Dowd. Now as she thought about it, her home was the last place Lisa wanted to be right now, as suddenly it loomed so lonely and cold before her. Yes, she would definitely have to get moving on the renovations and redecorating to make it more cozy and inviting as a home, as opposed to being a little more than just a place to crash in between shifts.

  Finishing her espresso by the time she reached the top floor, Lisa dumped the empty cup into the incinerator before walking down the hall to James suite and letting herself in. Arthur immediately rose up from his perch on the sofa and sauntered over to her, his tail like a flag pole, standing straight up in the air. He rubbed against her legs, meowed and then predictably led the way to the kitchen cupboard where she had seen James take his food from, and lay siege to it. On the way, she saw the tripod set up with the video cam, and wandered why she hadn't noticed it before leaving earlier. Then she realized that James must have set it up when she went into the shower and he went downstairs for those few minutes to feed the cat. Lisa put down the extra up of espresso on the cupboard then hastily took the time to feed the cat, and check its water dispenser. It was still quite filled as James had taken the time to fill it before they left earlier this evening.

  While Arthur stuffed his furry face, Lisa went to the Bondage room and got the collar with the chain leash and restraints that James had commanded her to get earlier. She also brought along the sheep skin rug as kneeling on the gleaming hardwood floor would get difficult after a while as she had no idea how long he would be yet before getting home. Putting down the rug on the floor positioned directly in the camera's view, she also dropped the collar, shackles along with her own handcuffs which she took out from her coat pocket, on the sofa, then placed the key to her handcuffs down on the end table beside it.

  Walking across the room again, Lisa turned on the video cam which was set on record, then with slow, sinuous movements designed to titillate, she removed her sweater. The brushing of the material across her already sensitive nipples encased in their shields caused her to shiver from the sensation, while looking directly into the lens as he had commanded. After removing the sweater, she put on the collar buckling it quite snugly around her neck, revelling in the scent and feel of the leather against her skin, while the cold dog chain resting against her chest momentarily caused her to break out in goose bumps and she shivered again from the delightful sensation.

  Lisa found that she had to remove her boots before she could get her jeans off, so she did very carefully, still managing to keep her eyes fixed on the lens. Knowing that her every movement was being recorded, Lisa suddenly felt like the exhibitionist, she had told James that she wasn't sure she really was, after all. To her surprise she found that she liked the feeling, knowing that she was pleasing her absent master who might have as well been present at the moment, as her movements before the camera were no less titillating than they would have been had he been there.

  After removing her jeans, she put the high heeled black leather boots back on, slapped on the shackles around her ankles then knelt on the rug stroking herself and playing with her breasts and nipples with slow sensuous movements just as Master James had commanded, that elicited deep wanton sighs from within her. He was right when he said that her breasts were made to be shown off in bondage, and now she could hardly wait for the ropes or leather or chains, whichever he chose to use to tonight on her. Just when she thought she would come, she put on the handcuffs and snapped them into place.

  Now her hands were securely locked behind her, and knowing that she was completely helpless if anything happened, Lisa suddenly realized the enormity of the risky position she was in. What if something happened to him and James didn't make it back home? All kinds of fear scenarios began to play in her mind and involuntarily she began to struggle against her bonds, even taking her eyes off the camera lens for a short while. In her struggle she fell over to her side. Arthur brushed by her swishing his furry tail under nose, and if Lisa hadn't known better she might have sworn that James had trained the cat to do that. It was torture not being able to scratch the itch on her nose or move the cat away, while struggling to awkwardly regain her kneeling position before her master walked in the door.

  She eventually managed to heave herself back into her original kneeling position, facing the camera. Meanwhile Arthur stayed beside her, rubbing against her, his tail brushing the bottom of her breasts, which had a surprisingly titillating sensation, but the idea still felt like beastiality to her and that was a definite ‘no no’ in her books. So Lisa, as firmly as she could manage ordered the cat away just as she heard the door open and James footsteps in the room. She had a feeling that had the cat not heard its master's entry, it probably wouldn't have budged.

  Arthur darted towards James, but Lisa didn't look back at them, keeping her eyes firmly glued to the camera as her per his earlier command.

  "I see we're going to have to get you a female of your own species to keep you occupied, but this lady is mine ol’ boy."

  Lisa heard James grin to the cat which he picked up and took upstairs, totally ignoring his slave kneeling obediently in the living room. Lisa, while she felt a little slighted that he didn't acknowledge her, understood that it was part of the game. Still she would have liked him to at least comment that he was pleased that she had obeyed him to the tee ... or did she? Oh no! She remembered that she hadn't turned on the camera immediately upon entering, or put on the collar before she came back into the room and the camera's view. He had explicitly told her to do those things first before anything else. Now she inwardly quaked, wondering if he w
as going to punish her as soon as he reviewed the tape, and what punishment was he going to administer.

  HALF HOUR ELAPSED before James returned downstairs, but to Lisa it felt like an eternity, trying to remain still in her kneeling position, not daring to look at him. However, she could feel his eyes burning upon her like an almost physical assault as he just stood there behind her for a few interminably silent minutes. By now she was swimming in her own juices anxious to feel his hands upon her, or at least the stinging lash of the whip.

  "Now we shall see how well you've followed my commands.” James suddenly announced, stepping across the room in a few long strides, and removing the DVD from the video camera. He was now dressed in leather trousers, boots and a male body harness that snugly encased his superbly built upper torso. He also wore his police hat. With an implacable expression, he looked properly intimidating; a true dungeon master. Lisa couldn't help the fire and ice that infused her whole being at the sight of him, along with the hammering of her heart against her ribs. Fear and excitement and anticipation followed by fear again chased each other around within her moving throughout her whole body to finally create a relentless throbbing in her private parts. Slipping the DVD into a player hooked up to the large screen television, James sat down on the sofa to watch it, picking up the chain tether to Lisa's collar and holding on to it. “Move closer to me my pet,” he commanded in a soft but firm voice. “Oh, you may assume a sitting position to give your knees a rest."


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