Cadence of Love

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Cadence of Love Page 3

by Willow Brooke

  “I get off at five. Why, is there something else I can get for you two?”

  “Yes there is. Would you join us for dinner? We can go get cleaned up and settled and be back to get you at five.” Brody watched her fidget and her face sadden.

  “Oh, thank you for the offer. I have to rush home to my daughter and get her settled before I rush off to my other job in a never-ending rat race. I am trapped in my very own hamster wheel. I don’t have time for such excitement.” Her eyes twinkled and her features molded into a saucy, cocky lopsided smile.

  “Or sleep from the way we found you. Where do you work tonight if you don’t mind me asking?” Brody was up to something, and Leland hoped it was good.

  “I wait tables down at Dark Tavern. If you two want a drink, it is the best place in town. The only other bar we have is Bud’s. It is a rough crowd, and doesn’t have the dance floor we do. Tonight is buy one get one free on all tap.”

  Brody immediately noticed the robotic advertisement, and furrowed his eyebrows. Two jobs? Where the hell was the kid’s dad? “Actually, we had planned on getting a couple beers before crashing. If we come in and request you as our server, we aren’t going to get punched out by your husband or boyfriend, are we?”

  Okay, that wasn’t as discrete as Leland would have been, but Brody was more of a ‘cut to the chase’ type of guy.

  Alaina’s face dropped, making Leland kick Brody in the shin under the counter. When he looked over, he understood. “No. Neither. I have to get back to work. If you need anything else, please just dial ‘front desk’ and I will get you hooked up. Enjoy your stay,” her voice shook out in a whisper, revealing emotion she fought so hard to hide. She turned on her heels and walked back into the adjoining laundry room, shutting the door behind her.

  Brody and Leland went and parked then hauled their bags to their room, keeping conversation to a minimum.


  Alaina had to bolt at the simple question, unable to keep the tears from falling. It was normal conversation and yet it made her ache inside whenever the subject arose. She couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed every time she was hit on. It was just so unnatural. She had been married for so long that she forgot what it was like and how to act. The chiming of the door signaled another customer, so she quickly wiped her face and walked back up to the computers.

  Instead of it being a new guest, Leland stood with his elbow leaning on the wall. He looked concerned about something, and she quickly drew up enough inner strength to face whatever was coming. “Is something wrong with your room?”

  “No, the room is great. I…um…well I wanted to ask you something, and please don’t get angry or think we are creepy. Brody and I were wondering if we could take you and your little girl out to eat. It seems like you are busting balls working all the time, and to be honest, we would love the company. Both of us just got back from a two year tour in Afghanistan, and haven’t enjoyed anything in a long time. We are on our way back home to Montana, but I don’t even have family to share meals with when I get there. It would mean a lot to us both.” His eyes dropped to the ground, watching his boot scuffle along the floor.

  Alaina’s heart dropped. How could two smoking hot sexy soldiers who just happened to be cowboys to boot, not have a parade waiting to welcome them back? She knew what it was like to feel alone, but she guessed it was nothing like these men. Without thinking, she blurted out, “Sure, we would love to.” Her hand flew over her mouth in surprise. Brody looked up and grinned, chuckling.

  “Did I miss you yelling out your social security number or something? Why are you shocked?”

  “Sorry…I, well, to tell you the truth I am surprised. I don’t usually accept offers, and it seems my brain answered without consulting with me first.” Her face heated.

  “Oh. Well, you are still free to take your answer back. You and your brain can discuss it if you like…I believe they call it a woman’s prerogative. Either way, we won’t have you hung for saying no.” His eyes captured the hope that shone from inside.

  “No, I mean, yes we will go. I haven’t been out in a very long time.” She could hear the sadness in her own voice. Instead of him asking why, he reached over and rested his hand on top of hers. Her skin immediately tingled at the close contact. He slowly picked it up and placed a slow, soft kiss in her palm, and turned to walk away.

  “Good. We will meet you at the diner at say—six?”

  “That would be great. See you in a bit.” She watched him go down the hall, noticing for the first time just how dangerously sexy he really was. He had the most perfect bubble, tone ass she had ever seen. It was something a woman could dig her claws into. A small giggle slipped out at where her thoughts had wondered after the insecure way she had felt only moments before. She let lose the breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding and glanced at the clock. An hour and a half. If I can hurry home, I might be able to squeeze in a quick shower.

  When Vince came in to relieve her, she rushed around in a mad dash. Vince was one of her dear friends, and on the rare occasion she was able to splurge to go shopping, he was the first person she called. He was a colorful, flamboyantly proud gay man. He loved shocking the hell out of people, and usually managed to do so daily. As one of the very few gays in the town, stones were cast and rudeness was dealt to him often.

  Alaina had run to his rescue against a dense and judgmental elderly couple spouting bible verses as if they would burn him where he stood. She simply threw a few more back at them, proving their actions were sinful and ungodly and if they didn’t leave, she would call the preacher to come perform an exorcism on their obvious demonic possessions. They spent the next four hours laughing and swigging milkshakes, becoming inseparable and best friends since.

  He was a trust fund baby, but had went overboard on his spending habits and had been put on a strict allowance. One of the stipulations set was he had to maintain a job. So, he did…kind of. He popped in for a couple hours, a few times a week to make an appearance to pacify his father. The man was too busy to check up on how many hours he worked in the same way he never had time for Vince growing up. It worked to his advantage this time, and Vince played it to the fullest.

  “Oh, Vincie, I am so happy to see you. Okay, I only have a few minutes to explain, but I need your expert advice. So, these two guys came in today,” Alaina jabbered at the speed of light.

  “Wait, wait, wait! Did you just say two guys? You naughty girl! Tell me everything!” Vince squealed, swatting her on the butt.

  “No, it’s not like that…well, kinda not like that. Anyway, they asked me and Lizzie to dinner. They just got back from Afghanistan and have like no family to go home to in Montana, and could use the company. What do you think?”

  “Hold up. First off, how is it kinda not like that, and they are soldiers?” Vince’s eyes bugged and his mouth gaped in a giant ‘O’.

  “Kinda as in, they are both walking orgasmic sex machines, and they were in the Army and just got out. Special Forces. I swear, when Leland asked me, he had so much sadness in his eyes I couldn’t say no. I don’t think they are dangerous, and it is at the diner. So, what do you think!” She was almost bouncing.

  “What do I think? I think you need to share, you naughty girl! I haven’t dated a soldier yet…yum nom nom!” Vince sucked his finger and flicked it high in the air.

  “Oh my gosh, Vincie. Okay. I don’t think they swing that way, but if they do, you will be the first to find out. They aren’t just soldiers. They are cowboys too.” She lowered her voice on the ‘cowboy’ part like telling a dirty little secret.

  “Oooh double yum! I get dibs on Brokeback Mountain, Alaina!” Vince clapped his hands together, overexcited.

  “Settle down there, hot stuff. Should I go to dinner, and actually take Lizzy? Is that bad parenting? It isn’t like I am sleeping with either of them, and I haven’t taken her out to eat in months. What do you think? I need your opinion!”



  “Yet. You aren’t sleeping with either or both of them yet.” Vince winked, chewing on his bottom lip like an overeager child ready to step into Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. “I hope you don’t chicken out, get all emotional, and miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. Knock them bats out of the cave, my dahling! Go! Yes, I say go, go, go!” He literally squeaked.

  “You horny little devil you. Okay, all that aside, is it a bad mommy move?”

  “No, silly goose. It isn’t. You and Lizzy both need a damn life! Take that girl and go get a steak for shit’s sake. Then, bring her to me so we can play with all of her little ponies and go get you a double heaping of man steak for dessert!” Vince thrusted his hips in a goofy, swirling, 1970s porno style manner.

  Alaina burst out laughing, doubling over from his dramatic performance. “You are too much. You really want to watch her tonight? I can’t pay you, Vince. I can’t even pay my light bill right now.”

  “Hush your mouth. I am not watching her. I am hanging out with a cool kid that shares my love of glitter! I have no plans, and no date…unfortunately. I swear I need to get out of this town and find somewhere that will accept my glamour and awesomeness. We will have a blast.” Vince grinned and poked his finger in his cheek in a mock dimple, tilting his head to the side, cutsie.

  “That you are, my dear. You will find someone that sees the amazing person that I see. You are my bestist friend in the world. I love you, sweetheart.” She hugged his neck and planted a kiss on his cheek, thankful that God had blessed her with such an amazing person in her life. “Okay, I will see what happens. I am not sleeping with them, so don’t go getting any ideas in your head. Besides, I still have to go work at the bar tonight. I really can’t afford to take off, but it’s not like a few bucks is going to help my situation any more than it is. I would rather go home and sleep. I am so damn tired, Vince. I am working myself straight into my grave.”

  “Oh, honey. I know you are. I wish there was something I could do to help. We will figure something out, okay? Even if we have to be roomies, we can get through this. Now give me a hug and get your hot little booty out of here!” Vince pulled her in a huge squeeze, giving her the emotional reassurance she needed.

  “Okay, if you say so. I am going to run home and change. Thank you for the advice. I will see you later tonight.” She turned and headed toward the doors.

  “Bye, girl. Remember, no bats in the cave!” His last parting comment left her giggling and in good spirits.

  Chapter Three

  Alaina held two outfits up against her in the mirror trying to decide between a skirt and jeans. With one last glance at the clock, she tossed the skirt and threw on her jeans and a button up purple top. It was the diner, not a five star restaurant. With a last face and hair check, she hollered for Lizzy. “Baby girl, are you ready to go get dinner and homemade pie?”

  “Yes, mommy! I want the blueberry kind with lots of ice cream this time!” The little girl bounced toward her wearing her favorite dress complete with tights, shoes, and a bow in her hand to put in her hair. “Can you put my bow in? I want to look pretty for our new friends!” Her sweet little smile beamed in excitement.

  “Come here, baby. Of course I can put your bow in. I am sorry we haven’t been out anywhere in so long. I will try to take you places more often, okay?”

  “It’s okay, mom. I know you work all the time and can’t have money for stuff. It’s not your fault. I love watching movies with you.” Her sweet little voice spoke such grownup words. Alaina’s heart melted.

  “When did you get to be so mature, little missy?”

  “When daddy left us.” She smiled and placed a kiss on Alaina’s cheek, bringing tears to spill from Alaina’s eyes. “Don’t cry, Momma. I love you.” Her little arms wrapped around her waist in a huge hug.

  “Oh, pumpkin, I am so sorry. How did you know all of that? I tried to hide it from you. You didn’t do anything wrong, okay? Sometimes daddies just have to go and don’t have a good reason. I promise we will get on our feet and I will have money to buy you stuff and take you fun places like the zoo and the aquarium. It is just taking a little longer than I expected.” Alaina’s arms lifted the perfect little creation and she moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Her hand caressed over Lizzy’s long locks, soothing and reassuring her with love.

  “Mommy, you didn’t do anything wrong either. I think we need to just leave and never come back too. Maybe there are better jobs where you only gotta work one and not all the time. I know you never sleep and you are gonna not grow if you don’t get your rest. That is what Mrs. Sanders says when I don’t want to go to bed.” Her little eyes looked up, filled with so much innocence, and unconditional love, Alaina’s heart broke. It killed her that her eight-year-old had to grow up so fast. Kids should be able to live carefree. That was the whole point of childhood, and she had been robbed of hers.

  “I know, baby, maybe someday we will. And Mrs. Sanders is a very smart woman. I will try to sleep more so I don’t shrink into a little bitty woman okay?” Her comment made Elizabeth giggle.

  “Okay, deal. Are your friends nice like Vince? I really like him. We play all kinds of stuff together, and he plays Barbies and Littlest Pet Shop and cool games with me.” She had her duffle bag packed of said toys and sitting by the door before Alaina could even get her shoes off.

  “I don’t know, Liz. They were in the Army and just got home from Afghanistan. They needed someone to be nice to them and welcome them home, so I said we would go. They sacrificed to keep us safe, so we can go to dinner and show them we appreciate it.”

  “Wow! Real soldiers? That is so cool! I wonder if they have lots of neat stories to tell!”

  “Now, Elizabeth, war is not something soldiers like to talk about, so don’t go asking a million questions okay? Let’s just show them that we are happy they made it home safe and be their friends tonight.” Her voice was a bit more firm, flipping into mom mode.

  “Okay. Can you put my bow in so we can go?” Her tone had turned half pout, but she handed the blue ribbon to her and turned around.

  “That I can. Okay, all set. You look beautiful, baby. Are you ready?”

  “Yep! I will race you to the car!” she yelled over her shoulder in mid-dash out the room.

  “And you will win, babe. If I had even part of her energy…” Alaina said in the now empty room.


  Her car spit and sputtered into the parking space and backfired like a cannon going off, making her heart clench and Elizabeth giggle. After it ran for a whole ten seconds after she turned the key and a loud gunshot sound echoed from the backfire, they got out and walked into the diner hand in hand.

  She immediately spotted the sexy duo from the door, sitting in the back. Their presence dominated the room like a blinding blinking light, sitting like two giants in a world of leprechauns. Brody was the first to see them and waved her and Elizabeth over.

  Immediately her heart flipped somersaults against her ribs. Stop it. They are just two guys who need a friend. This isn’t a date, but it is a good step in the right direction. I need friends too, and to get over that worthless son of a bitch. Here goes the first day of the rest of my life. She smiled a genuine, happy grin at the pair as they watched her approach. Both of them sat on the same side, with their backs against the wall and their view facing the rest of the room. When she and Elizabeth slid in the booth across from them, her nerves peaked in her throat.

  “Hello, ladies. We are so glad you could join us for dinner. What is your name, sweetheart?” Leland said, looking at Lizzy.

  “My name is Elizabeth Nicole Bradford. Who are you guys? Momma said you were soldiers and that I am not supposed to ask questions unless you talk about it but just show you that we are so happy you are safe.” Her little lips flapped in rapid fire, making Alaina blush and hide her eyes with her hand.

  “Well, that is a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl. You get your pretty looks from your mom.” He grinned,
reaching over gently to lower her hand and winked.

  “I’m Brody, and this here is Leland. We were soldiers. Now we are back to being cowboys.” He smirked, finding amusement in her rambles.

  “Wow! Like real cowboys with horses and cows and chickens?”

  Both guys chuckled. “We were, and will be again soon. There are a few things we have to do to fix up the old farm, but when we get it up and running, we will have a bunch of horses and hundreds of cows.” Leland turned as the waitress walked up, handing them all a menu.

  “Do you guys need a minute or do you know what you want?” Flo asked, pulling a pencil out from behind her ear. She had worked at the diner since the 1960s, and still waited tables like they did from back in the day.

  “Ladies first.” Brody nodded toward Alaina and Elizabeth.

  “Oh…um, thank you. I will have the eight ounce sirloin, rare, with mashed potatoes and asparagus. Liz will have a cheeseburger and fries, and two Cokes please.” Alaina flinched at their order, knowing the ticket was going to be something to cry over. Her plate alone was almost eight bucks, and Elizabeth’s was five, plus drinks and desert on top of that.

  “We were told to order the Cattleman’s Special. Can we both get that?”

  “For big boys like you, I will make sure you get extra taters and less salad. How do you want your steak cooked, doll?” Her features lit up at the mesmerizing pair of man candy.

  “We both would like it rare please, ma’am, and a root beer to drink.”

  “I will have a Sprite with mine,” Brody’s low voice vibrated like soft velvet.

  Flo jotted down their order and smiled. “Okay, kids, coming right up!” She turned and hustled back to the kitchen full of spunk. Why can’t I have that much energy? She is over twice my age, and I feel like death, Alaina thought. Brody pulled her out of her self pity party with the simple brush of his thumb against her arm that rested on the table. Leland and Elizabeth were in deep conversation about all things ranch like, and Alaina was left to finally seep in the moment. Her eyes darted straight to his in a dumbfounded look.


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