Cadence of Love

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Cadence of Love Page 5

by Willow Brooke

  “We are taking her to St. Peter’s Hospital. She is in shock, her body temperature is too low, and her blood pressure is through the roof. I think it would be best to let them thoroughly check her over.” The middle-aged woman patted Alaina’s hand. “Everything is going to be okay, honey. Lean back and get some rest.” Alaina nodded and laid down on her back. “Let’s get you two checked out now.” She crooked her finger at him and Leland, motioning for them to sit on the truck.

  “That’s not necessary, ma’am. We weren’t in the vehicle. We watched them go over and dove in to get them out.” There was a slight crack in Leland’s voice, giving way to the relief that consumed him.

  “Okay. If it were wintertime, I would insist. However, since the river is warmer this time of year, and the air isn’t cold, there isn’t really a chance of hypothermia. Still, you two get dried off and out of those wet clothes as soon as possible. Now, take your daughter home and get her in a hot bath and to bed. Thank you so much for what you did here today. You boys saved these girls’ lives.” The paramedic didn’t give them a chance to respond. She turned and loaded the gurney into the ambulance in a rush. Her stern voice quickly hushed all of Alaina’s protests before an oxygen mask was slapped over her mouth and nose. She and a male paramedic climbed inside and allowed the other crewmembers to secure it tightly.

  Leland snickered, giving Brody a smug look. “Okay, Uncle Brody, you heard the lady. Let’s get Elizabeth warmed up. Lizzy sweetheart, do you have a spare key at your house anywhere?”

  “M-M-Mrs. Sanders has one next door,” Elizabeth said through chattering teeth.

  “Okay, well let’s get you home and dry.” She didn’t respond, but kept her head nuzzled in the crook of his neck and her arms locked tightly around him. He managed to get her untangled long enough to buckle her in the middle between them and get his own seatbelt on before she leaned over on his shoulder and clung as if her life depended on it. It was obvious she was still in shock, and probably scared shitless. Brody scooted into the driver’s seat, and pulled away. The cops were cuffing the truck driver when they passed by, even though he had been the one to call 911, he had almost killed them both. Whether charges were pressed or not was between Alaina, the cops, and the law.


  It wasn’t long before they parked in front of Alaina’s apartment with the help of Elizabeth’s directions, and once again Leland hoisted the girl into his arms and carried her in the direction of her silent pointing finger. They knocked on the door of an apartment that was in the same building as where Elizabeth said hers was and waited. A few moments later a very worried looking elderly woman appeared.

  “Can I help you, boys?” She immediately caught sight of Elizabeth and gasped. “Oh my gosh, Lizzy baby, what happened? Where is your momma? What is going on?”

  “Ma’am, I am Leland Reynolds and this is Brody Williams. We went to dinner with Alaina and Elizabeth tonight and followed them when she left to take Elizabeth to Vince’s for the night. We both noticed how tired she seemed and were concerned about her driving. Thankfully we did, or they would not be alive right now. A trucker took a turn too wide, making Alaina slam on the breaks. Her car fishtailed and took off in a spin, flinging down the cliff into a river. Brody and I jumped in and got them out, but the car was already under water. Alaina is going being checked out at the hospital but should be fine. Elizabeth here said you have an extra key, and we want to get her dry clothing and into a hot bath to warm her up.”

  “Oh dear heavens! Yes of course. Follow me. I knew that girl was wearing herself too thin. She has been working herself into her grave since Brian left them high and dry. The no good, worthless, waste of oxygen is nowhere to be found. I am so thankful you boys were there tonight. These girls are my world.”

  “It was our pleasure, ma’am. Thank you for helping,” Brody’s words were laced in a heavy southern drawl, giving the clue that his guards were down and he was stressed. It happened in the field on numerous occasions, and was usually Leland’s sign to pull him out and take a break. He was known for working seventy-two hours plus straight, and wouldn’t rest until Leland made him. She led them over to the apartment and unlocked the door, stepping in to flip the lights on. Once everyone was inside, she secured the door and led everyone into the living room.

  “They are two extraordinarily special girls, Mrs. Sanders. You would have been so proud of Elizabeth. She plugged her nose and helped kick all the way to the shore. She was a real brave little soldier tonight.” Leland let his pride show through in his words. The elderly lady smiled a sweet knowing grin, her eyes flashing with a bright twinkle. It was no wonder Alaina and Elizabeth held this woman so dear to their heart.

  “Well how about that. She is a strong little girl, that I have no doubt. Lizzy sweetheart, I am so proud of you!”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Sanders. When will mom get to come home?” Her little voice squeaked in a half tearful, half sleepy whine.

  “She will be home soon, sweetheart. Let’s get you in a bath, okay?”

  “Okay.” Leland put her down and kissed her on top of the head before she ran down the hall to the bathroom.

  “I will be right back. I am going to get her dry clothing, and see if I can find something for you two to wear. Make yourselves at home, but don’t sit on the couch until you get those sopping britches off.” She pointed her finger at them in a motherly fashion and grinned.

  Both men saluted, answering a simple “Yes ma’am!” with a grin. They decided that the wooden kitchen chairs would probably be a safe call, and would keep them from getting a scolding, so both sat.

  “What are we going to do now? We can’t leave,” Leland spoke quietly.

  “I don’t know, but we are not leaving her. I say we pack them both up now and when she gets out of the hospital, we load them up and take them when we go.” Brody’s Neanderthal tendencies shined bright.

  “We can’t make that decision for her, Brody. If we go getting all bossy, she is going to high tale it and we will never get our chance. Plus, we need to see how bad things are at home before we uproot them. I say we go home in a few days, get things arranged, then come back down and get them. We can leave enough money so Alaina won’t have to work until we come back, and get her a car when she gets out of the hospital. That clunker didn’t help the accident any. Those damn tires were bald and the brakes were probably shit. I don’t know what happened, but I do know that her ex is a piece of shit for leaving them in this situation.”

  “That he is, gentlemen. Did she tell you anything about it all? I overheard you in the hall and think you might need filled in. Alaina is like a daughter to me, but the fact of the matter is, she can’t continue like this. She needs help, and most of all she needs loved again. Brian and she had been together since high school. One day six months ago he informed her that he was tired of her and wanted other women and left. He didn’t say goodbye, didn’t leave a reason, just flew the coop. Their marriage seemed normal and Alaina thought he loved her. She was shattered. Elizabeth went through months of not sleeping, having horrible nightmares. Alaina just doesn’t sleep, and I think it is probably for the same reasons. She works herself sick and still can’t hardly make ends meet. Now, I know you boys just met her, and I won’t let her take off with strangers. But…if you two are good men and you three fall in love, then I will be more than happy to help in any way. She needs her happily ever after, and I know it is going to take more than one man to make that happen. These girls need a lot of love, and time.”

  Both Brody and Leland looked at each other and back to the informative woman, smiling at her. “Thank you for sharing all of that with us. We do want to see where this goes between us, but we are going to help her regardless. That son of a bitch is lucky he disappeared. He would be in for one hell of an ass beating.” Brody’s temper flared, making Mrs. Sanders grin. She handed them both a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt from the clothing Brian had left behind.

  “I thought the same thing, boys
. I have a shotgun with his name on it, and me and now you two are the only ones who know. I was married to a marine for fifty-two years. My Melvin taught me how to lock and load, and point to kill. I intend to do just that if he ever shows his face around here again.”

  This woman was amazing. Brody had never met an elderly lady with so much spunk and fire in his life. He and Leland both snickered, rising long enough to hug her neck and reassure her that they had only the best of intentions and vowed to keep them safe. She planted a kiss on each of their cheeks and moved into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Brody stepped up beside her and offered assistance.

  “Oh no, dear. You two get out of those clothes now. The bedroom is down the hall to the left. You can bring your wet ones back to me and I will get them in the laundry.”

  “You don’t have to do that, but thank you so much. There is a laundry mat in our hotel that we can toss them in later,” Leland said as he started down the hall.

  “Oh, don’t be silly. It won’t take me but a minute to get them started, and I can have them ready for you to slip back on when you get back from the hospital. Now, hurry up and get moving. Alaina will be flipping if someone isn’t there to reassure her. I will call the nurses’ station and let them tell her that I have Lizzy for tonight. I think both of you need to go see her if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. We had already planned on going. Thank you so much for everything.” Brody followed Leland and went to change.

  Once the door was closed behind them, they shucked out of the wet garments and tossed them in a pile, examining their dry attire with a scowl. “Do you think these were her ex’s?” Brody’s nose wrinkled in disgust.

  “Yeah probably. Oh well, joke’s on him. I don’t mind picking up what he discarded and left behind, do you?”

  Brody’s face twisted into a grin. “Nope, not at all.” Once they were finished, he heaped the sopping clothing in his arms and started down the hall. He stopped in front of the bathroom, listening intently. Elizabeth was crying. “Sweetheart, are you okay in there?” he hollered through the door.

  A shaky, sniffling voice answered, “Yeah.”

  “Why don’t you hurry and come out and you can ride with us to the hospital to see mommy. I know she wants to see that you are okay as much as you do her. What do you say?”

  The tears seemed to stop. “Okay! I am almost done.”

  “Good. Get dressed, brush your hair and teeth, and come to the kitchen. I am going to go ask Mrs. Sanders if it is all right.”

  “Okay! Thank you, Mr. Brody!”

  “You are welcome, angel.” His heart warmed. She was the sweetest, most amazing kid he had ever met. The longer he was around her, the more he softened, and the more attached he got. It had been one day. Lord help him if he got to spend a lot of time with her. She would have ponies, toys, and everything she could possibly dream of having. He grinned and sauntered down the hall, finally excited for the first time about his future.

  When he got to the kitchen, Mrs. Sanders was pouring cups full and setting out the creamer and sugar. “How do you take your coffee, Brody dear?”

  “I like cream and sugar please, ma’am.”

  “Yeah, he likes sissy coffee. He can’t drink it like a real man. You should have seen all the grief he got in the service when the boys found out about his feminine coffee preferences.” Leland grinned, chaffing his brother in arms, and best bud.

  “I'm sorry I can’t stand drinking it bitter and nasty. There is nothing wrong with wanting a little flavor.” Brody sat down feeling underappreciated and emasculated.

  Both Mrs. Sanders and Leland laughed. She walked over with cup in hand and patted him on the shoulder. “Here you go. Melvin liked it the same way, and he was as manly as they came.” She winked and sat beside him.

  “See there, Leland? I am not the only one who likes a little sweetness and cream.” His assiduity was soon diverted by Lizzy who was running down the hall, shoes in hand.

  “Okay, I am ready! Did you ask?”

  “Did he ask what, sweetheart?” Mrs. Sanders said.

  “Brody said he was going to ask if I could go to the hospital with them to see momma.” Uncertainty swept over her features.

  “I don’t see why not. When you are done, you can drop her off at my house. You guys get going before it is too late. I will lock up and head home. If you need in again, just come holler at me. Thank you, boys, again, for everything.” She hugged and kissed them both, shooing them out the door.

  Brody picked Elizabeth up and carried her to the truck, setting her in the front seat. She scooted over and buckled, smiling that they let her ride in the front again.


  The hospital room door was closed. Brody pushed it open quietly, not wanting to wake her if she was finally getting some much needed rest. When he caught sight of her, she was curled up in a ball, sound asleep and snoring loudly. The nurse told them she had been sedated to give her body time to recover, and apparently it had worked. They went in long enough to allow Elizabeth to kiss her on the cheek and leave a note on the side table. After Leland took her down to the vending machine for candy and a pop, Brody walked over and sat beside her. Her face was so angelic when she slept. All of the worry lines and darkness had disappeared, leaving her beautiful features to shine bright. Unable to resist, he reached over and swiped her hair off her neck and forehead. His heart tugged at the crap she had been through, and he wanted to wrap her in his arms and shield her from the bad shit the world dished.

  As his thoughts clouded his concentration, he rested his chin on his hand that lay on the metal bed rail. He couldn’t stop staring at her. She smiled in her sleep, making happiness seep into his core. It was unbelievable how the past twenty-four hours had changed so much. He barely knew this woman, and yet he was planning a future that included her. What if she doesn’t like us? What if she freaks at the idea of both of us? What if she doesn’t want to ever see us again? And Elizabeth…what a doll. If things do go right and she does want a relationship, will she allow them to be a part of her life? his thoughts were cut short by a scream that pierced the air.

  “Alaina! It’s okay, sweetheart. I am here. What’s wrong? Do you hurt?” Brody did a once over of her body, checking for any visible injuries.

  “Brody? Wh-what are you doing here?” Confusion laced her groggy words.

  “We brought Elizabeth up to see you. She is down at the vending machines with Leland. Mrs. Sanders gave us the okay as long as we had her back in an hour. She mentioned a shotgun and the fact that her late husband was a Marine.” He chuckled.

  “She is protective. I hope she didn’t threaten you two.”

  “No, it was brought up in conversation and we just took it as common knowledge that she would use it on whoever needed it.”

  Alaina smiled. Her face brightened, even through the drug-induced haze. “Thank you so much for everything… I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there. And Lizzy…” The fear set in hard lines around her eyes and mouth. “Why…why were you guys following me?” She didn’t appear to be mad or upset, but he decided to tread lightly on the subject.

  “We could see how tired you were. From what we gathered through the dinner conversation, it didn’t look like you had slept in a long time. With you behind a wheel and Elizabeth with you, we wanted to make sure you made it all right. We were going to meet you at the bar later and surprise you, but the night took a bad turn.” He could hear the anger in his own voice and made a mental note to ease up.

  “Well, thank you so much. You saved our lives. You two…are so different.” Her eyes fluttered sleepily.

  “You need to rest, honey. We will see that Lizzy gets back safe and sound and amped on chocolate and caffeine if Leland has his way…” He offered her a smile.

  “She hasn’t had this many treats in I don’t know how long. She deserves it, and I am so thankful for you two. You both are like our guardian angels.” Elizabeth and Leland stepped through th
e door, diverting the conversation.

  “Mommy!” Elizabeth ran over to the bed and hopped up on the side, flinging her arms around Alaina.

  “Hey, baby girl. Are you okay?”

  “Yep! Mrs. Sanders gave me a hot bath, and then Leland took me for candy and pop. He let me get three things out of the machine, Mom! It was awesome. I brought you your favorite…a dark chocolate MilkyWay.” She pulled the smashed candy bar out of her pocket and handed it to Alaina.

  “Aww, well thank you, baby. I will put it here and eat it later, okay? You need to get home to bed though. You don’t want Mrs. Sanders beating up Leland and Brody do you?”

  Elizabeth giggled. “No, ma’am. I love you. Are you coming home tomorrow?”

  “I should be home by noon. Then we will figure out what we are going to do next, okay?”

  “Okay, Momma. I love you. Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite!”

  “I love you too, baby. Say your prayers okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Leland, are you and Brody gonna bring mom home tomorrow? We don’t have a car now.”

  “Elizabeth, don’t go bothering them now. I will make a few phone calls.”

  “Don’t even think about it. Of course we will bring mommy home tomorrow. You can come with us, and we can stop for lunch on the way home, okay?” Leland piped in. Elizabeth nodded and grinned.

  Leland stepped over and brushed a kiss against Alaina’s brow. “Get some rest. You aren’t going to have to worry about anything anymore, okay? Just relax. Everything will be better tomorrow.”

  Her eyes blinked rapidly, first on Leland then Brody. Her face showed a small little glimpse of the hope that sparked inside. “Thank you both so much, for everything.” Her eyes welled up with tears and Leland took the cue to get Elizabeth home.


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