Cadence of Love

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Cadence of Love Page 7

by Willow Brooke

  Brody pointed to the man on his left, who had sandy brown hair. He was built the same, showing hours and hours of gym time, or physical training, or both. He was only an inch or two shorter than the first, and when he made eye contact, she almost gasped. His eyes were almost golden in color. It was the coolest thing she had ever seen in her life. He lowered his lashes and quirked the side of his mouth in a cocky grin, giving her a flirtatious wink. “That pussy there is Wesley Newman, or Romeo for obvious reasons. He has been known to charm the panties off a whole sorority in one night.”

  His smirk morphed into a cocky, cheesy grin. “Delta Kappa Fi, and it was less than four hours.” She laughed. He was definitely the playboy of them all—that was for sure.

  “Next we have Drake Shields, or as we call him, Dracula.” When Alaina followed his finger, she had expected to see a resemblance of a vampire or something gothic. What met her was a brown haired, brown-eyed surfer type standing close to six foot one, and weighing in at about two hundred pounds. He was leaner than the others, but still had the muscle tone body builders would die for. So far, she was noticing a trend.

  One of the others who was standing in the back stepped forward into sight, glaring with such an intensity she dropped her eyes to the ground and scooted her foot along the sidewalk. An uncomfortable silence stretched on for what seemed like an eternity. When everyone burst out in laughter, she looked up, getting the full effect of the mortification that swamped her. She looked to Brody and Leland for help in the intimidating situation. Leland stepped over and wrapped his arm around her other side, scolding the group. “Don’t let them bother you, baby. That is the reaction everyone has when they meet Dom. Meet Jeremy Jagger, our platoon leader. He goes by Dom because he is a dominate son of a bitch and anyone who he meets instantly backs down.”

  “Aw, now, Brody. That’s not the only reason I am called that.” His deep gravely voice raked over her flesh, creating goose bumps. When she looked at him again, his eyes smiled in an intensity that almost brought her to her knees. With almost black hair and matching eyes, he was a serving of sin on a platter with a huge helping of fuck me please. His features were sharp and defined, perfectly accented by a straight nose and full lips. His body made her think of Leonidas from the movie 300. He screamed power. She couldn’t break eye contact with him until he smiled, giving her a onceover before stepping closer.

  “No, that’s not the only reason. Dom enjoys a different type of lifestyle, baby. He likes to play rough.” Brody snickered, loving the almost hurt look Dom shot him at his understatement of his preferences. He lived the BDSM lifestyle twenty-four/seven. Whether man or female, every interrogation he was in charge of had been a full success.

  “Okay, next we have Nick Hughes. He goes by Kodiak, because he is huge like a bear and strong like the alcohol. Kodiak is also a huge teddy bear when it comes to women and kids. We were going through a town in Afghanistan one day. The sun was blazing down, and all of the hajis were gathering around our convoy hoping for handouts. We had been instructed not to give anything, but half way through, Kodiak spotted this little girl. The family was giving all of the boys the food they had, and left her with none. She was in ratty shards of clothing and dirty. The women and girls aren’t allowed to speak to us, but Kodiak didn’t care. He stopped the truck and walked over to her, handing her a whole box of cookies and treats he had just received that day from back home. The men stepped over to take it away from her and Kodiak locked and loaded his M4 before dropping it straight in the middle of her father’s forehead, telling them to back the fuck off or he would shoot. We sat there while she devoured as much as she could eat. He gave her a couple bottles of Coke he had saved, and told the father if they took it away that we would be back through and he wouldn’t like what would happen. On the way home, the father greeted us and spent over twenty minutes assuring him the little girl drank it all by herself.”

  “It pissed me off. The poor kid was crying and begging for something to eat. Fuck that shit,” Nick said in a huff, still passionate about the incident.

  “I think that is beyond cool of you, Nick. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Nick’s heart warmed Alaina in a way that only a mother could appreciate. She smiled sweetly, watching as the memory’s irritation slipped from his features. His dark blue eyes sparkled against what she was sure to be curly brown hair if it ever grew out. He was just as drop dead sexy as the others in the group.

  “Last but certainly not least, we have the lethal beauty, Alex Strong. She earned the nickname Vice in A.I.T. during combatics training. Some mouthy punk was taunting her and using a few low blows to get his opinion of women in the military across. After Alex flipped down onto her hands, locked her legs around his neck in a handstand, and spun, he fell to the ground gasping for air with his views on women being weak and baggage soon changed. She later went on to get sharpshooter in marksmanship, and graduated at the very top of every class and training we had.”

  A brunette bombshell stood before her. The woman had long dark hair tied into a perfect ponytail, accenting the most unique turquoise eyes she had ever seen. It looked like the crystal oceans of the tropics resided in her huge peepers. With movie star full lips and curves that didn’t end, Alaina felt homely and plain next to her. Alex stepped to the front of the group with her expression hard and her shoulders back. When she reached around and hugged Alaina, it shocked the hell out of her. “I am so sorry about your baby. I promise that fucker will pay, and never touch either of you again.” Alaina hugged her back, glad the woman had turned out to be nice and not a total bitch.

  “Thank you so much. I can’t even begin to describe what it means for all of you just to show up to help. I will forever be in your debt.” Alaina fought the tears that stung the backs of her eyes and constricted her throat.

  “Don’t thank us, Alaina. It is our pleasure.” When she released her hold, her whole demeanor changed instantly. She was back to the puffed up, mean looking badass soldier once again. Alaina could only nod a thank you without showing weakness in the emotions that shook her.

  “Okay, load up!” Brody’s voice boomed, sending the group to pile in both the cab and the bed of the truck. Alaina scooted in the middle on the front bench, and was soon hoisted onto Leland’s lap to allow Jeremy Jagger a spot by the passenger side door.

  “Why am I stuck in the middle? You should be riding bitch, Dom.” Leland’s joking tone brought snickers from the back seat. The deep growling that came from the beast next to her scared the shit out of her. She tried to scoot away inconspicuously but forgot she was on Leland’s lap. He bent down and whispered in her ear, “Don’t be afraid, love. He is harmless.”

  “No, for once the seating arrangements are right. You are in your proper place, Rock,” Jeremy said sarcastically. He snickered, making her wonder what he was so amused with.

  “Rock? Like the wrestler?” she asked, curiously.

  The cab erupted in laughter, clearly knowing something she didn’t. When she turned around slightly to look at him questionably, he grinned. Instead of explaining, he shifted under her, giving her a very delicious and vivid explanation. A huge, hard bulge pressed into her butt, making her gasp. This of course brought more laughter from the others. Her face heated, knowing they all knew good damn well what had caused her breathless reaction.

  “Ol’ Rock here has a problem with all of the vibration from the Humvees. He invented a new shade of blue last deployment. The medics had to keep ice packs stocked for when we returned from scouting and recon.” Wes Newman perked up from the back, sending everyone into loud, tauntingly fun conversation.

  “So, what is Brody’s nickname? Doesn’t he have one?” Everyone burst out in song, singing, “You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling” by The Righteous Brothers, laughing. “Oh no, don’t tell me. Top Gun? Really? So which one are you, Maverick or Goose?” She giggled at the thought of him being one of her favorite movie characters of all time.

  “Maverick.” Brody grinned at her, winki
ng before turning back to the road.

  “I have to know how this stuck. What’s the story?” Alaina asked, waiting for someone to answer.

  When another round of snickers erupted, Jeremy was the one who stepped up. “It was for many reasons, starting with his obsession with that movie. During basic, we had our own Ice Man, which only encouraged him. They went through the scenes like every day. When we graduated and were granted a twenty-four hour pass, we hit the bar. We were all nursing the tap when we heard the familiar tunes come on. When we found him, he was center stage belting out “You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling” totally off key to a girl.”

  Alaina busted out in giggles. “You really did?” When he nodded, she had to cover her mouth with her hand to control the laughter fit.

  “Hey now, the only difference between that night and the scene on the movie was, Tom Cruise didn’t succeed in the bathroom scene and I did. I still have the purple panties to prove it. They hung in my Humvee for a good ten years.” His face beamed with pride. He was so cute at his accomplishment, she smiled and patted his leg. He reached down, gripped her hand in his, and pulled her close so only she could hear. “You take my breath away, Alaina.”

  “That is my favorite movie of all time. Just so you know,” Alaina responded. Before she moved away, he kissed her cheek. She smiled and laid her hand on his thigh, keeping it there the rest of the ride.

  The big truck drove on the beaten trail of a drive in front of a hunting cabin that looked to be falling down. The roof was caved in, and the windows shattered out. It wasn’t owned by anyone she knew, but had been a party hotspot during her high school years. Brian had taken her there to skip class on many occasions, given its perfect private location for extended make out sessions. The team exited and rushed the building, securing it in less than a minute. With the remote location, it was easy to see that no humans had been in the area for a very long time. All of their weapons were holstered and they loaded up to continue the search. She began to grow even more panicked. What if they didn’t find her? What if her only reason for living was gone forever?

  Brody sensed the panic attack that was coming on in Alaina. Instead of speaking, he reached over and hoisted her onto his lap with her sitting sideways and her back to his door while he drove, and rolled the window down to give her fresh air. With one arm he steered the truck, with the other he rubbed up and down along her upper back. Her legs stretched out across the middle of the bench seat. Never in her life had she sat like this in a vehicle, but with the remoteness of their location, it wasn’t a concern. The dirt roads they were on were overgrown with brush, allowing him to safely help her through it.

  Something gripped his heart at the sight of her. Her beautiful features had turned as white as a ghost, and her eyes had started to gloss over and dilate. If he didn’t get her settled fast, she would start to hyperventilate. Both of her arms gripped around her chest, desperate to make the tightness and pain go away. He slowed down to an almost crawl, debating on whether to stop or not. Being in an audience might not be the best thing right now, but he couldn’t give her his full attention and keep them from plowing over a tree either. Taking a chance, he stopped and hopped out with her in his arms. Thankfully the crew got the hint when he walked around the front of the truck, keeping his back toward them.

  “Shhhh, baby. I got you. I want you to take slow, deep breaths for me. Can you do that?” His voice was soft and sweet, easing some of the fear. She just nodded, unable to answer.

  “Ok, we are gonna get through this together, okay? Your chest will quit hurting as soon as you calm down. Now. Look at me.” He tilted her eyes up to meet his, and smiled. “There you are. Breathe when I do. In…Out.” He continued the pattern, slowing hers down and gaining some color back into her features. After only a few minutes, she was remarkably better. He held her tighter, tucking her head under his chin and feathered kisses along her brow. When they walked back to the truck, she was fine.

  Alaina dreaded seeing the looks of pity and probably disgust the crew would have for her huge show of weakness. She tried to keep her eyes on the ground not to have to see for herself. When she was hoisted back into Leland’s lap, the group all began chattering, sharing war stories and including her into the conversation. For the umpteenth million time today, they surprised her at the huge show of kindness. They drove on, checking every place Alaina could think of. From old businesses, to friends, the group came up empty. They had even tried his sister’s house, but found no one home. Each time they went in prepared, decked out in full battle rattle (well, as much as they could get in the civilian world) and surrounded the area. They were good at what they did. She had never seen such coordination and precision. Time kept ticking, and she had run out of ideas.

  Then it hit. She jerked up and said exasperatingly, “His parents’ country cottage! I bet if he hasn’t left the state yet, he took her up there. It is only about three hours from here, and is deep in the woods where no one can come up the drive unannounced. The back and both sides are protected by twenty acres of private property that eventually backs up to a lake. There is only one way in and one way out. I have to go now!” Once again, they stopped her.


  The next couple of hours went by quickly, and the playful banter kept Alaina from losing her mind. Leland and Brody kept body contact with her at all times, whether holding her hand or gently rubbing her arm or leg. They stayed conscious of her emotions, and she was more than touched. Soon they were turning down the gravel road that bordered the back side of the property, and everyone went quiet. Jeremy reached over and pushed play on the radio, sending “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” by Drowning Pool rocking out the speakers. Everyone still remained serious, and when the song was over the radio went back off. That must be their amp up song or something. Okay. Time to get my baby back. Brian is going to shit his pants when he sees the Army behind me when we bust through the door. They all got out of the truck and grouped by the tailgate.

  “Alaina, how many doors does the house have?” Leland asked as they all kept their focus on her.

  “Three. There is a side door that leads into the garage, the back and the front. It is a one story house, but is huge.” She closed her eyes, remembering the details of the homestead. He had taken her up there when they dated to ditch school a few times, and then they spent a few weekends in the summer from time to time after that. It had been years since they had been, and anger started to build in her stomach. I should have seen it coming. We didn’t go anywhere for the last few years.

  “Are there any fences or side buildings?” Brody asked in a serious tone.

  “No. There used to be an old shed, but it collapsed a few years back during a bad storm. It’s just the house. The fences are along the property line.”

  “Okay, this is what we are going to do. Kodiak and Dracula, head up the rear. Stay hunkered down until you see us moving in. If the bastard tries to run, take him out. Vice, Romeo, take the west side. Vice, if you can get close undetected, go in through a back window. Romeo, stay stationed outside and cover her. Hulk and Maverick, I want you two on the east side. Mav, go in through a front window and Hulk stay outside. Dom, you and I get to go knock on the door.” Dom grinned, making Alaina uncertain as to what their idea of knocking was.

  “Okay, where do I go?” Alaina looked at them all, waiting to be assigned a post.

  “You don’t leave this truck. Keep the doors locked, the keys in the ignition, lights off, and your head down. Got it?” Jeremy’s Dom voice didn’t sit well with an adrenaline fueled momma lion wanting to go get her cub.

  “No. I don’t got it. This is my daughter, I am going in. Give me a gun and tell me where to stand.” Her hands planted firmly on her hips in protest. Dracula snuck up behind her and grabbed her in an attempt to prove a point but was soon faced down on the ground with her tennis shoe in his back. The moment he grabbed around her upper chest and shoulders, she elbowed him in first the stomach then the groin, stomped his f
oot, twisted his arm behind his back and face planted him in the dirt.

  No one said a word until Alex walked over and thrust an M4 in her hand. “Here is your clip. Make sure this is locked in before you pull this back. This is your safety. Make sure it is turned off, aim and shoot. I assume you have experience with guns?”

  “Yes. I was raised in the country. I have never shot one like this before, but it can’t be that different. Now, where am I going?” Her tone had taken on a power she had never heard from herself.

  “You go around back and go in through the back door. If it is locked, kick that bitch in and go. Stay fast, stay low, and don’t shoot one of us. Now, the storm is moving in, giving us a good cover. Once it goes black, we move. Gear up.” Alex was on the move, removing weapons of various sorts, ammo, and other gear from the duffle bags they had brought.

  Thunder started to boom in the sky, just before it opened up in a downpour. “Time to move. Let’s go!” Brody’s command sent them all marching low and quiet toward their destination. Alaina followed suit, staying low to the ground and imitating their movements. When they could see the house, Alaina’s heart thumped out of her chest. There were lights on. Please God let her be here! Please let her be safe, and let us get her out safe! After her worried mommy’s prayer, she hardened her shell, bucked up and was ready for anything. They moved stealth-like around the house, surrounding it from all angles. The countdown was given and Dom busted through the front door the same time Alex and Brody broke through each window and flung in, and she stomped the door down. The first room she stepped into, Brian was reaching for a gun. Lizzy came running in about that time and before she could get to Alaina, Brian snatched her by her hair and lowered the pistol on her temple.


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