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Horse Charmer

Page 20

by Angelia Almos

But Kali --

  Enough! Get on Dall. I will lead us to safety.

  "Luki," Cassia whispered. "I need to ride with you."

  How did she explain when she didn't understand why her body was falling asleep in pieces?

  Luki glanced over his shoulder in confusion, but didn't object as she reached to sit behind him.

  In front, you will fall off.

  Cassia blushed slightly and then shifted forward. Luki quickly thrust his sword into it's sheath and reached for her, pulling her hard up against his chest.

  Kali moved back into a ground-eating canter and headed for the line of people vacating Vespera.

  Her eyes grew heavy. "I'm going to fall asleep."

  "What?" Luki whispered roughly in her ear.

  "Kali says." Cassia paused as she struggled to keep her thoughts in order. She had to warn him before she succumbed to the warmth. "I used too much energy and I can't stop it."

  Luki wrapped one arm more securely around her, anchoring her tight against him. "You'll be safe with me. Sleep, my princess."

  Cassia had every intention of nodding, but exhaustion claimed her.


  Cassia groaned as her entire body throbbed awake. Everything hurt. She sucked in her breath and tried to stop the movement as sharp pains racked her chest.

  "Princess?" a soft voice whispered.

  She first thought it was Luki, but then realized the voice was female. The motion of the carriage crept into her consciousness. Nausea rolled in her stomach.

  Cassia lurched for the door, swinging it open. Hooking an arm around the door frame, she kept herself from falling out. Hands firmly held onto her shoulders, but no one attempted to pull her back in. The fresh air blew in as her head swam. Someone yelled for the carriage to stop and she banged against the frame as it halted. Her vision rolled in a sickening circle.

  You're awake. Kali's calm cool voice moved through her.

  What happened?

  Your body needed to rest after all the power you harnessed. You can only channel so much before you'll burn yourself out.

  I didn't realize I could burn myself out.

  Kali was quiet and a horse clip-clopped up to the door. Everyone has physical limits, no matter how gifted.

  Cassia glanced up at Kali as the mare nuzzled her face and considered what Kali was trying to tell her.

  I was controlling too many horses at once?

  Yes. Giving a suggestion is very different from making a command. You didn't just give one command, but command after command, changing the situation to best fit our needs. I was surprised you lasted as long as you did.

  She had a horrified vision of fainting in the hallway leaving Luki to defend her from Erich and his guards. Luki could have been killed. Did everyone get out?

  No one was stopped and no one was chased.


  "Ula?" She turned her head.

  Sure enough her handmaiden's worried expression matched the clutch of hands at her shoulders, keeping her from falling on her face. "Are you well?"

  The other carriages were stopping. She was beginning to draw a crowd. As always, Ula's primary concern would be her mistress maintaining her dignity.

  "Yes." Cassia forced the word out even though her lungs still hurt. How long will I feel like this?

  I wish I could say. I've never heard of anyone doing what you did. Julyan might know.

  She raised herself up and Ula's hands loosened. The sun began to set in the Vesperan woods. The rocks, trees, and leaves graying as the final rays disappeared. She carefully stepped out of the carriage and wrapped her fingers into Kali's mane.

  Ula clucked in disapproval.

  Cassia shook off the queasiness. "I'll ride."

  "Princess!" Ula objected.

  "The fresh air will do me good."

  "What about a saddle and bridle?" Ula continued as Yaffa, the younger handmaiden, leaned out the door beside her.

  Cassia gave them a smile as she moved to mount, but she hesitated, taking stock of her legs, not sure she'd actually be able to make the jump.

  "Let me," a soft voice said behind her.

  She turned, too tired for her own good, she hadn't heard Luki approach. He leaned down and with one swift movement she was astride Kali. A sense of rightness flowed through her as her body adjusted to Kali's.

  "You sure?" Luki asked quietly, his worried eyes matched his tone.

  "I won't fall," she said just as quietly.

  He gave a jerky nod and jumped back onto his own horse.

  "How long was I asleep?" she asked Ula, trying to clear the fogginess from her brain. She thought they were still in the Vesperan woods, but what if she'd been asleep for more than a day.

  "Nearly four hours, mistress." Ula wrung her hands, still not getting back into the carriage, her objection to Cassia riding clear on her face.

  "I'm well." She assured her and Kali strode away in a brisk walk up the road.

  Slowly the caravan came back to life. Each carriage began to move forward by command of its driver. Luki rode beside her and nodded to Maconahay who was riding up quick from the back to overtake them. Before she knew it she was sandwiched between the two men. She relaxed allowing Kali's motion to soothe the aches in her body.

  "You sure this is a good idea?" Maconahay mumbled.

  She ignored his question and focused on what concerned her more. "Was anyone hurt?"

  "No," Maconahay said. "For whatever reason King Erich didn't order his guards to interfere with the evacuation. Thankfully most of the Karahans had already gone after your disappearance. There were only a few noble families left."

  She looked at him to thank him for his assistance and noticed the pins on his collar. "You got your captain's pins back."

  "Yes," Maconahay said with a wary expression.

  "You deserve them. Eb reinstated you?"

  "Yes." Maconahay nodded with a small relieved smile.

  "Good. My brothers?"

  "They're in the carriage with Mistress Witen." Maconahay gestured to the carriage behind her own. "Queen Sarahann and Advisor Eb are in the lead carriage."

  She was too tired to think about talking with her mother. But she needed to check in on her brothers. "I should speak with Tully and Faolan; make sure they're all right."

  "I can stop the carriage so you can ride with them."

  Cassia shuddered. "I'd rather not."

  "I'll bring them to you." He rode Bailintin over to the boys' carriage. Jerking his chin to the driver to keep the carriage in motion, he leaned over and opened the door.

  After a moment, he swung Tully in front of him and pulled Faolan on behind him. Kali picked up a trot to draw alongside Bailintin far enough away from the carriages to give them privacy while still within the circle of guards.

  Tully lunged for her as soon as he was close enough. She gripped Kali's sides with her knees as his weight shifted her until he was balanced securely on her lap. His urgency surprised her and she wrapped her arms tightly around him.

  "I apologize," Cassia whispered into Tully's ear. "I never meant to worry you." She looked back at Faolan and reached a hand out. He grasped her fingers, but didn't try to climb onto Kali with her.

  Tully nodded against her chest. "I thought something terrible had happened to you."

  "Mother yelled a lot," Faolan said, his voice just a fraction calmer than Tully's. "We were stuck in our room for days."

  "I didn't think through what my vanishing would mean to you boys." Kali moved closer to Faolan so she didn't have to reach as far. She tried to think of the right words to sooth him. "I should have. I'm sorry."

  Tully wrinkled his nose as he looked up at her. "You already said that."

  Smiling, she brushed the hair back from his forehead. "I can tell you again if it will make you feel better."

  "Why did you leave?" Faolan asked.

  Cassia looked away from him to gather her thoughts and Maconahay raised a questioning eyebrow at her. "It's c
omplicated. I wish I had an answer that would explain everything simply."

  "She was making sure Karah didn't fall prey to Vesperan trickery," Luki said next to her.

  Cassia threw him a startled glance, but he was looking at Faolan not her.

  "What trickery?" Faolan frowned at Luki.

  "King Erich forged father's signature on the treaty." She sighed. What could she tell them so they would understand? "The wedding was a part of the treaty."

  "You couldn't marry Torr," Faolan said, grasping what she was saying.

  "Yes. I knew I needed help from father's advisors, but I couldn't let the Vesperans know why I was leaving."

  "So you ran away," Tully said with a smile. "Did you have an adventure?"

  Cassia laughed and hugged Tully closer. "Yes, I had a master adventure. Obstacles at every turn."

  "But you weren't hurt?" Faolan's concerned frown returned.

  "Do I look hurt?" Cassia countered. Faolan shook his head. "There you go."

  The road was getting harder to navigate as dusk turned to full night. The caravan didn't show any sign of slowing.

  Cassia shifted her gaze to Maconahay and gestured to the dark scenery. "It's dark."

  Maconahay understood what she was really asking. "We want to get as far from the castle as possible before we make camp."


  The rest of the journey back to Castle Karah was uneventful. The majority of the Karahan guards rode in the back for fear of a rear ambush by Vesperan forces. Her fatigue passed by the next day and Cassia felt back to normal physically, but mentally was a whole different matter. She could still communicate with Kali, but noticed a marked absence of the other horses in her mind. Kali's strength soothed her throughout the journey home and slowly her horse charming senses returned in full.

  At the first sight of Castle Karah, tears of relief filled her eyes. The flags on top of the turrets danced in the breeze as if welcoming them home. The caravan picked up its pace as they neared the massive gate. Once safely within the walls, the advisors and Karahan nobility filtered into the castle to discuss what had happened.

  Cassia hung back and stayed in the stable area. She should have gone in with them. She'd declared herself Queen of Karah. But she delayed by brushing Kali with a soft brush.

  Luki had separated from her as soon as they entered the castle gates, helping the stable lads unhitch the wagons and turn the horses out.

  She needed to speak to him before he left.

  You don't know he is leaving, Kali reminded her.

  I don't know he's staying either. Cassia looked over her shoulder again. No sign of him.

  He will not leave.

  Her fingers stopped untangling Kali's mane as a horrified thought struck her. Will you leave?

  Kali's confusion reflected back through her. Why would I leave?

  She knew so little about Kali, why she'd come from Sky Mountain and what her real purpose was. Cassia had been so consumed with her father's murder she hadn't pursued why the mare had sought her out. I don't know why you came or when you're leaving.

  Kali sighed with her entire body. The way only a horse could. I came for you as soon as I felt your presence. I won't be leaving.

  But why?

  Kali turned her head and blinked. The herds are diminishing. We became concerned and I was sent to investigate. I felt you as soon as I reached the lowlands. My task was then to find you.

  She was just as confused as she'd been before. "You still haven't told me why you came to me."

  Kali swished her tail in irritation. You are a Horse Charmer and I am an Old One. A Charmer should never be without a guide.

  Cassia dropped the brush down into the box with a frown and crossed her arms. You said that Luki even Pakelika has charming abilities. Dall and Ward aren't Old Ones. Why would you come to me?

  They have a touch. You are a Charmer and your gift is strong.

  I nearly got myself killed with my gift.

  I would never have allowed that to happen.

  She hoped Kali was correct. She never wanted to lose control of herself as she had. I still don't understand why you came looking for me.

  When I felt your presence there was nothing else for me to do. Kali stomped her foot. I do not know how to explain it to you in another way. It is what it is.

  Kali's irritation was clear, but she didn't think the mare was telling her everything about why she was there. Cassia chewed on her lip. She'd accept Kali's answer for now. Glancing back over her shoulder at the castle rising high above her, she knew she wouldn't be able to delay going in much longer.

  Finally Luki walked around the barn leading Dall. His lips curved into a grin when he saw her waiting for him and he opened the gate to the corral to let Dall loose in with Kali.

  "Everyone settled?" Cassia asked.

  "As settled as they can be. Lots of horses to temporarily house until the lords and ladies head home to their manors."

  She nodded as if she cared. She didn't really. What she cared about was whether he'd be leaving now that he'd seen her safely home. Her mind flashed to their almost-kiss and her cheeks heated at the intensity of the memory.

  "When are you leaving?" She kept her gaze locked on Kali since the blush wasn't dissipating.

  "It depends."

  "Depends?" Cassia finally glanced up at him and his familiar lopsided smile. "On what?"

  He stepped closer and leaned against the fence next to her. His eyes traced over Kali before returning back to her. "On what you want me to do, Your Highness."

  He drawled out her title, making her roll her eyes like she always did. She almost gave him her usual retort, but held back.

  "What if I want you to stay?"

  "By your command."

  "Would you want to stay?" She looked toward the main corral. They were hidden by the shadow of the barn from prying eyes, but she could see a portion of the yard from where she stood. "Everything around here is about to get a lot more complicated."

  "Going to war does that."

  She glanced back at him. "You think it'll come to that?"

  "You declared war on King Erich. If you wanted to avoid it you shouldn't have confronted him."

  "I didn't confront him in front of all and sundry."

  "What're you saying?"

  "No side wins when two kingdoms clash." Cassia had plenty of time on the journey back to think about the meaning behind her father's last words. She finally understood what he meant about putting the kingdom and her people before herself.

  "There'll be losses," Luki acknowledged.

  "But we can't ignore what he did." Her anger surged against her new found knowledge.

  "No one's asking you to."

  "It'll be asked once I get summoned by the advisors." They'd summon her soon and she still didn't know for sure if he had feelings for her as she had for him. "Do you wish to go?"

  "Releasing me from my duty?"

  "If that is what you wish. I know you're loyal to me, but what if I don't want your loyalty?"

  Luki frowned down at her.

  "What if what I want from you is," she sucked the word back. What if he didn't love her? She couldn't quite force herself to say the word. "Something I have no right to ask you considering our stations."

  His eyes flashed with annoyance. "Due to our positions, any feelings I have for you outside of loyalty are inappropriate and impossible."

  "Not as impossible as the feelings I have toward you."

  His expression became even more intense. "What are those feelings?"

  "Why do I have to be the one that speaks of it?" It seemed like such a huge thing to just say the words. To admit even to herself that what she felt toward Luki was much more than a simple infatuation.

  He smiled taking the pressure off her response. "Because I could be thrown in the stocks for taking so much upon myself," he paused, his grin firmly in place. "What I feel toward you is much more than a subject toward his princess. You have captured my heart.
Thoughts of you occupy my mind whenever I am awake and I dream of you when I sleep."

  Cassia reminded herself to breath at his blatant declaration.

  He stepped closer. "The question is how does my princess feel?"

  "I'm not a poet like you." She hesitated uncertain how to express her own feelings. "I don't know how to describe what I feel for you. I've never had feelings like this for anyone, but you. When you touch me," she dropped her eyes in embarrassment, "I want you to keep touching me and…"

  "And?" Luki's voice was gruff.

  Cassia kept her eyes on his boots, but forced the words out. "I want you to kiss me."

  "All you have to do is ask."

  She jerked her gaze back to his face. "Will you kiss me?"

  Luki smiled and moved closer. Close enough she could feel his heat against her body. She held her breath as his hand cupped her chin. His lips pressed firmly against hers. Her heart thumped and fluttered in her chest. A hot sensation washed from her lips through her body.

  He pulled back a little and searched her face. Seeming to find what he was looking for, he wrapped his other arm around her waist to pull her up against him and kissed her again.

  Cassia trembled against him.

  Before she realized her intention, she went up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him closer to her. His lips parted hers and his tongue swept into her mouth.

  Someone cleared their throat and they leaped apart. Cassia spun around to glare at Maconahay.

  He raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything about what he'd just witnessed. "The advisors have asked for your presence."

  Cassia groaned softly. As much as she'd thought about it, she still hadn't gotten her story straight in her head. It was one thing to tell Luki about her father's ghost, but quite another to tell those serious-faced people. Her dread at what was to come took away all the warm and soothing feelings that had been cruising through her body. Cassia started to follow Maconahay and noticed Gordain behind him.

  "He followed me down when he found out I was fetching you." Maconahay's tone held a note of apology.

  Cassia squeezed Luki's hand and stepped away trying not to let herself get embarrassed about getting caught in an embrace by her guard and little brother.


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