Mated to Her Bully

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Mated to Her Bully Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “What’s the plan now?” Rupert asked.

  In the beginning, his two friends had thought it was hilarious that he’d fallen for the girl he used to bully. As the weeks wore on and they saw the consequences of his actions, the humor had soon died. Especially as a lot of the time, he missed her. Pretending to be happy or to even care was hard work.

  He’d done it day-in, day-out over the past few years. The only thing he lived for was when Eliza or Gary would let it slip that Mabel was coming back to town. He’d spend so much time, planning, thinking of ways to see her, to get close to her.

  Running a hand down his face, his own thoughts mocked him as he recalled the times he’d stepped in her way. Her full body pressed against his. The way he’d push her back and she’d stumble.

  He’d been a giant dick, and there wasn’t a reason for it. Not really. Mabel had always been a little different. Whenever he saw her, she had her head in the clouds, an easy smile on her lips. It had pissed him off to see her so happy. Also, her size did make her different from the pack. Most of them were tall, athletic, and hard. Mabel was all curves, softness, and she wasn’t fucking tall at all. In fact, he’d even seen her jump up to see the stage in front to listen to his father at one of the town meetings.

  Now, he fucking loved everything that made her different. He craved her in ways he’d never had before. Night and day, there was no reprieve in his need for this woman. She came and went, and he needed her.

  He’d turned into a … stalker when it came to Mabel.

  Before his transition, he’d enjoyed his share of women. The idea of being mated had never appealed to him. As far as he was concerned, it wasn’t necessary to find a mate when there were so many women out there to taste. He was surrounded by mated couples. His dad was completely devoted to his mom, and so were all mated men. Before he’d turned completely, he’d seen it as a weakness. Now, though, he’d give anything just to have his mate look at him. To at least spend more than a couple of minutes in his company.

  “I don’t have a plan,” Lucas said. “Dad wants me to keep on trying to bombard her with my company. I don’t know how to let him down gently that won’t work.” He frowned, thinking about what his father said before he left. “Do you guys know anything about a loophole within being mated? My dad said I needed to win Mabel before she figured it out.”

  His friends looked confused.

  Seconds passed, then Rupert clicked his fingers. “Yes, that’s it, now I remember. It has to do with mates. Under law, you’re mates. Everyone in the pack knows you are so all prospective males must bow out of the competition, right?”

  “That’s not a loophole.”

  “Yeah, but there is a vague mention in pack law that states if a mate on either party isn’t satisfied with their other half, then they can make some kind of declaration that will sever any potential tie. If seen to be true that as a mated couple they were not right for each other, the Alpha of the pack has no choice but to declare you to be separated, and under pack law, his word is well, the law. You’d have to follow it until eventually, you believed it?” Rupert said, shrugging. “It has never been done.”

  Lucas ran a hand down his face. “She knows. If not now, she will find out. After today. Fuck!”

  “Dude, don’t you want this?” Ben asked.

  “No!” He glared at his friends. “You guys don’t feel this. You don’t know what it means to … she’s right fucking there. Okay. I know how important she is. I want her and severing that connection isn’t going to work.” It couldn’t work. He refused to believe it was that easy.

  “Well, the good news is I happen to ace at pack law,” Rupert said. “Where there is one loophole to help one, there is always another for the opposite party.”

  Chapter Two

  “Sweetheart, you know you don’t need to come to the pack meeting,” Eliza said.

  Mabel smiled at her mother. After the last few days she’d just experienced, she had to do this. The only way for her to come back home for good was to take matters into her own hands. She hadn’t told her parents, but this was the only way. “I want to. It’ll be good. I haven’t been to a pack meeting in like forever. I want to know what I’m missing out on.”

  The lies kept on rolling off her tongue, and she hated them.

  This wasn’t fun for her, and she didn’t know if this was fun for Lucas. Then again, from what she’d been subjected to in town, she doubted he cared. To everyone around them, he was a victim.

  A precious fucking victim.

  She shook her head, irritated by the fact so many people felt sorry for him. He didn’t deserve it, but then again, who was she to tell anyone how they should or shouldn’t feel?

  She was the last person to be giving advice. She’d tried to run away from her problems, and that hadn’t solved anything.

  Following her parents into town, she kept her head bowed and went over the speech she had planned in her head. It was all logical. She’d tried to find other ways, but Lucas had arrived at her parents’ front door every single morning, and she couldn’t do this with him anymore. There had to be a way to sever whatever connection he had.

  So, the fates had been cruel in putting them together. Clearly pack law had dealt with this kind of cruelty before, which was why she intended to demand to be severed. The town hated her right now, anyway. Might as well give them something to really talk about.

  She tried not to panic as she entered the large town hall. She had no idea how they were able to keep the civilians out of pack matters, but Duke had his ways.

  She took a seat in the back with her parents.

  People kept turning toward her, glaring in her direction. Up on the stage, she spotted Duke at the podium, glasses perched on his nose as he looked through paperwork. His wife, children, and there was Lucas.

  His gaze was on her, and she quickly averted her gaze.

  You can do this. You can do this.

  When everyone was there, the doors were shut and Duke stood up. He went through all the necessary notifications and complaints that usually came around. He helped to keep the entire pack from killing each other.

  “Right, does anyone have any other order of business?” Duke asked.

  Her heart pounded, and she stood up as did many others. She kept her gaze away from Lucas, not wanting to look at him. The wolf inside her wanted to go see Lucas, but she couldn’t allow herself to give in to him. Even her wolf was conflicted at times. She wanted Lucas, and at the same time, she didn’t.

  People started to talk. Others congratulating Duke on a good year and other shit.

  “Honey, what are you doing?” her mother asked.

  “Sweetheart, sit down.”

  Her parents tried to pull her hands to keep her down.

  “I request to sever from my mate,” she said, yelling the words.

  The entire hall went silent.

  Perspiration dotted her brow. Everyone looked at her. She hated to be the center of the attention, and she didn’t dare look toward Lucas.

  She waited.


  “Miss Little, you do know what you ask of me, of the pack?”

  “I know.” She clenched her hands into fists, feeling sick to her stomach.

  Everyone was silent.

  Duke continued to stare at her. “If this is what you want—”

  “No!” Lucas stood.

  This time, she did finally look at him.

  “Don’t do this,” she said.

  “You cannot sever what hasn’t been given chance to even see if it can work,” Lucas said.

  “This cannot work.”

  “You don’t give me a chance.”

  “Why the hell should I? You and I both know this is never going to happen. Let’s face it, you can’t stand me. I’m fat and ugly and useless.”

  Lucas gritted his teeth and growled. The rumble was heard throughout the entire hall. Everyone heard it. “And that was before I knew you were my mate.”

; “Which is exactly why this needs to be severed. You and I will never stand a chance.”

  Lucas shook his head. “I don’t believe that. You’ve got be willing to give us a chance. If you’re willing to grant her the option to sever our mating, then fine, but first … you have to give me the year.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Under pack law, it states that I should be given the chance to try to mate with you. You haven’t given me anything. Not one sliver of a chance, and what’s more, the entire pack knows it. Since our mating, you avoid me like I’m the fucking plague. I’m your mate, and I demand to be given the chance to make this work.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she watched him. “I don’t want this,” she said.

  “I’m afraid…” Duke sighed. “Under pack law, I have no choice. Miss Little, you and Lucas will have to take the time for one year to see if it is even possible for you to remain as mates. However…” He stopped and looked at her then at Lucas. “Due to the nature of your mating, as the Alpha, I demand that you both be given the year, together, with no interruptions on our island.”

  This was even worse.

  The island was a place for mated couples to have no interference. Only two people. Tears filled her eyes as she shook her head. “No.”

  “My word is law. Tomorrow, you both leave. I will not be defied.”

  Angry, Mabel stormed out of the town hall. She had to get out of town. There was no way she was going to spend a year alone with Lucas. It wasn’t fair.

  “Mabel, damn it, slow down.” Lucas chased after her, and she spun around to glare at him.

  “Why?” she asked. “I’m surprised you’re not happy that I would ask for this. I don’t want to … I don’t want any of this.”

  “Then you should have given me the chance.”

  “I don’t need to give you anything, and now, a year.”

  “Mabel.” He moved toward her and she shook her head.

  “No. Stay away from me.”

  “You know if you run away, they will find you. You’ve got no choice but to see this through. Alpha law is the only way to follow.”

  Gritting her teeth, the last thing she wanted to do was even look at him, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of running away. She turned to look at him. “Yes, and seeing as he’s your daddy, you get everything you fucking want, don’t you? Like always. It is always daddy. Ugh. Leave me the hell alone. I can do a year, but afterward, you will leave me alone.” She stormed away.

  There was no way she could do a year with him.

  “Look at it, it’s miss fat cakes. Have you ever heard of a diet?”

  “Whoa, get off me, lard, you almost squashed me.”

  The cruel jibes Lucas had sent her way. Then of course there were the jokes he’d played. The pictures of her head on top of a naked body. The internet porn video that was to claim her masturbating for money. All of it mean.

  Swiping away the tears, she walked into her house, going straight to her bedroom. She sat on the edge of her bed, feeling the sickness swirling in her stomach.

  The night she’d turned, the feel of her wolf rushing through her body had been incredible. Then, when she felt her mate, everything in her mind had been complete. So perfect. Until she realized the black-haired wolf was none other than the very cruel boy who’d made her school life a misery.

  She’d become a laughing stock of the entire school. There was no way she was going to let him win.

  Fine, he wanted a year, she’d give him a year. The island was a pretty big place. She didn’t have to see him for a single day.


  Lucas groaned as he opened his eyes. Gripping the back of his neck, he felt like he’d been stabbed with something. Reaching behind him, he touched the delicate part of his neck and knew without a doubt he’d been drugged. He sat up and glanced around the room. The bags he’d been neatly packing were in the corner, and there was no other telltale sign of him being kidnapped or on the road to torture.

  Swinging his feet to the floor, he turned and saw the envelope with his name scrawled across it.

  He picked it up, recognizing his father’s writing instantly. After opening the envelope, he pulled out a single sheet of paper and started to read.


  I hope you know what you’re doing. Requesting what you did took guts, and I’m so proud of you. This is what had to happen. No one can know where the island is. You and Mabel had to be taken. She is in another room. Good luck, and I hope you’re able to fix this damage once and for all. You’ve got one year. Make it count.


  Lucas had no idea this was what had to happen. Running a hand down his face, he just knew Mabel was going to be pissed at him. Probably find it to be another reason not to stand being in his company.

  When it came to his mate, he’d fucked up on every single level prior to even knowing she was his mate.

  Damn it.

  He’d lost count of the number of times he’d thought about his behavior in the past and been ashamed of himself.

  He’d hurt his own mate. It was why he hadn’t forced her to stick around. He completely understood her need to be as far away from him as possible. Still, it fucking sucked.

  Whatever happened, he had to win her. Not for any other reason than the fact he wanted to be with her.

  She was his mate.

  Being around her, no matter how short the time he’d experienced it, he felt whole. Whenever she left, there was always a part of him missing. The part that only Mabel claimed. He had to make it work for both of them.

  Before the transition into wolf, he’d played around. There had been so many women and girls vying for his attention. Even then, he’d been big, muscular, and looked older than his eighteen years. He’d gotten the fun out of the way as he knew the moment he had his first change, he’d be devoted to learning everything he needed to do from his father.

  There were only two things in life he’d been certain of: he wanted a mate and he was going to be Alpha.

  Right now, he wasn’t sure of anything. If he didn’t secure his mate, how was he ever going to be able to rule the pack? They would all know of his failure to win her.

  This wasn’t about his alphaship, though. No, this was just about winning her. To be able to keep her. None of his friends understood that there were days all he wanted to do was hold her. If he could just touch her, that would be enough. At least, that was what he kept on telling himself, but he had a feeling he was so wrong about it all.

  He got to his feet and reached out to grip one of the four posters on each corner of the bed, feeling a wave of sickness wash over him. There was no doubt it was the drugs. They were fucking strong.

  With a hand against his gut, he stepped out of his bedroom.

  There were several doors in front and on either side of him. He’d heard of the island house before but had never been given the pleasure of actually seeing it. Now as he stood, looking all around him, he had to wonder why no one else knew about it.

  Sure, it was used for delicate matters like this and dealing with feral wolves, but the sheer grandness wasn’t lost on him. Couples could have their honeymoon here, or just spend a couple of days if not weeks away.

  Drawing his focus back to the problem at hand, he made his way past each bedroom, opening the doors to check. None of the rooms were made up, and as he came to the stairwell, one was sending him down, the other going up to another part of the house.

  Hunger drew him, but more importantly, his mate did.

  He had to know if she was all right.

  After taking the steps up, he opened the first door and stopped.

  Mabel lay on the bed.

  Her cases were in the corner.

  Every single part of him was screaming to leave, but he took a step over the threshold and went to look at her.

  She looked peaceful. There was even a smile on her lips as she slept.

  Reaching out, he put a hand to her cheek, stroking back som
e of her brown hair. He loved the length. He’d often fantasized about it while she’d been away. Imagining it in his fist as he fucked her. Even those plump lips were meant to be wrapped around his cock.


  He needed to show so much fucking patience with his woman, and it pissed him off. Still, as he wanted to do a lot more than simply stroke her hair, he allowed himself the smallest pleasure of leaning down and brushing his lips against her forehead.

  The tranquilizers would be wearing off very soon. When that happened, she would be shouting and screaming at him.

  Instead of saying anything, or trying to wake her up, he stepped back, leaving her bedroom.

  What the fuck could he do now?

  Repeatedly running his fingers through his hair, he took the stairs down and quickly explored the house. He came to a stop in front of one of the large windows.

  They called it an island, and they weren’t mistaken at all.

  He was completely surrounded by vast oceans.

  Nothing to be seen but water, lots of it.

  The beauty before him wasn’t lost on him. He could already picture himself and Mabel running naked through the ocean, swimming all day long.

  Stepping back, he decided to do something useful. He entered the kitchen and found another letter waiting on the counter.

  Lucas and Mabel,

  For this next year, your every need will be provided for. You will never know when a delivery is being made or how we get there. Just know you’re all taken care of. Do not fear. Enjoy your year.


  He went to the fridge and opened the door to discover exactly how full it was. He didn’t know if it was breakfast, lunch, or heading into the evening. There was no way it was close to night, so he opted for lunch. He picked out an array of vegetables, knowing exactly what he wanted to make.


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