Mated to Her Bully

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Mated to Her Bully Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Tears filled her eyes as she looked past him toward the ocean. “I don’t know. I have no answers, Lucas, but I can’t. I’m sorry.” She moved away, turned, and ran. The urge to chase her was so strong, but he held steady and firm.

  “Fuck!” He screamed the word up to the sky. “Do you think this is fucking funny, do you?”

  No one responded, and he shook his head, pissed off. There was no out for him. He had to have Mabel. He wouldn’t settle for second best.

  Chapter Four

  “And how are you doing, honey?” Eliza asked.

  “I’m doing good. I think. We’re both still alive, so that’s a bonus, right?” They were allowed one phone call a week. Tonight was the full moon, and Mabel didn’t like the feelings rushing through her body at exactly what that meant.

  “You don’t sound so sure.”

  “I am. It hasn’t been that long and we’re finding a comfortable pattern, I think.” She was doing her best to avoid Lucas even as she tried to fulfill her obligations so he couldn’t request another year. They could spend their entire mated life on this island, and that was the last thing she wanted.

  Only, she knew deep down she was failing herself and her family.

  Lucas would win another year from her, no doubt about it. She had to be stronger than she was now.

  “We have word that you’re not spending enough time with Lucas,” her mother said.

  “Who said that?” she asked.

  “The Alpha. He is concerned that he’ll have to remove you from the island and put you both into a room together.”

  “Wait? What?” She didn’t understand what the hell her mother was talking about.

  Eliza sighed. “You requested to be severed, and you’re well in your right to do that. But Lucas is also in his right to demand a chance to win you. If you don’t comply with the rules, then the Alpha can make additional arrangements that enforce you two to be together and to mate.”

  She rubbed at her temples. “I didn’t know this.”

  “Mates make for the strongest pack, Mabel. You know this. United we stand together as one.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t realize the amount of force the Alpha can use.”

  “The Alpha can do whatever he wants when he wants. Duke is a good man. A strong leader and a fine man, but you pose a great threat to his son and his lineage by denying him. That instinct alone, and being a father, could force him to take drastic steps. My advice to you is to take this time wisely. I know Lucas has hurt you greatly in the past, but if you don’t … take a chance, then it will be taken out of your hands.”

  “I will, Mom, I promise.” She blew out a breath. “Okay, I better go and find the man I can’t stand. You know, my mate.”

  “I love you, honey. Miss you.”

  “Miss you too.” She hung up the phone. It would disappear the moment she left the kitchen for any length of time. The fridge and cupboards were constantly being stocked.

  Running fingers through her hair, she headed toward the back garden. There was a pool, which she had yet to explore, but she’d seen Lucas heading out back earlier.

  She put her hand on the door and closed her eyes. “You can do this. You can be in his company and remain strong.”

  That kiss they’d shared the other night… Her lips still felt swollen and she’d been so horny and wet for hours after, if not days. Even now, the heat flooding her body was so intense. All she wanted to do was touch herself, but she held herself back.

  “I can do this.” Stepping out into the warm heat, she paused as she caught sight of Lucas doing laps in the pool. His arms cutting through the water as if he alone was a monster chasing after his prey.

  She moved a little closer and watched as he came to a stop at the edge and climbed out.

  He wore a pair of swimming trunks, but that didn’t detract from the sheer size of him. Licking her lips, she couldn’t help the need flooding her body. The desire to lick a trail where the water cascaded down his body was strong.

  Pleasure filled her core, and she wanted to run back to her room and touch herself. Lucas chose that moment to look up at her.

  Now or never.

  She pushed her hair off her face and took the steps down, heading toward the pool.

  “Nice swim?”

  “The water’s warm. You should try it.”

  “I plan to.” Beneath her dress, she wore a swimsuit, but getting semi-naked in front of him didn’t appeal to her.

  “How was your call to your parents?”

  “Good. They’re good.”


  She turned her back to him and started to unbutton her dress. If he didn’t like what he saw, then tough. She wasn’t going to not go for a swim. Besides, if he couldn’t stand the sight of her, she’d be able to complete this year without any trouble. She’d just walk around naked in front of him. It would be easier.

  “Did you tell the Alpha about us?” she asked. The dress fell to her feet and she bent down to scoop it up. She squared her shoulders and turned toward him, expecting to see disgust or disapproval, but as she took him in, he had to jerk his gaze up. If she wasn’t mistaken, he’d been checking out her ass? No, that couldn’t be possible. She refused to believe it.

  Glancing down his body, she saw without a doubt the evidence of his arousal. He was turned on.

  Quickly looking at the water, she moved to the edge, sat, and slid beneath into the pool.

  The water was warm, as was her body.

  “I did talk to my father.”

  “You complained?” she asked, moving as far away from him as possible.

  It wasn’t avoiding temptation. She was just creating distance, some space. She didn’t need to be close to him all the time.

  “I didn’t complain. He asked questions and I answered them. Why?”

  “My parents warned me that what we have here is a paradise compared to what he could force us to go through.”

  “You’ve got nothing to fear, Mabel. My father is a fair man. He wouldn’t hurt anyone within the pack.”

  “But he wouldn’t like his son to be hurt,” she said. “He is fair to the pack, but you forget he’s also a father. You’re his son. He loves you dearly.”

  “Where are you going with this?” he asked.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m merely stating a fact.” She tensed up as he entered the pool again.

  With each step he took, he got closer. There was no escape for her.

  She glided toward the side of the pool, but as he came in close, he trapped her against his hard body and the wall.

  “Is that why you’re here?” he asked. “Are you willing to give me a chance?”

  “I don’t want to give you anything, Lucas. I’m obligated to because of what you demanded.”

  “I was willing to take my time,” he said. “I wanted to show you that I can change. That the asshole you knew is long gone. I will cherish you as my mate. You’ll want for nothing. Whatever you want, it could be yours. Instead, you decide to spend as much time as possible away from me. Preferring to live in a city with horrid smells, people, and loud noises. I never got the chance, even when you came to visit. Then you had to go and demand to be severed. Again, pushing my hand. I’m not going to lose you, Mabel.”

  “This isn’t a game.”

  “It is a game, and it’s one you’re going to lose.” Once again, he sank his fingers into her hair and she was on fire, gasping at that touch alone. The full moon was only hours away.

  Her body already felt itchy, hot, and in desperate need of his touch. She’d never experienced this unless Lucas was close. Now that he was touching her, it only served to make each action that much more intense.

  “You feel that?” he asked. “You want me. Even as your mind hates me, your body, your wolf, she craves me. I bet your pussy is soaking wet and wanting my cock right now. I bet you can’t think straight. You think I didn’t hear you in your room, touching yourself?” He leaned in close, his tongue traci
ng across her neck. “Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to come inside and taste you? To bring you to orgasm properly?”

  “Lucas,” she said, moaning.

  “I feel this too. I want you so badly, all the time, every single second of every day. You’re all I can think about. The full moon is tonight, Mabel.” He groaned. “And we’ve denied each other for three fucking years. I will make it up to you, but you’ve got to be willing to give me a chance.” With that, he kissed her hard.

  He didn’t touch anywhere else, just took her mouth.

  Lucas was the first one to pull away. He left the pool, but not before she caught sight of the erection straining against the front of his shorts.


  In wolf form, his senses were on a lot higher alert. Lucas sat back and stared up at the full moon. He’d already gone for a run, and Mabel had run in the opposite direction. The pull he felt was so fucking strong. Several times, he’d been close to giving chase, but he’d held himself back.

  The wolf in him demanded he tackle her to the ground, bite her neck, and fuck her hard.

  He didn’t.

  Instead, he ran and kept on moving, trying to gain some control, some sanity.

  With the energy rushing through him, he slowly turned back into a human. Leaning back in the sand, his cock was rock-hard as it had been all day long since he’d watched Mabel strip.

  The swimsuit she wore should be illegal. Even though it was modest, the way it molded to every single curve was a sin in itself. The shape of her ass, how rounded it was. He’d imagined that ass against his cock as he fucked her from behind or even took her ass.

  The need to claim her was so intense.

  Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he stared down at his length. Pre-cum leaked from the tip, and he rubbed it into his shaft, working from the base up to the tip. He closed his eyes, imagining her pussy riding his dick. The feel of her tightness against him. She’d feel so good.

  Up and down, he thought about her mouth. Her full lips swallowing him down. Every single part of her. He wanted to come in her mouth, pussy, and ass, and then drip it all over her skin so no man would have any doubt as to who she belonged to. He’d lay claim to every single inch of her.

  He’d knock her up, fill her stomach with his children so she wouldn’t be able to leave.

  A gasp had him pausing on his erection, and he turned. His gaze finding the woman he wanted more than anything.

  Mabel stood at the edge, hiding behind a tree.

  “I can see you,” he said.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Thinking about you.”

  “Why don’t you run?”

  “Because I’d rather be rubbing my dick, thinking about how good you’re going to feel on me than running. I’ve spent most of tonight trying to stay away from you. You keep running, and all it makes me want to do is chase you. You’re the prey I dream of catching, only once I do, I don’t want to eat you.”

  He smiled. “Scrap that. I do. I want to eat your pretty pussy. Rub my face in your arousal. I bet you make the best sounds when you come. I know you do. I’ve heard them, but even then, at your own hand, you keep yourself locked up tight.” Not once did he stop working his dick.

  “I’ll leave you to … that,” she said.

  Mabel made no move to leave.

  “Why don’t you join me?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You could rub your clit. We can both enjoy this, and you wouldn’t be giving in to the big, bad bully.”

  “Don’t …”

  “We both know we’ve got a long road to go for you to forgive me. Even from where I’m sitting I can smell how aroused you are. If you don’t take care of that, it’s going to drive you crazy, baby. You and I both know how a wolf’s needs are. If you don’t keep on top of that, you’ll come and find me to fuck you.” He didn’t know why he was helping her to avoid him and her needs, but right now, he didn’t want her to turn and run.

  Even walking away, and his wolf would be ready to pounce.

  “Okay,” she said.

  She stepped out from behind her tree. Finally, after all this time, he got to see her naked. That first night, he didn’t get a proper look. He’d still been reeling from discovering the girl he bullied was in fact his mate. Now though, fuck, he was so close to orgasm just by looking at her. Full tits, soft stomach, flaring hips, and thighs that were designed to wrap around him. She had a body built to be fucked, to take the pounding that only he could give her.

  “Disgusted yet?” she asked.

  “Only with myself,” he said. “I was a fucking asshole.”

  Mabel leaned against a tree. “You don’t find me repulsive?”

  He nodded toward his length. “Does it look like I do?”

  “You want sex. It’s only natural for you to be hard.”

  “Babe, if I was repulsed, I wouldn’t be hard. I want you, and damn it, I want you now, but touch yourself.” He licked his lips as she tilted her head back to the sky.

  He really was an asshole, and he wanted to beat the crap out of himself right now. This was his punishment.

  The woman he’d always fantasized about had been under his nose the entire time. The girls he’d been with before, he’d closed his eyes and always pictured another woman. Never had he realized the woman he’d been thinking about all this time was Mabel, his mate.

  Had his mind been warning him?

  She put her hand at her neck, eyes closed, and he watched, completely enraptured as she slowly slid down toward her pussy. Her hand moved between her thighs as she touched herself. He wanted to be her hand, but he’d have to be content with merely watching her.

  Her pleasured cries filled the air as she worked her fingers over her clit.

  He wanted to taste her.

  To suck on her nipples.

  To make her take his cock deep inside.

  Working from root to tip, he watched, knowing he was going to have all those things. Whatever he set his mind to, he worked his ass off to get. There was no way he would allow his mate to get away from him, not when he was so close to laying claim to her once and for all. Just thinking of having all that sweetness to himself.

  “I can smell how aroused you are, Mabel. You want me.”

  She opened her eyes. Her gaze focused on his before gliding down his body to his cock. She whimpered.

  “That’s it, baby, touch your clit. Use two fingers, stroke it. I’m going to have my mouth on you one day soon. You’re going to ride my face, and I’ll taste you as you come all in my mouth. I’ll swallow you up and enjoy every single fucking second.”

  His name spilled from her lips, and he watched her orgasm.

  Again, she held herself back.

  Her release was real, but it wasn’t completely mindless and taken away on a wave of lust and desire.

  Working his cock, he didn’t hold back, and he came, his cum shooting from the tip to coat his stomach and chest. While he came, he stared into Mabel’s eyes, hoping she read the promise he was making.

  One day, he’d be coming deep inside her pussy. No barrier between them, and when he did, there would be no getting away from him. No hiding. She’d be his mate, and then there would be no chance of escape.

  He stood and walked toward the ocean, stepping into the wave, and he felt her gaze on him. After washing away the cum, he moved back toward her.

  She remained still with her back against the tree. Putting his hand beside her hand, he captured hers within his, lifting up her fingers. Taking each one into his mouth, he sucked on them, hearing the slight gasp spill from her lips.

  It wasn’t enough, but for now, it would have to be.

  “I knew you’d taste amazing.” After dropping a kiss to her lips, he stepped back, giving her enough room to make her escape. For several seconds, she didn’t move, then, as if realizing what they had done and who they were, she ran.

  The wolf in him begged for him to run, but he contr
olled himself. There would come a time when chasing after his female would be needed. That day wasn’t today.

  Mabel had played with her pussy and allowed him to suck her taste from her fingers. As far as he was concerned, he’d made progress.

  This was more than they’d ever done in the three years of being mated.

  Now all he had to do was keep building trust with her. One full moon down, eleven more to go.

  He didn’t like how fast time was going, but he would take any time he had to finally get what he wanted.

  Chapter Five

  “No, I’m not going to invite him.” Mabel paced the length of the main hall. Each time she made a decision, she’d head in that direction, then stop herself. When she thought of inviting Lucas for a walk, she’d go toward where he sat in the library. Then, she’d change her mind, decide to go without him, and turn in the opposite direction.

  Last night had been intense.

  She’d never touched herself in front of anyone else. Running fingers through her hair, she groaned and looked back toward Lucas. To make this work, she had to show she was willing. After their first full moon together, she wasn’t exactly in the best place to make this decision.

  “If I don’t do this then he can make the claim I didn’t try. Enough of this, Mabel. You’re talking to yourself rather than taking action.” With a new determination, she kept on going toward the library.

  Standing in the doorway, she saw him in a chair, book in hand, reading. She couldn’t make out the author, and she quickly cleared her throat.

  He looked up.

  “I … er … I was wondering if you’d like to go for a walk with me. I know you’re busy, so I’ll just leave you to it.” She went to turn away.

  “You want me to walk with you?”

  She paused, took a breath, and spun toward him with a smile. “I enjoy walking, and I was going to go enjoy the ocean waves. It’s really boring, so I’ll let you get back to reading.”

  “I’d love to walk.” He got up from the chair and moved toward her. “Unless your invite was false?”

  “No, it wasn’t false at all. I happen to enjoy walking.”


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