Mated to Her Bully

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Mated to Her Bully Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Right now, it felt more like a curse.

  He watched Mabel hang up the phone. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Do you want me to make the journey and keep you both in check?”

  “No, it’s fine. We can handle this. I’m going to go. Bye.”

  His father said his goodbyes and hung up.

  Mabel had been opening up to him. She was still a little reserved, but the more time she spent in his company, the more he felt with her.

  She came toward him in the garden. The storm had long since passed, and they were back to glorious sunshine again.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Was it a good call with your parents?”

  “Yep, everything is normal back home. Everyone is doing well. How about you?”

  “The same old, same old.”

  He sat down on a reclining chair and stared out at the pool.

  “My dad told me that when we change, we only have a minimal amount of control,” she said.

  “That’s what I found out.”

  “He said that … there’s no guarantee that our wolves won’t take over and … you know.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Do you not want to run with me?”

  She nibbled on her lip. “I do.”

  This surprised him. “Really?”

  “It’s a run, Lucas. We were together the last time.” She sat down on the edge of the chair with him. “I don’t see a reason this one will be different.” She put her hand on his arm. “I can touch you and there’s nothing wrong, is there?”

  He felt like he was on fire. The need to sink his fingers into her hair and pull her close, to ravish her mouth, and then to fuck her virgin pussy. In the mornings, he always displayed how normal he was, not mentioning the erotic dreams he had on a regular basis. They consumed his every waking thought, but he never showed what he was thinking about.

  In his dreams, Mabel was always so receptive to him. She’d spread her legs the moment she looked at him.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “I hope we both know what we’re doing.”

  “We do.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek. “I look forward to running with you. I better go and make dinner.”

  He watched her leave, the sway of her hips capturing her attention. His cock hardened and without thinking, he stood and dived right into the pool. Moving down, he touched the bottom before breaking the surface and lapping the pool.

  This wouldn’t be a problem.

  Even as he continued to do laps, his body was on high alert. Time must have passed because Mabel came out, declaring the food was done.

  Soaking wet, he climbed out of the pool. He smiled as she held a bundle of clothes. “I’ll be in the dining room waiting.”

  He took the offered clothes and again, he got to watch her ass. The dress she wore seemed to ride up higher than he remembered. He changed quickly, ignoring his hard-as-rock cock as he let the large shirt fall past his obvious arousal.

  The moon was getting closer. His body was starting to get on high alert.

  Entering the house, he found Mabel sitting at the table. The shawl she’d been wearing to cover her arms was gone.

  The thin straps of her gown moved into a bodice that dipped so enticingly at the front. The curves of her generous tits were on display. He sat down with a wince, his cock making it a little impossible for him to do so.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I swam too long.”

  “Oh.” She’d pinned some of her hair up, and ringlets fell around her, which only showcased her neck, and more specifically, her pulse. The way she held herself. It was pure … class.

  He wanted to lick her neck, to run that strap down her body, and to expose those mounds so he could suck on each of her nipples.

  Mabel served him up some pasta, and he wanted to take hold of her arms and kiss up each one.

  Get a grip.

  Hands clenched into a fist, he counted to ten, then to another ten, to calm his nerves. Mabel looked completely unaffected until he started to really look. Her hands shook a little, and the pulse at her neck beat rapidly. Her nipples were hard pebbles against the fabric of her dress.

  The scent of her arousal lingered in the air, as well as her perfume.

  She’d tried to hide it.

  “Are you looking forward to the run tonight?” he asked.

  “Yes. I think it’s what we both need.”

  “Good. Good.” He picked up his fork and speared a piece of pasta. He took a bite and closed his eyes. “It’s good.”

  She chuckled. “It’s a tomato pasta. I imagine they’re going to restock the fridge tomorrow. We’ll have a little more variety then.”

  The rest of the meal was in silence.

  Lucas focused only on eating the meal she’d put in front of him, all the while acutely aware of the way she ate, how she smelled. Neither of them struck up a conversation like they had on previous occasions.

  They remained silent.

  After dinner, they did the dishes together, and then, he excused himself to go and take a shower.

  Blasting cold water on himself didn’t hide the fact of how aroused he was. Nothing did. Finally, unable to hold himself back even for a moment, he wrapped his fingers around his cock and brought himself to orgasm, even with the cold water spraying all over him. The first release wasn’t enough. He continued to work his cock into three more arousals before finally giving it up.

  His cock was still hard but not as ferocious as it had been.

  After climbing out of the shower, he dried off and took a few moments to carefully reflect in the mirror.

  You can do this. You’ve got this. There’s nothing to fear.

  Taking a deep breath, he smiled to himself. This was the moment he’d been waiting for. The chance and the opportunity to run with his woman, and he couldn’t wait. He was only going to see the positives and not dwell on anything else.

  You will not mate her tonight. This is merely a run.

  Chapter Seven

  Mabel stood outside waiting. The sun appeared to be mocking her. The moon would be fully up in the sky soon, and she’d hoped to enjoy this run, but all day, it was like there were warning signs everywhere. First, her mother had said the longer she stayed in Lucas’s company, the chances were higher that the mating bond between them would draw them together.

  She’d been enjoying his company for a couple of weeks now. After the guilt that had filled her at her accusations, she’d made the effort. Much to her surprise, he wasn’t all that bad. She didn’t know if he was putting on a façade for her or if it was real. No, she knew it was real. There was no doubt about it. There was only so much a person could act, and Lucas, he was real.

  Like today, she’d known he was aroused, but he hadn’t come to her. He’d taken matters into his own hands, and she couldn’t fault him. She had as well. The pleasure of being around him had been intense, more so than ever before.

  Even now as she stood in front of the sun, wearing only a sundress, which she was going to have to remove when they turned into their true forms, she was on fire. She’d brought herself to three, if not four, undesirable orgasms. In the end, she’d given up. All her dreams and fantasies were of Lucas.

  He filled her mind. There was no getting away from him. The truth was she didn’t want to. All she could see was being with him, living her life with him. Some may consider her foolish, but as far as she was concerned, she was far from it. She’d been trying to fight this from the moment they first changed. Being with him wasn’t what she wanted, and yet even as she thought about it, it did still feel completely wrong to her.

  “Are you okay?” Lucas asked, coming out into the night.

  The sun had nearly set, and the moon was so close.

  “Yes, you?”


  They both faced each other. She held out her hand. “Are you ready?”

  He took her hand, and together, they walked toward the edge of the tre
es. The pleasure from his touch rushed through her entire body. It was like a spark of electricity had awakened within her system, and now she was completely at its mercy. Not that it was a bad thing.

  She released his hand and stepped away from him.

  “I thought you’d cancel tonight,” Lucas said.

  “I thought you would as well.” She closed her eyes, shaking her head. Her hands quivered as she peeled off her dress. It felt so good to have her body exposed to the night and the full moon. With a hand resting on her stomach, she looked toward the moon, and then, like magic, she changed, coming into her wolf.

  Her paws were on the ground.

  Moving from around the tree, she felt Lucas as he did the same. His wolf bonded to hers in a way they hadn’t been able to form as humans yet.

  She stared at him, aware of his gaze on her, and she couldn’t look away. Didn’t want to. In the back of her mind, she knew what she had to do: run.

  Sprinting forward, she took off, running through the night and enjoying the feel of true nature on her back. This was what it meant to be free, to be without problems.

  Lucas was fast behind her.

  Let him chase.

  Heat and lust jolted through her system.

  She continued to run all the while growing acutely aware of his closeness. When his wolf moved close to her and they brushed against each other, she stumbled, turned, and went off in another direction.

  She didn’t know how long they continued to run, only that as he nudged her with his nose, she couldn’t take it anymore. With a final burst, she took off, ending up at the ocean’s edge as she threw herself into the water, and within seconds, she had turned into a human. Breaking the surface for air, she cried out as his hands wrapped around her, pulling her close.

  “Don’t ever do that again.”

  Lucas spun her around to face him and then, she captured his face, drawing him down to kiss his lips.

  His hands were everywhere. The way he touched her ass, slid his hand up to cup her breast, and then down toward her pussy, touching her. The heat consumed her. She couldn’t think straight.

  Reaching between them, she gripped his cock, wrapping her fingers around his length.

  Lucas broke the kiss and she did no more than sink to her knees in front of him. With her gaze still on his, she took him into her mouth. She moaned, closing her eyes, taking him all the way to the back of her throat, then pulling up.

  He wrapped his fingers in her hair, tightening his grip as he began to thrust in and out of her mouth.

  She couldn’t resist looking at him again. He was tense, and as she teased over the tip of him with her tongue, he pulled out of her mouth and had her on her back on the sand. He pushed her legs apart and he removed his hand from her hair.

  His tongue went to her pussy. He licked down her slit, going to her entrance, up to her clit then back down again.

  She spread her thighs as wide as they could go, thrusting her pussy up to his face, wanting him. She gripped his hair, rubbing herself as he gripped her ass, holding her in place as he brought her closer to orgasm.

  The moment she was on the pinnacle, she waited, desperate, hungry, and he rewarded her, throwing her over the edge. The orgasm was nothing like the ones she’d been giving herself. This was everything.

  She screamed for more, and Lucas continued to lick at her pussy.

  The fire still burned bright within her stomach. It wasn’t enough. She needed more.

  Lucas pressed a kiss against her pussy, trailing his lips up toward her breasts.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  He tensed up. “Mabel, I’m holding on here, but you can’t say shit like that.”

  “I’m not saying it. I mean it. Please, Lucas. Right here, right now. Please.”

  “You’re not going to regret this?”

  She shook her head. “No. I want it. Please.” She nearly growled at him, but she didn’t have to as Lucas put the head of his cock at her entrance and slowly, achingly slowly, began to tease her.

  She didn’t know if she could survive his torment, but it felt so good as he bumped her swollen clit. She was so wet and so ready for him. For every single part of him.

  Wrapping her legs around him, she moaned her frustration until he moved down, and then he was poised at her entrance.

  Lucas stared into her eyes and she knew he was conflicted. Taking matters into her own hands, she grabbed his ass and thrust up against him, whimpering as his cock tore through her virginity.

  “Fuck, Mabel.” He captured her hands, pressing them against her head.

  “I’ve done it. Now you can finish it.”

  “Your first time shouldn’t be like this.”

  “Like what? On the beach? Beneath the full moon? With my mate?” she asked.

  They were both panting.

  “I can’t think of a better way.”

  “Mabel, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “For the first time in my life, I’m clear, Lucas. I want this.”

  “And in the morning?”

  “Nothing will change. Don’t you feel this?” Her skin felt like it was on fire. The prickling, aching need had been developing all day long. Only now could she think or feel without pain. This was what she needed. Him, her mate, deep inside her, all night long.

  He locked their fingers together, and she moaned as he began to slowly thrust within her. It was a small thrust but enough to make her moan for more.

  “I’ve got you,” he said.

  He filled her to the hilt. He wasn’t small at all, and she thrust up against him. The pain was there, but it didn’t consume her. It was nothing more than a memory.

  This was right. This was what she wanted, what they both needed.

  In and out he took her. “You feel so fucking good. So tight.” He groaned. His face went to her neck as he rode her body.

  The pleasure washed over them. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to him, to the full moon, to being mated. To all of it. This was what she’d wanted and hadn’t even realized it. She couldn’t believe they’d waited so long.


  The waves lapped at their feet, and Lucas stared at the ocean then down at his woman. All night long, he’d been making love to her. Wiping out the first memory of the pain, leading into a second, then a third.

  Several times, he’d been tempted to mark her and finally claim her as his own, but he held himself back. She wasn’t ready to belong to him.

  Being mated and fucking were two very different things.

  Mabel frowned and opened her eyes.

  He tensed up. He couldn’t help it.

  There was a smile on her lips, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes.

  In his gut, he knew. There was no doubt about it—she regretted what had happened last night. He got to his feet and he heard her get to hers. They were both naked.

  “I’m going to head to the house.”

  “Wait,” he said.

  He spun around to look at her, and sure enough, she had an arm across her tits and a hand in front of her pussy. His scent was all over her. He’d marked her and yet, here she was, trying to rid her body of everything that was him.

  “Don’t,” he said.

  “I need to get to the house. I want to go and change.”

  He put his hands on his hips, keeping himself open and exposed for her to look at. “Do I look like I’m running away?” he asked.

  Her gaze traveled down his body, and she quickly looked up into his eyes.

  “You’re fighting this,” he said.

  “Last night—”

  “Don’t fucking say it.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I knew this was going to happen. You just can’t stand it, can you? You can’t stand that you may have feelings for me, and how dare you even want me for a second, right?”

  “I don’t know what came over me last night.”

  “Bullshit. It’s the same thing that’s coming over you now.” He didn’t give h
er a chance to pull away as he wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her close. “You may fight this with your mind, but there is no denying what your body wants, what you crave. You can keep giving yourself these orgasms, but they’re nowhere close to the real thing. You want me, plain and simple, but you’re too fucking proud to even give yourself that.” He shook his head. “I gave you what you asked for last night. Don’t you dare start acting like a victim to me.”

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he pushed her away and stormed toward the house.

  “How dare you.” Mabel rushed toward him and she managed to move in front of him, putting a hand on his chest. “Last night was the moon and the wolves.”

  “No, it wasn’t. I refuse to believe that everything we think and feel is down to that goddamn ball in the sky. It’s not, and you can’t keep blaming that. It’s childish. It’s not true, and it’s time for you to grow up and realize you’re going to have to claim me too.”

  “Wait? What?”

  “I’ve watched mated couples, Mabel. I’ve been around them all my life, but the last three years I’ve made it a point to keep an eye on them. It’s never a one-sided affair. There are always two in a couple to a mating, not one, not none. Two. You and me. Last night, I didn’t take. You begged. I gave you what you wanted, and if you must know, it was the best night of my life. Being inside you… My imagination never did you justice.”

  He reached out, cupping her face and resting his head against hers. “And the truth is, I never want to stop. I hunger for you, Mabel. This has nothing to do with the mating. All that did was help me to see clearly. If you need something to blame then do that, but don’t for a second believe this isn’t real. It is very real. You and me. Us. This. It is happening, unless in ten months, you declare that you want to end it.”

  After kissing her lips, he stepped away and entered the house.

  His body was covered in the scent of her. The taste. As he made his way toward his bedroom, flashes of the previous night entered his head. They’d both been so heady on the run, Mabel hadn’t felt the pain as he took her virginity. He’d wanted to take her, to bite down on her neck, and fuck her hard, but all night long, he’d been gentle, careful, giving her what she needed.


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