Mated to Her Bully

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Mated to Her Bully Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Once her orgasm subsided, he gripped her hips and began to fuck her. He wasn’t gentle. He took her hard and fast, not letting up. He reached up, wrapping his fist in her hair and lifting her, tilting her head so he could claim her lips for one final kiss. Sliding his tongue into her mouth, he thrust inside her and erupted, filling her tight, hot pussy with his cum.

  The kiss continued even after his orgasm ebbed away.

  He stroked her cheek, bringing the kiss to an end.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I’d do anything for you, Mabel. All you’ve got to do is say the word.”

  She opened her mouth, closed it. “Don’t … please, don’t give up on me.”

  He frowned. “I would never give up on you.”

  “I know I can be difficult at times.”

  He kissed her again. “Don’t worry about it. I like that you’re difficult.”

  She chuckled. “I doubt that.”

  “Mabel,” he said, licking his lips. “I love everything about you. I know you’re going to find this hard to believe because of everything that we’ve been through, but I’m not lying to you. I’m in love with you, and have been for some time. I just didn’t realize it.”

  She put her finger over his lips. “No, not now. Not, please, I know this sounds like I’m being mean, but not while my father might die.”

  He nodded his head.

  She pressed her head to his. “I think I’m falling for you too.”

  It wasn’t much, but for Lucas, at that moment, it was more than enough.

  Chapter Ten

  The next two weeks it seemed all hope was lost until against all odds, her father began to heal. What was once broken started to mend. He hadn’t woken up, but finally, in week three, she sat there as her mother had gone to get a coffee to him opening his eyes, and saying, “Fuck me, that tree was huge.”

  Getting up from her seat beside his bed, she laughed. “Daddy?”

  “Mabel, honey, what are you doing here?”

  She took his hand. “The Alpha came to pick me up. You were seriously ill. People thought you were going to die.” She sniffled.

  “Oh,” he said. “Did those two boys—”

  “Don’t think about them right now. They’re not important.”

  “Sweetheart, I need to know that those two boys didn’t hurt each other.” Her father gripped her hand tightly.

  “It’s a goddamn miracle,” Duke said, entering the bedroom.

  She turned toward Lucas and smiled.

  Her father let go of her hand as he shook Duke’s hand.

  “Are they okay?” he asked.

  “They’re currently in lockup.”

  “They didn’t do anything wrong,” her father said.

  “Look, you were brave for what you did, but you can’t go around defending them.”

  “Alpha, they’re young boys, and rage had taken over. I believe they didn’t know what they were doing.”

  “They put you and the pack in danger,” she said.

  Her mother came through the door, spilling coffee to the floor before she rushed to the bed. There in front of everyone, she climbed on the bed, straddled her mate, cupped his face, and kissed him.

  Everyone gave them some space, and when her father’s hand dipped down to cup her mother’s ass, she turned her head into Lucas’s chest.

  “There are some things a child really shouldn’t see.” She tried not to cringe.

  Lucas laughed, and she tilted her head back. “You’re finding this funny?”

  “A little. Your parents are clearly very much in love.”

  “Yes, they are.”

  She stared at him for several seconds. There was something in his voice she wasn’t quite sure about. With the way in which he spoke, it sounded like he envied them. His gaze was on her parents, and she chanced a quick glance back.

  Her father’s hand was still on her mother’s ass, but they were kissing as if they were the only two people who could give each other enough air to breathe.

  For the longest time, Mabel would watch her parents and envy them. The way they held each other, the clear love they had for one another, She’d wanted that herself, only now, she had it within her grasp.

  Her mate was in her arms. Where she’d been willing to put their past in front of their happiness, he’d fought for it.

  “Mabel, honey, does this mean you and Lucas have reunited?”

  “They’re going to be returned to the island the moment you’re well,” Duke said. “I don’t think it was right in case things had taken a turn for the worse.”

  “I feel fit and healthy,” her father said.

  She smiled. “There is only so much a girl can watch when her parents smooch.”

  Her father held out his hand, and she let Lucas go so she could grasp his hand. Taking it, she leaned in close.

  “Go back to the island and give your mate a real chance. Don’t be stubborn. Learn to forgive.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I’ll go back when you’re better.”

  “I am better. I’m getting stronger with every second. I’m not human. I’m part wolf. Go and learn to be happy.”

  She chuckled and nodded. “Okay, fine. I’ll try.”

  “I really appreciate everyone here and all, but I don’t suppose everyone would leave so I can spend some time with my mate?”

  Chuckles rang out in the bedroom, and Mabel turned her head back to Lucas with a groan. “I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to look at them the same way again.”

  “They’re in love. You should be happy.”

  He stroked her hair back and she laughed. “Of course, I am.” She sighed.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” he said.

  Lucas took her hand, and after his father confirmed the arrangements to send them back to the island, they took a walk through town.

  Now that she didn’t have the stress of her father hanging over her head, she noticed how so many people watched them.

  “I feel like we should put on a show. Maybe dance and sing,” she said. “They might stop looking.”

  “Nah, they’d document it.”

  “Don’t they have anything better to look at?”

  “In all of our pack history, a mated couple has never requested a reconciliation. We’re the first.”

  “Oh,” she said. She hadn’t known that. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not. We didn’t exactly have the easiest start, did we?”

  “No. I guess we didn’t, but will this hurt you as an Alpha?” she asked. “You’re going to take over from your father one day.”

  “Yes, I only hope when the time is right, I’m just as good as him. In the past three years, I’ve come to see there is a lot more to running a pack than being strong.”

  “Like what?”

  “Being kind and considerate. I used to think they were weaknesses, but they’re not. My father rarely has to show his strength because everyone around him trusts him. They do not fear him.” He sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be talking about this.”

  “It’s fine. Really. I don’t mind.” She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, trying to show him with actions that she enjoyed their talks. “So, you thought your father fought? In order to keep the peace, he just what? Punched everyone?”

  “I guess I thought he just told everyone what to do and they all followed his lead. Why wouldn’t they? He is the Alpha. I’ve come to see you’ve got to have a great deal of patience. It’s what my dad has shown me and what I hope in time to show everyone here.”

  “You’re turning into a good man,” she said.

  “You barely know me, Mabel. You’ve spent a great deal of time apart from all of us.”

  She sighed and pushed some hair off her face. “I know, but that doesn’t mean my parents didn’t tell me what was going on. They always wanted me to come back and reconcile with you. To give this a chance. I was just too stubborn.”

  “Or you were hurt. I
don’t like to think you stayed away out of stubbornness.”

  She chuckled. “You’re right. I didn’t. I stayed away because I was hurt. I felt like I was being punished, and I couldn’t figure out what I did wrong. I’d ask how things were getting on with you. In passing. My parents said you had a rough start in the beginning. You made several mistakes, but slowly, they started to see a change in you.”

  “I guess knowing who your mate is and having her run out on you to go live in a big city would do that to you. With you gone, I missed you so much. It gave me a lot of time to reflect.”

  “And in all that time you didn’t think about being with anyone else?” she asked.

  “Other females promised they could take the pain of your abandonment away, but I didn’t want them. I had to suffer. This was what I needed to do to survive. I never lost hope that one day I might be able to reach you. For us to be able to find some peace between us.”

  They came to a stop outside her home.

  “I still believe if we give each other the chance, we can find happiness.”

  She stared into his eyes. She didn’t know what had changed, she just believed it. “Okay. Do you want to come in for some dinner?”

  Lucas looked up at the house. “Later. I’ll go and shower and come back after?”

  “I’ve got a shower upstairs.”

  He groaned and kissed her lips. “I know, but I don’t have any clothes.”

  She was tempted to offer him some clothes, but she didn’t think he wanted to use her father’s. Going onto her toes, she brushed her lips against his. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “That you will.” He gripped her arms and pulled her in close. “Soon.”

  She made her way back into the house, giving him a final wave before closing the door. Leaning against it, she put a hand to her chest and smiled.

  This was … perfect.

  “Don’t hurt him.”

  She let out a cry and looked to see the Alpha was already in her parents’ house.

  “Alpha,” she said. “Er, how did you get in?”

  “Your parents gave me a spare key. My son was a total ass to you. I get that. I imagine it has been hard living with him, but I know Lucas. In the past three years, all that boy has done was find out every single little detail he can about you.”


  “You heard me. He’s fallen in love with you. It wasn’t the mating. That just opened his eyes. For three years, he would talk to anyone who had anything to say about you. Pictures, he’d taken them, and I’d find him staring at them for moments at a time. All he wants is to be a good mate and husband to you. Someone worthy of your love because he feels like he doesn’t deserve it. I’m asking you to give him a chance.”

  “I think Lucas and I can work this out ourselves.”

  “Mabel, if you decide you cannot stand to be mated to my son, I will cast you out.”

  She gasped. “What?”

  “You heard me. I will not have my son hurt.”

  “Dad, stop it!”

  Mabel glanced over Duke’s shoulder to see Lucas had entered her house, and it looked like he’d come in the back.

  “I’m doing what I must to protect my son.”

  “I don’t need that kind of protection. If Mabel doesn’t want me, she can stay. I will not have her fearing for her place in the world if she doesn’t love me.” Lucas turned toward her. “I hope dinner is still on offer?”

  She nodded.

  “Please, forget what my father said.” He grabbed his father by the arm, and it was such a shock to see the Alpha pulled out of her house. She didn’t say a word.


  They’d been back on the island for two days now.

  Two glorious days without saying a word about what he’d stumbled upon. He’d watched Mabel go into the house, but the scent of his father was so clear and heavy in the air, he’d just known his father was going to try something.

  He stared down at the photograph album he’d created of Mabel while she’d been away. Each photograph told a tale, and while she’d been gone, it had helped him to survive, to build a clear picture of her.

  Every single person in town, all the pack, and even a few human civilians, had nothing but nice things to say about the girl he’d bullied. Her sweet, kind nature was so opposite to the way he’d treated her. He’d been cruel while she’d been lovely.

  He hadn’t destroyed her, and for that, he was thankful.

  “Hey, I got dinner ready,” Mabel said, coming to a stop.

  Lucas didn’t close the book. “My dad told you about this.”

  “I knew about it before he told me,” she said. “I didn’t know what it was, but he filled in the blanks.”

  “You must think I’m some kind of pussy?”

  “No, not at all. I think you’re a strong man.” She took a deep breath, coming to sit beside him. “Leaving like I did, it wasn’t nice of me.”

  “Mabel, you don’t have to feel guilty.”

  “But I do. Look what I did.” She reached out, taking his hand. “I was so angry.”

  “You were angry when you found out I was your mate?”

  “Yes. What did you think when you knew it was me?”

  Lucas frowned. “You won’t believe me.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder. “Try me.”

  “I was happy.”


  “I’d found my mate. The woman who was supposed to be mine. There was no way I wasn’t going to be happy.” He chuckled. “Men and women go through years if not decades before they find the one. I’d been so freaking lucky because my one was right here, in front of me.” He took her hand, locking their fingers together. “Even when I realized it was you, I didn’t care. If anything, I was so angry with myself for hurting you. It was an instant regret and, at that moment, every single bad thing I said to you was going off on repeat inside my head. I couldn’t control it, but I didn’t hate that it was you. Far from it.” He chanced a look at her saw tears in her eyes. “I don’t mean to make you cry.”

  “These are happy tears.”

  “They are?”

  “I’ve got a lot to be happy about, don’t I?” She licked her lips, and he felt her hand tighten around him.

  “I couldn’t bear to let you leave without giving this a chance.” He gritted his teeth and then turned toward her. “But I’ve decided, if you really can’t stand the thought of being with me, we can end this.”


  “You heard me. I don’t want you to hate me or to regret the rest of your life. I love you too much to hurt you even more.” He stroked some of her hair back off her cheek. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time.”

  She captured his hand and pressed kisses to the inside of his wrist. “No, I don’t want to go, Lucas. I want to stay with you. I don’t need the rest of the year to make my decision. I’ve fallen in love with you. The person you are now isn’t the guy you were back then. I love you, and I do want to be mated to you and spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Lucas cupped her face and slammed his lips down on hers.

  She moaned his name and he swallowed it down. His cock went instantly hard as he pressed her against the bed, moving between her already spread thighs. The dress she wore rode up, and he was able to press against her.

  Mabel whimpered and he tugged her hands up above her head as he moved down to cup her pussy.

  She was soaking wet.

  “Tell me again?”

  “I love you?”

  “Yes, and more,” he said.

  “I want you, Lucas. I want to be mated with you. I love you more than anything.” She flicked her tongue across his neck, and he closed his eyes, basking in the touch. There was no one else he wanted more than her. All he could think about was her. She was everything to him and so much more. She drove him crazy with need. “Become my mate. I want you. Take me.”

  She nipped at the flesh of his neck, and he couldn’t r
esist. Plunging two fingers inside her wet cunt, he pressed his thumb against her clit, stroking back and forth. Her cries filled the air as he fucked her pussy, but it wasn’t enough.

  After releasing her, he moved down to bury his face between her thighs, taking her clit into his mouth and sucking it.

  Mabel thrashed beneath him as he used his teeth to create some more pressure but not too much. Gliding his tongue down her slit, he circled her entrance and thrust inside. The scent and taste of her exploded on his senses. He couldn’t get enough.

  Drawing her to the peak of her pleasure, he was tempted to leave her hanging, but instead, he craved her release. Sending her over the edge into orgasm, he waited, watching her milk every single last drop before he slid between her thighs.

  Running his cock against her pussy, he nudged her clit, watching her as she cried out. He loved to see her lose control. He gripped his cock and placed the tip at her entrance. As he slammed deep inside, they both moaned. She was so tight and still feeling the aftershocks of her release.

  He gritted his teeth, grabbing her knees and pounding inside her. Thrusting in deep, he watched the way her tits bounced as he filled her.

  The way she moaned his name was almost too much.

  Sliding out of her, he placed her on her knees and found his way back within her tight heat. Her hair had fallen off one shoulder, exposing her neck. The wolf within him was so close to the surface. He gripped her neck, pulled her close, and gave her the mating bite, marking her as his for all time.

  No man would ever doubt who she was.

  She’d smell like him.

  She was well and truly mated as he fucked her hard and fast, spilling his cum deep within her walls.

  Collapsing to the bed, he pressed his face against her neck, but Mabel had other ideas. He didn’t know where she found the strength to spin him around and pin him to the bed, straddling his waist.

  All that he cared about was the feel of her teeth against his flesh as she marked him.

  He pushed some of her hair back as she lifted up.

  “If I’m yours, then you’re going to be mine.”


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