Pursuing Yvette: A Second Chance Romance (The Viera Triplets Book 3)

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Pursuing Yvette: A Second Chance Romance (The Viera Triplets Book 3) Page 46

by Nicole Casey

  “Sweetie, please don’t forget to file the documents for the Mulberry and then to print out the stock shifts this month for Mercury Wild,” my dad called out as he headed to his room.

  It was still Friday night but he already wanted to pack his things.

  Old men have weird habits, I guess.

  “Don’t worry, daddy, I got it all covered!” I shouted back as I headed downstairs to the kitchen. I was feeling a little hungry so I took the time to make myself a ham sandwich and get a glass of orange juice.

  Once I had everything ready, I headed back upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door. Afterwards, I changed out of my clothes and tossed my bra off to the side. To get comfortable, I decided to stick with my favorite white nightgown.

  As I sat down on the bed and turned my laptop on, I couldn’t help but once again picture Dylan Bernard in my head.

  Oh God, he’s so freaking hot.

  He was so tall – maybe around six-feet-four or so – and he was so damn handsome! Whenever I closed my eyes I could still picture his sleek dark brown hair, black eyes and the way his big body moved with every step he took. He didn’t have a bodybuilder’s figure – no, he seemed more like a practical man – but was leaner with firm muscles. He could be practicing martial arts or maybe was into extreme sports.

  The best thing about him was his stare.

  Since the moment my father and I walked into his office he gave me this stern look like he was stripping me naked. Before we left, I dared to look around and look at him and he was staring back.

  It was like looking into the eyes of a vampire. Well, a vampire I was willing to let his teeth sink deep into my neck.

  Munching down on my sandwich I turned my laptop on and began checking my email and Facebook. It was a little bit of a chore just to slog through all my friends’ posts. It was a little annoying to see all my friends posting pictures together with their boyfriends and husbands. And here I was, single and alone.

  “Dylan Bernard,” I mumbled to myself. A light bulb flashed in my head and I tried to search him up online. As expected, he didn’t have a public Facebook I could just add and message but he did have a LinkedIn profile and a Twitter account. I stalked his pages a little but instead of finding juicy pictures I only saw his posts about business deals and the like.

  Even then I couldn’t help but stare at his profile picture. It was just a standard formal photo but he still managed to make it look so hot. The buttons of his dress shirt were slightly undone and it was enough to make me fantasize what his chest and abs looked like.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled when I couldn’t handle simply staring at him. I reached down for my bag and took out a small notebook and pen. I intended to use this to take down notes for my father’s transactions but this had to take priority.

  Quickly I began to jot down exactly what I thought of him.

  I could imagine his big, heavy hands crushing me and pushing me down on the bed. Oh God! That would be exciting. Once he had me down I’d wiggle and squirm only for him to push me back in place and then smother me with his lips. I’d fight back a little, of course, just for fun and then eventually give in to his kisses.

  With his body on top of mine, I’d feel his weight and his muscles pressing down on me, crushing my little form. I’d feel his chest press against my breasts and his legs brush against mine.

  Between my legs, I felt the moisture and heat begin to burn and the effects were taking a toll on me.

  I bit down on my lip as I started imagining how Dylan looked without his shirt and just how big and yummy his cock was.

  I couldn’t help it. I had to start browsing the Internet for pictures and porn videos. I loved thinking about sex but I never actually did it before.

  It wasn’t long until I felt my own finger reach down and slide between the moist folds of my pussy. My sex was warm and with every touch, I gasped and began to moan out in pleasure. As I did, I pictured Dylan’s face and how his strong features would twist in pleasure while he takes me for his own.

  Quickly I jotted down every detail, every fantasy.

  I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted him to blindfold me, gag me and plow his way into me. I wanted him to squeeze my tits while I rode his cock, sitting on top of him on his lap. I wanted him to call my name and call me his while our bodies melted together in the night.

  My chest was starting to heave up and down. That was when I realized I was little out of breath merely from my own imagination.

  I was soaked in my own sweat and when I reached down below I realized I had reached my orgasm. My juices, sticky and warm, had flowed between my legs.

  “Oh shit,” I gasped softly when I realized just how slutty I looked. I was down on the bed, drenched from my fantasies. When I checked how much I had written I was shocked to see I filled over ten pages of naughty kinks and narrations of what I wanted Dylan to do to me.

  I had to clean up. Once I caught my breath, I got back up and headed to the bathroom. There I took a long, hot shower so I could relax and calm my mind. As the water dripped down on my body, I had the time to just shut my eyes and ponder about what I had to do – the real things I had to do.

  For one thing, I had to start preparing those papers. Dylan was going to have everything ready by Monday and I needed to get our end of the deal ready. Dad was leaving soon and I needed to make sure all of the investors were on board with the decision for the land we chose.

  By the time I was done with my shower, it was already a little late into the night. I still had time to make some popcorn and watch a movie online but before all that, I got back to my drawer and started working. There was a lot to finish but most of the hard work was already done. I just needed to go through these papers, audit the transactions and then check if the signatures were right.

  As I worked, my mind drifted.

  I couldn’t help but think about this coming Monday. I was going to spend an entire day with him. I was going to be alone with him.

  I bit down on my lip as I started to fantasize how I could – or would – seduce him. Maybe I’d unbutton my shirt a little to tease him with my cleavage. Maybe I could wear a really short skirt. Maybe I’d get to press my body up against his. Maybe we’d end up with him picking me up, slamming me down on a table and then fucking me right then and there.

  Oh, there were endless possibilities!

  My mind was going wild. I had to stop or else I wouldn’t finish my work for tonight. I had to do something or else I’d just stay here playing with myself.

  “Ah screw this,” I finally said as I decided to pick up my work and continue it down in the living room. At least there I couldn’t waste time. My dad could come down at any moment. I wouldn’t want him to catch me with my hands down groping my pussy and tits.

  “Just get this shit done,” I reminded myself.

  Pulling my grit together, I focused on my work and continued on for another hour or so. By the time I was done my father was asleep but I still had time to just lie down back in the room and watch on Netflix.

  I managed to push Dylan out of my mind and soon enough I drifted to sleep, clutching my work and my notebook of fantasies in my hand.



  The rest of the weekend went by so quickly that I didn’t even realize it was Monday until my dad woke me up early in the morning. He rattled on my door and didn’t stop until I called out to him.

  “Dad, I’m awake!” I shouted.

  “Hurry up, we need to go,” he told me from the other side of the door. “I’ve got to sign those papers for Mr. Bernard.”

  Oh, Mr. Bernard – merely hearing his name sent a chill down my spine. I quickly sat up and shouted back, “I’ll be down in a minute. I’ll just take a quick shower.”

  “Okay, we’ll just grab breakfast on the road,” my dad answered and I then heard him walk away. He probably didn’t have time to cook and I didn’t feel like it either.

  Instantly, I hopped out of the bed and got into the sh
ower. I rushed through most of my morning routines except when it was time to sit in front of the mirror. I took as much time as needed to make sure my hair was done right, to make sure I wore the right pair of earrings and to apply the sexiest looking red lipstick I could find.

  By the time I was done, I took a moment to check how I looked in the mirror. Wearing a simple sleeveless and strapless black mini-dress, I kind of looked like I was going to party at a club or something.

  The dress was so short too; it barely covered my ass. I wore a pair of red lacy thongs underneath instead of the usual cotton panties so that my underwear wouldn’t press against the dress. To finish off my attire I put on a pair of black high heel sandals that laced slightly above my ankles.

  “Sweetie, what are you wearing?” my father asked when he saw what I was wearing. He was in the kitchen, sipping his coffee. In his other hand, he was holding the keys to his car, his luggage and the house.

  “Huh? Uh, oh, I’m heading over to Margie’s place later and we might hang out at Mercury Wild,” I answered. I could only hope he didn’t figure out I was trying to dress up for Dylan.

  Fortunately, he just gave me one more doubtful look and then cast his attention back to his coffee. I was going to make my own cup but I didn’t want to ruin my lipstick. It still needed a good five minutes or so before it would seal in and not smudge.

  So I waited. I whipped out my phone and lazily checked my social media accounts until my father, at last, finished his coffee and said it was time to go. By then my hair was beginning to dry and I had to apply powder again on my face and neck.

  After a while, I was finally happy with how I looked. I hopped into the car and waited as my dad got in and drove us out.

  We did pass by a donut shop on the way to Dylan’s office building but I wasn’t hungry yet and I didn’t want to ruin my makeup so we passed. After another good ten minutes or so, we arrived at the office.

  Dylan Bernard’s office was one of the nicest business areas I had ever been to. The building was a good six stories high but most of it was dedicated to his contractors. They were the people who actually bought and sold all of the properties. The only time Dylan himself got involved was when people were buying some of the top priority properties. The property Daddy and I were trying to buy, happened to be one of them.

  Once we got there, we didn’t even have to go in. Dylan was right at the parking lot waiting for us. He was standing tall, in his grey and black suit, leaning on his beautiful red Porsche convertible.

  “Hello Mr. Vergara,” he greeted my dad as soon as we got out of the car.

  They shook hands and I followed suit. I felt giddy just to feel him squeezing my hand that way.

  “You were out here waiting for us?”

  He nodded at me and explained, “I knew Mr. Vergara was in a rush so I didn’t want to hassle you. I have all the necessary papers with me. I just need you to sign them off, sir. One of these is a document that certifies Cherry here will stand in your place while you’re gone.”

  My dad agreed and quickly took a look at some of the papers Dylan took out from a small, brown suitcase. I simply stood there as I waited, trying to be as patient as I could. I couldn’t help but keep my gaze on Dylan, however, and I could have sworn he noticed me looking his way.

  It was a good thing that my father was a fast reader. He went through those documents rather quickly and when he was done he looked at me and back at Dylan.

  “I’ll be heading off to the airport,” my dad said to me. “I can leave the car here with you or I can keep it at the storage unit we have at the airport. Which one do you prefer? We should have let you drive your car today.”

  I shrugged, “Either’s fine with me.”

  Dylan then interrupted, “Oh, you can keep it stored, sir. I can drive her around for today.”

  Both my dad and I looked back at Dylan. He looked back at us with a dry and almost uncaring face, as if driving me back home after our meeting was nothing to him.

  “It’s fine, trust me,” he then explained. “I need to speak with her anyway and get some of the other legal issues ironed out.”

  I bit my lip. My heart pounded faster. I felt my knees buckle and I started to fidget.

  He was pushing for him and me to be alone together. It was like my most wicked dreams coming true at that very moment.

  “Yeah, I agree,” I then butt in just so my father couldn’t say otherwise. “Come on, dad, you have to hurry or you’ll miss your flight.”

  “Aren’t we supposed to go with him?” Dylan asked.

  I shook my head, “No, he needs to go right now anyway. I’ll just join you and we can go through the rest of the papers. I want to audit what needs to be finished for the transaction so we can process the transfer of titles as soon as possible.”

  I could only hope I sounded as professional as I thought I was.

  My dad thought about it for a second, but he eventually relented, “All right. Just make sure you update me as soon as you guys have finished. I want to know every little detail so I can tell the others. They’re already bugging me with so many different questions.”

  “Of course, daddy,” I said. I was starting to feel a little impatient. “Now go on.”

  He gave me a quick kiss good-bye and then shook Dylan’s hand before he hopped back into his car. I waved and watched until his vehicle was out of sight.

  As soon as I knew we were completely alone, I turned around to face Dylan.

  “Where do we go now?” I asked. Just standing there, looking at him, I felt like my dreams had suddenly come true. I was sincerely being a fan-girl to him. It was like a country girl suddenly getting the chance to ask a superstar for an autograph.

  For a moment he just looked at me.

  Oh god. It was that stare again, the one where I felt his eyes pierce through me as if he was stripping me naked in his mind. I felt so exposed as his gaze lingered and roamed across me.

  After a while, he finally answered, still in his cold and stale tone, “Let’s go get something to eat while we discuss business. I’ll bring you over to the Golden Lobster joint close to Mercury Wild.”

  I knew that place. It was pretty expensive so I had never actually been in there. Knowing I’d finally have a chance, I nodded back, “Sure. Thank you.”

  “A girl like you shouldn’t go hungry,” he answered. It was a little bit of a shock to hear smooth talk coming from him. “Hop on in the car, we can go now. You can explain the legal stuff you still need from me on the drive there.”

  That sounded like a plan to me. I got into his car and buckled tight.

  This was going to be one heck of a day.



  My morning drive with Cherry was a lot livelier than I had imagined. She really knew her stuff when it came to her father’s business.

  The drive from my office parking lot to the Golden Lobster was only ten minutes but during that span of time Cherry managed to spill the beans regarding all the necessary papers we needed to finish.

  As it turned out their company needed a lot of assurances, permits and inspection certificates since they were planning to put up a hospital there.

  I absorbed it all as quickly and as efficiently as I could. It was so hard to keep a straight face when this beautiful girl was seated just a few feet away from me. She smelled so good, too. Oh, Fuck! It was driving me crazy. I wanted to lean in and kiss her neck and ears so many times. It was like she was wearing some kind of scent that made me want to pounce right onto her.

  When we arrived at the Golden Lobster, there wasn’t much business talk to attend to. She covered everything necessary in the car. I didn’t want to back out from my offer though and insisted that we step in to eat. As it turned out, she had skipped breakfast so I further pushed through with my intentions.

  “You’re my client,” I explained to her as I patted her lower back and urged her to go in with me. “I want to make sure all your needs are taken care of.”
/>   “That’s awfully sweet,” she said in a sultry low voice. It was nerve-wracking to hear and my cock was jumping stiff from her every word.

  It was like her normal speaking voice was a girl moaning in the middle of hot, wild sex. I could only imagine how she sounded when actually fucking.

  Once inside I ordered a simple three-course meal. Nothing too heavy but still something to make sure she would go home full and satisfied.

  “So, you’ve been in this business with your father for years?” I asked her right as our appetizer was served. “It looks like you really know the ins and outs of the business.”

  Cherry nodded back and took a sip of her lemonade, “I’ve been working with him for two years now. It’s been really tough but I do enjoy it. The mathematics and paperwork kind of give me this sort of high, you know? It makes me feel so…”

  “…alive?” I tried to complete her sentence.

  “Yeah, you got it,” she confirmed with a grin.

  I looked at her, studying her features. The way she smiled made her look like she was trying to seduce me. I wasn’t entirely sure but I did know I liked how she smiled.

  She was a vixen of no comparison. I’d take her in the blink of an eye and fuck her brains out. Maybe she’d even like it that way – rough and wild.

  “Mr. Bernard?” her voice snapped me back to reality.

  I turned back to her and just realized she was saying something. I raised an eyebrow and tried to fake my way through the conversion, “Yes?”

  “I was asking if you went through the same deal before,” she – fortunately – repeated her statement. “Did you work for your dad before you became a world-famous real estate master?”

  Quickly I shut down and simply shook my head, “No. Come on, let’s finish the meal and I’ll hand you the documents you were asking for. I have them at the office.”

  She jerked her head back and I knew my sudden coldness must have shocked her. She finished the rest of her meal in silence, looking down mostly at her phone instead of me. We didn’t share much afterwards except in regards to the transaction.


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