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Unguarded Love

Page 16

by KaLyn Cooper

  “Why didn’t you—” He started to chastise Nita then tiny noises caught his attention.

  As soon as he looked at his child, she smiled up at him, moving her arms and legs all at the same time. She tried to roll over, but the board holding her arm straight for the IV kept getting in the way.

  Nita picked her up and took her over to the changing table, talking to her constantly.

  “I’m sorry, I guess I fell asleep.” Daniel felt like a total idiot. “How long has she been awake?”

  Stripping off the baby pajamas, Nita said in that same melodic voice, “This time, just a few minutes. I heard her over here cooing, so I thought I’d get her up and see if she can drink some more.”

  He noticed two empty bottles next to the warming tray. Holy fuck. How long had he slept? Checking his watch, he realized he zonked out for six hours. Christ, he was a horrible father. He’d promised Simon to take him fishing for an hour this afternoon. Well, one more failure in the father column. He’d also missed supper, but he knew Rosita would have left him plenty of food in the kitchen. She loved him like a son.

  After changing Bella’s diaper, Nita took her vitals then handed her to him. “Sit and give her this bottle.”

  Obeying, which was the least he could do since he’d abandoned her for hours, he sat in the rocker. Bella eagerly took the bottle, placing both hands on it as though she were the one holding it.

  “I feel absolutely horrible that I fell asleep,” he admitted to Nita.

  She looked up from her clipboard. “Why do you think I was a bitch and left you on the couch?” Her smile told a different story. “Daniel, neither of us had much sleep in the last several nights. When we weren’t fucking like bunnies, we were tending to Bella. The stress finally caught up to you. I made the executive decision to let you sleep. Hate me for it if you want, but it’s done.” She gave him an evil grin. “And now that you’re fully rested, as soon as I give her this last dose, I’m going to my bed and sleep for the next eight hours.”

  Nita hung up the clipboard and went to him. “The antiviral is working perfectly. There doesn’t seem to be any side effects. Every hour, she’s becoming more and more responsive.”

  “Thank you, angel, for everything.” Daniel gazed into Bella’s bright eyes. He was amazed at the turnaround she’d made in just a few hours. He remembered Simon at that age. He was the cutest little kid. “What time did Rosita bring Simon back home, do you know?”

  Nita’s smile was warm. “He was half asleep after playing with her grandchildren all day. When you didn’t make it down for supper, she came up here to check on you. She’s the one who put the blanket on you. She dropped Simon off, and he fell asleep in your bed while I read him his stories. Once Bella fell back asleep, I carried him into his own bed and tucked him in.” She yawned. “I’m out of here.”

  “Please, stay with me tonight.”

  She shook her head. “No. You’ve got this.”

  “I know I do.” He looked into Nita’s hazel eyes that seemed more brown this evening. “But I want you.”

  She grinned. “Daniel Callahan, you are the biggest horn dog I have ever met. You always want me, if not for my body, then for taking care of your baby.” She leaned down and gave him a quick kiss. “I am going to go to bed. In my own room. And sleep. Alone.” She then kissed Bella on the forehead.

  She only got a few steps when she turned. “They’re processing enough antiviral tonight for your encampment. I’ll be heading up there tomorrow with my Black Swan team. You’re welcome to come along. Now that Bella is feeling better, Rosita’s daughter has volunteered to care for her for a few hours if you want to check in with your men. We’ve promised Uncle Tom not to break your cover. I’ll see you in the morning at breakfast.”

  “If you stay, I promise you more orgasms,” Daniel teased, but he could see just how tired she really was.

  “Write this date on the wall, and let’s hope we don’t paint before it happens again, but I’m just too tired for a big O.” She quietly closed the door behind her.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me for tonight.” He lifted Bella to his shoulder and was quickly rewarded with a hearty belch. It was one of the best sounds he’d heard in days.

  Santiago knocked shortly after daybreak. “We’re headed for camp in thirty minutes. If you want to go with us, Maria will take care of Bella and Simon while we’re gone.”

  “That would be awesome.” Daniel had spent several summers and holidays at the Callahan compound, practically growing up with Rosita’s family. He’d known Maria since they were both teenagers. Last year she’d left teaching kindergarten to have their fourth child and be a stay-at-home mom. Her son was only a few months older than Simon and the boys got along great. He felt confident that if she became overwhelmed, Rosita would jump in and help.

  Both Kira and Nita followed Ti into the room where Daniel was attempting to take Bella out of her sleeper. She was so active this morning, grabbing at everything. His heart filled knowing his baby was getting better every minute.

  “Looks like she drank well last night.” Nita pointed toward the empty bottles.

  “I’ll check with Rosita to be sure she has more made before we go.” Kira gathered the bottles and headed down stairs.

  “Hold off on that a minute if you would, please,” Nita asked as she flipped over the chart.

  Daniel was so proud of himself for continuing to keep accurate statistics all night and recording them just as Kira and Nita had done for days.

  “Kira, let’s get this IV out of her. She’s drinking enough fluids on her own now.” Nita stood next to Daniel, acting completely professional. From looking at the two of them, no one would know that twenty-four hours ago he’d had her bent over the bed, taking her from behind, or any of the other positions they’d explored while sequestered in his suite for days.

  Damn. He’d missed her so much last night. He’d gotten used to rolling over and snuggling into her, having her at his side comforting him as much as Bella. She’d been his rock through one of the worst times of his life, yet never made him feel bad about the things he didn’t know. He’d started to believe that with her by his side, he could be a good father.

  Last night had been good for him. He’d had to handle Bella completely on his own, and he’d done it. Fuck. He’d even changed the most disgusting smelling diaper on the planet. Dead bodies and rotting garbage smelled better than what came out of his little girl. But he’d handled it all on his own.

  Nita was so close he could smell her body lotion. Yesterday, or maybe it was two days ago, he’d rubbed it over every inch of her body after their shower. She claimed it helped keep her olive skin soft and moist.

  He hoped after they finished in the camp today, that she’d return to his room, and his bed. If the inoculations worked as well on everyone in the camp as they had on Bella, Nita would soon be leaving him. Her job there would be complete, and she’d be on to the next mission. It could be months before she was back in Costa Rica.

  But that wouldn’t matter. He had no idea where he’d be, but it wouldn’t be in Nicaragua. Most likely, somewhere in the United States. Probably Washington D.C. He wondered if Katlin had rented out their parents’ home in that area. She’d inherited most of the U.S. properties. He hadn’t wanted them and refused to be responsible for property thousands of miles away while he was undercover.

  Nita had been such a good friend to him, and he was going to miss her. They’d both known from the beginning that their relationship was purely sexual and temporary. He helplessly looked on as Nita and Kira worked on his daughter.

  Simon came running into the room, looked up at all the adults, then wove through the bodies until he found his father. He threw his little arms around Daniel’s legs. “Morning, Daddy. Mith Rothita thay breakfath ready, and you’re holding everybody up,”

  He picked up his son and gave him a huge hug. “I’m so sorry I fell asleep yesterday afternoon and missed taking you fishing. I promise I’ll
make it up to you. It just won’t be today.”

  “I know.” Simon planted a smacking kiss on his father’s cheek. “You going to the camp. Can I go, too?”

  “Time to move, boys and girls,” Ti called and pretended to start shoving people through the door.

  As Daniel carried Simon down the stairs to breakfast, he tried to explain, “There are a lot of people still very sick in camp, and we have to go take care of them. Maybe next time.”

  Three hours later, Daniel realized how true his statement had been to Simon.

  On the way to camp, they passed through two villages where dead bodies lay bloated alongside the roads. Farm fields had been left unattended for so long weeds grew a foot tall in the tropical heat. Their miniature convoy of three Range Rovers seemed to be the only thing moving.

  When Katlin had ordered everyone to go fully armed, Daniel had thought she was crazy. Sure, Nicaragua was never a safe place, but as they drove through jungles, he’d felt watched.

  Pulling into the camp, the first person he saw was Doc. “Thank Christ you’re here. I feared you had died. Please tell me you brought supplies.”

  Daniel grinned wide. “I did better than that, I brought the antivirus.”

  Doc threw his arms around Daniel and shook as though the man was crying. “So many. It took so many.” He stepped back and regarded Daniel a moment. “The children?”

  “They’re both fine, now.” Daniel took a deep breath. “It was touch and go with baby Bella for several days, but they figured out the right medication, and now she’s better.” He wasn’t about to tell the man how and where his salvation came from, so instead, Daniel pointed to where the Ladies of Black Swan and Santiago were unloading cases of IV fluids and the antivirus.

  Nita walked up carrying a tray of small bottles and a pack of syringes. “Good morning. I’m Dr. Banks. You have an infirmary established and perhaps triaged patients?”

  “Did Cris become infected?” Daniel hadn’t thought about the guerrilla leader in days.

  “No. Well, yes.” The doctor explained, “Cristobal suffered a very mild case early on. So did Emilio Bautista.”

  Good. At least Cris has one of his other lieutenants to protect him. For the first time, Daniel felt slightly guilty for grabbing his children and escaping to Costa Rica.

  “And what of my men?” When he’d left, Hugo Vargas had been extremely sick.

  “Some made it, others didn’t.” The doctor shrugged. “More than half are with Cris in San Miguelito. They left no guards here.”

  Cris probably figured they didn’t need guards. With half the country sick and dying, fighting was the last thing on most people’s minds.

  “Doctor, if you’ll show me the way, we’ll get started,” Nita pressed.

  “Come with me.” Doc sighed. “It isn’t pretty or clean, like American clinics. But it’s the best we can do.”

  Katlin walked up with a sniper rifle slung across her back and an M4 across the front. She had pistols on each thigh and, if Daniel had to bet, there were at least two other guns somewhere on her body.

  “Does this camp not have any security?” she asked.

  “We used to have layers of it, but Cris, Cristobal Maximo, isn’t here. I guess he took what men were available with him to San Miguelito.”

  “Walk with me.” She signaled for Tori, Lei Lu, and Grace to join her. “We’ll establish a perimeter of security. Right now, that antivirus is more valuable than all the gold that can be mined from this country during the next century.”

  Daniel looked back over his shoulder in the direction where Nita and Doc had gone. He was pretty sure he knew where they had set up a makeshift hospital, but he wanted to know exactly where she was.

  Santiago handed the last of the supplies to one of the healthy men and trotted up to their group. “What you need me to do?”

  “Help us establish a secure perimeter.” Katlin had no authority over the man who had been their childhood friend, but he was willing to take orders from her.

  “Go with them.” Daniel glanced down the dusty excuse for a street. “I’m going to go guard the clinic. Like you said, sis, that antivirus is worth more than gold.”

  And Nita was priceless.

  Chapter 17

  “Cris, it’s very nice to meet you.” Nita shook hands with Cristobal Maximo, impressed with his excellent English, which was only slightly accented. She then extended her hand to the broad-shouldered bodyguard next to him. “Emilio, nice to meet you, too.”

  She glanced over at the door where Daniel had stood sentry for the past six hours. His relaxed posture told her a lot. He obviously knew and trusted these men.

  “Dr. Banks, I can’t thank you enough for starting your relief efforts with my camp. I apologize for not being here when you arrived, but I had no idea you were coming.” Cris threw a glance toward Daniel as though blaming him.

  Nita didn’t like the accusation. “You can thank your lieutenant for convincing the U.S. government to start in this location. I’m sure you’re aware that your entire country is suffering from this epidemic. Managua was hit extremely hard.”

  She studied the men’s reactions. Cris seemed almost joyous at the information yet Emilio’s lips flattened.

  “Managua is no longer of consequence. General DeLeon Cortez, the leader of our new government, is moving the capital to San Miguelito.” Cris slapped Emilio on the back. “We’ve just returned from there, checking on the construction. This horrendous influenza has delayed our projects by several weeks.”

  Daniel turned so Nita could see him as he shook his head ever so slightly. They’d been ordered not to use the word Ebola in an attempt to keep a lid on the exact cause of the epidemic. If they could keep the truth contained within the borders of Nicaragua, continuing the guise of restoring order under the new government, hopefully worldwide panic could be averted.

  Nita gave Cris an encouraging smile. “I’ll check with my superiors and see if perhaps we can go to San Miguelito next.”

  That seemed to appease the camp leader. “That would be wonderful. The sooner we can start construction on the canal, the sooner my country can literally dig itself out of the sixteenth century and move onto becoming a prosperous, First World country.”

  Those seemed like lofty goals, but Panama had become a world power the moment the last canal lock released its water and the first ships successfully sailed away after traversing Central America. It could happen for Nicaragua within five years.

  “Well, if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen, I still have patients to attend to.” Her gaze swept over the stinking room where men and women continued to lose bodily fluids. Now, though, lifesaving liquids, laced with antiviral medication, flowed freely into veins at every bed.

  She was halfway down the second row of packed cots when Katlin strode into the clinic. “Now that Cris has returned with his security contingent, we’re heading back home. Can you be ready in five?”

  Nita glanced around at the sixty or more patients who needed her help. She’d ordered the camp doc to get some rest. Poor man. He’d been dealing with hundreds of patients, practically by himself, for days.

  “You guys go ahead. I’m going to stay here tonight.” She glanced around the room. When she caught Daniel’s eye, she signaled for him to come over. “Is there somewhere I could sleep here tonight?”

  “Sure. I’ll show you to my tent.” He held her gaze. “It’s nowhere near as comfortable as the beds back at the Callahan compound.”

  She read his double meaning. “Bella is doing much better. You’ve got that handled.” She tilted her head toward Katlin. “Besides, you have a house filled with women who rarely get to play with babies. I’m sure one of them can take care of her while you shower.” Realizing she may have given away their intimate relationship, she added, “Or do whatever it is you do at night.”

  Katlin beamed. “I’d love some time with my niece.” She looked toward Daniel. “Show Nita where to sleep and meet us at the Rovers in fiv

  “You’re pretty bossy for a little sister,” he chided.

  “I’m wearing more guns than you. Get a move on.” She was halfway to the door and turned around. “Nita, you sure about this?”

  She knew what her friend was asking. All the Ladies of Black Swan were highly trained, special operatives. They were only left alone when they were undercover. Even then, they were monitored via hidden cameras planted everywhere, but they hadn’t brought their favorite electronics on this mission. This was supposed to be a non-hostile environment in that Nita was not surrounded by tangoes. She was well-armed, and lethal even without weapons. She’d be fine for one night.

  “I’m sure. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  After a confident nod from Nita, Katlin left.

  “Come on.” Daniel took Nita by the elbow. Tingles emanated from that point throughout her entire body, lighting up at his touch. “I’ll show you where you can sleep.”

  The tents got larger and considerably nicer as they walked down the dusty row. Two distinct feminine giggles could be heard from the largest tent as well as a low male voice. From the tent on the right, a bed creaked rhythmically as a woman cried out in Spanish, “Harder, Emilio. I like the way you fuck me.”

  Daniel looked down at her with unspoken questions in his eyes. She took pity on him and answered in Spanish. “I’m fluent in several Spanish dialects, and you already know I’m good at pillow talk.”

  “I haven’t taken part in the welcome home rituals in years.” He looked contrite. “I had to when I first got here. I had to become one of them in every way. Then Cris gave me his sister. After that, many of the women in camp believed I was married and faithful to my children’s mother.”

  Nita schooled her face, refusing to judge him for fear she’d be judged for the many things she’d done in the name of the mission. When she was home, she had a lot of sex. She liked sex. More than once she’d been told that she had a very male attitude toward sex. It had never mattered until she and Daniel had spent a celibate night together. Being there in camp, where Daniel had lived for several years with Bella and Simon’s mother, she suddenly felt like the other woman. A dirty little secret that he’d sneak off to spend time with.


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